What's he got that I haven't? (Maxy x littlemspixel)


Mar 9, 2009
Drake couldn't understand why nobody would believe him. A few years ago his parents had told him that they were not his real parents, but that they had adopted him at the age of 5, shortly after the tragic death of his real parents in an accident. Ever since then he had been performing research, trying to look back into his family history, then just a week ago he had made an incredible discovery. He'd had to double check several times, going back through all his notes, all his research, everything, but there was no doubt....no doubt at all....Drake himself was the last descendant of the greatest, most famous Wizard of all time, Merlin himself. At first Drake had been proud, sure that this would finally start to earn him some attention, some friends, these past few years at Hogwarts had been incredibly lonely for the Ravenclaw boy. Every attempt to make friends had ended in failure at best, ridicule and embarassment at worst. But.....when he tried to tell people, tried to show them, they just laughed. The mere suggestion that he was descended from such a great wizard....they found it absurd. Nobody would even look at his research, just dismissing his claims as nonsense. Then they accused him of simply being jealous of Harry Potter, of trying to upstage the Boy who lived....after the first accusation that was what everyone began to say....what everyone began to accuse him of. Even when Drake stopped trying tell others, the accusations still came. How he loathed that Potter boy....what had he done? Simply lived? Sure, at first he had resented his own fame....but lately he seemed to be accepting it, wallowing in it, using it, lapping up the attention, particularly from the girls, like he had done something to earn it.
Well....no more....Drake would stand no more of this. If everyone was going to accuse him of trying to upstage Harry Potter, of just trying to divert the attention of women away from him and to himself instead...fine...that was just what he would do! After all....Drake's discovery hadn't gone unrewarded. Buried deep in books left behind he had found clues, subtle hints to powerful spellbooks hidden away at Hogwarts by Merlin.....and as a true descendant only Drake had been able to find them. These past few days he had immersed himself in the books, learning everything he could, and now a plan had formulated in his mind....and he had the means to carry it out.

"Ugh....." Drake grunted as his hand pumped furiously. The potion was almost ready....it just needed one final ingredient, his own essence, ensuring that the focus of the potions effects would be towards him and no other. To that end, the boy was stood, furiously masturbating himself over a bubbling cauldron of blue liquid. Between his legs, massively swollen balls swung against his legs, he needed much more semen than just a normal orgasm could create, so he'd taken a potion to massively increase that as well. "Ah...ah...." The boy worked himself until finally he felt it happen, with a long low groan he pointed his erection downwards as cum erupted, shooting forth like water from a hose, pumping out a good 3 litres of thick cum into the cauldron before the flow stopped. The cauldron bubbled, the liquid swirling and frothing, before it settled back down, now becoming a completely transparent and odourless fluid. Perfect....it was ready....

The following day Drake had put his plan into action, his first target already clearly identified in his mind....then again it had been since the early stages of this plan. His eyes watched as Ginny Weasley ate her breakfast, just watching silently, waiting for the oppertunity to present itself. Hidden amongst the food at the Gryffindor table was a vial of his potion, ready and waiting for....there! He saw as she looked away, discussing something with someone else. With a quick flick of his wand, Drake brought the vial up, emptying the contents into Ginny's drink before hiding the now empty vial once again. The boy couldn't help but grin as he watched the girl, the supposed object of Harry Potter's affections, down the rest of her drink, along with his potion. Still....the effects wouldn't be immediate....they needed a catalyst......
When breakfast was over, Drake stood along with many others, turning to head out. It was a Saturday, no classes...perfect. Discreetly he followed Ginny, waiting until the crowds had thinned out, until they were outside in the courtyard and there were few people around. "Um....Miss Weasley...?" Drake spoke up from behind her, approaching her quickly, looking as shy and nerdy as always. "Um....can I...just ask you something...?" He looked up at her with a slight smile. Part of him regretted what he was about to do, feeling a little guilty....but it would soon pass...after all, she'd want him to do it soon enough. Before Ginny could tell him to buzz off, he grabbed her arm, suddenly yanking her into a grove of bushes beside them, using the surprise to tumble and pin her to the ground. "Ginny....I can't let Harry have you....you have to be mine...." With no subtlety, Drake's inexperienced hands went to grasp at Ginny's chest through her clothing, the other hand pinning her arms up above her. All he had to do was get her aroused.....now she had drank the potion, any arousal would cause it to take effect....
"Um....Miss Weasley...."
Ginny turned at the mention of her name, recognised the Ravenclaw boy who'd been the object of Hogwarts' most recent scandal - the boy had claimed to be the last descendant of Merlin. What was his name.. Drake, that was it.
She opened her mouth to respond to him, but before she had the chance to do so he was on her, using his own body weight to shove her backwards, through the bushes that lined the path. Ginny struggled underneath him as he pinned her to the ground, grabbing awkwardly at her breasts through her robes.
