Running Away (Nox&Shards)


Feb 14, 2010
Violeta stood out on her balcony as she just couldn't stand the movements down below the royal sector of the planet. As the youngest daughter of seven children of the king much was expected of her. Her old brothers and sisters had conquered planets in hours yet she refused to do such things. She felt like forcing things on people was wrong. The religion of her people were of power is only taken not gained is not something she ever agrees with. While in truth she was one of the strongest of her people. Her power of flight, creation, movement with her mind and the ability to see into the future was something they had never seen at such an amount before. While her older brothers and sisters had one maybe two of her abilities no one other than her father had all and even there there was rumor how she could one day become stronger than him. Looking to the heavens seeing the two moons as they stayed in the sky she gave a sigh before looking back into her room. With one last look she flared her power around her and shot out of into the sky. Leaving the planet for good as she traveled to her hideaway. Only once there she entered her ship which would get her across the universe but then she would have to rely on her own power.

Finally getting to a safe distance she left her ship once again setting off to find a planet she could hide away in. She really didn't know what she could do as she moved quickly she found earth. It was young and quite stunning in her mind as she went to where the moonless night was over the planet and landed. She moved through the skies trying to keep herself hidden. Only as she moved to land she saw what the people were wearing she quickly created clothes that covered her black outfit and her purple tribal tattoos. Even the one that was on her face disappeared as she moved out onto the street. She wasn't sure what this place was like as she kept moving through everything taking it all in and within a week she had figured out the English language in New York and even created herself a name got a job at a cafe. Originally she made herself money to get an apartment she was quiet happy with how things were going so far.

Her now long black hair with the streaks of purple shined in the moonlight as she walked through the new york park she heard screams. Her eyes suddenly glazed over in purple as she saw a woman being thrown down. As her eyes returned to her human green eyes she moved quickly her clothes changing as she took off in the sky a trail of purple star dust behind her as she moved to the men picking on up and throwing him away. "What do you think your doing" she asked as she created a blanket and coat for the woman to cover herself with. She really couldn't believe this.

(You can come in here saying he was coming to save the woman as well but she beat him to it)
It was strange what compassion and concern for your other human beings could do to a person. He was by necessity an altruist, but something years ago had driven him to be this presence, this ever-vigilant eye over the city that sacrificed so many things, and in return, was met with anonymity. His social life, let alone schooling, had been put aside for pursuit of this: a dream that was fulfilled every night amidst the chaos, the guns, the wounds, the beatings. It was something he craved. That something brought him there that night. The scream was audible, even from the distance he was at. He landed on one of the nearby branches, the branch shifting with his difference in weight, threatening to snap. He leaped forward, using his agility to propel him further than a normal human could, being at the peak of human perfection, twisting and thrusting his right hand out in mid-air. It released a hook attached to high tensile-strength proportionate cable, usually used to tether him to a building and swing him, but at the moment capable of being a makeshift lasso.

But he had faltered for a second too long. The man had been launched, the end that extended from the bracelet he wore striking into the ground, spreading apart as it was customized to do. Nevertheless he tugged at the planted cable and jerked himself forward, toward both women. He landed on his feet and came to stand, a head over six two. He was muscular, roughly two hundred and forty pounds of it. The spandex suit he wore was red and black by pattern and design, but was simplistic.

He wore a mask that covered only his eyes and nose, a crimson color to match the suit. Attached to his lower back was a small crimson cloth that came to cover one of his legs to the knee and dangled behind him the same length. This hid his utility belt and devices he use regular. He retracted the cable into the bracelet and looked between them.

