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A Passion from Crime (Lilmintz, BeauteousDeath, Deathmonkey1484, riverrust)

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Sep 12, 2011
In my head... sometimes a scary place
She and her sister had been lined up with the rest. Small hands look for someone to hold onto, and found just her sister. She was suddenly alone. Then they came and everything turned red, and dark She only remembered them both being bigger than life, along with one of them having a cross tattooed upon the back of his right hand, the other had a scar above and under his right eye.

Katherine woke up from her nightmare..dream.. whatever it was. She pushed her copper hair back from her face and started to undo the braid as she sat up in her bed, then looked over to see Trish. Combing her fingers through her hip length hair she then swung her legs over her bed and rubbed her face before she stood and started to dress for the day, though she tried to be quiet, wanting her sister to sleep a little longer. Light green dress, which contrasted beautifully with her hair, and brought out her green eyes, that was the typical fashion of the day. They came back to Sturgis from Virginia in hopes to find the men that saved them ten years ago from a horrible fate. Katherine wished to thank them both. Though she wasn't sure if the words of gratitude would be enough.

Once she was ready, leaving her hair down to trail in loose curls down her back, though she pinned the sides up to keep it out of her face, she gently shook Trish on the shoulder, “Time to wake up,” she said softly, once she was sure that her sister was waking up, she left the room she'd rented out and proceeded down the stairs so she may order breakfast, and start asking around again. She was hoping someone would tell her today, that yes, they know of whom she spoke of, and point her in the right direction. The dining area was fairly empty. Only two others were there before her. She took a spot in the back corner, keeping an eye on everything before her. From her vantage point, she could see the entire room, and who would come in and out. A woman couldn't be too careful in any part of the country, but she knew especially this one.
Trish was a girl that didn't have much but the one thing she did have was her twin sister, Katherine, which she called her Kate, most of the time anyway, at least when they weren't fighting. Which seemed to be allot lately. Her sister was obsessed with finding the guys that saved her a long time ago, when they were kids.

Trish stretched as she woke up from her sister gently shaking her shoulder trying to wake her up. "Let me sleep, Kate." She said as she pulled the covers up over her head. Knowing Kate wouldn't give up until she was awake "God, you are just like mom, a pest. Go away." finely giving up she took both end of the blanket and folded them down and sat up in bed. "Fine, I'm up. Happy now?" She said in a irreparable mood.

Throwing her feet over the bed like a two year old not getting her way, she got up and to take a bath, and get ready to meet Kate down stairs, just like every morning.

She dried her self off and grabbed her dress which was one of her favorite dresses, red and black with lace, and a few black gems outlining the dress, with her heels, and pulled her hair back where some was up and some was down. "I am beautiful" She said in the mirror when she was fully dressed and pleased with the way she looked today.

Grabbing her things she made her way down stairs to meet up with her sister for breakfast and start the hunt. When she reached the bottom she looked over to were she knew she would be sitting. The same corner she sits in everyday, asking questions about the guys with the tattoo and scar.

She walked over and took her seat next to her and ordered her food, eggs, bacon and toast. "Good morning Sis. I see nothing new? You had the dream again didn't you?" She asked knowing that it was going to be worse today, she always knows when her sister has the same dream the hunt seems more active then most days. "Again? When is this going to end? Do you really think we are going to find them? Hell, for all we know they could be dead." She said as she took and small bite of her eggs. "I think its time to make a life and fall in love, get married, have kids. Don't you? Please, Lets move on." Trish knew what Kate's answer would be. it was a never ending circle, and Kate was pulling her down with her. "Your living in the past, and I am tried of you pulling me down with you. We need to keep our name going. We are the last." She knew it was no use. She wasn't going to move today, and she wasn't going to leave the table with Kate sitting her all by herself, not in this town.
Terrick Stone tied his horse off at Parson's General Store and gave the busy, dusty main street a broad sweep with his eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary caught his attention, so he stepped up to the boardwalk and entered the establishment. Times were pretty good for the people of Sturgis, what with the influx of families looking for a new life, people of wealth trying to escape urban thievery, and cattle ranchers arriving to grow their herds on the ample grazing lands surrounding the town. The good economy was written in the stocked shelves of the general store, and the fine clothing worn by the town's womenfolk.

