When in Rome

As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
"Excuse me, Mr.Mehler? Ms.Cyrus is here for your nine-thirty appointment."

Edward sat forward in the soft black leather chair, bringing his elbows to rest upon the edge of the beautiful red oak desk. His elbows came to a lean there so his hands could then cradle together, fingers entwined, set in front of and thus hiding a grin of excitement that set upon his face. "Is she now," he whispered to himself, the slightly developed lines at the corners of his eyes and of his lips forming on the thirty-something man's face. Brown eyes looked through a pair of dark, thin glasses, casting their glance down to the digital camera set to one side of his desk, atop a small pile of manila folders. "This certainly promises to be an interesting casting call, one way or another," the man continued to himself, unlacing his hands to then reach a finger over to the intercom button. "Thank you," he replied to the voice. "Please send her in."

And that was it, the only thing left to do now was to not develop cold feet. Neither of them could. This had too much potential on its own, this project, and on top of that Edward knew it would be the work that would make or break his career. With a smirk on his face that spoke of both excitement and confidence he rose from the tall-backed leather rolling chair and made his way over to a set of vertical blinds. The office here was quite fancy and everything about it spoke of money - he was used to none of this extravagance yet, truth be told, having only been here for all of a week. Hell, before this all he'd done were independent movies, this being the first huge production with his name attached. When coming up with this idea, though, the series he was in the process of casting for, Edward's investors had agreed to see that it was funded enough to be as professionally as possible, which included them insisting on a lavish office; professionalism from the beginning, he supposed.

The floors were made of wood but dissimilar to the desk, they a dark mahogany. The walls were a calm, simple white, but with an outline of a tree elegantly painted behind on the wall behind the desk, with its leaves blowing in the wind over the expanse of an entire second wall, stopping just before the door. Past the door was the third wall, comprised mostly of a fish tank, tropical, four feet high and eight wide, the fish providing a vivid juxtapose of color in contrast to the rest of the walls of the office. Finally came the fourth wall, the entirety of it a long, large window covered in vertical slats from end to end. The one thing the office didn't have was a chair for people to sit in. Along those slats, which would have one sitting facing the wall with the leaves and the door while the desk was on the right, was an elegant red velvet couch, its back backless, its arms leaning slightly outward in their rise before curling into themselves.

Edward turned the vertical blinds closed. This still allowed enough light to naturally shine through the lengths for the room to be well lit without allowing any to see in; there was complete privacy. Following that, he took the camera from his desk before going to wait in front of it, standing there with an excited smile on his face and an eager lens on the door. And a slight, slight excitement poking at the front of his leather pants. Only slight. He had to remain calm, but he still knew where things might or might not go, where the conversation would certainly lead. Finishing off the man's look, from bottom to top, were a pair of brand new black boots, a long-sleeved white shirt, a silver ring on his left hand, a silver necklace sitting high on his chest, a silver stud in his right ear, and a head of attractively messy dirty blonde hair.

His chest beat with anticipation.

The light atop the lens was green. The doorway, soon to be the young actress' entrance, was being filmed.
Word circulated through all the right channels. A new film being showcased, a film that would eclipse Avatar in proportion. Already stars were being called, the hottest and best of Hollywood being summoned forth. Rumor had placed several of the hottest women in the business coming forth to take roles. Most interestingly, the cast list seemed to be mostly young vixens, spry things more known for their beauty than any real acting talent (though there was some of that as well).

This rumor reached Miley Cyrus. The vivacious brunette was mostly known for her long-term stand as Hannah Montana, the fake Disney character that had built a fortune for Miss Cyrus. She was a teen icon, and she knew it. She also knew that her body had become something that men drooled over. This little girl was becoming an adult, and she had no qualms about showcasing that.

Which explained why she was in a flirty skirt now: white and tight along her lean frame. A slit bared a good deal of delicate white thigh: tantalizing bits of ivory skin just showing. The girl danced when she sung, and exercised on top of those, making her lean. You simply had to trail up, seeing the hips that had just flowed out, filling the skirt and showing how well she filled clothing. Further up was a flowing blouse, one that was just shy of scandalous. A good swish and it would bare her tight stomach, bejewled with a brilliant amethyst. Further up were a pair of breasts that somehow hadn't realized their owner had hit eighteen yet. The face still held some of the youthfulness as well: rounded with wide blue eyes. However, sultry makeup made it clear that this was a woman, as did the brunette, highlighted curls that fell just below her shoulders.

