The Pokemon Breeder (Maxy x cevl)


Mar 9, 2009
Natalie shielded her eyes with her hand as she stepped into town, smiling slightly. Here....this town...this town was where she would start, where she would begin making a name for herself, making the money she needed to survive. It was still hard for her to believe.....only a week ago she had been a captive....held in an underground lab, the place she had been since she could remember. It was hard to tell how long it had been really...her best guess placed her at being in the facility for at least 12 years, and she estimated her current age to be around 16, but it was impossible to be sure. She did have some incredibly vague memories of life before the facility, of a man and a woman...though their faces had long since vanished from her memory. All she could remember clearly were the experiments. Again and again she had been poked, proded, injected with drugs, undergone surgical procedures, yet her body showed no traces, not outwardly anyway. The experiments had all been leading to one thing though.....Team Rocket were attempting to find a way to breed rare and legendary Pokemon. Capturing a one of a kind Pokemon was no good if it died in battle or of old age after all, and with no others of its kind to breed with and attempts using Ditto's completely failing, they needed another way. The experients had been a success....a resounding success....but no sooner had they been declared a success had the lab been abandoned, Team Rocket's funds needed elsewhere, though Natalie had been left behind, to either die or fend for herself.

Still, that was in the past now....perhaps Natalie should have been traumatised....but she had to survive, she had to make money....and there was only one way she could do that, though fortunately that one way was the perfect ability right now. Recently, the Pokemon population had taken a sharp decline, Pokemon simply not breeding no matter what people did to encourage them. Well....Natalie was going to change that. She was going to change all that....and make herself filthy rich in the process.
With a snicker, Natalie adjusted the small backpack, containing what little she had been able to scrounge from the abandoned lab, then set off towards the town's Pokemon Centre, entering and walking over towards a noticeboard, taking a free piece of paper and writing out a small note, advertising her services as a Pro Pokemon Breeder, she guaranteed to take your Pokemon and return within the week with not just one, but a litter of Pokemon eggs. If she failed, then there would be no charge.

" wait for my first customer...." She grinned, stepping back slightly and folding her arms. With the way things were right now, it certainly wouldn't be long before someone took notice, and people were so desperate that they would trust even a completely unknown breeder.
It took a day before someone would actually come towards her. People now were, though desperate, still a bit afraid. There were many fake people around, who would say they had a way of letting the pokemon breed, but would end up taking the pokemon and disappearing. Plus, there were not all too many people who looked at that noticeboard. Now someone had decided that losing his pokemon was a risk he could take for getting an entire litter of eggs. Even a pokemon like his, one that would already bring her a lot of fame. It would for others show that even with such a large, rare, and a bit mutated pokemon she could still get the job done, and for her it would be a test if she could handle her new lifestyle, if she could handle such a big pokemon, and that several times, to make sure she would give away the litter of eggs. After the week was over it was quite possible she'd want to take a break, but then she'd also have the money to do so, especially if she held a couple of the eggs back to sell to others.

The man had gone towards the place she had specified on the card, and knocked on the door.. When she opened the man stepped in. The man himself wasn't all that special, he looked like one whose trainer days were mostly behind him. He had an average height, dim, red hair, brown eyes, and an extra amount of fat around his stomach. "Are you the one claiming she can make pokemon breed?" He asked her. After he asked her several more questions, mainly about how she would do it, which she wouldn't answer, and trying to haggle about the costs, he handed her the pokeball, and wrote out a check for the amount they had agreed on. He then left, saying he would return next week, and that he'd report her if she didn't have a litter of Eggs for him.

