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my little request thread (Updated 7/3, now need a straight/bi guy also!)

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Apr 8, 2010
Hi! How are you doing today? Well thank you for comeing to my little page, I hope we can find something we both like Right up front im going to say I ONLY RP with females. Sorry if that is dumb to you but its just my thing. (There is one thing I need a guy for at the bottom)

I don't really think im picky, I don't mind if you use * or if you write 3rd person. Just let me know befor hand what way you like better. Im not the best speller, nor do I always use the correct grammer or puncuation so I don't exspect you to either.

I have an f-list I'll post the link at the bottem. If its in the 'no' list the only way ill do it is if I have a 'fav' or 'yes' that is a 'no' to you and we comprimise and do both.

Im open to a lot of different things, I don't mine a lot of story but ill be honest and say ill exspect atleast an equal amount of smut too. An all smut RP is fine too and so is anything in the middle. I have a few ideas that ill list but also feel free to list ones that you have. I only ask that when we are getting one going please tell me what kinks from my list and from what you like that you want to add or not have. Id really hate to assume you are fine with everything I like and do something and ruin the vibe of the Rp.

Pairings I like: brother/sister step siblings cousins school girl/tutor school girl/best friend brother/sisters friend slave/master boy/kitty girl boy/doggie girl slut/almost any guy and there probubly more.

Current plot ideas:

Slime Time: Young male finds a cave out by his house wile wondering around one day. Inside the cave he finds a scared girl and after getting closer he notices shes made out of a light pink slime. He agrees to take care of her as long as she does anything and everything he wants. She has the ability to change any part of her body and take different forms, as well as be as hard or soft as she wants.

Futa-girl: (the pairing can be a few different ones) the male is one of the very few that knows her secret and doesn't make fun of her so she opens up to him. This leads to them messeing around quite often.

Futa-misstress: name basicly tells all. An older but not to old futa is the misstress to a younger male.

Family fun: there are a lot of different things we could do, so if you have an idea let me know

Ill add more later possibly, if you want something I don't list just ask, and if you like something but have a different aproach go ahead and tell me, nothing is writen in stone.

UPDATE: So I have this new thing I would love. I really want a guy to tell me all the things he would do to my "wife", he can ask anything about he that he wants! Thanks!
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