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F seeks M for dark romance, gothic fairytales and forbidden love, some fandoms

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Dec 8, 2011
Hello there, this is a request for literate story-driven role play plots with male characters. I have no preference for male or female players, but at this point in time I am only looking for games involving male x female romance and sex, with myself playing the female character.

I have a preference for RPing via the forums, private messages or by email as opposed to IMs as I may not always be online at the same time as my writing partners and I prefer not to have to split my posts into several parts due to the character limit on IM programs.

Desired Traits
Older male/younger (adult!)female
Plot twists
Forbidden love
Incest (father and daughter or uncle and niece)
Reasonable standards of literacy
Sexual coercion (You know I really want to)
Lost innocence
Passionate sex*

No Thanks
Text talk (how r u)
Dirty talk
OOC *hugs*, it’s just creepy
Younger male/older female
Children and pregnancy
Futa, monsters, furries
Rape and non-con
Rough sex†

*Clothes ripping, panting breath, desperate ‘I need you now’ hot shagging
† Face-slapping, fingers in mouth, ramming cock down throats, typical porn shite

Scenes and Settings
Gothic Horror: Dracula, Frankenstein, Sweeney Todd, etc
Dark Fairytale: Variations upon Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, etc
Historical: Ancient Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Plantagenet, Tudor, Georgian and Victorian
Fantasy: Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Conan

My Character Types
Heterosexual females between the ages of 16 and 35 (or relevant equivalents if characters are immortal)
Humans, elves, vampires, fae (human-sized), nymphs
Queens, princesses, warriors, sorceresses, commoners, maidservants, rangers, thieves, barbarians, witches

Desired Partner’s Character Types
Heterosexual males between the ages of 40 and 60* (or relevant equivalents if characters are immortal)
Humans, elves, vampires, incubi
Kings, princes, dukes, mayors, nobility, warriors, sorcerers, thieves, barbarians, judges, coppers

*I will make an exception for a teenaged Snape game where he's 16+ as long as the plot develops into adulthood

Desired Character Pairings
The character I would like to play is in bold

Persephone x Hades
Mina Harker x Dracula
Lucy Westenra x Dracula
The Brides x Dracula
Original Character x Dracula
Housemaid x Doctor Jekyll
Johanna x Judge Turpin Craving
Housemaid x Judge Turpin Craving
Elizabeth of York x Richard III
Catherine of Aragon x Henry VII
Nymphadora Tonks x Severus Snape Craving
Original Character x Severus Snape Craving

Plot Bunnies
To come

If you are interested in one of more of these ideas please PM me, do NOT reply in this thread. Thank you.

It'd be great if people who PMed me about writing with me would let me know that they've changed their minds rather than leave me hanging. Learn some damned manners people.
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