1X1 Spider-man rp. razerwing and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place in a café in New York City where a female girl is suppose to meet her new photographer that will be taking pictures of her when she practices her modeling skills and talents of her after she graduates from college which is this year.

Her father put the add in paper for someone to take pictures of his daughter and only one person responded to the add and it wasn’t Peter Parker, it was someone else and no one knows whom this person is except for Peter Parker, and MJ were the only ones that knew who this guy was.

The female girl name is Angel and she is great friends with Peter, and MJ they all went to high school together and also go to college as well and Angel always hangs out with MJ and she knew that Harry liked MJ a lot, but he hasn’t asked her out yet.

It’s about 3pm in the afternoon on a nice Saturday afternoon out like today. (D.)
Eddie pulled up to the address he'd seen in the ad. 'Nice place,' he thought to himself, readying his camera. He was going to, hopefully, be taking pictures, and getting paid. He walked up to the door, knocking three times. "Hello? I'm Eddie Brooks! I'm here for the ad you guys posted in the paper!" He waited, checking to see if his camera had film, and if the flash was working. After he checked everything, he had nothing to do but wait silently.
Angel opens up the doors up to the cafe she was in and she said to him,"Hi i'm Angel and it's nice to meet you Eddie and please do come in to the cafe. You'll be taking pictures of me instead of Peter Parker, and my father wanted you to take my pictures because I would like ot become a model Eddie." She leaded Eddie to her table and she said to him,"Please have a seat and here are the drinks you can order from the cafe and go ahead and order anything you'd want to eat or drink my treat Eddie."
Eddie nodded, sitting down. His eyes wandered over the café, and an appreciative smile came across his face. He crossed his arms over his chest, nodding slightly. "This is a nice little place ya got here, Miss Angel." He chuckled when she came to Peter. "Yeah, I'm glad I beat him to the punch on this. Not everyday I get to take the picture of a model." He tilted his head. "Well, not like this anyway." He shook his head at the offer of drinks.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to say no on the food and drinks. Can't take good photo's with a swimmy head, ya know? And that, Miss Angel, wouldn't be good for you're modeling career, now would it?" He stood up, raising his eyebrow. "So, may I ask when, where, and how you want to do this thing?" He shifted his weight to his other foot while he waited for an answer.
THe waiter handed Angel a glass of water and she drinks her glass of water up and she said to Eddie,"I only drink water before you take pictures of me and were heading towards the beach now,that is where you'll be taking pictures of me by the beach in my bathing suit and make sure that the pictures are really good if you want to get paid by my father Eddie ok." Angel leaves the table and said to Eddie,"Please follow me to the beach it's about a block away from this cafe we can walk to it and let's get going shall we hmm Eddie.?" She leaves the cafe and she waits for Eddie outside of the cafe and she'd knew this town very well and she knew that it was a beautiful day to walk to the beach.
Eddie bowed slightly, standing and opening the door for her. "Yeah, let's get down to the beach." He stopped suddenly, thinking. "Hey, when do I get paid?" He tilted his head, looking down at his camera. He tapped his foot. "Nevermind. Let's get these pictures taken."
Angel said to Eddie,"Do not worry you'll get paid by tonight right at 6pm depends if your pictures turn out really good and my father likes them a lot. If my father likes the pictures you have taken of me you'd get paid $200.00 right on the spot and my father finishes work right at 5pm every night Eddie." "Does that answer your question hmm Eddie.?" Angel walked to the beach and she looks around for a good place for Eddie to take pictures of her in her bathing suit and she said to Eddie," Do you see a good place for you to take pictures of me in my bathing suit hmm Eddie? I would liek your opion as well."
Eddie smiled. "Yeah, that answers it alright." 'Two hundred by 5 'o' clock,' he thought to himself. He followed her around, looking for good spots to take the photos. He was so deep in concentration that he jumped when she called his name. "Oh. Yeah, I saw one a few feet back. Follow me so we can get this done." When he got to the spot, near the water on a small sanddune, he started to mark out X's. Places to stand for him. Of course, he never followed those. He looked up to Angel. "Ready when you are," he said, crouching with the camera in hand.
Angel nods her head and she begins to do a lot of different poses for Eddie camera to take pictures of her and she said to him,"I'm glad that I answered your question when you are getting paid Eddie." She smiled at Eddie and let Eddie begin to take pictures with his camera only and she smiled away at him and followed the x's that he has marked with a stick in the sand. Angel removes her cloak off of her body to reveal her two piece red bikini bathing suit and she said to Eddie,"I hope thta this bathing suit won't distract you from taking pictures of me at the beach and I'm ready to start right away if you are ready as well,go ahead and start taking pictures of me in my bathing suit I trust you Eddie."
Unfortunately for Eddie, the two-piece was a little distracting, but he did do his job. He circled around her, making a small mental note to get some copies for the house. He snapped a few more pictures, quickly licking his lips. "Alright, is that enough, or should I take more. The ad never said how many photo's you guys wanted."
Angel said to Eddie,``Two more pictures will be perfect and take two more pictures of me in this bathing suit and you sure are very good at where you want me to stand for my pictures being taken by you only Eddie.` Angel was smiling away at the camera and she was glad that these pictures were almost done being taken by Eddie.
"Two more? Alright." He smiled, and for the briefest moment, he pictured them together, on the beach. He shook his head before smiling at her. "Alright, now I want you to put your arms above your head, and kick you leg back. Enjoy the sun." He snapped the picture the second she got it right. "Now for this one, I want you to lay on your side. Think 'sexy day at the beach,'" He snapped the last one, and helped Angel stand. "Ok then, we're all done here. Anything else you need, Miss Angel?"
Angel said to Eddie,"No that is all Mr. Eddie Brock and what would you like to do now hmm Eddie?" She knew that she did pretty well when her pictures got taken by Eddie and she wonders what else he could be up to this time and she smiled away at Eddie and hoped that her father will like these pictures very much. She put's her bathing suit cover over top of her bathing suit and she stayed close to Eddie for some reason and wondered if he'd like to walk along this beach with her for a little bit or not.
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