When she would let the Charizard out she would see the majestic creature. Opposite of his trainer the charizard was tall, even for his own kind, very well in shape, and at the prime of his life. He looked over at her curiously. His Master had told him what he wanted of him, but he hadn't expected this. A woman, without anything special nearby. Was she some kind of special Ditto or something?
Natalie had been getting rather nervous before someone finally came to see her. Sure it had only been one day but....still...she had expected people to jump at the chance for a breeder who could get the job done. Then again she didn't have a reputation after all....she guessed she just didn't have the way the world worked figured out yet. She had spent as long as she could remember locked up in a lab after all, she was lucky to be able even to still speak, read and write. Still, finally a trainer came to see her, asking her to breed one of his Pokemon specifically. When he arrived she just smiled and opened the door, inviting him in with a warm smile. "That's right, I guarantee that by the end of the week I'll have you an entire litter of Pokemon eggs" She sat down with him, getting them both some water to drink as she tried to answer his questions, though when it came to the how she insisted she couldn't reveal that information, that it was a secret she had to keep to herself. After all, even if it wasn't something unnatural, she couldn't go telling anyone secret techniques or she'd never make any money. She just smiled as she took the cheque, assuring him that the eggs would be ready on time as promised, before closing the door and picking up the Pokeball. " let's see what my first challenge is going to be...."

Natalie grinned as she opened the Pokeball, then blinked at the Charizard that met her. "Wow....well you're a big one aren't you....? And here I was expecting something small and cute for my first job...." She chuckled slightly, a hint of nerves in the laugh. Back in the lab it had only ever been small Pokemon, something as large as a Charizard though? Well.....still, she had a job to do and she was damn well going to do it. "Well, you're looking at me like you know what you're here for...." All the experiments had left Natalie with something of an understanding of Pokemon. Perhaps not enough to understand their speech and converse with them, but she could tell when they were confused. "Well....since I promised a week, I suppose we had better get started now hadn't we?" The girl licked her lips, then slowly walked towards the Charizard, standing right infront of it and slowly reaching a hand out to the area between its legs, beginning to stroke at the hidden sheath. "Come on now...don't be shy...." She looked up at the Charizard and grinned "I bet you can't even remember the last time you got to let loose now can you big guy?"
The Charizard was walking around her, trying to find some sort of oddity in this woman that would show that she was something more then just another human. He was a curious type, and also someone not all too dumb, but he didn't get how she was supposed to give him a litter of eggs in one week. What she said confused him more, why should he have to be small? Cute he could somewhat understand, as most women had a preference for his cute nephews, but why small? And of course he knew what he was here for. he was here to breed with a ditto or female Charizard, or undergo some kind of experiment, that would grant him a litter of eggs. And why did she want to get started, and how?

Then she walked over to him, and what she did, would've caused a loud 'Oh' sound come out of his mouth if he were human. Was she planning on letting him fuck her? And she thought that would work? Well, there would be no harm in trying. He had always liked to try how a human felt, and if it would work, it would be great. His tail went around her, the flame on it only warming up her skin, not burning it, to show he wasn't intending to hurt her, which was a good sign. As she continued to rub a group of scales went apart and a cock slid out. It was over a foot long, being one foot and an inch or three, and broad. When she'd feel it she would feel that it was hot, and several small scales went over it, giving it a bumped appearance. He looked down at her, wondering what she'd do with it.
Natalie grinned at the initial reaction of the Charizard, gasping as his tail wrapped around her, pulling her up a little closer against him. "Oh my, you are getting excited aren't you? And here I thought you might have been a little cautious about trying it out with a human....." She chuckled softly, continuing to rub the Charizard's crotch gently, then gasped as she felt the scales part, then watched in almost amazement as his cock started to slowly slide out. "Oh...oh wow...." Her eyes went wide as she watched it grow and just kept getting....bigger...and bigger...and bigger....until finally it had to be over a foot long....probably close to a foot and a half....and as thick as Natalie's arm. Well....this certainly was going to be....interesting. Still, the experiments had been done with this possibility in mind....her body was ready for this.

"Well well well...." Natalie gently wrapped a hand around the shaft of the Pokemons cock, though her fingers weren't long enough to wrap around it completely. "....someone is excited aren't they? Whatever these breeding problems are, it seems they certainly aren't down to a lack of male excitement" She looked up and smirked, then slowly began to move her hand down the bumped shaft, squeezing it. To her, she was squeezing it hard, but to the Charizard it would probably feel rather gentle.
The dragon really didn't mind having to do it with a human, he had often felt the need to stop holding back and just pin nurse joy to the ground when she went to heal him, or do it with the gym leaders he had beat. But though it had been only thoughts, he had never actually planned on doing this, up until now. And the human wasn't really lacking for excitement either, he thought, grinning to himself broadly. When she placed her hand on his cock and started to rub it he groaned lightly, a trail of smoke emitting from his mouth. But it wasn't long after she started when he wanted something more. His claws went to her back, and ripped of her clothes like they were made out of paper. He had never been one known for his patience, especially not when it was at times like this.

