The happening right now

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Jul 1, 2010
Things in the tower could not be more convenient for both Robin and Starfire.

Since the countless missions, Robin and Starfire rarely spoke. Not only with taking care of the city and where trouble was, but being with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Not that they were troublesome but private time was what was needed between these two.

Robin hoped that Starfire was just as much in the mood as he was; as a leader, he had needs and he expected them from her. Of course, she had needs as well. One which caused a small problem...

"I am not taking it off..." He repeated to her as they sat in the living room. He gave a frown as his mask had once again been brought up into the situation between how she wanted to see his true face and how he did not want any to know how he looked. But should she be the expection?
Sho said:
Things in the tower could not be more convenient for both Robin and Starfire.

Since the countless missions, Robin and Starfire rarely spoke. Not only with taking care of the city and where trouble was, but being with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Not that they were troublesome but private time was what was needed between these two.

Robin hoped that Starfire was just as much in the mood as he was; as a leader, he had needs and he expected them from her. Of course, she had needs as well. One which caused a small problem...

"I am not taking it off..." He repeated to her as they sat in the living room. He gave a frown as his mask had once again been brought up into the situation between how she wanted to see his true face and how he did not want any to know how he looked. But should she be the expection?

Starfire huffed "Then I am not doing any of the things with you tonight" she said adding air quotes around 'things' her accent was getting better but she still did not understand so many Earth words.

She glanced at him for a moment then sighed "Please Robin?" she pleaded placing a hand on either of his legs and leaning forward. "I will do anything you wish" she added her eyes big and round as she looked at him as if she already could see his eyes behind it.

She frowned seeing he wasn't going to budge and she crossed her arms over her crest "The only one's who need cover there faces are those with something to hide" she said rasing a finger and shaking her head as she quoted her Tamaranian guardian who took care of her when she was young
Robin sighed. *sweat drop*

As usual starfire did tend to make things more in her favor which was very reasonable. However, Robin was one who wanted things in the 'right' way which he viewed things. Yet, sometimes he went against them for special cases such as this.

"look star, I happy with the way things are now. There's NOTHING that I want you to do for me." he gave a smile trying to charm on her. "I have nothing to hide and things have been like this right?" he asked holding her hands attempting to charm her out of this again. Although it was becoming harder each time.

"Besides..." he smirked "Don't I appear more "mysterist" to you? Does that not make me even more attractive?" he added attempting to get her off of it.
"Robin you would be most attractive to me in any way you dressed" she said smiling and then she sighed "Even more so if you were to remove you mask" she mumbled to her self knowing he heard. "If you have nothing to hide the why hide your face from me?" she asked her eyes wide she sighed finally and shook her head "On one of these days I will have you take it off" she said

Starfire smiled sweetly at him and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips "Are you so sure Robin? Is there nothing you want?" she asked as she ran a hand up and down his leg with a feather light tough "Nothing at all?" she asked with a smile
Robin realized that Starfire was not going to let this go easily. (damn now what?) he wondered. Firm and determined, Robin had decided to go with the one thing that could work. He turned his face towards shy and blush. In a low voice, he said, "I am self conious about my face...." although a lie, he hoped that her navie persona would betray her as usual as he pretended to be sensitive about his appearance.

"I don't think that I am ready..." he added with a false shy tone to make himself look cute.
Starfire frowned and sighed "If you are truly not ready I will not force you" she said as she rolled her eyes Starfire was naive but she was not stupid. Robin never was shy about anything with himself especially around her, and although it had taken him a while to express his feelings for her, Starfire had still never considered him shy.

Leaning back against the couch she sighed again "When are our friends coming home?" she asked curios as to how much time they had together
Her reaction was different than what he expected. However, happy to change the subject, he answered. "I do not know to be honest. Although I know that Raven is likely in her room while Beast Boy and Cyborg are out."

After answering, he realized that Starfire made her body much easier for him to see. Although he was who he was, he was still a guy. "Why? Want something to do?" he asked as he gently pressed his body much closer to hers as if whispering.
Starfire smiled and rolled her eyes again "Probably for pizza" she smiled at the thought of her friends fighting over the last slice as they always did when the team went out for pizza after a mission.

She was pleased as she watched his eyes roam over her body and she gave him a little uncommon half smirk "Did you have some thing for us in mind?" she asked. She smoothed her hand up his leg. "We have not been together for so long" she said softly as she leaned forward wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips to his in a kiss as she scooted closer to him. She shifted into his lap her ass against his hard thighs.
"Of course..." he said as he shared the kiss. Robin knew first hand how effectively he was able to pleasure starfire. Of course, he did do different things that were begining to change her into a more 'bad' girl little by little. However, her persona never the less, remained the same as he would make her blush with his kisses and cuddling moves on her ears, neck, cheek, chin, lips and anywhere else on her body.

He wrapped around her as he worked on her neck sucking gently along her orange skin.
Starfire blushed as his arms curled around her and his lips found her neck. Letting out a soft moan and running her fingers through his dark hair "Robin" she whispered softly and as his head raised back up to look at her face she smiled and caught his lips in her own. She ran her toungue over his upper lip and let out a soft happy sigh

"Do the taking of me..." she whispered the words sounding odd as they came off her toungue. She wanted him more than ever neeede him, they hadn't been alone like this for so long
Robin could see how much in the mood Starfire was. "Of course..." he answered in return as he made work with his hands of 'magic'. Robin's hands were effective in pressing hard against spots on her breasts that were the proper nerves for 'sweet' spots towards her arousal. Knowing that their clothing would be in the way, he moved his gloves off before moving into her top digging his way in to play.
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