How strange. He wasn't used to being beaten to the punch. He gave the woman who had been covered a soft smile, his auburn hair swept back and unkempt from traveling the city. He spoke to her, his voice kind, yet strong, "It's good to see you are safe ma'am. Make sure to thank this....citizen, for lack of a better word. Seems she beat me to the punch." He took another gander toward her.
(I thought Nightwing's costume was black and blue? or are you doing an OC)

Violeta looked over as she saw a man touch down after what looked to be a gentle swing on a cable of some type. She didn't really think much of it yet as she noticed the outfit and how it was different than what she had seen before she was a little uneasy with him. She slowly started to raise off the ground a gentle glow of purple surrounded her. Her mind searched for the right words to use, as she reached the words she gave a soft smile towards the two. "They are in your hands now" she said as she took to the skies. She didn't know what had come over her when she had came to help but this really wasn't something she was use to. While she had always wanted to help she wasn't sure if this was the way. So far her taking over the cafe and giving people jobs seemed to be good yet it left her feeling that she wasn't doing enough for the planet that unknowingly took her in.

As she got away from the scene she came to the top of a tower and touched down on the slanted roof going to stand over the gargoyles on the sides. She liked the city as she saw many goods things about it yet as she saw the dangers she still wondered if maybe she should be doing more. Giving a sigh she sat down hanging her legs over the edge of the building as she tried to think this through.
(It's an original character, but Nightwing's costume is now red and black after the reboot DC effected.)

Like that the woman had left him to tend to the denizen of the city she had saved. He made sure she was focused and not privy to shock before he left her. He raised his left hand as he came to rest upon a ledge on a rooftop, pushing in the transceiver and signaling to the person on the other end he wished to talk, "Hijack a satellite. There was a strange person earlier. Seemingly advanced strength, flight capable. Could be something to contend with, even with her seemingly good hearted nature." The person responded, "Well naturally a thermal scan should show a difference, but there was something else. Some kind of dust emitted as she took off into the sky. See if you can track it. I want to talk to this person."

He traveled from one rooftop to the next, waiting on the reply. Then the bone in his ear vibrated, signaling it was time to receive the call. With a quick application of pressure, the person on the other end fed him directions to the woman. He moved more quickly than he had before until he saw her sitting on the edge of a tower. He laid a hand on one of the edges of the rooftop he was on and a blast from the gauntlet, one of concentrated sound, propelled him into the air.

With a flourish and a twist, the cable extended and caught the tower. He jerked it inward and used the momentum and velocity to swing up to the roof. He surpassed the height of the edge by a few feet, coming to land squarely on his feet, ten or so feet from her.

He was sure by now she had heard him. He retracted the cable and began walking toward her, "Who are you? What you did for that woman was heroic, but it seems like you didn't really have those intentions. What are you intentions, actually?"
Violeta was shocked as she felt someone coming towards her and as she analyzed the aura she knew who it was. She didn't move from her spot as she sat there looking over the city. In truth as she felt him finally reach the roof and land she gave a sigh. She had hoped he wouldn't come after her but she was sure now that was exactly what he had done. "Does it really matter who I am? I just happened to be there when the screams first came" she stated as it was the truth. She had been just across the park when the attack first started. She was too late to help the woman keep her clothes but she did make sure that the woman wasn't harmed anymore than that. "I have no bad intentions for this place, I only wish to live here at the moment" she stated as it was the truth. She was sitting here at this very moment to try and finalize what her intentions were. "And you? Somehow you find that tracking me down is so important when I'm sure others could use your help" she stated as she wondered just who this guy was. She couldn't understand this at all yet as she sat there in her natural form she wondered just what this was going to turn out to be in the end. It was strange to her that he followed yet it seemed he only wanted answers that she didn't even have for herself yet.
He listened to her talk, especially about others needing his help, "I have a feed to police broadcasts and scanners, and right now there's a brief moment of respite. I came to make sure your intentions because in the end, I'll have to deal with you if you decide you're powerful enough to get your way. I really don't want to have to do that. Just watch yourself. You'll start attracting the kind of attention you don't want if you keep up the superhero shtick." He walked forward to the edge, "Doesn't matter. I'll be keeping an eye on you. Until then, if you need something, I'm sure it's within your power to find me. I'm called Shade." He stepped off the roof and twisted, launching the cable and swinging from the tower and into the city.

