Stolen pokemon and hearts (Wind & EroJiraiya)


Dec 12, 2011
It was a fairly quite day in Striation City, near the fountain in the public park stood a young man pulling at his clothes, the clothes that easily gave away that he belonged to the infamous Team Rocket and as much as he like the taking over the world using pokemon idea, he could do without the tight and stupid looking uniform. Another man walked up next him and chuckled "You will get use to it with time lad" he explain before getting a glare from the lad, "It's Rekka not lad and how does one get use to this tight black pants, its chafing me." Rekka ranted back as he ran his hands threw his short brown hair.

The other man just shook his head before tossing a pokeball at the lad "Watch it grunt, we can send you back to begging and stealing to survive on the streets" he threatened as Rekka swallowed hard, "Now that is a rattata, it will be your first pokemon" the grey haired man explained with a stupid smile. Rekka just ignored the man's words, he had his own pokemon, the only thing he has left of his dead father, his Komatana (Pawniard).
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