The Kitty Tries Venom {darkest_Fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
This should be so easy that they'd need to invent a new metaphor. Steal a sample of TITAN from the hulking Bane, and get it back to a drop off point. Simple. Clean. And way, way, way too easy. In fact, this really wasn't what Selina usually stole or where she directed her talents. However, the pay being offered was too much for a girl to turn down, especially given the amount of shiny things involved. So Catwoman had agreed to do the job easily enough.

Now she reached up, sliding her clawed hands through a grating and gently removing it. A light drop did mean some noise, but Catwoman intended to be far gone from the scene before the hulking brute who hid out here was even aware she'd been there. The agile woman already starting crawling out before the grate touched the ground, and had almost flipped and slid seconds after it did. The woman stretched, hearing the sound of her tight leather outfit stretching across her taut form. Selina had the lean form of a gymnast and crime fighter, both of which she was, however, she also had decidedly feminine curves. Hips that flared sensually, and breasts that rose out attentively upon her chest. Some would have considered such a body a drawback: noticeable breasts were hardly recommended when slinking about. In fact, Catwoman did have some problem dragging those mounds over air ducts and squeezing into tight places. However, she'd also designed her costume and look to take advantage of the situation. Tight catsuit that clung to every succulent inch of her delectable body, with a long zipper half unzipped in front. Most thugs wasted a second looking at the valley of cleavage displayed before them, giving Selina just enough time to finish them off. Just thinking about it now made her plump lips curve into a smile, her green eyes dancing with merriment.

The Cat nearly skipped her way over to where a vial rested on a podium. There were alarms and your standard defenses, nothing that really phased Catwoman. She flipped, gyrated, and hacked her way to the vial, soon holding it up and admiring the liquid within. A small sample, certainly nothing like the containers that more frequently dotted the city or showed. But that was what the person wanted.

"Almost too easy," purred Catwoman, sliding the vial safely into her cleavage. She'd turned to start flipping again, when she realized that she wasn't quite as alone as she'd been from the start. "You move fast for someone the size of a small elephant."

It was Bane.

The TITAN formula, derived from the special brand of Venom that Bane had been using for years, cooked from a recipe that only he knew, was something dangerous. IT was more potent the the Venom that he used, imparting on its users even greater increases of muscle mass but it had its downsides, while Venom normally clouded the mind with rage ones faculties still remained intact if you kept focus on what was important... TITAN however turned its users into monsters, massive even by his own muscle bound standards and with freakish bony growths jutting from their bodies... the rage of Venom increased to a level that couldn't be controlled leaving the users mindless.

Bane however had recently acquired several samples, the Bat thought that he had destroyed it all but Bane had managed to hide a small amount of it away just in case and after a quite easy escape form police custody he had it again. For a few weeks he had hidden out in a warehouse that he had prepared to use as a hideout, beneath it was a massive underground complex that he was using in a lab to experiment with the drug... a hybrid of TITAN and Venom, not quite as powerful as TITAN but it allowed him to achieve the results that he liked with a much smaller dose. Gone were the bulky tubes that ran across his entire body to pump him full of the drug which was required to keep him at his peak, instead only a single heavily reinforced line leading from a small control dial on his wrist to a storage unit and injector surgically implanted within him.

However he still wasn't ready for the Bat, not yet anyway... the first time he had struck out against hit most hated foe he had planned ahead for months, wearing him down one step at a time before he finally struck and brought Batman closer to defeat then anyone else ever had. Since then he had used only his strength to fight against the Master Detective, he had to use his brain, psychological warfare to bring him lower before lashing out again... the next time they fought he would break the Bat.

Sitting in the room that he used as his bedroom, a far step up from what he had been sleeping in so recently, a lavish chamber with a bed more then large enough to fit his seven foot tall four hundred pound frame. He was contemplating what best way to start his new war against the Bat... where best to start the fight. It was in the middle of his thoughts, unable to find a new approach yet that the alarm in the chamber for the sample of Original TITAN went off... for anyone to penetrate that far into his compound they would need to be quite skilled indeed and he could only think of one who might be able to pull that off.

The mouth of his mask split slowly as he smiled, he knew that Batman had a soft spot for that particular thief and this might be the best place to start. Rising to his feet he moved from his bedroom and to the TITAN chamber, moving far more silently then someone of his size should be able to do.

