The Moon burnt to Cinders (me and krystal)


Jan 31, 2010
~~Somewhere near the star Pluto 10 years ago~
A mysterious object was floating through space. It wasn't a meteor or an asteroid. IT was... a coffin... much like those seen in the pyramids of Egypt but... something was amiss. The coffin was black with chains wrapped around it. It looked like something out of a heavy metal album cover. Inside was a being of pure cosmic energy, sealed... waiting... It felt a surge of power caused by the defeat of a being known as Chaos. Inside the coffin, a face forms as it's metal begins to crack releasing small flares of cosmic fire.

~~10 years later, Tokyo~~
"RAAAAH!" a boy roared as he slammed his foot against a thug's chest, sending him flying into a near by wall "Tch... you guys call yourselves tough? Heh... don't make me laugh..." The boy in question was Jake. The younger brother of a man known as Prince Darien... and... kind of a thug. His green eyes glared down at his opponents and swung a punch towards one of their faces. Sure his brother was cool... got with a hot babe... was a badass dude. The two grew up together in an orphanage but ever since Darien went to highschool, it was almost as if Jake never existed. And then came the Tuxedo Mask thing and the Sailor Scouts. And yet... Jake had nothing but fists that were already calloused in a multitude of street fights. Yes he was jealous of his brother's successes and constantly craved the attention he got.
"Alright here's the deal." Jake grinned running a hand through his dyed salt and pepper colored hair before flipping them off "This is my turf and if I see you guys around here again i'll grind you into dust! Got it?!" The thugs bawled their eyes out and ran away. "Tch... what a bunch of shit heads..." He sighed and walked out of the alleyway to see his brother looking down at him with one hell of a glare.
"Ah fuck... look you wanna scold me forget it bro... I ain't in the mood..."
"Jake you can't keep getting into these fights okay?"
"Says the fuckwad who threw roses..." Jake growled not wanting to talk to him and walked away.
Krystal jumped down gracefully from where she was watching Jake and said "Jake, i know you feel slightly jealous of your brother, but that is no way to talk to him. oh, hello darien. Tell Serena I will be over in 10. I really have to talk to her i sense evil." She then looked at Jake and he had a very confused look on his face.

"Oh, I am sorry I did not introduce myself. my name is Krystal and we are destined to be together." she then smiled at him knowingly and transformed right before their eyes. "sailor blue moon, glad to meet you." she then detransformed and asked him to follow her. this was something he needed to hear to, and she was sent by Pluto to give him something.
"Huh?" Jake turned seeing Krystal and sighed seeing that she was familiar with Darien.
"Alright. I will tell her." Darien nodded before leaving.

"BWOAH! WHAT THE SHIT?!" Jake gasped watching her transform "God dammit more super powered freaks? Can't I just go home and eat some beef bowl or something?" He grumbled but followed her anyway.
Krystal laughed at his comment and they ended up at darien and Serena's flat where she had tom be the bearer of bad news. A new evil has surfaced.
they walked in the door and her sister held her in a tight hug.

"Krystal! so good to see you! so, what is so important that you would include Jake too?" Serena says giving her sister a knowing smile.

Krystal clears her throat and readies herself mentally to tell them the bad news and to give Jake his "present" from Pluto.
*Krystal breathes in deep*
"sister, I am sorry to tell you this, but the senshi must once again defeat the evil threatening our existence. I feel it already and HE is not even here yet. Call Neptune and Uranus and have them join us on earth, the star lights and Galaxia too. We will need all the scout power we can get." She then sighs and continues her job.

"Jake, as the younger brother to prince darien and son of the earth, it is your duty to help us as well. that is why Pluto sent me to give this to you, *she hands him a blue blade that lights up with fire when he touches it* this is the sword of Elysian, which was your great grand father's. it will aid you in this quest to save the universe." Krystal says as she sits down on a chair in the kitchen, tired from channeling Pluto for too long.
"Eh screw you to.." Jake muttered hearing Serena question why he was there as well. He sighed leaning against a wall listening. "An evil that ain't here yet huh... tch... c'mon aren't you guys like the experts on this stuff?"
"Jake this is serious..." Darien sighed and let Krystal continue her news. To think they were finished with fighting once and for all.

