All Hail SIN! (SSFIV, Keldia and Mr Incognito)

Jan 9, 2009
The woods were quiet....too quiet. And it wasn't that Juri sensed any kind of impending doom. It was peaceful. Serene. BORING. Juri just felt like screaming, like smashing some trees to the ground with her bare hands. The Korean girl wished she could be out of here as quickly as possible, the sooner the better. She wasn't here to enjoy the scenery. No, she'd sooner have this place leveled. She was here because, in the last tournament, she had encountered a female ninja named Ibuki. This ninja girl seemed like the perfect test subject for the female exclusive "Feng Shui" engine, the very power that Juri herself held. Now that she was in charge of SIN and Seth was dead and buried, the psychotic bitch was ready to conquer the world. And for that, she needed soldiers.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking, she finally reached a clearing. It seemed well used, but was at present, empty. A slow, sadistic smile crept onto Juri's face, licking her lips in anticipation. This was the place. This looked like their training ground. All she had to do was wait, and eventually, her little kunoichi would show herself. After that, it was a matter of beating her...then using her to sate her desires. She had to resist the urge to play with her own breasts at the tought, her over active libido tempting of the side effects of the Feng shui engine.
Ibuki - Ninja Village, Japan

Despite the fact that the sun was barely creeping it's way past the peaks of the mountain that surrounded the small village, there was chatter and sounds circling the air as the ninjas were getting ready for their morning routines. Some were sharpening their kunai while conversing, others carrying buckets of water from the nearby well, a few already stretching for the training to come. But, although most of the villagers were already awake, if not all, one laid sound asleep, curled up in a ball on her mat, a little bit of drool coming down the side of her lips.

Then came a small jab in the side of her stomach to disrupt her peaceful slumber. Moaning a bit in annoyance she tried to ignore it but then came another, then another. Shifting her position, turning around to face the other way, Ibuki tried to get back to sleep but the little pokes keep persisting on the back. Eventually her eyes lazily opened to reveal a small creature anxiously watching over her.

"What is your problem Don-chan?" she mumbled as she sat up, wiping away the drool from her mouth with the back of her hand. The little tanuki, a pet she had kept as long as she could remember, tilted it's head slightly before pointing out of the window at the sun, which had risen up now to illuminate the once dark room.

It took a while to register but the female ninja suddenly realized what it meant and almost jumped up from the mat. "I am so late!" she exclaimed to practically no one as she hurriedly made her way to a nearby table and began wrapping her bare feet with a reel of white cloth bandages that laid upon it. Doing the same with her ankles and shins, Ibuki turned her head to try and find her arm guards. "Where are th-" she said to herself before Don-chan made it way onto the table in front of her holding the pair in his tiny hands. With a smile she hurriedly placed them on her, grabbing a couple kunai and began out the door, the tanuki following alongside her.

Although early, ninjas started their training at the brink of dawn in the clearing and she already knew she wasn't going to make it in time. As she made her way through the village, a lot of the people who weren't in training shaking their heads as she made her way through them, she pondered what would happen. Another scolding? More chores to do after? She groaned at the prospect of cleaning out the dojo yet AGAIN.

Jumping onto a branch of one of the large trees of the forest she began to rush through, going from tree to tree as she zipped through. Soon enough, the trees began to open up a bit in the dense forest revealing a brightly illuminated clearing with bodies all warming up and sparring. "Made it!" she exclaimed with joy as she hopped from the last branch down to the ground. Hopefully being just a LITTLE late wouldn't be too bad…

In her hurry she didn't even get to notice the woman hiding below that last tree, watching the ninjas. Don-chan, however, did and, instead of following Ibuki down to the ground, stayed in the tree, watching her. Why did she look so familiar to the tanuki?
Just as Juri was getting fed up of waiting, her target arrived. She was moving fast, a blur through the trees. A normal person would have had a tough time following her, but Juri was not ordinary. Her glowing eye started to grow brightly as she got more excited. Her pussy actually began to get wet from the mere THOUGHT of pummeling this girl into the ground. Using the Engine's power, she zipped between the trees on the ground with ease, not noticing the tanuki that had stopped to stare at her. Her legs were a blur of motion as she tried to speed ahead of her target. If Ibuki noticed her, it was still all well and good...but she would prefer to ambush her prey.