“Gato Puta.” He growled, his eyes narrowed as he eyed the Cat, annoyed that she had noticed his approach. “The only way out of this compound is past me... and we both know that the odds are heavily against you... give me the TITAN and I may be gentle.”
The only way out? Catwoman spent a few seconds looking around, not quite willing to trust the muscle bound man. However, she did recall that he was much smarter than you would think, especially given his size. Plus, Catwoman's self preservation instincts were quite high. She reached into her cleavage, withdrawing the vial and looking at it. Technically, Catwoman didn't want the vial; someone else did. Stealing it had simply been a job. While not completing a job wasn't exactly good for her reputation, it wasn't worth getting her back broken by Bane. Still, Catwoman wasn't quite willing to simply give up.

"Don't you think we could come to some kind of agreement?" she asked, her voice nearly purring. Normally she would have approached the villain, walking sensually all the while, but normally said villain didn't have an impressive reach and the ability to crush her bones to powder. "We both know that you'll win in a fight ninety nine times out of a hundred. I'm not the Bat. But isn't there a little favor this little kitty could do for you? Maybe a little 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine.'"

Like Catwoman hadn't already done that sort of thing before. It was remarkable how much people were willing to let you get away with if you were willing to do them a favor. Probably helped that Catwoman had one of the highest success rates in the city, and nearly everyone wanted something stolen at some point in time.

"I mean, you're so strong you can break bat-backs," purred Catwoman, smiling. She waved a hand at Bane as she spoke, then waved a hand at herself, "But I'm lithe, agile, flexible. I can sneak into people's bases and steal what they most treasure," she held up the vial. "Doesn't that sound like a useful talent? All it will cost you is this itty bitty little vial. Surely my services are worth more than that."
Bane thought for a moment about her offer, watching as she drew the vial from the place that her costume was clearly designed to draw eyes towards. He knew that many people thought of him as a barely human monster without any emotion other then ambition or rage but that wasn't the least bit true. Like any other man Bane still had desires, perhaps even more powerful then those of the average man because of the amount of time that he had to put them aside just so that he could work on his ambitions. He was smirking now as he watched her, quite a few ideas running through his mind as she spoke of a way that she could possibly be of use to him and yet she wasn't mentioning the way that he would most like to use her.

Clearly she was trying to take advantage of his instincts as a man though, her choice emphasis of words was hardly subtle in the least. Did she think him a mindless animal that could be manipulated in such a simple manner? “Keep in mind that I would defeat you in every fight.” He warned her quickly, stating it as a fact and not an opinion. “But you offer me a partner ship and yet you don't even take a step towards me for fear?” He asked with a small sneer, mocking her now though he knew she was more dangerous then she appeared. He had seen the results of her whip before and while he knew that pain alone wouldn't be enough to give her an advantage he was also aware that she had the uncanny skill to hit him in the eye and while he was temporarily blinded getting past wouldn't be all that hard.

Moving forward he was like an avalanche on legs, filling the hall with his massive body and closer in her whip wouldn't work as well as it would at a distance. “Perhaps you and I can work out a deal though Miss Kyle.” Her name well known in the Gotham underworld, her costume not doing anything to hide her face. “However this is hardly the place for us to discuss a business deal, if you would be so kind as to follow me we could arrange some sort of mutually beneficial relationship.”

Reaching out for her one of his immense hands, large enough to nearly encircle her waist, took hold of the arm which held the TITAN sample, covering nearly her entire forearm and her hand, careful however not to squeeze to hard, seeing no reason to powder her bones or destroy the sample without any need. Not much force would be needed to hold onto her and drag her off, his immense body was nearly immune to pain and she lacked the strength to fight him off.
As Bane stepped closer, Catwoman tensed. She might be able to find a way around the massive man, or possibly exploit his weaknesses. Every one of these villains had some kind of weakness or another, though usually it lay between the zipper of Catwoman's suit. Her careful green eyes watched each hulking step, noting that he too moved with caution. His eyes could be hit, and she wagered that with a good whip lash, she could entangle the tubing upon his back. However, Selina really did prefer to talk her way out of a situation rather than fight, and so far Bane was proving a good deal more reasonable than she expected.