The young starlet favored the man with a smile. She knew this was an audition, and she also knew she was desperate for the part. Miley had been desperate to prove that she could act, that there was real talent there. In fact, that desire was nearly as strong as her urge to prove herself to be a full adult now. This growing girl stopped just a few feet from the man, her smile turning warm, almost sultry. When she spoke, her Southern accent seemed to layer the words with honey.

"Hello there. I believe you were expecting me," she said. Her blue eyes moved about, but didn't locate a chair, so instead, she opted to shift slightly, trying to stand as comfortably as possible. "Don't you want to give a girl a place to sit? Unless you think this isn't going to take that long?"

Miley winked at him. A little flirting couldn't help, especially when you had a body like Miley's.
"I certainly am, I certainly am," he replied, flashing her that same, friendly smile that she had given him, though Edward's face was slightly obscured by the digital camera he held in front of an eye and a cheek. The accent was something that gave him a bit of a shiver, and caused his smile to crack slightly toward a grin. "The girl's already got a place to sit - on her derriere," he teased, tossing in a whimsical attempt at a quick Southern accent with that last word. Following it Edward reached for the teen starlet's hand, which he gently rose to kiss the back of her palm in a more proper sort of greeting. "Help yourself to the couch, darlin'," in another friendly tease. "Chairs are too...uptight. We're going to have a pretty serious conversation, so anyone that comes in, anyone I interview for this part, I want them to be completely relaxed. It's not too early in the morning for a serious conversation, is it," he asked with a smile.

As he spoke the man, right now in charge of casting, and the one who would be directing the movie once things got under way, was not the least bit shy in blatantly looking over Miley's body through the camera lens. He tilted it down, getting a good shot of the slit that showed off her firm thigh and the length of legs beneath the skirt. He centered it, enjoying the view of her flat belly, and the jewel she displayed beneath. He rose it higher, taking in her top, her face, her makeup and hair, and how she was this perfect balance between complete innocence and a bombshell waiting to be unleashed. At least, that's what he thought of whenever he looked at her. "Or, you can sit wherever you please. On the floor. On the desk. Stand. Who am I to tell a lady what to do?" The words were spoken lightly, with a smile, while he began to step backwards. The camera remained on her the entire time as he moved to sit down in the high-backed black leather chair behind the desk. "Wherever you would be the most comfortable." He leaned back a little into the softness of the chair, the leather making slight noises beneath the movement. The camera centered on her upper half, showing as low as that belly that teased a peek and as high as the pretty brunette highlighted hair.

"If I can be honest for a moment, Ms.Cyrus, you were not originally considered for this role. As a matter of fact, you weren't originally considered for this project, and several actresses have already interviewed for the part we're here to talk about today... I'm not saying this to put you at any discomfort, but I wanted to explain to you where my mind is at. Your agency got in contact with us after hearing rumor of the project and insisted that if there was any truth to it, that you would be interested in auditioning. So here we are. I've certainly taken your previous work into account, your real talents you've developed, your very potent beauty... What I'm concerned about is if you're able to handle a role so serious as this, though. Something so...adult. It would certainly alienate many of your fans, if not all of them, but if this series strikes the gold I think it's got the ability to, it could replace that fanbase and that respect tenfold. But there's a really big risk there, and I wonder if you're courageous enough to take it."

"Another thing is your bravery as an actress. I have no intention of shying away from the lavish excess of the ancient Roman hierarchy in this, which I think is the main reason there's already so much buzz, in addition to the names already rumored. There was excess of all types back then, and I intend to concentrate on a few of them specifically while still trying to highlight them all. Now when I say 'bravery,' think like...think like Heath Ledger. Think like Brokeback Mountain, with him filming a homosexual scene with another famous male actor and giving his all to it, while at the time having no clue if it would be received well or if it would blacklist him from future Hollywood projects. Think like The Dark Knight, where he became so tremendously engrossed in the dark mind of his Joker character that he was given an Oscar. Tell me, Ms.Cyrus, are you willing to drop everything you've garnered so far - your teen queen image, your fans who see you as a role model? Tell me, Ms.Cyrus, how badly do you want to be seen as a 'big girl'? ...How much do you know about what you're auditioning for, anyway? Can you tell me what you know already? We'll go from there."
Miley's smile took on an edge as he drawled in response. She'd seen a few make fun of her accent, as though she could truly help that she'd come from the area. Most loved hearing her voice rasp through something like that, the drawls seeming almost sensual when coming from her. Nonetheless, she followed his suggestion, lowering herself onto the couch almost regally.