Finally, she got one tree ahead of the little ninja girl. Skidding to a halt, Juri did a small, standing jump....then did a spin kick, accompanied by malevolent purple ki. She actually laughed out loud as her leg easily splintered the trunk, sending the tree crashing down to the ground. Not too subtle, but it got the job done, and it was a raw display of power. Power she'd soon use to subjugate Ibuki.

"Oh little ninja giirrrl! Come out and PLAAAAY!!"
Ibuki - Meadow Training Grounds, Japan

Sheepishly giving the mentor a little grin and shrug as she made her way towards him, standing in the middle of all the sparring ninjas, Ibuki already knew she was in a heap of trouble by the look on his face. This was not the first time she was late to daily training in the morning and, the last time this happened, her mentor had chastised her in front of all her friends and fellow trainees. Embarrassing beyond belief, especially since she was one of the older members of the group at 19.

"Sorry Sensei, I wa-" she started to say as her mouth opened but was cut off when her mentor raised up a hand. Oh-oh. But he didn't seem to be angry, staring off past her into the trees from which she had just emerged. As she turned her head back to see what he was looking at, her mentor's eyes tightened and there was a loud crash that emanated from that area.

"Oh little ninja giirrrl! Come out and PLAAAAY!!"

The voice was feminine and loud as the sound echoed throughout the meadow, drawing the attention of all the ninjas-in-training towards the spot where a woman now stood, one foot up against the trunk of the large tree she just toppled. As Ibuki squinted to try and make out who it was, her mentor was already sprinting past her towards the woman, almost a blur himself. No intruders were allowed to trespass on the sacred grounds of the village and this woman was no exception. The voice though…where had she heard it from? As her mind frantically tried to work it out, it went to the latest World Warrior tournament that occurred only a couple months ago where she had snuck out to participate in.

Ibuki had not won, instead forgetting about the prize to go hang out with a girl she met, Sakura, but had heard rumors of one who had literally almost decimated most of the entrants. Many she left near death, others were not so lucky. Those who had survived had almost been paralyzed, both in fear and due to physical injuries. The ones that could speak though only said to "Beware of the Spider". Could it be…?

"Sensei! No!" she yelled as he made her way towards the unmoving woman and jumped high in the air towards her, throwing a pair of kunai where she stood. As he landed from his jump, he looked behind him to see if he had hit his target and, instantaneously, his satisfied smirk turned into a frown when he realized the woman had barely budged, except for her right leg. It was raised in the air, the two metal kunai in between her toes, expertly caught. "How di-" he managed to get out before the foot came down, throwing the sharp knives back at him, piercing his shoulder while his students gasped in shock, Ibuki included. Bleeding down the side of his standard ninja uniform, he grasped at them but felt himself slowly start to pass out from the pain. She must had struck a nerve with the throw, causing him body to go into shock.

The students slowly watched the woman as she smirked to herself, apparently satisfied, before turning towards the group. As everyone slowly began to back up while she made her way towards them, Ibuki felt a pang of fear. Why was this woman here? Was her sensei alright? How did she manage to subdue him so quick…?

The entire group was silent along with the stranger as the only noise that was left was the mentor slowly slumped against the tree, not dead but gravely wounded.
Juri looked on at the rest of the group with a brief look of boredom as their stupid teacher lay bleeding on the ground, his own weapon stuck in his shoulder. Useless, she thought. It wasn't the instructor she was after. No, that sack of garbage wasn't worth her time. No, she already had her target. She turned to the group of trainees, who seemed to observe her with shock, awe...and more then a little fear. She could practically SMELL it. Good. They should be afraid.

"Well, now that THAat's out of the way, I'll be taking what I came for. Ibuki, I believe your name was."