"Well, I'm willing to talk," she nearly purred. He came even closer, and Selina thought about taking a step back, merely tensing instead. "There's no reason for us to fight each other, not when we'd work together so much better."

Bane reached toward Catwoman, and her eyes widened for a moment. A massive arm encircled most of her free hand. Catwoman half expected Bane to start squeezing, to break the arm, or possibly to fling her against a wall. Already Catwoman was relaxing, trying to make her body as loose as possible for him. However, the grip proved to be light, surprising her, making her eyes go wide yet again. Well, people did say that Bane had a mind behind all those muscles, a sharp one too. Perhaps it was best if she didn't underestimate that either.

"Lead on, muscles," she said, nodding with her hand. "I'm all ears."

As soon as Bane started moving, Catwoman would follow, almost meekly. She kept her eyes open and alert, scanning the area, looking for chances to escape. There was some appeal in working with Bane though, or at least, getting on his good side. You never knew when a hulking mass of muscles would come in handy, particularly if you were a small, agile woman.
Bane only laughed at her comment about working together, in his eyes he was seeing this as her working for him... or rather serving him in the most carnal way possible. He doubted she would be too happy with it but its not like she would be able to do too much to stop him now that he had the idea in his mind. He would easily be able to just do whatever he wanted with her, and now that he had his hands on her she didn't have much of a chance to use her greater agility or speed in order to escape from him. Once he had her immobilized he would be able to lock down his little hideout to make it practically impossible to get in or out of, the underside of the warehouse where he was hiding out had been recently used as a backup control facility for Hugo Strange and was top of the line.

“I wouldn't quite call what I am thinking of a partnership.” He said as he led her from the chamber where the venom had been stored and through a hall into his personal chambers, clearly it had been put in place for Strange because unlike the dull grey metal that filled most of the facility this room had lush green carpets and a dark rosewood paneling along the walls... appearing to be more like an upscale apartment then anything else... even the bathroom that was attached to it had been done up in perfectly white marble.

“Make yourself comfortable.” He instructed her as he closed the door behind them, the thick wood locking tight with a loud click and without the code to be used for the keypad she would never be able to undo the lock. Reaching up he slowly removed his mask, something he used for intimidation but he knew that in the confined space of his personal chambers he was plenty intimidating. As the mask was removed and set aside on a special stand his face was revealed, his features surprisingly more regal then most would think... patrician in aspect with icy blue eyes, his hair shaved down close to his scalp. “And do us both a favor... set the TITAN aside. Right now you might be thinking of taking it to help you escape or over power me but I have killed more then one person on that drug before and I don't think you would provide any more of a challenge then Jokers thugs had been.”

He was eying her now with lust, she was in his place now, where he was in total control and able to relax a little bit... and he could have her any time he wanted her now.
The laugh sounded quite loud in the contained building, enough to make Catwoman nearly wince. What was with Bane? Most of Gotham's underbelly had reasons behind their madness, goals. As far as Catwoman knew, the main thing driving Bane was some kind of revenge, since he'd been incarcerated since he was a child or something. Truthfully, she hadn't exactly spent hours researching every criminal in Gotham; that was what Batman did in his spare time, not her. What she did know was that she was in close proximity to a hulking man who had far more intelligence than most. They were getting into closer and closer quarters too, and the warehouse transformed from something shabby into something impressive enough that Selina let out a low whistle.

"Quite a nice little hideaway you have here, muscles," she drawled, taking a few steps ahead of him to look around. Her eyes were already appraising the various goods here, mentally pricing them. Selina herself didn't even live in quite this much luxury, and she wasn't sure why exactly Bane would. Wasn't he one of those Spartan types? Oh well, she'd just have to concede that she knew next to nothing about him and really didn't care to learn anytime soon.

Catwoman turned as the door closed, her eyes falling first upon the door itself, noting its location and the keypad, then on the man who'd closed it. She let out a low whistle, smirking. "Not bad looking, muscles. And here I thought the mask was so you didn't scare away the kiddies."

A pause while she waited for his suggestion. Set the TITAN aside, she might take it? Did he mean drink the stuff or slam it into her body? Now it was Selina's turn to laugh. "Nice true, big guy, but I'm not about to poison myself with the drug that has Joker on his death bed. I'm certainly not going to let go of my best card. You'll have to do better than that."