A man stared at her. Miley did notice his looking, seeming to eyeball her beauty. Not that this bothered her; she had put herself on display. If you didn't want to be looked at, you shouldn't pretty yourself up. In fact, the starlet even shifted, her blouse moving slightly to expose that taut little tummy, the skirt rising just so. Nothing too sensual; just coy flashes of flesh beneath tight clothing expensive enough to draw pause.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she said, again drawling the words. Perhaps she even thickened her accent slightly, a means of expressing her irritation. If so, it didn't leak into her tone or her expression, both of which remained professional and polite.

He explained the situation, which really wasn't that different from the one her agent had outlined for her. Miley hadn't been at the top of the list for the role. Why would she be? It wasn't like they were making a teen picture starring a cowgirl from the South. This role would require Miley to break out, to try something new, and she knew it. He knew it, and laid it out before her.

"Are you telling me that I'm going to have to kiss some beautiful costar to get you to sign me?" she teased, grinning. "C'mon, like you haven't seen my pictures already. I assure you, I'm bad enough for your picture," she leaned forward, that loose blouse seeming to shift slightly. You could just see the lacy bra underneath. It was black.

"I'm sure that I can fulfill all your expectations," she continued. "I'm ready, willing, and able to expand out of my little shell. And think about it: I already have a huge fanbase. You think people aren't going to want to see your movie just because Miley Cyrus is in it?" a little egotistical, but Miley was pulling out the stops here. "I'll even get very mature for you. I've already seen the rating and heard the details."

She stopped to smile, waiting to see his reaction. She wanted to be in this film, desperately. There were rumors of things you'd have to do in order to get on the cast, and while Miley was hoping they weren't true, she was equally prepared to meet those expectations. She had to have this part, any part, and would do what it took to get it.
The camera caught everything, from the way she sat down so ladylike to the way she shifted in her seat, the flash of the black lace bra something that was anything but. To the sensual drawl that came of her Southern background. Watching through the lens, listening to her talk, Edward couldn't help but grin as she started putting herself forth like some kind of naughty thing. He wondered just how adventurous she really was. "So you think you're a bad girl, do you? What's the worst you've done in one of your movies? ...Hell, what's the worst you've done even off-screen, Ms.Cyrus?" He smirked. "I'm not talking giving another girl a peck on the cheek or dropping the F-bomb. That's controversial for you because of your background, because of Little Miss Hannah Montana, but in general things like that are growing less and less taboo. No, hon, what you'd be doing in this role...I don't think you're as prepared for it as you think."

"This is going to be an ongoing series on HBO about ancient Rome," he continued, "and we're going to explore every extreme thing that was commonplace back then among higher society. That's all that's been shared with various agencies yet, that and that we're putting a huge production value into this, and that we're looking for some courageous actors and actresses looking to really cement their names. That's probably what you know so far, right? When I talk about extremes, when I talk about excesses, I'm talking about gladiator fights, I'm talking about feeding Christians to the lions. Human slavery. Women having their place. Homosexuality. Incest. Huge orgies. Blood. Violence. Intrigue, politics, plotting, conspiracies... Tell me something, Ms.Cyrus. Would you be willing to get buttfucked on camera?"

Clear as day. He allowed a moment for the weight of that last sentence to sink in before continuing. "You're nineteen, right? This would be on a special cable channel people pay extra for, so we can show quite literally whatever we want. And the primary idea behind this is excess, it's decadence, it's not shying away from the extremes because the extremes are what people crave, even if they're too shy to admit it out loud. They'll crave it with their subscriptions. With how they'll talk about the show nonstop. You may be involved in scenes where you're talking politics, scenes where you're in a romantic situation, scenes where you're getting drunk on wine and singing and dancing, entertaining a crowd of people, or...you may be doing scenes where you take big, thick dick after big, thick dick up your tight teenage ass, sweetie."

The camera remained on her the entire time, Edward paying attention to both her body language and her face through the lens. "I'm not talking about fading to black either. It would be as graphic as any porno. Camera angles. Naughty bits. Ten, fifteen, twenty minute scenes. Full sexual encounters. ...That is why I need people who are brave, who are willing to go to any length. See, you misunderstood me when I spoke about your fans. It's not that I think people won't want to see this because Miley Cyrus is in it. I think it would garner a ton of attention because Miley Cyrus is in it, but that attention is going to be both good and bad...you'll probably lose every single fan you made working as Hannah, but if this show is a success you may gain many, many more. There may be awards, or it'll lead to even more prestigious roles, things people don't see you seriously enough for the way you are right now. Maybe. I can't guarantee anything, so that's why it's a risk. It's also possible you'll be disowned by the American people, that you'll get no award, no other roles, and this whole project will flop in its first season. I can't promise anything. That's a risk you need to decide if you truly want to take. Once you do, if you do, there'll be no turning back - none."