The trainees gasped. What did this crazy woman want with their classmate? Some backed away, while others looked on with grim faces, clutching kunai between their fingers. True, their instructor had fallen...but they were well trained, and there was a lot of them. Surely they could win! One student jumped high, throwing the deadly daggers, while two students rushed Juri from the ground.

It was a mistake. Juri actually laughed. Had they not seen what happened to the master?! With a spinning kick, so knocked away the airborne dagger meant for her, and it instead lodged itself into one of the charger's kneecaps, and they fell to the ground writhing in pain. As the other student got close, she kept up the momentum, sweeping his legs from under him.....then slamming her heel into his stomach. The wind was knocked out of him.

The ninja that landed saw her comrades fall and hesitated...and that was all Juri needed. Dashing forward, a simple cartwheel kick to the collarbone was all it took, and the ninja was out cold. Licking her lips, Juri, ran a hand across her breast plate in an almost seductive manner.

"Well THAT was fun! But I'm only here for one of you!"
Ibuki - Meadow Training Grounds, Japan

"Well, now that THAT's out of the way, I'll be taking what I came for. Ibuki, I believe your name was."

The voice chilled every bone in Ibuki's body as she heard her name being mentioned by this obviously demented woman. The tone wasn't even menacing but more…playful. As if this person was having fun instead of invading a village of trained warriors who would not hesitate in killing her. The woman herself was dressed in strange garbs as well, her loose pants clearly suited for a more kicking style of combat while her top…wait. The intent of it's design was as clear as the lake she swam in during her training. The Spider.

"No! WAIT!" Ibuki yelled as some of her classmates ran towards the lady in an attempt at an assault. They stood no chance, being only youngsters who were still learning how to properly fight. If her sensei was so easily taken down, these students would…

Grunts of pain and shouts broke through the air as this woman quickly dispatched the few that tried to attack her, birds flying off from the trees at the sudden loud noises. The students that were too scared or shocked to do anything seemed frozen as the woman's heel crushed down against the last of her attacker's chest, a grunt escaping from his mouth before his eyes closed shut. Ibuki found herself wanting to rush to help them but her legs felt paralyzed. No, you have to hold it together. These students were counting on her, as one of the more experienced of them, to keep everyone safe and being a coward wasn't going to help right now. This woman clearly wanted something to do with her and it was time to step up and face her with all her training.

"Well THAT was fun! But I'm only here for one of you!"

With a gulp down her throat Ibuki made her way forward out of the small crowd of frightened students, the grass of the meadow crunching underneath her cloth wrapped soles. "I am Ibuki," she said, trying to keep her voice steady, making sure she was prepared if any strike would come her way. This woman had already proved her speed was unparalleled and any hesitation could result in her getting beat down. "What do you want? Why are you looking for me?" she continued, putting on a brave face as she stared at the stranger and met her gaze. As her eyes met the target's, it was obvious something was wrong with one of them…something different at least. There was some sort of symbol imprinted on it, and it slowly spun, unnaturally. Was that the source of her speed and strength?

As they faced one another, a breeze picked up, Ibuki's long ponytail swishing around and all was silent. "Who are you?" she asked finally, confused yet determined.
Juri waited for what seemed like minutes for someone to speak up, when in reality, it was only a couple of moments. She was about ready start start breaking bones just to get someone to talk. She actually raised her leg high above her head, ready to bring her heel down on some poor trainee's arm, when she heard a voice.

"I am Ibuki."

Juri turned to the source to find the girl that had arrived late to the training ground. Funny, she just knew it was her for some reason. They stood staring at one another for a good long well, Juri wearing an almost silly grin on her face, still tingly from the pleasure from crushing the other trainees. She slowly lowered her leg and stared the girl in the eyes. There was bravery in those well as fear. Perhaps this girl would prove a challenge. hopefully she was a prime candidate.

"Who are you?"

Juri laughed at the question. How cute! She was ANGRY! Angry that Juri had trashed her friends! She was going to enjoy this....

"I suppose it won't hurt to tell. My name is Juri....and I'm here to make you my servant!"

With introductions out of the way, Juri suddenly flung a distant kick....and misty purple ki shot straight at the kunoichi Ibuki.
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