Frustrations Abundant (FFVII - godfang n' myself)

Dec 13, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Tifa Lockheart made her way down the steps to the main room of her bar, 7th Heaven. Cloud was hot on her heels, saying something or another about how he would be gone for a few days doing deliveries; or so she assumed. She'd gotten to used to hearing this same account of words time and time again, though it never ceased to irritate her. They were least she thought they were. They screwed, they lived together, they were taking care of Marlene together; what the fuck else did she have to do to keep him from being so damned cut off and emotionless when it came to her? She swore sometimes that he was just emotionally cut off from existing.

"Yes, Cloud; how long do you plan to be gone this time?" She almost all but snapped out. She turned to face him, her hands on her hips in agitation.

Cloud sighed and avoided looking at her. "Why do you get so mad?"

"Because I -!" She made a noise and then poked him in the chest. "Look at me for once, damn you." He seemed reluctant but did as she demanded. "We have sex, Cloud. We live together. We might as well be together, or married; who the hell knows anymore! But can we pretend for one minute that you aren't trying to cover up your need to run by using made up excuses about work?"

He almost appeared insulted. Almost. "Tifa I - "

She tossed up her hands and shook her head. "Yes, finally, some emotion from you. Little too late; you know what? You want to go, just go!"

Tifa knew she was being unfairly short with her spikey haired lover, but she had become increasingly frustrated with him over the last few months. His little disappearances hadn't helped either. He stared at her, for a very long moment, then nodded curtly. Cloud wasn't one for confrontation. He picked up his cell phone, his keys, and looked at her briefly before departing the bar, passing Elena who had, at some time during the argument, appeared in the door way.

Tifa almost flushed at knowing the Turk had seen most of what had just happened. She cleared her throat, pushing back the anger and the tears. "Hey there, Elena. Long time no see!"
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

It was an awkward thing to watch even if Elena was a total stranger, as it is the Turks and the ex-members of Avalanche seems to have a strange kinship. Perhaps it's because they fought each other many times during the Meteor Crisis, whatever it is, Reno and Rude would often visit the 7th heaven despite having access to better, bigger bars close to the Shin Ra building or even inside it. At first the blonde thought it was a case of 'keep your friends close and your enemies even closer' but the way things have been going, Avalanche is more often than not their allies than their enemy.

"Hi" She replied, trying to force a smile. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, sorry about that"

She looked around and noticed that there is no one else there yet but them, which is fine, she wasn't here to mingle. "Gimme a shot of Gin" Elena asked, sitting her shapely ass on the barstool. "Just got through a long day". A Turk's day is rarely without some kind of shady work, Elena was sent today to shoot a man in the kneecap for trying to screw the company in a software purchase. She was glad she didn't have to blow his brains out but Elena has never been one of the, as Reno aptly put it, 'Proffesionals'. She needed a drink in days like these.

"What just happened between you and spiky head there.." She started, sipping her drink and feeling it wash down nicely. "..Is exactly why i only have casual sex, all the good parts and none of the Drama"
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Tifa moved to do as Elena asked of her, placing herself behind the bar; a glass was placed before the Turk and Tifa absently knocked the Gin bottle off the shelf into her hand, flipping it to pour some into the woman's glass. She placed the bottle down on the counter top and slid the glass toward her. "I'd comment, but I don't even know if what we have is a relationship," She shrugged her athletic, fighter's shoulders, and nodded. "It's never been...said, more implied than anything else."

Her long legs carried her around the counter and she placed herself on the stool next to the blonde. "I bet you have stories, but don't you ever get lonely for more than just sex?" She asked her, mildly curious; Turks tended to be promiscuous, she knew. She wondered if that was just the way they were, or if there was more to them, if sex was all they wanted, or if they actually wanted companionship. Still...some of those Turks; she wondered if they'd been hired on looks alone.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Elena laughed abit too loudly at the question. It sounded naive but perhaps it is how 'normal' people think. In the line of work she's in, 'Companionship' is a burden. It makes you soft, it creates that state of mind inside you where you put the chance to be with someone above getting the job done. Life as a Turk is sweet and Elena never thought that she wanted anything else other than the life she has now.