He used his tail to push her body closer to his cock, to usher her to do something else with it. If she'd let him he would take her up and place her on it, but she was the one that would bring him children, he wouldn't want to anger her.
Natalie let out a gentle squeal when the Charizard ripped her clothing with his claws, leaving her as naked as she normally had been back in the lab, it had left her with little to no sense of modesty seeing as how for at least 12 years of her life there had to have been dozens of people who had seen her naked. "Hmm, not to self, disrobe before commencing breeding with more aggressive Pokemon....I don't think I can put in a new clothes fee without people asking questions...." She chuckled slightly as she was pushed closer to the Charizards cock, her stomach pressing against it now, the tip of the cock poking at the base of her soft, marshmallowy breasts. She could tell what he wanted...she could feel it....somehow she could feel just how aroused he was right now.

"My are impatient aren't you? No time for foreplay? It must have been such a very long time since you were able to let yourself go...." She licked her lips, slowly spreading her legs a little. "Well then.....who am I to keep you waiting hm? I'm all yours Charizard....and don't worry about going me....I can take it..." She looked up at him and licked her lips again, purposefully causing her breasts to rub at the tip of his cock in order to tease the dragon-like Pokemon even further.
The charizard chuckled lightly at her remark about her clothing. He agreed with that fact, and also found she looked way better without clothing then with, though with the right pieces of clothing she'd probably look even better then without any at all. When her body pressed against his, his cock hardened even more. He wanted to fuck her, and not nice and gentle like humans often wanted, no, he wanted it with fire, going rough, bite, scratch, grope, all of that stuff. He wondered if she could really take it all, and decided he wouldn't scratch and bite, if he could help it.

When she teased him once more, both with words and with actions, he would not take it, not want to hold back any longer. He picked her up, his claws prodding into her soft thighs. He moved her upwards, mirroring her move of licking his lips, revealing his row of sharp teeth. He moved her onto the tip of his cocck, where only just before the base of her breasts had been. He then pushed her down on him, and as he moved in her he then immediately pushed her further down, relying on his strength where the slickness of her insides weren't enough. He stopped when he was one or two inches short of a foot into her, and leaned back, sitting against a wall, with her on him. He decided to see what she would do now before helping her if need be.
The sight of the Charizard licking its lips might have been unsettling in another situation, or to someone else in this situation, but to Natalie it just made everything seem even more exciting. Sure she was doing this for the fame and the money, but there was nothing to say she couldn't enjoy herself in the process....and if the Pokemon had fun too then all the better. " strong" She giggled as the Charizard lifted her effortlessly, causing her breasts to bounce right infront of the Pokemons face, it seemed he already had a prior interest in experiencing intimacy with a human female...well that just made everything easier.

"Nnnn...." The girl shivered and groaned as she felt the thick, bulbous head of Charizards cock against her wet pussy lips, then cried out in pleasure as Charizard started to pull her down. "A-AH! S-so big!" Her body slowly stretched around the Charizards cock, her pussy squeezing him like a vice as she was pushed lower and lower, until a good 10 inches were inside of her, the tip of Charizards cock prodding up against the entrance to her womb. "N-nyaaa..." Natalie's tongue was hanging out of her mouth, her hands on Charizards chest for support. "D-don't stop....c-come on....I said....let...loose..." She panted, then with not insignificant effort began to push herself down, letting out a squeal of pleasure as Charizards cock penetrated her cervix and into her womb, her body continuing to slide down until finally the Pokemon's huge cock was hilted inside of her. "O-oh fuck.....oh fucking good..."
The Charizard grinned what people who didn't know many dragons would consider somewhat like a wolfish grin, but there was much more behind it all. After he had pulled her up, and before he downed her on him, his tongue had snuck out for a moment to lick over her full breasts once. Once she was on him, her pussy gripping him tightly, he groaned. After he had pushed her and let her do the rest herself he couldn't help but be fairly impressed. He hadn't thought the human to be strong, willing, and capable enough to let herself go this deep. He could even see his cock bulging out her stomach some. And she was still in heaven, it seemed.

