Left Alone (StromgaleXShards)


Feb 14, 2010
Raven moved out of her room and started towards the roof of the tower. It felt like a good time to meditate so as she reached it the sun casts down on her as she went into her normal pose for the task. She started to chant as her body levitated. The tower for the most part was empty, only her and Robin remained in the tower to watch over the city. Cyborg had to go to the other titans to help update their tower systems. While Beast boy, well his been off searching for Terra ever since he found her statue gone and the goggles there back to normal. Even Starfire had to leave as her planet needed her back for some reason Raven wasn't to sure about. Though as she kept the chant up she let her mind clear on the subject after all it wasn't her life, yet still she would worry as she could remember the last time they were on Starfire's planet.
He knocked on her door, towel draped around his shoulders after a long session of training... small beads of sweat glistening on his skin as he tried to wipe them off. Starfire had asked him to check up on raven while she was away and he just wanted to be sure the poor girl wasn't starving herself meditating or researching. "Its almost time for dinner Rae, you probably should eat" he called through the door, voice soft but with the edge that cut through the silence.
Raven looked up as she moved towards the door. "Coming" she said before stretching a little. As she reached the door she opened and looked to him. "Whats for dinner?" she asked him her voice even and calm as she looked him over she noticed how he looked. It told her just what he had been doing. She really wasn't sure what to say at how he looked though. She felt this was a little embarrassing but still said nothing as she knew this wasn't the first time she had seen him like this.
He shrugged "What do you want to eat, we can order in or I could cook something" he said, turning around to head towards the kitchen... it was still hard to get used to the tight leotard she wore after all it huged her curves quite well, especially with his blood pumping after a good exercise "What are you in the mood for?"
Raven followed out as she thought about it. "How about chinese tonight. We don't get that often" she stated as she knew that while beast boy was around they usually stayed away from meats just to be nice though they did still eat it. For her she liked a lot of things while few new what those things were.
"Sure" he said as he smiled at her, grabbing the phone and getting the take out places that delivered to the island (there were a surprisingly large number) "YOu want anything in particular?" he asked, throwing the towel into the laundry as he pulled off his sweaty shirt, changing into a fresh one
As she thought on it she turned to sit down with her back facing him. "General Sao's Chicken please white rice separate and no vegetables" she said to him as she thought on it a little more. "and extra white rice" she stated as she was actually glad they had soy sauce here that was good as she usually asked for a ton of soy sauce packets. Still as she sat there she closed her eyes and did just a simple breathing excise.
"Sure" he said, ordering for her and himself, sitting across from her "You sure you are ok?" he asked... sure she meditated but he always worried when she zoned out like that, sitting cross legged as he tilted his head... after all how much did any of them really know about raven
As he came to sit down she heard him ask again if she was okay. "I'm fine nothing wrong" she stated as she came out of it and looked towards him. "Why do you ask?" she wondered as he seemed rather keen on when she went to meditate though when she thought about it Starfire sometimes did the same thing. While with starfire she understood as her and Star had been switched at one time, so both understood the other better. While she did share a bond with Robin due to him saving her during her father's rule. She knew he still would worry about her though this was a rarity for him to actually show it.
"Just curious is all" he said as he raised a brow at her, sitting back... he hadnt thought much of it, it was his job to worry about his team after all. He moved as the delivery arrived, returning with her food "You need anything else while I am up" the young caped crusade asked
As she was handed her food she wasn't sure what to answer him as she knew that he had all rights to now. "Just getting rather slow so I want to be ready" she said to him as that was true. For the fact that it would be only the two of them at the moment. So the both of them would need to be ready.
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