He came to be perched upon one of the ledges a mile or so from where he had just met her. He applied pressure to the transceiver and spoke, "I had a talk with her. Seems like her intentions are good. Monitor her though. Also keep a search going on supers related to the powers I described. We're going to keep her under surveillance in case she goes rogue."
Violeta gave a sigh as she heard what he said. "I'm not a super . . . I'm just me" she stated though she guessed because to her she was powerful in her own people she must be something much more than that here with people with power were rarely found. She gave a sigh as she looked up to the skies wishing to see the stars she started off towards the heavens. As she reached space just outside of Earth's atmosphere she looked to the different planets she could see and all the stars she knew where her home was yet she didn't wish for it to be her home. Giving a sigh she decided trying to help a little here and there wouldn't help as trouble seemed to be everywhere in the city. As she turned and headed in for the night she figured that she was going to have to figure out a name for herself if she was going to try and do a little superhero work. She laughed at the thought of actually being a superhero but the one thing she liked about it was she could do it in her natural form as long as she kept the mask on as well.
Another night. Another beat. What a trivial pattern. The first thought to cross his mind upon awakening was the girl from the previous night. She was unnatural. She was extraterrestrial. He knew she had good intentions, but good intentions pave the road to Hell. Maybe, in his stupor, he had brought a revelation on himself. His reflection on her mirrored the fact that maybe his own altruistic nature was tiresome and for all intents and purposes, doing more harm than good. Under his watchful eye, he had noticed a spike in organized crime. This meant one thing to him: the criminals, knowing of his presence, decided that recklessness and separation were causing them to be picked off. Because of him he had united a band of murderers, rapists, and drug dealers. What a life.

The man dragged along sluggishly in an attempt to pry himself from the comfort of being enveloped in a warm bed. His attempts seemed futile until he finally swung his feet to the floor, the cold touch of the tile bringing his wits to the surface. He let out a stretch and stood, immediately descending to the floor, palms against the tile. He was supported by an arch in his feet, toes curved and balancing his weight. One. Two. Three. It ended with over three hundred push-ups, his morning repetition. That would be followed by pull ups, sit ups, and a six mile run. This was all accomplished before six AM, which was more than most people were accustomed to performing all day.

It was a rush through his personal hygiene. Without his costume, he felt bland, boring, usual. His hair was choppy and layered, swept to one side along his forehead. He had garbed himself in a mediocre pair of jeans, the coup de'tat being the grey wool pea coat that he bundled up with. He was buttoning the coat up as he walked through the hallway of his apartment and out into the brisk roll of air that accompanied December in New York City. He had spied a cafe that he had wanted to try. What a good start to a day.

Once inside he found the line to be reasonable, so he was more privy to actually stick through and place an order. After a ten minute wait, he stepped forward to the counter, looking over the menu. Then those sapphire eyes fell to the woman tending to his order. She seemed so familiar. With a shake of his head, he began his order, "Coffee. Black. Asiago bagel with a shmear of cream cheese." Man, where had he seen this woman? The thought still plagued him as he moved aside to allow the patron behind him to place their order. This was going to grind his gears until he figured it out.
Violeta wasn't sure what to do as she got herself home. She flew half the way then walked the rest. She didn't trust anyone to know where she was so flying there all the way was out of the question. Yet as she got to her apartment she gave a sigh getting chanced into her human appearance as morning came was easy for her it was just the fact that she didn't like what had happened the night before. She was on watch that much was sure but still she didn't like the fact that she came here for freedom and now she was getting questioned for it. Shaking her head she went downstairs to start the day as she got the shop open and going. It seemed that a lot of people were actually loving her shop as they started to come more often. As she saw one male come up ordering a black coffee and the bagel she was shocked as she could sense his aura that it was the same male from last night. She brushed it off acting as though he was another customer in the shop and got the order ready with the rest of her employee's yet as she handed him the order and rang him up she wondered just how long it might take him to realize. She wasn't stupid enough to think that he would never see through it she just hoped it would last long enough for her to get some more trust here.
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