He let her be down there for a while, simply enjoying the sight of her like that. He then gripped her sides once more. He began moving her on him, after not to long going harder and faster, until she he was really going like he would to one of his kind. His claws would make her sides bleed lightly, and she was nearly a blur on his cock.
That hot tongue on her nipples...god it had sent shivers through Natalie's body...hell she almost thought she was going to cum just from that sensation alone. But then she was on his cock, feeling it buried inside of her whilst the Charizard held her in place, letting her body stretch and adjust as his powerful cock throbbed inside of her. It was so sent a burning pleasure through her entire body. "NNN!" When the Pokemon started to slide her up his cock, the human girl whimpered and cried in pleasure, the sensation somewhat gentle at first, but before long she felt every thrust getting harder, faster, until finally she was being fucked as if she were a Charizard in heat.

Most human women would, should, have been broken by this, but Natalie's body seemed perfectly capable of adapting to the Charizards powerful lovemaking, it's enormous cock plunging her depths over and over, her stomach bulging out with every thrust. By the time the Charizard was moving her at full speed, her breasts were bouncing wildly, drool pouring from Natalie's mouth as she felt the inhuman pleasure that only a Pokemon could bring. It took only a few minutes of this before she was howling in pleasure, her pussy getting even tigther around the Charizards cock as she came violently, body spasming with pleasure, pussy spurting juices all over the large Pokemon's mid-section.
The charizard liked the reactions of the woman. It was like a pokemon, but better. Her body was tighter, her sounds louder, he just gained more pleasure from it. Though it did seem at some times she was about to break, but as she had said she could take it, he didn't really care any longer. He did think that she was one of the, if not the only one that could handle all of this. When it got faster his head leaned in and he began going rough with that too, biting her neck, her breasts, licking over them. The biting was hard enough to draw blood, which wasn't all too surprising with his teeth like daggers.

After he ghad felt her cumming, which only aroused him more, feeling her juices on his abdomen, he continued on, being capable of taking more. It took at least double the time from when they had started for when he was over, probably pushing her over the edge once, twice, or more times again. Then, he had came himself. Cum spouted from his cock, hitting her like a water gun. It filled her up more than his cock had done, and her stomach bulged. His hands weren't clenched around her, luckily for her, but when he had came, he had let out a spout of fire, it washing over her, feeling to her, instead of scorching, good, as if every place that was touched was licked by his tongue.
Natalie came at least two more times as the Charizard fucked her ruthlessly...perhaps it was more...the pleasure was so great that the orgasms were starting to roll together into a long continous feeling of pure bliss. "NNAA!" Finally she felt the Charizard getting close, his cock throbbing and bulging inside of her, and then....then...she felt it, the most incredible sensation she had ever felt! She felt the hot cum flooding inside of her, filling her womb immediately then causing it to start bulging out, her belly swelling up quickly. "NNnnaaaa!" Her hands were clawing at Charizards chest as he continued to cum inside of her, then gasped as the fire washed over her, triggering what felt like some kind of full-body orgasm, her body wracking and her scream of pleasure echoing throughout the room, god she was glad she'd made sure to get one that was well soundproofed. "OH GOOOOOOD!"

