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Looking for RP 1x1 [Long term males needed]

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Dec 5, 2011

I'm rather new but I thought I'd try and see if I could score some one on one RP time if anyone was interested. I'm looking to write out some romance RP and need just the right guy to make the storyline sizzle. I'm happy to play over thread, in PM, or by messenger. Please note the two story ideas are based in modern times.

The ideal partner would be:

>> Dom, but not walking around collaring things. No offense, but I'm not trying to go the intense BDSM angle here. I just like to see the male character type who aren't afraid to push some limits to get what they want.

>> Arrogant, smart-arsed male characters in RP get an A+. No real reason why other than they just tend to delight me OOC.

>> Interested in long term. I have an actual story line worked out for the RP, so don't expect sex to magically fall into your lap [not to say the smut won't be there]. I just like to ride the story to the bedroom. Those moments of the chase can be just as toe curling as the best written moment between the sheets. and just so you know, I will make it a full fledged chase. If you're someone who enjoys a challenge, I can promise you I'm the way to go.

>> Mostly literate. Please use good spelling and grammar, I'm not perfect but I try. All I ask is you do the same. Run your things through word if you need to. I have to do the same. What? I'm not perfect.

>> Online. Okay, online sometimes. I really like to play on messenger so we can get fast paced story going. I'm pretty good about replying, I just don't want to be left waiting for a week for one paragraph.

>> Artsy-fartsy. I post about 1-4 paras, depending on what I'm getting from you. I also tend to write in deep third person.


Idea one:
Feel free to PM me if you want to play, or just reply to the thread and we can work out details there.

[[ Note: this is a modern-fantasy. There will be humor involved, please brace yourself for that. The male character I'd be looking for in question would be a dragon (obviously they can shapeshift and be very human). The story line below is written out of your characters perspective. This doesn't decide your personality, I was just having fun.]]


Curses are a bitch. Especially when they're a few centuries old. I would know. My sept is under one. Let me start from the beginning.

Once upon a time my great-great-great[x5] grandfather decided it would be an great idea to piss on some damn mage. This wasn't any old mage you see. It was a powerful one, and when ol' gramps did whatever he did the mage decided he'd lash back with a curse. I'll give the man this, he was creative. He decided that no females were to be born to our sept until our leader had children. Then he cursed all the living, single ones with a lovely little number to make them barren. Instant doom.

You see, dragons can't breed with any dragons outside their sept. Maybe it's genetics. The sperm and the eggs just aren't compatible. I'd guess it'd be like monkey trying to breed with a human. So my sept went for the next best thing. Humans. Those versatile little fuckers can have babies with almost anything. Only problem was dragons tend to deal lot with fire when we're making happy and wouldn't you know it... humans aren't flame resistant. Not even magical flame.

So my sept shrank. Rumors started about human girls who might hold enough magic, but I didn't believe them. We were doomed and I accepted it. So, when leadership was passed to me I spent most of my time in the local bars waiting for the end. That was, until a girl wandered into the bar and grabbed the wrong cup of booze.

The drink in question is called dragon's bane and no one but dragons should be able to drink it. Why, you ask? Well, because it's imbued with-- you guessed it-- dragon's fire. This chick didn't scorch, didn't fry. As a matter of a face, all that happened were her finger tips smokes a bit and she freaked out while trying to blow them out. This meant two things. One, she could handle dragons and two, maybe we weren't so doomed. All I had to do was win her over using some of the old charm.

Of course, women with that ability are rare. And no sooner did rumor get out that she existed than every dragon with an eye for the rare come trying to knock on her door, not to mention the types that would rather see my sept dead trying to kill her. Now I'm stuck trying to keep the random, weird, kidnapper evil sorts from running off with the one thing that could save my sept while trying to convince this girlwho seems to want nothing to do with me-- that sex with me is totally worth it. As if my life wasn't hard enough already.

[[Note this story will start as in the bar scene. Meaning, I have interest in playing out the scene of her picking up the wrong drink. Mostly for humor's sake, but more so we can get a feel for each other's play. Feel free to IM me with any questions. ]]

Idea two:
Your character type: Demon of your choice.

Accidents are not normally a big deal. Really. They're accidents. Most of the time they're be forgiven. The only real problem is when they become life changing. You know. You accidentally sign up for the army when drunk. You accidentally chose the wrong career. You accidentally summon a demon who was floating in limbo and now you're the the eighth prince of hell and trapped in a power war with the other seven princes.

What? It happens.

Or... it happened to me. I don't understand how the girl did it, but one second I was floating in limbo where I had been banished for pissing off one ( or to be honest, several) prince with my endless wisdom [See: wisecracks] and then I was suddenly stand in front of this girl who didn't understand what she'd done. You're not supposed to be able to summon a master-less demon unless you're a prince yourself. So either she's very powerful, or very unlucky. Either way, we're stuck together now. A demon can't survive without it's master.

In short, she dies, I die. And with the way she's bumbling through this, it looks like keeping her safe is going to leave my work cut out for me. Just call me your friendly demonic bodyguard. At least I can't die as long as she's alive... No to say some these wounds don't hurt. Ugh. Women. On the upside, this girl has no idea what she's gotten herself into. And if she thinks I'm going to be following her every command just because she's my new "Master" she has another thing coming. You see, all orders have loop holes and most play in my favor.
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