"Companionship.." She said, looking into the glass as if the answer is inside the clear liquid. "We have each other, as Turks. We know that when the time comes, or when we need one another, the other Turks will be there for us" She gulped down the content of her glass in one go, reaching for the bottle and pouring more inside it."Which, to be honest Lockheart, is more than you can say about spiky head"

She somewhat regrets what she said, but those were honest words and they were already spoken. "But at least the sex is good right? I mean Cloud is so strong, i bet he breaks you in half and in a good way, everytime you get between the sheets" Elena quickly added, trying to steer the conversation away from the more serious matters. "I bet that Buster Sword is not the only big thing he has"
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Tifa had to catch herself and quickly at that. Cloud probably wouldn't want her spilling the details of their sex life, but what else did he give her besides that? Nothing, nothing at all. "Cloud...well, it is good, I guess." She clucked her tongue absently and propped her elbows on the counter top of the bar. "He is very passionate or rough though. he isn't like you'd expect him to be," she added after a long moment of silence between them.

She turned her gaze to the Turk, sweeping in to hopefully change the topic; Tifa really didn't want to talk about Cloud, not after he had pulled one of his disappearing acts on her again. It would serve to irritate the fighter's already agitated mindset. "What about you?" She asked then. "I bet you have some stories of our Turk friends," she chuckled softly, her brown eyes glinting.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

"Oh do i" Elena smirked mischievously, like a giddy teenagers about to share dirt about a first date. She shifted on her chair, eager to share her stories to a friend. Unlike the men of the Turks, the women are not close-knit and does not talk about their sex lives with the men of the organization. Perhaps it's because there's so few of them and that they rarely meet, or it's a competitive thing where each girl tried to get the affection of their male partners. Reno definitely had his share of willing fuckbuddies.

"Some of the turk guys are rather unpredictable" She started, pouring a glass for her new girlfriend. "Like Rude, you remember Rude right? Quiet guy, tall, bald, well built?" The Turk agent's lips twisted into a gleeful smile. "He's quite..lively in bed, kinky bastard..He's into bondage and costumes and..Well he's into aloot of things"

She didn't stop there, one by one Elena dispensed the details of her sexual encounters with the Turks, some were memorable, some were funny and some were downright nasty. "I swear..After that night with Tseng, i never want to see another chocolate fountain" Elena laughed boisterously. "Oh and Reno...Mmmmmh, now There's a stud" She said, licking her lips. "I like it big, do you?" She asked before continuing.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Tifa tried to keep her poker face on when Elena began to gush, especially about Rude; the fighter certainly hadn't been expecting that. She took the glass into her hand and took a swing of it, enjoying the warming sensation as it burned down her throat to her gut. Her lips twitched, whether she liked it or not, and did her best to hide it behind an intrigued smirk. Some of the other stories just made her want to put her hands over her ears; she'd opened a Pandora's box by asking Elena about her stories, it seemed. She was never going to look at chocolate fountains the same ever again, that was for sure.

The blonde ended up on Reno and Tifa suddenly found herself listening more intently than she had before. He was the most attractive of the Turks, in her opinion. And she was mad at Cloud, so why not? She nodded and took a drink. "I do like it big; why? Is he huge or something?" she asked, and despite her nonchalant attitude, she was definitely listening.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

"Huge, my dear, is about this big" Elena said, pushing a chilled glass onto Tifa's hand. It fits nicely in her grip, though the comparisson would probably have been nicer if Elena did not pick something so cold, it's hard to imagine a cock in your hand when it's cold as ice. Regardless, she picked it for it's girth. "Huge is when a man makes you feel helpless with the way he's stretching you"

Her eyes strayed across the table, trying to find something else. "Reno is...Beyond that, the man is so well hung that i can barely describe him.." Her eyes suddenly stopped at a liquor bottle, and as she pushed it towards the Bartender, the Turk grinned slyly. "But i can give you a rough estimate."

The bottle was not the biggest in the bar, not by a longshot but then again Elena wasn't comparing bottles, she was letting Tifa know how big the red haired turk is. Her finger wouldn't even be able to reach around the bottle, it seems almost impossible that a man can be that big. "Oh and trust me dear..He knows how to use it..Everytime he fucks me, i can't even stand up afterwards from all the mind blowing orgasm.."

The turk is getting more and more flustered, the alcohol, the memory of Reno's manhood, it was all very arousing. She decided she'd pay Reno a visit tonight. "Amazing isn't it?..I bet you'd love to give it a go. Any sane woman would"
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

The fighter held the chilled glass in her hand for a moment and then quirked a brow. When Elena passed her the liquor bottle, her eyes widened substantially. There was no way way the red headed Turk could be that big...was there? She didn't doubt that Reno knew what he was doing, but her mind was considerably dialed in on the fact Elena had given her. To her shame, her's and Cloud's argument was almost instantaneously pushed to the back burner.