By the time Natalie came down from her orgasm, she was a shaking mass, her belly still bulging with the Charizard's cum, a satisfied grin on her face. " like you enjoyed yourself...." She chuckled, weakly running a hand over her swollen belly. "It's cum now....but pretty soon this belly is gonna be big and full with your eggs instead...."
When the orgasm had doused down the Charizard felt tired, which wasn't too surprising, given the actions he had just done. He looked at the woman upon him, seeing she was still okay, and grinning. His cock had retracted where it came from, as he wouldn't be capable of bringing himself to another round, it didn't take away the fact that the lower parts of his body was covered with cum, either her or his. He was glad she at least thought it'd turn into eggs. Once it showed he would have to do something. Now he just, with a sound and a movement of his nails, showed her that she was bleeding, in her sides, on her shoulder, on her breasts, as he had been a bit rougher than he had wanted.
Natalie groaned as Charizards cock slipped free of her when it retracted, allowing plenty of his cum to start spilling free as well, Natalie's tight body starting to force out the excess cum. It didn't particularly matter anyway, she could already feel the cum had done it's job. She smirked slightly as she rubbed her belly as it gradually flattered once again. " least 5 eggs I think....." She chuckled, then looked up slowly at the blood on Charizard's nails, then just grinned slightly. "Well, I did tell you to go rough didn't I? Still, don't worry about it too much alright" She smiled as she laid back on the bed. The bleeding was already stopping, the wounds almost seeming to be healing already. Another benefit of the experiments that had been conducted on her....her body needed to be capable of healing quickly in order to be the breeding machine Team Rocket had wanted.

" about you get some rest hm? You don't need to go into your Pokeball if you don't want to, feel free to curl up here with me and keep me and your eggs warm" She smirked up at him weakly, clearly somewhat exhausted.
The charizard was astounded to hear there'd be five eggs, but if it'd really work, then it'd be great. He was glad she didn't seem to mind that he had made her bleed. Maybe she also knew he could do a lot of worse things then just biting and scratching. He looked at her body, and realized even more how sexy they were, especially without clothes. And that for a species evolved enough to build cities and things like that.

He climbed on the bed, made her pull her legs up, and curled around her, warming her up. His tail went over her, between her breasts, and rested in her stomach. Charizard eggs needed a higher body temperature then that of a human to grow. They could grow in a somewhat colder climate, like when the female charizard was sick, but there was a high chance of deficiencies for the born babies. He wondered how long it'd take for her, as she'd have a week.
Natalie glanced up and smirked as Charizard seemed to be standing and staring at her. "Well get a good look, when your trainer comes back for you then you might not get to see it again..." She chuckled, teasingly spreading her legs a little until he moved to lay down beside her. The bed was strong enough to take the weight thankfully, though she suspected if they'd tried having sex on it then the force of Charizard's thrusting would certainly have destroyed it. She gasped as his tail curled around between her breasts, the flame resting near her stomach. It was warm....though it didn't burn her. She just smirked slightly and snuggled against the Charizard....this was the past when she'd been fucked she was just strapped onto a cold metal table to be poked and prodded by scientists, then returned to her tank to be suspended in a chemical mixture designed to change her body even more. "Mmmm......" She rubbed at her belly slowly. "Just a few days.....a few days and I'll be ready to lay your eggs....."
The dragon grinned hearing her words. If possible he'd try and come back here, for either some looks, or, if she wasn't busy, some fun. Of course, if his trainer would allow it, and she, nor they, would leave town. Her body felt nice against his, though it looked oh so small there. His wings went over him, his hands on her. The wings cut off the light, making her lay in that small little cave his body made. It was usually reserved for hatchling charmanders, but the woman was both small enough to fit there, and her insides held all the ingredients for those hatchlings, so she would get the privilege as well. When she told him about the eggs the dragon smiled and hummed out a purr-like sounds, making his stomach vibrate against her body.

(shall we do a time-skip to not all too long before she's going to lay the eggs? Or did you have something else in mind?
((A timeskip sounds good ^_^ ))

When Natalie awoke the following morning Charizard would see her wounds would be healed completely, though to Natalie it was nothing unusual, she had expected that much. Over the next few days Natalie's belly would quite quickly swell up, sometimes the growth even watchable. Of course during this time Natalie never once put on any clothes, keeping herself naked to allow her belly plenty of room to grow. Of course she was aware of the effect this might have on Charizard, so she would use her mouth, hands and breasts to give the Pokemon some sexual relief, she couldn't let such a big cock fuck her with a belly full of eggs after all. By the middle of the third day, Natalie's belly was much more than just the normal 9 months pregnant size, probably nearly twice that.