Terrick stood at the doorway for a moment eying the interior before he unclasped his gun belt and handed his weapon over to Parson himself. This practice of disarming in certain places was a relatively recent addition to the town's statutes. It was a long time coming, but it went a long way to slay the ghosts of events that brought Sturgis to its knees ten years earlier. Now, every time Stone took off his gun belt, the memories came flooding back, and a wariness caused a stiffness in his joints and put a slight scowl on his chiseled features.

Grabbing a sack, the tall, slender bounty hunter roamed the aisles and loaded up on meal and fixin's and sundries before he found himself at the counter where new firearms called out to him from beneath glass showcases. "What can I do for you, Mr Stone?" Boswell, Parson's assistant asked from behind the counter. Terrick nodded. "Howdy Boz...Whelp, today's the day, and there she is." He tapped on the glass above a Colt Navy six-gun. "I'll take it," he said with a gleam in his eye. Boswell smiled and gathered up the heavy, long-barrled pistol. "How many rounds?" He asked as Terrick walked over to the cash register. "Stock me up...10 boxes," Stone called back over his shoulder.

Stone and a store boy loaded all his purchased goods into a small wagon hitched behind Missy, his Appaloosa filly. "Nice horse!" The boy said. "She is a fine one," Stone admitted. She too was a recent acquisition, thanks to the good times. As with any booming town, there was a special appeal for the unsavory, the evil, the outlaw. Consequently, Terrick and his kind had plenty of work, and this was quite evident by Stone's new purchasing power.

Taking Missy's reins, Terrick made a b-line for the Nugget. "Nothing like a cold beer and some eggs for breakfast," he muttered as he tied Missy off in front of the saloon.

lilmintz said:
Trish stretched as she woke up from her sister gently shaking her shoulder to wake her. Trish loved to sleep. She didn't have to deal with her sisters obsession with finding the men that saved her so long ago, even though she wanted to find them to, she was just not in the mood for her sisters obsession today.

She knew where she could find her sister when she was ready. The same corner she sits in everyday, asking questions about the guys with the tattoo and scar.

She got dressed in her red and black dress, with her heels, and pulled her hair back where some was up and some was down. "God, sometimes I hate looking like my sister." She said to herself in the mirror when she was finished and headed down stairs to meet her sister. She loved her sister, and would do anything for her. So dont get it wrong. She just sometimes needed a break from her sister.

Walking down stairs to meet her sister, She smiled to the men that looked at her along the way. She saw Kate sitting in the corner looking around and waiting, listening to everyone within the bar. Walking over to get a drink and some bread, and taking over to her sister for them to eat and drink.

"Hi sis. Same ole thing just a different day huh? When Are you going to just give up? We have been looking since we were kids. Isnt it time to give up?" Trish said as she sat down beside her sister. "I think its time to make a life and fall in love, get married, have kids. Don't you? Please, Lets move on." Trish said as she watched the men coming in and out, smiling at them as the passed.
Having arrived at the Nugget earlier that morning Vincent Burton was propped up on a bench on the board walk of the saloon. His head was down, blocking his eyes from the morning sun with his boots posted up on the railing. Sturgis had changed a lot since that horrible day, it was now a town that prospered and was welcoming to its guests, no longer was this place a ghost town, or a place where blood was often shed.

It had been nearly two years since Vincent had returned to Sturgis, his bounties were keeping him busy and most of all wealthy, which could be seen in his tailored suit and polished steel colt single action army six guns, also known as the peacemakers.