Tifa's chocolate eyes watched the blonde girl's face become flushed, her eyes slightly hazy in appearance as she recalled her fun times with her fellow Turk. Despite not needing another glass of alcohol, Tifa's hand had never left that bottle. In actuality, her fingers had tightened around it.

Swallowing, the poured another glass of the Gin and downed it so quickly she nearly choked on it. Her eyes found Elena and she stared for a very long moment, adjusting her stance on the stool as her words stroked curious fantasies in the fighter's mind. "There's no way..." she finally said, before shaking her head. "Did you guys bet on me or something? See how likely I'd be to believe this?" Much to her shame, Tifa was actually blushing. "Bet to see if I'd be so intrigued I'd hunt him down..." her voice trailed off when she realized her body had tingled at that thought. Well, fuck.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

"Why not?" Elena said with raised eyebrow "You like it big, he's gigantic, it all fits well..really well in fact" The turk chuckled like a dirty old man. "Come on, aren't you just a little curious? It's not like your 'boyfriend' is here for angry makeup sex, might as well find a man to take it out on"

If only Tifa would turn around, she'd notice the redhead in question walking into a Bar, but Elena being the sly girl that she is distracted her, making the busty bartender focus on the bottle. "Think about it...What do you have to lose? Cloud can't break up with you because you're not really dating" The blonde started to reach for Tifa's hand, clasping around it and moving it up and down the bottle, making her stroke it the way she would a cock.

"And this is Reno" She added "He's a fine try and tell me you never once thought of spreading your legs for him?". Behind Tifa, Reno is smirking silently, somewhat amused by what's happening. He wasn't sure on the detail but he liked where it's going.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Tifa wasn't exactly the modest sort, of the sort of woman who'd blush when anything sexual was being spoken of. Hell, she was actually quite a woman in bed; being a fighter had that affect. Yet as Elena spoke of the red headed Turk that way, suggesting that she spread her legs for the man and was showing her via a liquor bottle how stroking him would feel...she flushed, oh boy did she flush red. Whether from embarrassment, or from the sudden wetness between her legs, she wasn't certain.

Strangely enough, she didn't put her hand away. Least, not at first. She allowed Elena to stroke her hand up and down the bottle, her mind instantly following suit to imagine Reno's cock, and his face, his lithe frame; the shock that came along with the image of herself being pounded by the man, had her trembling. Which she was certain Elena could feel, so she pulled her hand away, her breasts heaving beneath her top as she tried to control her now thumping heart.

"Elena, really...Reno and I..." strange how she couldn't finish that sentence, with either a denial or an acceptance. No, wait, just strange that she couldn't push out a denial. The hell was wrong with her.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

"Tifa and i can take care of our own business" Reno cut in, sitting next to Tifa. His suit was, as always disheveled, half tucked in and half hanging out in that trademark way of his. Some of the Turks joked that Reno isn't messy, he's making a fashion statement. His wild hair tied back in a ponytail, unlike the other team member who kept their hair neat.

"Do you mind?" Reno asked Tifa, prying the liquor off her hands gently and drinking the content down straight from the bottle as if nothing embarassing just happened. Elena winked at the Bartender and stood up, walking out of the bar. "You're welcome" She whispered before dissapearing.

The silence that followed was quite long, minutes after minutes passed with Reno downing the drink bit by bit, the seconds on the clock echoing through the bar. Only when he finished the content did the redhead turn towards the Bartender.


He stared firmly into her eyes, his icy stare piercing through her defenses. "Close the Bar" He bluntly said, though he did not explain his words, his eyes announced his intention loud and clear. He wanted to fuck her, long and hard and he wants to do it over and over until one of them cannot continue. There was honest desire in his eyes, one that never appeared in Clouds cold distant eyes. "Close the bar" He repeated.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

When she heard his voice, she froze. Like, just stiffened up and nearly turned bright red; her eyes found Elena, even as Reno pried her frozen fingers off the bottle, and she realized that the blonde turk had known he was there. Oh, she was likely to seek her out for this mortifying moment later and kick that shapely ass of hers. She was never going to live this down. The silence seemed intense, as Tifa watched Reno down the rest of the bottle of Gin, Elena's words were repeating themselves in her mind.

She nearly jumped when he said her name. Her chocolate eyes found him and stared back into his shockingly blue ones. His look made her tremble and suddenly the fighter felt almost defenseless, something she hadn't felt in a long time; right on the heels of that was desire. She couldn't deny that. Cloud...though they had sex, even a lot in standard terms, he had never looked at her like the Turk was looking at her now.