Bane stared at Catwoman; she recognized the staring and recognized the expression as well, having seen both before. The coy woman stretched then, letting her costume slide over her body, lifting her breasts teasingly, before lowering her arms and smirking at Bane.

"Why not try plying me with alcohol next, muscles?" teased Catwoman. "Or are you one of those who goes straight to business. You know how kitties so love to play around a bit first."
Most people assumed that Bane would live in a simple metal cell with nothing more then a cot and a thin blanket in order to keep himself from growing cold as he slept. It was an image that he often liked to cultivate and at times he had lived in that fashion but he knew that living in a spartan setting didn't really give one much of an advantage when it came to their abilities. Living in comfort might soften some but so long as one maintained their discipline there was no difference between living in comfort and forcing ones self to avoid the comforts of modern living. The room might have been built to the specifications that Strange wanted but Bane was greatly enjoying himself in it. He could see how the Cat was studying the room and attempting to find things of value to steal and Bane put it down as compulsive behavior on her part, let her scope the place however she might like... there was nothing he was attached too other then the TITAN and she wouldn't be getting a chance to take it anyway.

“I wear the mask to intimidate others, to see the face of a man offers comfort even when that man wants to do you great harm... but to see a mask that betrays almost nothing of the persons emotions or intentions makes your opponent all the more frightened of you, and a frightened for is hardly a foe at all.” True Batman wasn't frightened by his mask but the common street thug or hired muscle would be less likely to try to face off with him after staring at the blank mask that he wore.

Her suggestion of liquor, sarcastic or serious was only met with a grunt from the hulking masked man, he avoided drinking alcohol except for the most special of occasions and with Miss Kyle in the room he didn't want to give her a chance to drug anything that he might be drinking... that wasn't something he would put past her. “Help yourself to some wine if you like.” He said as he gestured to the rack that was next to the bed, a few bottles stored in it, not one of them opened but from his understanding of wine they were of superior vintages and years. “Dr. Strange was kind enough to see that his own quarters were very well stocked while the barracks for the mercenaries that he employed have little more then bunks and lockers.” Perhaps once he was done with her for a bit he would use that room as a place to store her... there was a brig around but he very much liked the convenience of having her stored in a room with so many places to use her in a wide variety of ways.

“Now as for playing... I am hardly opposed to the idea though if I were you I would cease referring to me as muscles. I am Mr. Bane and will be referred to as such.”
So many things there deserved stealing, or at least admiring. Catwoman had to consistently resist her urges, reminding herself of what she'd come here for. Getting caught by surprise was a good way to wind up dead, or locked in a cell somewhere. So the thief instead refocused her attention on Bane, offering him that easy smile of hers.

"That sounds like Batman's reasoning," she nearly purred. The whole mask thing, that is. She got it, to some degree. It was part of the reason she dressed up as a cat too, though she hadn't bothered with the whole mask thing in a while now. Still, felt weird hearing it from Bane.

Catwoman strolled about till she found a seat comfortable enough to sit on. Once she did, assuming there was one, she'd slide into it as smoothly as possible, crossing her legs and facing up at Bane. He'd offered her wine in the meantime, and she seriously considered following him up on the offer. Sealed drinks were much harder to drug than opened ones. Still, she thought better of it; if he weren't drinking, than she probably shouldn't. That didn't stop her from glancing over and seriously considering it, especially as she saw what the year was on some of those bottles.

"Would you prefer if I called you hulk?" asked Catwoman, her voice light and teasing, eyes sparkling with mischief. She never saw the point in all the silly codenames that everyone seemed to use. In fact, she barely used her own, just letting other people call her that (though it seemed like hardly anyone in Arkham didn't know that Catwoman was Selina Kyle; the nasty side effect of getting arrested on a semi-regular basis).

"So what did you have in mind for our playtime?" she asked, wanting to move the conversation along. "Did you want me to go out and nip a little something for you? I'm sure you've noticed how easy it is for me to just slide on in to people's bases and get what I wanted."

She was tactfully leaving off the "getting caught" detail, since that was hardly going to increase her bargaining power.
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