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PLOTS AHOY! 1x1 Het/MM/FF Literate - fandom and original

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Jun 11, 2010
Been at this for around 11 years now so I'm an old hat with plenty of experience up her belt. There are rules you should know about rping by now if you're up to scratch so I won't reiterate them here. I will say I won't take anything but 3rd person, past tense, but that's pretty much the standard anyway. My limits are few, mostly to do with bodily fluids and cannibalism.

If you require a sample post from me, I can supply one (please don't check my posts, they're so very old), but I will, more than like, ask for one from you right off the bat. If you could give me one when you initiate conversation that would be fantastic. As a guide, I prefer a standard post size of 2-4 paragraphs. This being said I can go anywhere up to about 1+1/2 pages on word(size 10 times new roman) should the need arise, I just find the former allows for the best balance of substance and interaction without pulling any writing hamstrings.

In Het pairings I will only play the woman, sorry, personal preference and whatnot. There is only 1 femslash pairing I'm up for, it's down in Dragon Age.
The more +'s, the more I want to play it, though I won't turn down any of them unless I have too many of that one.

M/M plots

~++++Fox, a college student majoring in modern literature, appears to be what everyone wishes they could be. He goes to parties, sleeps around and skips classes all while maintaining good grades. No one sees just how close he is to falling apart... except maybe his roommate.

~+A man with a young daughter struggles to get by. Add love into the mix and things get a lot more complicated.

~++++A young prince, convinced his future wife is out to kill him, clings more and more to his body guard. Is he just paranoid or is there a real threat to his life and the stability of the kingdom?

~+Magic runs in the family, his father had said. He hadn't mentioned it also came with a shadow guide who liked to get a bit too close and personal.

M/F plots

~+++Being a Lady Knight in the service of the King wasn't exactly easy. She kept everyone at arm's length until He came along.

~+++Her family dead, Zia disguises herself as a boy and flees her homelands. With only a small bag of gold to buy her passage to freedom she must find work to survive, all the while trying to track down those who had turned her life up-side-down.

Fandom Plots

Star Wars: KOTOR
~+A Jedi and a prostitute may be the only hope left for a young prince kidnapped by the Sith.

Legend of Zelda: OOT
~++Whenever a enemy of the realm rises to threaten it, two figures are born to fight. One a leader of the land, the other a hero to smite evil. This time, however, the enemy knows this. Monsters have been sent to destroy the hero before she is able to come into her power and courage. The pair will have to work together this time, or Hyrule is doomed.

Dragon Age
~++After the destruction of Kirkwall's Chantry, all Anders' demons, both figuratively and literally begin to catch up to him. Starting with an unhappy reunion of Grey Wardens. Hawke is not pleased.

~++++Dealing with the aftermath of Kirkwall wasn't as hard to come to terms with as Fenris had thought it would be. A large part of that definitely had to do with Hawke; but lately the man hasn't been looking so well...

~++Isabela loves the sea. She loved it even more now that Hawke was on it with her. Best part was, hanky panky with another woman didn't undermine her authority. Now if only the mage would get this stupid heroic nonsense out of her head so they could stop heading straight into the thick of conflict. (in this one, sadly I will only play Hawke)

~+++Fenris didn't expect a little bit of ale and a sad story to sway him towards helping another elf but here he was, about to battle a band of assassins alongside the elf that introduced himself as Zevran Arainai.
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