"Reno..." before she could object, he repeated the words and suddenly, she didn't want to object. She swallowed thickly and rose, grabbing the keys from behind the bartop and walking across the room to lock the doors to 7th Heaven. God, was this really happening?
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

The sound of his footstep came closer from behind, stopping as he stood there waiting for her to lock the door. Once the click of the lock was heard, Reno held Tifa by the waist, kissing and nibbling on her neck, making his way to her ears. As he suckled on her earlobes, a bulge pressed against the Bartender's ass, hinting at the truth of Elena's words. It's hard to tell with the pants still on but it was big indeed.

"Do you know how often i fantasize about you, even as i fuck another woman?" He whispered, slowly unzipping her top and letting those divinely luscious breast of hers free. Reno handled them like they were the most precious thing in the world, fondling them skillfully, grabbing without squeezing and using his fingertips to toy with the nipples. "You're so beautiful..I wanted you from the moment i zapped you." He said, half joking about their first battle.

Tifa's chin was turned aside, made to look at him and without any delay, Reno kissed her, showing more hunger in that one moment that Cloud did during all this time they were together. The redhead groaned, his tongue pushing in to dance with hers. Eventually, the kiss heated up even more and Reno turned her to face him, pinning her against a wall so he can make out with her more easily while he stripped his suit off, layer by layer until he stood topless in front of her, smirking mischevously, then, like a pouncing animal, he darted forward and claimed her tits, suckling wildly on her nipples.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Tifa blushed and bit her lip when Reno's arms came around her waist, pulling her back against him to he could sample at her neck. She made a breathy noise, and angled her neck to give him better access. That arousal she had first felt at Elena's word came flooding back as she felt his cock against her ass, hinting at Elena's words being possible. His words had her trembling, his hands on her breasts almost heavelny, her nipples turning to stiff peaks as he toyed with them.

She chuckled faintly at his words, biting her lip. He turned her chin, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment, before their lips met. His kiss...oh lord, his kiss. There was so much damn hunger in that kiss, so much more than she had ever felt. Her tongue dueled with his, sliding over it, touching it. It became so heated she wondered if she were even breathing. He turned her and pinned her to the wall, the fighter giving a long moan into the kiss as they came together like an inferno.

When the kiss broke, she opened her eyes to see the man stripping of his suit, leaving his chest completely bare. Oh god, was that man hot. But she had always known that. He pounced on her, attacking her large breasts and licking at her nipples. She cried out and dropped her head back, shifting slightly at the sudden arousal and dampness between her legs. She couldn't help but arch her breasts into his attentions even as her dragged her nails over his back, just enough to leave faint red in their wake.

"God, Reno!" She shuddered, then almost whimpered. "This isn't right, what about Cloud?"
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Reno felt his animal lust take over, his massive rod straining so hard against his pants that it's almost painful. He was lost in her tits, those heavenly globes that have captivated all men around her. It's one thing that everyone can agree on, Tifa has the best pair in all Midgar. If you ask any man in Avalanche to name a pair of tits they want wrapped around their cock, they would answer Tifa. Except maybe Cloud who would brood and sulk instead of answering the question. Cloud, how Reno hated the man. He's not even sure why, there was never any personal issues between the two of them. It was simply the alpha male mentality, he can't stand him because they were both simmilar, they were both strong leaders of their respective teams.

"Fuck Cloud" Reno growled when Tifa mentioned the man. "If the man wants to keep chasing the ghost of a flatchested whore, you have all the right in the world to pursue other cocks in his absence..He won't know" For now, Reno added in his mind. Fucking a goddess like Tifa is sweet, fucking Cloud's 'girlfriend' is even sweeter, but the idea that he will one day flaunt it to his face is the sweetest of all. The turk grabbed her by her hair, and shoved his tongue inside her mouth again, trying to tear down her defenses. Meanwhile, his cock was finally taken out, and he guided Tifa's hands to it, showing her what he's offering her. The bottle was, as Elena said, a rough estimate. The real thing was slightly thicker and rock hard.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

For some reason or another, Reno's words had her shuddering with restrained desire; it was almost taboo, to be here, thrust against the door with the Turk lapping at her tits like they were the nectar of life. Damn, no shit, Reno knew what he was doing. The lingering thoughts of Cloud were stubborn, but they were no match for the skill seduction of the red headed Turk; who in their right mind who refuse him, anyway? She gasped as he gripped her by her hair, moaning loudly as he thrust his tongue between her parted lips to eat away at her resistance.