"Wh.. what are you.. doing, Drake!" she yelled, fighting against him. It was no use - the older boy far outranked her in size and strength. He had her arms pinned above her head, and despite herself, Ginny's mind conjured the fantasy she'd had from time to time about this very situation... her little secret, of course, and one she didn't admit to very often. What woman would want to be forced to... Ginny shook her head, trying to clear the thought from her mind, but not before a little shiver of excitement ran through her navel, curling into a warm ball between her legs.
She shuddered slightly against Drake, feeling a peculiar feeling come over her, like fog, wrapping it's tendrils around her brain...
When she turned Drake saw the look in her eyes, the same look they all gave him, looking down on him for his 'outlandish' claims. Well she'd never look at him like that again, she'd only ever look at him with lust, desire, respect. Oh yes....
She struggled, like he expected, fortuantely he'd put a little something in the potion to weaken her resistance, allow him to overpower her. Despite his appearance, it normally wouldn't be difficult for someone to overpower him, even someone small and weak would likely overpower him in the end, but not today. He felt her shudder beneath him...the first signs of the potion starting to kick in. It was working....just a little more and the effects would take hold, become irreversable...not that the victims would want to reverse it. The hand on Ginny's breast released its grip, only long enough to move down and slip up beneath her shirt, stroking up her stomach and now grasping at her chest through nothing more than the fabric of her bra, his thumb flicking over her nipple. "Don't worry Ginny...you're gonna enjoy it soon....you'll never mock me ever again...and you're never going to look at that over rated asshole Potter...."
"Don't worry.... gonna enjoy it... mock me... asshole Potter..."
Drake's words flickered in and out of hearing, her mind growing ever more clouded as he reached beneath her shirt with the hand that had been groping her, sliding his fingers over her nipple. It hardened at his touch, poking up through her bra's fabric, the stirring below her navel growing stronger. She continued to struggle for a minute, the still-conscious half of her brain fightin against his crude touches, but something in her body responded on it's own, her back arching upwards into his hand, her hips grinding into his own. She could feel the beginnings of an erection pressing up into her thigh, and she moaned, the cry only sounding half distressed...
"Drake.." she managed to get out.. "Please..."
Drake shivered himself as he felt Ginny's nipple harden under his touch....yes...his touch...not Potters. He moved his hand to pinch at the nipple through her bra, then grasp her breast in his entire hand once again, squeezing it a little more roughly than before. Further down their bodies, Drake felt his erection throbbing, aching through his pants, prodding into Ginny's thigh as he continued to clumsily grope her breast. This was the first time he had ever done anything like this before after all, the only thing he had to go on was...well...porn and instinct. He shivered again when he heard her moan....oh how he had loved that noise....he was looking forward to hearing it much much more. "Hm? Please....? Please what Ginny...?" He leaned down to kiss at her neck. He wanted to kiss her mouth, but he wasn't going to take the chance she could bite him.....not until he knew for sure that the potion was in full effect. "What do you want me to do Ginny? If you want me to get off you....just say so...."
"Ohh..." Ginny moaned again as Drake pinched her nipple, hard. As much as she tried to fight it, she couldn't ignore the stirring in the pit of her belly, the way her hips threatened to buck upwards, grinding into Drake's quickly hardening prick, which was dangerously high on Ginny's thigh.
If you want me to get off you....just say so...." she heard Drake say, but the words sounded as though played through a radio wth the volume down very low... the littlest Weasley tried to think of a response, but more and more, all she could think about was the way Drake was touching her, the way her body ached for more...
She thought that was the right answer. His lips touched her neck, a small, wet flicker against her skin, and she knew it was.
"Ohhh... Drake," she said, the distress now absent altogether from her moan.
Every moan she made sent shivers through Drake's body, oh how he had fantasized about hearing noises like that from any girl...but to hear them from Ginny Weasley, the girl who would be Harry Potters girlfriend...and now she was moaning his name....Drake's name....oh yes...she would never moan anyone elses name ever again. "Mmmm....." Drake grinned as he sucked and nibbled on her neck, the hand at her chest moving down slightly to grasp her bra, then force it upwards and allowing her breasts to bounce free. The hand that had been restraining Ginny's arms above her slowly released its grip, allowing her own hands and arms to be free....it was time to test just what she would do.
Drake grunted as he felt his erection now painfully large in his pants. He was rather well endowned at a somewhat considerable 8.5 inches...but still....he'd always wished to be even just a bit bigger...perhaps further study of Merlin's spellbooks was needed.
Ginny sighed as Drake released her breasts, then her arms. Immediately, she entwined her fingers in his hair, throwing back her head to allow him better access to her neck. She bent her knee, sliding her leg upwards between his, her leg pressing ever harder against his now rampant erection.
