"Rise Horror Gundam!" (me and Howabout)


Apr 16, 2011

(his Gundam)
http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/62aee8a1f2e5dded0078f5bef92378ca/http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af353/StupidPicLoad/EvilAnime3.png (nanashi)
Nanashi The Nightmare was heading for earth. His cold red eye where filled with malice. Why had he come here? He chuckled "madness reigns." as he began his decent though earth's atmosphere. when he noticed a ship in low orbit heading for him. he smiled as his Gundam came to life. "the first catch of the day...." he mused as he took control, he shifted, His gun was pointed at the ship and with one shot it it exploded in great fashion. Nanashi just laughed as he felt the joy of starting his dream. He would find the one who could end him. The one who brought the dawn and the end of Nightmares. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realize he still falling. He tried to take control of his Gundam but to no avail, he hit the ocean and began to sink. he climbed out and swam to shore. he looked back, he would get his Gundam later. When he got to shore he took off his suite and revealed his nightmarish like clothing underneath he had evil runes and ancient other worldly glyphs. "well that could have gone better." he said as he took in his surroundings. "ill will show them the greatest nightmare." he laughed. He then caught sight of someone who had spotted him on the beach. He merely stood there like a statue. he could sense something differnt about this one. he looked at them interest that he ha never known before. "what fun." he thought as he smiled and bowed gracefully.
christian7_41king said:

(his Gundam)
http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/62aee8a1f2e5dded0078f5bef92378ca/http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af353/StupidPicLoad/EvilAnime3.png (nanashi)
Nanashi The Nightmare was heading for earth. His cold red eye where filled with malice. Why had he come here? He chuckled "madness reigns." as he began his decent though earth's atmosphere. when he noticed a ship in low orbit heading for him. he smiled as his Gundam came to life. "the first catch of the day...." he mused as he took control, he shifted, His gun was pointed at the ship and with one shot it it exploded in great fashion. Nanashi just laughed as he felt the joy of starting his dream. He would find the one who could end him. The one who brought the dawn and the end of Nightmares. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realize he still falling. He tried to take control of his Gundam but to no avail, he hit the ocean and began to sink. he climbed out and swam to shore. he looked back, he would get his Gundam later. When he got to shore he took off his suite and revealed his nightmarish like clothing underneath he had evil runes and ancient other worldly glyphs. "well that could have gone better." he said as he took in his surroundings. "ill will show them the greatest nightmare." he laughed. He then caught sight of someone who had spotted him on the beach. He merely stood there like a statue. he could sense something differnt about this one. he looked at them interest that he ha never known before. "what fun." he thought as he smiled and bowed gracefully.

Relena Darlian was still wet from her swim in the ocean and had been walking towards the blanket on the beach when some noise caused her to turn and look up towards the sky in time to see something crash into the ocean. She blinked, not sure what it was because it had fallen too fast for her to be able to identify it. She stood perfectly still, not moving a single muscle as he swam to shore. He didn't notice that she was watching him until after he had taken off his suit. Her blue eyes widened seeing the strange clothes he was wearing with unfamiliar symbols on them.

Relena didn't know what to do when he'd finally spotted her and it seemed as if he didn't know what to do either at first. He just stood there and stared at her for a long time. And then he smiled at her and bowed. Which worked to get her moving again. Still unsure what to do, she looks around as if seeking help or advice from someone, but there was no one else around, then she remembered she had
chosen to come to the beach by herself. Hopefully she won't regret that decision.

Now that the shock of seeing him had worn off, she hesitantly walked towards him, then stopped, not getting too close. He didn't look injured but she still asked him, "Are you alright? Who are you?"
Nanashi merely smiled "i am fine my dear." he then turned back towards the sea and thought a moment "who am i indeed. i have many names, but it doesn't matter now." he then shook off what water was on him and then looked at where his Gundam fell. "it lies behind stars and under hill and empty holes it fill, it comes first and fallows after, ends life, kills laughter." Nanashi sang this and then rose his hand into the air snapping his fingers shouting "Rise! horror gundam!" his gundam slowly rose to the surface and then was on the shore standing near Nanashi. "I'll see you later my dear" he then jumped into the cockpit and was gone.

night fell as he did a search for the girl he saw and found her under the name Relena. he smiled he would be seeing her again very soon.
She'd hesitated to tell anyone what she had seen, when Relena finally did tell her guardian she was surprised and a little alarmed that they believed her. Leaving them to talk in hushed voices, she quietly snuck out of the house. It was late, but she needed a breath of fresh air and to be alone to think. She didn't tell anyone that she was going for a walk, they didn't even know that she'd left the safety of the house.