"A sword?" Jake cocked an eyebrow and looked at it "Wait... my duty to help you? Why the hell should I help you guys?"
"It's your duty Jake. Mine as well. And please watch your language, you know I hate it when you cuss in here." Darien explained and looked to Jake knowing what he was gonna say.
"Fuck you man... you hardly ever did shit for me why should I care about helping you?" Jake growled glaring at his brother "You always turned me down and pretty much ignored me and now you want me to help you?!"
"Jake this isn't the time for you to dwell on the past! If what Krystal says is true then we have to fight!" Darien soon snapped at Jake.
"Tch... fine..." Jake sighed "But I'm doing things my way got it? 'Bro'?"
Krystal sighs and looks Jake straight in the eyes. "Jake... i know you are bitter but the world is at stake. don't do it because her tells you to, do it because you know deep down it is what is right."
she then sighs again and puts her hand on her head like she is is pain. She was having a vision.

*what she sees*
Krystal: Jake no! you'll die!
Jake to Krystal: I have to do this!
Jake at evil being: You thin you're all that? well your not. you cant beat me! *slashes it and it gets angry and burns Jake and all of Tokyo to ashes*
*end of vision*

Krystal stares at Jake with tears in her eyes. "Jake, I just saw how you die"
"How he... dies?" Darien asked looking towards Krystal.
"Psh... whatever... I'm getting some beef bowl..." Jake sighed walking out of the flat and towards a ramen shop.

"... Does he ever think of anyone but himself?" Darien sighed and walked over to Krystal "Are you okay? We have some head ache medicine if you need any.
Krystal smiles at darien and says that she is OK.
"That dickhead! I tell him he's gonna die and he just blows me off! geez darien, he's even worse than you were when we first met!" Krystal says raising her hand in the air like some kind of tyrant.

"on second thought darien, I think I will take that headache medicine, *she tries to get up and walk over to the cabinet but falls* I guess that wore me out more than I thought!" she says with a reassuring smile to the pair.
"Sorry about him Krystal." Darien sighed as he fixed her a glass of water and some excedrin and handed her the medicine. "I take the blame for how he is now." He sighed sitting back down on the couch thinking "He's a good guy at heart... just kinda... harsh. But I'm sure he'll turn around soon... you did say you two were destined right?"
"Yes, that is right. I am destined to him as you were destined for my sister, I know it is all kind of weird but considering in this era we are all not technically related, I guess it is okay." she said taking a big gulp of water to flush down the pills and help her regain her strength.
"I see. He could probably use a lady around his apartment." Darien smiled softly remembering when he first moved in with Serena. He thought for a moment "Maybe we could set you two up with a date perhaps? Hmhmhm."
Krystal looked at him and smiled. "hmm, that could be interesting too see.I wonder... maybe mina could work her magic on him? she is the goddess of love after all" she says as she laughs softly.

Krystal sits there for a moment and shyly asks "Darien, why wouldn't he want to help? I mean this is his world too right.. I just don't get it" She sat there and pondered. She was so confused. She knew she loved him and she knew he would love her too, but why would he not help?
"Well as you can tell, Jake is a bit bitter." Darien sighed thinking "He's just always hated how the world treated him. Hardly any friends... and unfortunately I, being his only brother and family, made the mistake of not being there for him. I was too busy with the Tuxedo Mask, school and helping out the scouts. I guess he just doesn't like the idea of helping someone who was rarely there for him. I've tried to make it up to him but he's... pretty stubborn."
"Well, I guess I will just have to deal." Krystal says with a sigh drinking a bit more water from her glass.
"I have a feeling that sword will help him see reason. it always had a way with your grandfather if i recall.
((sorry for long absence, i kinda forgot about this thread, and I was having major writers block. Forgive me??))
"Maybe, I don't exactly remember." Darien shrugged with a sigh and drank his water. "But he is stubborn... so it'll take a lot to get through to him."

(All good)
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