A few more seconds went by. He gave all of this just a little time to sink in as he leaned back in his chair, the leather sounding with his movements. "You can leave now if you want. To be completely honest, I mean, I expect you to. Unless you feel you're ready to be a big girl. Unless you're ready to be a big, brave girl, Miley," he calling her by her name now for the first time. Edward sat back up in the chair. "Take off your skirt," he said calmly. Then, "You're willing to get mature? Fine. Let's get mature. Take off your skirt Miley, sweetheart. Will you hand it to me?" His free hand half extended, palm open.
The worst thing in one of her movies? Even the latest film, still in the can and being processed, only had Miley kissing a girl rather intently. As for off screen, it wasn't much more than that. The girl wasn't nearly the virginal princess that Disney wanted her to be, hence the many disputes, but she certainly wasn't someone who wallowed in filth and decadence either. At least, not yet. Now this seemed to be pushing her in that direction.

The list made the girl's eyes widen for a moment. She'd seen some scripts, known what was coming. The decadence had never been hidden, certainly wouldn't be that much of a shock. No, it wasn't that, but the sheer audacity of listing it here, of stating quite bluntly that it would all be done.

Would she be willing? Miley didn't immediately respond. She wanted, no, needed more mature roles. Anything to shed that stupid image and move forward. This was that offer, dangling before her, a golden carrot that she had to have. So what it if meant doing things that would make her father disown her? He was nearly there already.

Still, Miley's eyes widened at the first mention. Her lips parted slightly at the other. She could dance, could sing, could do sensual for the viewers. Could she take a cock into her ass for the camera. The girl suddenly realized that she could do all that and more, if it rewarded her with what she craved.

It was a gamble. It was also one Miley needed to take.

Then she finally had her chance to respond. Miley did so, rising. Her hands went down, and she unzipped the skirt. A little wiggling, and the garment slid from her frame. It revealed her white thighs and tight legs, and especially revealed a pair of lacy panties that matched the teasing bra earlier. Miss Cyrus walked over to Edward now, half-aware that she might be filmed. Smiling, she dropped her skirt into his lap.

"What do you think?" she asked, again drawling. "Am I mature enough?"
The shock painted on her face...God, there was just something delicious about it. Would she blink, blink again, remove herself from the room and never look back? Maybe. As he sat there watching the teenager's face and body in response Edward knew that was entirely a possibility. But, when she rose up, when he saw her hands reaching behind her to the back of her skirt, when he heard the movement of her zipper, Edward could not hold back his damn devilish smirk.

Oh, God, and then those beautiful, tone legs...

'Bingo,' flashed immediately through his mind.

"My my," he said, glancing down with the camera to the pretty skirt plopped in a heap on his lap. It fell to cover what was now a growing arousal within the front of those leather pants. "So we hear aallll of that," dragging the word out, "and we decide we want to go forward? Well aren't we feeling brave this morning." The camera rose from his lap, slowly. It moved to Miley's knees, then began its gradual climb up her bare, tone thighs. "So you'd be alright with getting buttfucked on TV? Fully explicit, ass exposed, chest exposed, crotch exposed? 'Acting' like you can't get enough of it?" It continued up. Those panties, pretty black lace...alluring enough on their own, but to know that that's all that stood between him and the sought-after Miley Cyrus' sweet womanhood, it brought his desire to a fully erect state within the leather, tenting the fabric of the skirt right up with it. Then there was the slightly exposed tummy to take into consideration right above it, demanding attention as well.

"The role I'm considering you for is a concubine within the palace. It's a very big role, despite how depraved it would be. Or, perhaps it's so big because it's depraved...it would see you as one of the main stars of the series." The camera rose up, past her chest, moving to her face. "Singing, dancing. Entertaining. Blowjobs. Orgies. Think you can manage all that, big girl? Big, mature Miley?"