She was wearing a blue dress and white sweater, the sweater wasn't buttoned. It was windy, but the white headband prevented the wind from blowing her blond hair in her eyes as she walked, her black pumps echoing off the sidewalk. Relena didn't have a destination in mind, she wasn't even paying attention to where she was walking.
Nanashi appeared in front of her. "well Relena we meet again." he smiled. he leaned against a wall and said "so whats a girl like you doing here? you know its not safe to be walking alone around here." his gaze never left her. he then turned towards the full moon in the sky and said "the moon is nice tonight." he chuckled as he started to circle around her. "you are a special person my dear Relena." Nanashi looked more menacing in the moonlight and said "I am Nanashi The Nightmare."
Nanashi startled her when he appeared in front of her. He'd appeared too quick for her to stop walking and she had literally bumped right into him. He smiled and leaned against the wall and her very first thought was How does he know my name? I never told him.. or did I? When he asked her what a girl like her was doing there, she didn't answer. She just looked into his eyes, unable to look away. But when he turned towards the full moon in the sky she shook her head as if trying to snap herself out of it.

"Me? Special? Why? I'm no different than any other girl." He did indeed look menecing in the moonlight, and she was becoming more and more uncomfortable and more and more aware that she was alone with him with each passing second. "Nanashi The Nightmare?" She repeated. "Why do you call yourself that?"
Nanashi laughed "you ask too many questions." he smiled at her as he stood up and straightened his cloths. "relax... I am not going to hurt you... at least i don't plan on it." he chuckled again finding her fear and in fact this whole situation amusing. Two thugs came up to Nanashi looking to mess with him. he just smiled and said "Relena let me show you how i got my name." Nanashi breathed on the thugs who stepped back and then started screaming fear etched on their faces. they then fell down dead, the fear and terror frozen on their faces as they clutched their hearts.
"how frail no fun at all." he shook his head "Fearcosis quite a nasty thing to contract. scares you to death literally." he then said " Relena i think you should keep my profile to yourself unless you really want to meet me on unpleasant terms." he smiled and then turned and said "i like you so much i could just hack you into little pieces." he then left humming a little tune to himself.
Relena watched, horrified, as the thugs reacted to Nanashi breathing on them, with fear. They'd stepped back screaming but then collapsed -dead. Their eyes wide open, the look of fear frozen on their faces. "Oh my god", she gasped. Their hands had clutched at their hearts, a sign that their fear had literally stopped their hearts from beating.

Her heart had started pounding a bit faster as well. Hearing him say 'how frail no fun at all' she turned and saw him shake his head as if disapointed. She listened to him explain what it was he'd done, all the while she concentrated on calming herself down. When he told her she should keep his profile to herself unless she wanted to meet him on unpleasant terms, she took that to be a threat. And after seeing how easily he had ended those thugs lives... she did not want to get on his bad side.

Then he smiled and said the oddest thing to her, about liking her so much he could just hack her into little pieces. If he was trying to frighten her further -he'd succeeded. But she'd already told her guardians about him. When she'd snuck out of the house they were talking about it.

After Nanashi walked away humming a little tune to himself, Relena ran home. She had to convince them that she made the whole thing up. And she knew exactly how to convince them that she lied.

A few hours later and she was in the safety of her bedroom. She'd played the needy spoiled brat card, and it had worked. Everyone's been so busy that they'd hardly any time with her. It was easy to convince them that she'd lied to get their attention. But now she was grounded, she didn't even know for how long. They were that angry. But at least they had believed her. But had she done the right thing? He'd killed those thugs so easily... and without remorse.. true they were thugs who had approached him to attack him, and probably her right after.. but still..
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