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Apr 28, 2011
What are the ages in this forum that constitutes Shota and Loli? I thought it was anyone below the age of 16.

I recently got a roleplay request for a roleplay with a 14 year old and a 16 year old. To me, that constitutes of shota because one of the characters is under the age of 16. So, what is the rule here for Shota, just to confirm?
I believe it's anyone under the age of thirteen, or someone who has not yet entered puberty. At least, so it says in the sticky threads on the request forums...
So I think as long as the fourteen year old has entered puberty, it's fine. o.o (Why they wouldn't, I don't know, but I've seen stranger things, so...)
I know the official definition accepted by the world is anyone under the age of 13, but I know a lot of forums have limits in that characters can't be under the age of 16...
Since there are a few STICKY THREADS in the REQUEST SECTIONS, I don't see why this question would be asked unless some people aren't reading the rules. However, since the question has been answered, I suggest reviewing other rules as well.
I did read the rules, it's not that I didn't, I just want to make sure. Y'know, triple checking and all that. :)
Like I said, I'm just doing my extra checks to be extra sure. Cause I read it, and wanted to confirm it again. I'm a bit paranoid like that, sorry. D:
No worries at all. Double checks are ALWAYS good, especially with touchier topics such as this. Unfortunately, if you see the view count of the rules and compare them to member count.... well.... yeah. Let's me know that not many read them. And most of the reads are actually me or other staff members viewing it to link people to them when they need an answer or some such. >.<
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