She lost her train of thought, reeling from the onslaught of Reno's experiences and calculated attack on her senses. It was a moment later that she realized that the man had taken her hands and wrapped them around his now exposed cock. Her mind went blank. Oh fuck...Elena hadn't been lying...if anything, the blonde Turk had been a little...under in her estimation. She swallowed, a whimper slipping into his mouth from her own as she shuddered, hands trembling slightly as they took hold of his magnificent cock and stroking it up and down, having to use both of her hands.

Yeah...Fuck Cloud.
RE: Frustrations Abundant (godfang n' myself)

Somehow, Reno's momentum was cut short the moment Tifa's hands wrapped around his monstrous cock. "Oh man.." He chuckled, clearly enjoying the attention she's giving it. "Cloud doesn't deserve such talented hands.." He told her, kissing her neck and biting hard, Reno wanted to leave a mark. "That's it girl..go harder..jerk it.." He whispered in her ear with that deep sexy voice.

The cock was warm in her palm,twitching like a living being. As she moves her hand along it she'd feel the thick veins covering it, giving it a peculiar texture. The testicles were large and heavy, a sign that he is a fertile man with lots of cum to offer. Unlike Cloud's cock which is straight, Reno's rod curved upward powerfully, a quality that had Elena going crazy due to it's ability to hit her G-spot.

Reno watched her give him a handjob, smirking and groaning every now and then to let her know when she does a good thing. "If your hand is this good...I can't wait to feel your mouth." He hinted.
His bite to her neck caused her to whimper a moan, almost dropping to her knees right there, her knees threatening to buckle. Her pale skin reddened, bruising slightly under his sharp teeth; a mark was what he wanted, and it was a mark indeed. There wasn't any way that Cloud wouldn't see it. Her hands stroked over his massive erection, touching it, feeling it, exploring every bit of it; even his sac was large, intimidating the fighter some. She could certainly see why Elena was addicted...who wouldn't be. The thing was...beyond extraordinary...but how did Elena manage to even walk after fucking this beast of a man?

His hint had her licking her lips, her nipples hard and peaked atop her more than generous breasts at the thought. Her heart pumping wildly in response, she slid slowly to her knees and drew her tongue over the head of his cock. She swallowed; she could do this...she thought she could. She licked at the hole, then the edges of his head, before, while stroking with her fingers and hands, she lapped at his length with her tongue.
Her hesistation brought him to the realization that Tifa never had a man as big as him. Reno was not dense, he knew he was better endowed than most men but he never made a big deal out of it. The fact that he might be a more hung man than his rival however, brought to him the simple macho bullshit satisfaction that all men secretly enjoyed. Her tongue made him shiver. Reaching down, he caressed her face gently and tilted her face up. She's lovely, there is no denying it. How a man can choose wandering around in search of whatever it is Cloud is searching for, over staying at home between her legs every single day is beyond the red headed Turk's comprehension. "Never had one like mine?" He asked, rubbing it in her face literally, constantly reminding her senses of how long and thick he is, trying to make her anticipate the unavoidable moment of penetration.

Reno pushed the tip into her mouth, loudly moaning his pleasure. "Open up wider.." He told her, putting a hand on the back of her head and pulling her forward, slowly guiding her to swallow his length. It would be a challenge indeed but Reno is intent on getting a deepthroat from the busty bartender. "Slowly...Slowly babe.." He muttered, pulling more and more, stopping whenever she coughed or gagged. "Ah...That's it...Now...I'm all yours.."
"Honestly? No," she mumbled, not exactly wanting to stroke his ego, but it was hard not to when she was holding such an impressive length in her hands. With his reassurance, she found that she was easing into a little easier than she a moment before, at least with her hesitation fading away. Her lips parted wider, like he encouraged, sliding over the massive head of his cock as he eased it into her mouth. His guiding helped some, but it was still hard, a challenge even for her - but if there was one thing Tifa didn't do was let any challenge get in her way. She braced her hands on his thighs and slowly continued to take him in, thankful he would stop each time she gagged; which, realistically, she did. There was no way she couldn't not gag on it.

Tifa was determined, fighting the reflex to gag as she took him slowly into her throat; giving the Turk a deep throat best she could manage, but was still most likely better than most as she breathed through her nose to make it easier. She made a noise as she took nearly all of him in, the vibration from her throat tickling his shaft before she pulled free, coughing a moment, before she returned to do it all over again.
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