Freeing her fingers from his hair, she reached down, grabbing at his robes and tugging them down around his waist, exposing his chest to her wandering fingers. She stroked the fingers of one hand gently over his torso, using the other to tilt his chin upwards, where she could lock her lips with his in a passionate kiss.
When she ran her fingers through his hair Drake knew the potion was in full effect, then her knee went up to gently rub against his erection, grinding it against her thigh...oh yes, she was his now...her body belonged to him and him alone, and would do so forever from this moment on. He groaned as she tugged at his robes and shirt, nearly popping the buttons as she revealed his somewhat scrawny chest. Yeah he wasn't muscular, but he knew that wouldn't matter to her anymore. Drake shivered as her fingertips stroked at his skin, then gasped as she leaned up to kiss him...his first kiss....the first of many. Immediately Drake started to return the kiss, his hands releasing her breasts in order to reach down and grab at her shirt, yanking it upwards above her breasts to reveal her breasts to the air, and his eyes.
Ginny made no move to restrain Drake as he tore her shirt up, leaving her half naked, only a glance around a bush's length from the rest of the student population. She continued to kiss him with fervour, then moved her head down to attack his neck, kissing, sucking, licking and biting the skin of his neck and collarbones.
"Drake," she murmured, in between tasting the salt on his skin, "...I want you."
She left it at that, continuing to explore his chest with her mouth, her petite fingers reaching down to take handfuls of his robes, shoving them down his legs to expose his pants, which she eagerly started tugging at the waistband of. Arching her back so that her breasts slid up along his chest, she freed his prick, sighing with pleasure as it rubbed against the bare skin of her thigh, where her robes had ridden up in their struggle.
Drake stared down at Ginny's breasts when she broke the kiss to talk, gasping as he stared at her perfectly formed breasts. No wonder Potter had the hots for her....Ginny's figure was absolutely perfect, everything was perfectly proportioned....oh yes...Drake had chosen his first target very well....an ideal person to lose his virginity with. "Nnn....well Ginny....it's a good thing I want you too...." He grinned as she almost desperately started to go for the rest of his clothing, his own hands slowly sliding back up her stomach, then gently cupping her bare breasts, giving the flesh a gentle squeeze, digging his fingertips in just a little. He grunted as she tugged at his pants, then gasped as his erection sprang free, the boy somewhat relieved to be free of his tight cloth prison. "Nnn....come on Ginny....take off your panties....and beg me for it..." He wanted to hear her.... "Beg me to give you my cock....and tell me you'll never look at Harry Potter with anything but disgust ever again..."
"Who?..." Ginny murmured absentmindedly - her thoughts were far too consumed with Drake - the feeling of his hands on her naked flesh, the quick, hot pants of breath that hit her neck between the words he was gritting his teeth to force out through his desire.. How could she have never noticed him before? She heard his request, and hurried to comply, stroking the fingers of one hand delicately from the base of his prick to it's tip, lingering there for just a moment before she reached beneath her robes, her hands coming back with red, lace panties in tow. She drew them down over her thighs, shifting her legs so that Drake was between them and slipping free of her knickers.
"Please... I want to feel you..." she sighed, her hips unconsciously tilting upwards so that the short, neatly trimmed red hair that lined her pussy tickled Drake's stomach, his prick sliding over the damp place between her legs.
Who? Who she asked? Oh just hearing that....Drake couldn't help but grin broadly. This was working out better than he had ever expected...she was so devoted to him she had forgotten about Potter completely for the time being. Oh yes....this was just absolutely perfect. The way she was panting, the feeling of her body writhing around beneath his hands. Oh this was the greatest moment of his life. His hands continued to squeeze and play with her breasts whilst Ginny reached down to remove her panties, grinning as she lifted them up, Drake releasing one of her breasts to take hold of her panties, taking them from her slowly. "I'll be keeping these...." Yes...a little trophy...a mark of his conquest....the start of a collection. "Nnngh...." Drake shivered as she rubbed against him, begging him to take her. Slowly his hand slid down, rubbing gently at her damp pussy, fingers teasing to enter her, but never quite doing so. "Oh I'm going to enjoy this...."

Drake licked his lips as he moved his hands, suddenly taking hold of Ginny's legs, spreading them and pushing them forward, pushing her knees up to her chest to give him easy access to her lower body. "Since you asked so nicely Ginny..." Drake rubbed the tip of his cock against her pussy, shivering and groaning. "I'm going to bury myself in you....not just now...but over and over...whenever I feel the need...wherever I feel the need...." He licked his lips, then once he was lined up he started to slowly push forward. He let out a loud gasp, then bit his lip. He had to remember, they were simply behind a bush....there could easily be people walking by. For now he needed to be quiet...he couldn't afford to be caught....not just yet anyway. "Nnngh...." He had to bite hard as he continued to slide inside of Ginny's body. Oh this felt heavenly....so much better than he had ever imagined it could be. Finally....finally he had lost his virginity....and to the girl that was supposed to be Harry Potter's!
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