Hearing the new comer talking to his horse he lifted his head and his short handle bar mustash lifted in a smirk of who had finally arrived. This had become a normal occurrence for the two of them, returning to the town where their lives a bounty hunters had begun. Seeing as Terrick had not noticed who was sitting on the bench, Vincent stood up and cleared his throat, then covering his heavy Georgian accent with a rough gravely voice he called out to Terrick. "Hey!!!! I have been looking for you.... you sorry son of a bitch!" He said jokingly, trying hard not to laugh.
Katherine sighed as she sat back in her seat and looked at her sister, listening to the rant... again. She picked up her cup of coffee and sipped from it, waiting for Trish to finish. When she finally did, Katherine continued to look at her, "Its because of these men that we have been able to have the life we have. If we can find that they are, indeed, alive, then we should find them, and thank them, as insufficient as it may be," she replied in her typically patient voice. She knew it would most likely aggravate her twin instead of calming her. Which only further exacerbate the situation, at least on Trish's side. Kate had made her mind up, having said that. It meant her decision was carved in stone and she wasn't planning on giving up until every route was exhausted or they find the men were dead.

She stood from the table, having finished her breakfast and picked up her small satchel. She tied it around her wrist as she looked at her sister again, "If you'll excuse me, I have some searching to do, you are, of course, more than welcome to join me, Trish," she said. Then she turned, and with the swishing of fabric she walked out of the bed and breakfast and started her current morning ritual. Something she mentally called, The Hunt. She felt it humorous, and ridiculous considering who it was she searched for, and that would be why she never said it allowed.

'The Hunt', really only entailed her stopping random people and asking them if they ever seen men with a tattoo or a scar. So far, all have said, "No." She had even given a description of said scar and tattoo, where each were placed, how it was on different men, what the tattoo looked like, so on and so forth, everything she could remember. Sadly, it wasn't enough. Apparently. Unbeknownst to Katherine however, a couple of boys who recognized the descriptions, though they told her "No, ma'am, we ain't seen no body with that," they ran off in search of those two men, Vincent and Terrick.

Once they found them, they would let them know that two young women were searching for them.
Terrick looked up at the sound of the rude, gravelly voice addressing him. He raised an eyebrow. "Damn right I'm sorry...sorry to see your sorry ass in my town again!" He exclaimed, then burst out laughing. He reached out and took Burton's gnarly hand. "When the hell did you get here?" He said. "I thought you were off chasing criminal skirts back east." Terrick looked his friend up and down, nodding his head as he did so. Presently he shook his head and chuckled. "What a dandy fellow you are...don't those fine britches split in the crotch every time you sit in the saddle?" He slapped his friend on the shoulder. "Beer and eggs?" He asked. "Come on...I'm buying."

BeauteousDeath said:
Katherine sighed as she sat back in her seat and looked at her sister, listening to the rant... again. She picked up her cup of coffee and sipped from it, waiting for Trish to finish. When she finally did, Katherine continued to look at her, "Its because of these men that we have been able to have the life we have. If we can find that they are, indeed, alive, then we should find them, and thank them, as insufficient as it may be," she replied in her typically patient voice. She knew it would most likely aggravate her twin instead of calming her. Which only further exacerbate the situation, at least on Trish's side. Kate had made her mind up, having said that. It meant her decision was carved in stone and she wasn't planning on giving up until every route was exhausted or they find the men were dead.

She stood from the table, having finished her breakfast and picked up her small satchel. She tied it around her wrist as she looked at her sister again, "If you'll excuse me, I have some searching to do, you are, of course, more than welcome to join me, Trish," she said. Then she turned, and with the swishing of fabric she walked out of the bed and breakfast and started her current morning ritual. Something she mentally called, The Hunt. She felt it humorous, and ridiculous considering who it was she searched for, and that would be why she never said it allowed.

'The Hunt', really only entailed her stopping random people and asking them if they ever seen men with a tattoo or a scar. So far, all have said, "No." She had even given a description of said scar and tattoo, where each were placed, how it was on different men, what the tattoo looked like, so on and so forth, everything she could remember. Sadly, it wasn't enough. Apparently. Unbeknownst to Katherine however, a couple of boys who recognized the descriptions, though they told her "No, ma'am, we ain't seen no body with that," they ran off in search of those two men, Vincent and Terrick.

