Seeing Red

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May 29, 2011
Only a mile from space. :)
The Wolf. He remembered when that was more of a title than a fact. He used to be a man, a lecher in fact. Only the wolf because of his proclivity for the younger girls. He would find them in his woods and seduce them with promises of sweets and pleasure beyond their wildest dreams. He had enjoyed many a sweet young girl in his shack and was set on enjoying many more. That is, before that witch came. He had almost had her too, she was young, seemingly naive. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. She had cast some sort of curse on him, condemning him to a life of exile until he took a pure, sweet virgin as his own. He certainly had earned the title now, standing at almost 7 foot tall, with a wolfish face, as if it was trying to form a snout. He had wolf ears, sensitive and triangular, covered in tufts of fur. He was covered in fur, head to toe, although for the most part he was human. His mind might be a bit more wolfish but he could still be considered handsome. If he wasn't a freak.

He had been in the woods for many many years stuck in this wretched existence and the biggest torture for him was not the form he was in, but his long lasting craving for a nice pure pussy. Some delicious morsel that would let him live fully again. Sure, plenty gorgeous young girls traveled through these woods but he could get none of them and not from lack of trying. They would simply scream and run which was no good. The witch said they must be consensual. But he tried, day in and day out, to find his way out. Suddenly he saw a rather beautiful young'un with a red cloak walking towards his spot on the side of the trail. Could she be the one?
She carried a basket with her, the poor child. Her mother sent her away with it and the task at hand. "Take this to Mother, she is ill and must take these herbs and that tea." The dark haired damsel who appeared no older than fifteen determinedly went into the woods. Unfortunately, she was spoiled and brought up in the village. The girl's mother made the red cloak as a gift. She loved it so much, that she wore it everyday. It added to her natural beauty even more.

The young lady stopped at a fork in the road, unaware of the voyeur taking notice of her. The sign gave a the left was The Road of Pins and the right was the Road of Needles. She had forgotten which way was quicker. It was the reason why she had stopped.
The Wolf smiled his wolfish smile. She was lost. "Hello, Dear!" He shouted, stepping out of the thicket between the two roads. He expected shock and fear as he revealed himself, but hurriedly tried to make conversation. "Are you having trouble choosing your path? I could provide some help! Of course, that's only if you want it! I realize my appearance is... off-putting but I mean you no harm!" He still had his grin on his face as he took in the beauty before him.
"Oh!" She shrieked at the sudden approach of the stranger.

A look at his face and the child gasped but stayed silent. He was trying to help after all. She bit her tongue and gave the other an appreciative smile. Her deep green eyes fell upon him and she spoke again, "Thank you, I could use your assistance. I am going to the cottage near the end of the wood and I must take the fastest path. But I have forgotten which is."

The girl in the red cloak took some of her long hair which seemed to be touched by a raven, and stroked the strands innocently. Her body was petite and well proportioned. The dress beneath the red was white with baby blue as well. Her smile never faltered.
He smiled once more, his grin convincingly sweet. Could she be the one? "Hmm, a cabin on the other end you say? Tsk tsk. If you can't be more specific, we'll have to go to my cabin and find my map, would that be okay with you?" He eyed her stance appraisingly as she played with her hair. "Follow me" He said and started walking towards his cabin, his step light on the grass and he felt like the pied piper. She would be the perfect one to take. She was gorgeous and undoubtedly pure. Would she be his soon? Then they were at his cabin and he bowed her inside, grinning his wolfish grin.
"But I..." She started before giving in and following the wolfish man to his home.

The girl went inside after being ushered in and walked carefully on the floor. Looking around the place, she was unimpressed but bit her tongue again. The man was most obviously a bachelor. How could he not be with a face like that? The young woman in the red cloak went to the kitchen table beside the fireplace as most kitchen tables were and looked around for a sign of the woodland map.

"Dear sir, I do not see the map here. Where have you placed it?"
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