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Hilarity ensues

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Dec 18, 2011
Yeah, so, I don't like doing lists. I'm not into scat or impregnation and I'm an overwhelmingly heterosexual male. Otherwise, I'm fairly open, I just want to discuss things with any prospective partners first.

What follows below is not everything I'm interested in, just my immediate cravings. I'm very willing to variations of them. .

I Married You??

He is a warlord who mostly screws whores and needs to marry for political reasons. He fully expects an obedient wife he'll have to sleep with from time to time; if she's good in bed it's a bonus. Mostly he wants the political power marrying her brings. She is smart and feisty and probably not that happy about being pawned off to a man who smells like leather and sweat and horseflesh half the time.

When they finally do meet, hilarity ensues.

Find Your Own Building to Leap Over/Swing Around

He's a superhero. She's a superheroine. They really should be cooperating as they work in the same city. But for whatever reason, they haven't been getting along. They snipe at each other. They fight over who gets to capture what villains. They disagree over crime-fighting methods. Hell, they bicker over cable television shows.

When they finally start to get along, hilarity ensues.

Pseudo-rape/ Playful Dom
By this I mean I'm looking for a female who protests, but not that forcefully, and she knows that he knows that she knows that both of them are putting on an act, because they both find it so damned erotic. This can be set in all sorts of different eras and locations, the key is that both participants are into playful fun.

And once more, hilarity ensues!

Please PM if interested. Thanks!
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