Once they found them, they would let them know that two young women were searching for them.
"Fine." She said as she rolled her eyes. She was done arguing with her sister. She knew it wasn't going to go anywhere and that Kate was going to do what she wanted to do rather Trish wanted any part in it or not. She knew Kate had a point though, which she would never admit it to Kate. Those men did save their lives that day, and took them to a save place and person that would take care of them for the rest of their life. So Trish shut up, bent her head down and finished her breakfast.

"Well I am not going to leave you alone and have you walk around here on your own. What kind of sister would I be?" She said with a smile on her face. Trying to lighten the mood up from just jumping her sister. Grabbing her things, she stood up and made her way out of the bed and breakfast with her sister.
Vincent burst out laughing at about the same time Terrick did, and shook his friends hand in return." I got in late last night, and skirts don't pay for clothes like these..." he said looking his friend over. It had been a while since they had seen each other, and Terrick looked about the same excruciating more facial hair and a little more tanned. The comment he made was half true, he was back east hunting different criminals, but the pay was better. " Come on Terrick, you know skirt can't pay for clothes like these," he said holding his coat opened a bit." and my britches hold up better than you think..." Taking the slap in the back he laughed again at Terrick being himself. " Sounds good.... though ill take whiskey instead..." Vincent followed Terrick into the Nugget and to the bar where they both sat down at the bar. " So how the hell have you been?" Vincent said as he jabbed his friend lightly in the ribs.
The two boys went up to Terrick, "Mister Terrick! There's a girl askin' 'bout ya and some other guy with a scar!" they said simultaneously. They then told all they knew about Katherine.

Katherine looked at her sister and smiled, "I'm glad you decided to continue along with me after all," she said a bit dryly as she hooked her right arm through Trish's left arm, and side by side, they walked along, Katherine still asking people if they'd seen men with the same descriptions she'd been using for the last few days.
Trish couldnt leave her sister alone to do this on her own. They saved both thier lives, and she also knew her mother wouldnt want it any other way. "you know I cant leave you alone, to do this on your own. They saved both of our lives and it might even go faster if I help you as well." She said with a giggle. "plus who else is going to watch after you?"

"So.. What do you plan to do when we find these guys, or if we find these guys?" Trish said as she lifted her elbow just a little to allow her sisters arm around hers. Trish couldnt lie, she wanted to find these men just ad bad as Kate, but didnt think it would ever happen.

Looking at all the people that they walked by, greeting, and asking for help to find these men. Some knowing what they wanted and still unable to help them. "Are we going to move soon again? I mean if we dint find them?" Trish felt like they moved around alot if they didnt find any luck, although this town seemed to have people in and out of here all the time. "I hope not.... I like it here." Trish smiled as she looked at her sister and just walked around.
Terrick winced at the elbow jab. " that!" He said, though not in irritation. "I've had a few..encounters that have left me a bit out of sorts." He twisted and stretched a bit, wearing a grimace. "Oh hell, I haven't been up to much other than the know how it is." He raised a finger for the bartender: "Beer and rot gut," he nodded toward Vincent. When the beverages arrived, he downed half, then turned to his friend. "Tall ya what...I wouldn't mind chasin' some skirt," he said, shaking his head sadly. "I don't mind telling you, it's been a while." He rapped on the bar counter; "Give me some eggs and spuds, huh?" He stepped off the stool. "Let's get a table," he said to Vincent. As they made their way to a corner table in the back of the room, Terrick sipping at his beer, his peripheral vision caught a gnarly figure ducking behind the saloon's swinging doors. For all he could tell from the brief vision, the man had been sizing them up before he concealed himself. Terrick sipped his beer again, but did not turn his head. He elbowed Vincent in the ribs this time.
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