"Nnn...." She shivered, slowly sitting up on the bed, rubbing at her belly. "'re coming...oooh....your babies are coming Charizard..." Natalie panted, slowly spreading her legs and grunting as she felt more movement inside of her, then moments later one of the eggs began to emerge. "Ahhhh!" The girl was moaning out in pleasure rather than pain, a Charmander egg slowly emerging from her body. Within seconds however, a second began to emerge and push the first out of the way, then another....until finally she had laid not 5, but 6 fully formed Pokemon eggs, her belly now back to its formerly flat state.
The charizard knew he shouldn't fuck her now, fearing for breaking the eggs, but he was glad she would give him some relief with her upper body, knowing there was a chance lust could take him over like that. He took good care of her, keeping his tail near her stomach most of the time, and had in the last day even put the flame into her a few times. The charmanders needed to get used to the flames, otherwise they would burn themselves on their own flames when they got out. If the woman needed to move, which proved to be near impossible with a that big stomach, he would often pick her up and bring her.

When he saw that she was about to give birth he rushed towards her. He was glad she would at least lay eggs, though didn't know if they would come out. Once she was done he sweeped the eggs together on the bed, and wrapped the bedcloth around them, to protect them and keep them warm. He then pulled the woman against him, licking her body
"Ahhh..." Natalie relaxed now that the eggs were out of her body, then gasped as Charizard pulled her against him, licking at her body, sending shivers through her body. She glanced at the eggs and grinned softly, reaching over to gently stroke at them with her fingers. Normally a human who got close to a Charizard eggs would have their arm ripped off at best, but given that Natalie had been the one to lay them she figured she would be the exception to the rule. "You're a proud daddy now aren't you Charizard? Just like I promised..." She chuckled slightly, then yawned as she curled up against him. "It's a shame there isn't enough time to lay another litter....but your trainer will come back before I can lay them....might be hard to explain him turning up and I'm more heavily pregnant than any person should be.....still....I wonder if he'll want any of his other Pokemon to breed...."
To be fair Natalie wasn't even much human anymore, at least inwardly, changed by all the testings and experiments done on her. He kept her close to him, letting out something close to a purr at what she said, but also yelped lightly as he heard she wouldn't have time for a next litter. He could feel his desire for this woman flaming up hotter than any fire he had ever spouted. He then thought of something. He moved her up, his arms between her legs, and prodded against her asshole. She had proven to quite like things that would pain most people, so maybe this would be as good for her as from the front.
"Hm?" Natalie blinked as hse felt something prodding against her asshole, then chuckled slightly. "Oh my my....aren't you a naughty Charizard? Well well....can't do without a few more fucks hm? Well....I suppose we can certainly give it a try in there now can't we? Though....try and be a little more gentle this time..." She wiggled her hips against him to try and tease his cock out. "I'm still a virgin in that particular hole after all...." She wasn't sure the Charizard would be capable of gentle, but she had to at least ask. She was already confident it would indeed feel wonderful, but still...better to take things slow to begin with.
The charizard grinned, licking her over her body, his cock sliding out, hard as ever. He would go easy on her... In the beginning. Afterwards, well, he couldn't promise anything. He picked her up, rubbing her, soft body over his cock, wetting it with the juices spilling from her cunt. He then moved her up, until her asshole was against his cock, and pushed her down, no way back now. He pulled her down and down, until his cock was sheathed into her. Except for the bulging of her body, barely noticed by the way it already bulged, she looked like she was just sitting on his lap. If he'd stand now, he'd probably take her with him.
"Oooooh....." Natalie shivered as his tongue ran across her, then giggled as his cock slowly emerged from its hidden sheath and prodded into her back. "Ah..." She giggled as he lifted her up, instinctively spreading her legs to give him easier access. "Oooh...ahh....." She moaned as he used her wet pussy to lubricate himself up, then grunted as he prodded against her ass. "Nnn....g-gentle remember...." She panted, relaxing her body as best she could, then wincing as he suddenly pulled her down, moving her at a slow and steady pace. "A-aa!" It didn't hurt as much as she had thought, perhaps her body was more ready for this than she had thought. "Oooooh....s-so feels even bigger..." She panted as her belly bulged out, then wiggled a little bit as her hips met his. "H-how is it huh...?"
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