The War (Shani x Atom)

Jul 2, 2009
It had been so long, no one knew what they were fighting about anymore, it was just the way of life around there. The lycans had grown in numbers ever since they decided they didn't care about pride anymore and the vampires numbers seemed to stagnate as their sense of pride just exploded and skyrocketed. There was no reason for them to be fighting, they weren't fighting over anything anymore anyways, just for useless bloodshed. Especially now that the fight had extended more into the streets of the human world. Sure, humans were a lesser life form than a vampire but shit, they were still better than those dogs.

The man sat in the armchair by the fireplace. Alistair Gates, a vampire since the time when Great Britain was a great power. In fact, being the son of a famous British General, Alistair had always had a sense of class, and the ability to lead, which made him a perfect candidate for becoming a Death Dealer. He only wore nice suits, the tight leather and the flowing trenchcoats never really spoke to him. If he could get by with a pinstripe suit or something along those lines, he certainly wouldn't overdress. As he got up, he lit up a cigarette and started to walk towards the garage. He did have a meeting with a fellow Death Dealer after all.

As he stood in the booming night club, he watched the human girls grinding on the other human men. There was a fair amount of vampire and lycan presense, mostly strays looking for their next meal and their next victim, but that wasn't something that concerned Alistair right now. He was waiting for the other Death Dealer, then they could make their move. As he stood smoking, the flickering lights and the pounding beat of the techno music started to make his head hurt. He hoped Selene would hurry her ass up.
Selene was a little busy, she knew she had a meeting to be at, but was having a minor problem she had a Lycan on her tail. Selene had been thrashed around for the past half an hour by it. Selene had been thrown out a window and into a building, well when she hit the building she ran down it. She ran threw an alley way as she changed her bullets, reloading turning around shooting at the beast persuing her. SHe fired off several shots before the beast left her, she normally wouldn't leave one alive unless for questioning, but she had no time and was in a hurry. Selene ran the rest of the way to where she was meeting Alistair, it was some night club. Finally arriving she had healed on the way over there. Selene walked through the door looking around, seeing a good mix of humans, vampires, and lycans, she then spotted Alistair walking over to him, with a slight look of annoyance, though she wasn't annoyed at him the Lycans needed to be controlled this was getting rediculious. She hadn't a real clue to why they were still fighting though all she knew was they were and that Lycans had murdered her whole family she hated the beasts for that.
The man was not impressed. Shaking his head as she arrived, he sighed. "Late again, eh?" He said as she showed up. There were a few empty beer bottles around him and he scanned the club one more time. Perhaps Selene was losing her touch, something that he had called her out about on more than one occasion. After all, it was something rival Death Dealers did all the time. They had to keep each other motivated especially with the rise of the Lycans and their army.

During his scanning, he caught eyes with something. "Fuck." He mumbled under his breath. It was one of them. It was one or more of the Lycans special forces squad. Those snarling beasts were probably looking to recruit some more members into the masses. Without warning, Alistair whipped out his pistol and fired three silver bullets into the Lycan's brain, dropping him instantly. If he wasn't dead, he would be soon. Some of the dancers around them stopped, but most didn't even hear the shots. Alistair looked back at Selene and smiled. "Well, are you ready?"
Selene glared at him, "They're getting worse." She stated coldly, her skills were fine, if the damned beasts would stay at bay, everything would be fine. Selene was one of the best, so she couldn't be losing her touch, she had been at the game for awhile now. "Drinking again?" She said calmly questioning.

Selene stayed still, but ready as he cursed. Turning her head slightly to see what it was, it was a mutt, from their top force. She was slightly shocked that hardly anyone stopped to see what the noise was about, or that other wolves didn't lunge after them for it. Well not yet, anyway. Selene grabbed hold of hers, "Ready when you are." she stated smiling back.
The man shook his head at her question. As a vampire, it was pretty hard for him to get drunk, he would almost literally need an alcohol IV in order to get the desired effect, and even then, he wasn't sure if it was worth it. With that said, he moved over towards the dying Lycan and grabbed him by the collar. "You fucking mutts never travel alone." He snarled into the man's face. Blood was starting to flow from the lycans nose and mouth and Alistair was started to get furious. "Where are your friends!" He asked as the dancers became onlookers to this interesting and unusual thing that was happening before them.

Unlike Selene, the man didn't know what love or compassion was. He used women as idle playthings, he killed humans, other vampires, and lycans all the same, and he took great care in his work. When the others had gotten in his way, that was there fault. This was something that Selene and Alistair greatly disagreed on. If his task was to take out a Lycan general or high ranking council member, he would, although he was more of a mercenary than he was a Death Dealer. He really didn't believe in the cause and he didn't trust the vampires that were currently the head of the Coven.

Looking back at Selene, he stood after slamming the Lycan on the ground once more, causing the blood to sputter out even more. This one was dead. "Well, do you see anything?" He asked her, with a little bit of a sting in his breath.
Selene followed behindhim as he went over to the creature by now everyone had stopped dancing and were looking toward the two. Selene looked around as the three groups looked to them human, vampire and lycan. She was making sure that they wouldn't be attacked, or taken by surprise. Selene noticed the blood trickling from the lycan, he wouldn't be able to anwser if he wanted too, he was dying.

Selene knew love, she's known it from her family, she was like a daughter to Victor one of the three elders, he was a father to her, Kravin was obsessed with her but she ignored his love, he thought he was hot stuff based on rank and that he had apparently slane Lucien. She didn't buy that for a minute. Selene had a soft spots for humans, she was still attached to her humanity. Selene thought it wrong and a crime to kill your own kind, unless they betrayed the coven or clan. She didn't randomly kill, she killed when need be. Selene trusted Victor, he was her Sire and father figure, but he wasn't awakened yet it would be Marcus' turn next to lead. She had no trust for Kravin.

Selene watchedas the lycan hit the ground. He always had to cause trouble. He killed a lycan more would come, since he was of higher rank. "I see nothing ifI saw something I wouldn't just stand here." She coldly replied looking around again.
The man stood and walked right up to her. They were face to face now, and the man barred his fangs for one moment, showing his disdain for her. "Then let's go." He said as the rest of the crowd watched in shock and awe for the two members of the Coven. They were dressed in similar clothing, and finally Alistair brushed past her and walked out the door, leaving the rest of the crowd to stare at Selene.

Alistair knew that there would be more coming, but he didn't trust Selene enough to get into a fire fight with her. It wasn't that he didn't want to get into a fire fight, he just didn't want to get in one now. He walked at a faster pace as he moved towards an alleyway. Their mission was simple, find the defector from the Coven, but the Lycans always seemed to find a way to interfere and get themselves killed. Not that he was complaining.

Finally, he turned to Selene and sighed. "Look, let's split up and try and find this bastard, then we can just go home." He said as he disappeared into the shadows.
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