Grinning wickedly, he kept the camera focused on her face as he continued, "Take off your panties now. Go ahead. It's just you and me here, right? And a camera. You'll have to be comfortable with getting naked on camera if you're serious about this. It's just the three of us here," as his free hand moved up, shoving aside some papers from the center of his desk with an arm. "Go ahead. If you're serious about pursuing this I want you to show me. Slip right out of them. You can do that, can't you? Then go ahead, take a seat again. Wherever you'd like. Get comfortable for me, Miley, honey."
As Miley looked down, she saw the tent forming in the man's pants and had to smile. Always nice to know you were appreciated, and all she'd had to do was drop her skirt for that. Imagine what kind of reactions she could get from swaying her hips a little, even dancing for him. Just thinking about it made Miley's hands raise a little, baring a few inches of that delicious tummy, enough to see the jewel just shining at her navel.

Getting buttfucked; fully exposed, and so much more. This would make or break Miley's career. It would certainly rocket her to the top of men's sexual fantasies. They'd be jerking their cocks to her writhing body harder than ever. Miley already knew that boys enjoyed her videos; she had even received fanmail talking about how her latest vids made some poor lads cream.

"I'm sure I have enough talent," said Miley. She smiled at him, lowering her shirt and covering that little bit. he continued, essentially offering her a lead: the concubine, the royal one. A list of things she'd done, minus the orgies, followed. Miley leaned forward, that smile growing, "What do you think?" she asked, dragging each word and dropping the last. He could see fully down her shirt now, to the breasts covered in that tantalizing bra.

She could tell the camera moved, and she heard the next command. If what he said was true, they were likely to see all that and more anyway. So the girl reached down. She gave him a flirty smile, and then the panties slowly worked down. She peeled them slowly at first, baring a neatly trimmed bush of light brown, before pulling them off completely. Then she stood, her lower half bared.

"Why just stop there? You're gonna see it all anyway?" she asked. Reaching up, she pulled off the shirt, leaving only her bra to cover her skin. Then, the girl lightly sat upon the man's lap, staring into his eyes and smiling.

"Haven't you heard? I gave a guy a lapdance once," she said, reaching up to grab at his growing cock, just touching it. "But you don't want me to spoil everything now, do you? Gotta save it for the set."
Lord, she wasn't just responding to his instructions, this Southern doll was one-upping him! The dirty blonde haired director couldn't help but grin, baring no shame in the responses his face and his crotch both gave her. He managed to catch everything she did on the digital camera, from her winks and smiles to the playful sways of her hips, to the glimpse of her belly she gave him, to everything. To the drop of her panties, and the reveal of a trimmed, brunette bush that coated her sex like a beautiful meadow.

"Mmm," he mused aloud when those lips became revealed. "My my my..." But it wasn't done there. He caught everything on camera, her panties dropping to the floor, her shirt raising, her tummy completely bared now, and then the sight of Miley Cyrus standing before him in nothing but a lace black bra.

Then, the sight of Miley Cyrus sitting on his lap in nothing but that lace black bra.

"Only once?" He joked his reply, grinning at her throughout. "We'll have to change that. You'll be giving lapdances often if you want this role. And handjobs. And all sorts of terrible, naughty, naughty things," the grin wide and prominent. When he felt the slender, feminine hand laying over the hard leather bulge in his lap Edward's free hand rose to place his palm on that smooth, flat tummy. His fingers splayed, and his hand began moving back and forth in a slow, sensual caress. "Would you like to know what I'd like to see from you right now though? Hm? Do you? I want you to masturbate, Miley. Right now. For me. For the camera. I want you to show me you're not shy in front of one. Show me you're here to perform, ready and willing. Show me you don't care if people see. ...Show me you want everyone to see."
Miley's nether lips were quiet delicate: a slit of dark pink splitting her white. The trimmed bush seemed to call attention to it as well, asking eyes to devour it. Though with so much of Miley bared to the eye, it was a little difficult to decide where to look. The Southern belle squirmed a little on the lap, grinning at the man as he spoke.

"Is it everythin' you were expectin'?" she asked. Her arms raised to her hair, lifting it up as her eyes closed. the body arched for a moment, hips rolling along his. Yes, Miley was certainly grown up, and had a teenager's eagerness to show just how very mature she was.

Her eyes opened and the hands fell as more words came. Another grin, "I'm sure I can manage a few more," accompanied by a hip slide toward the pulsing rod in his pants. His hand moved to her stomach, caressing her. It had been a while since Miley had had a guy, and most of her lovers weren't exactly on her level. Because Miley, well, she really got into sex when she could. It was all the performing she was used to doing. Plus, any starlet that sang seemed highly vocal, and Miley was no exception. He continued to stroke her, and she writhed slightly.

"A command performance?" she asked, teasing. She swallowed, bolstering the same determination that had helped her take the stage from a young age. A finger went between her lips, and she sucked sensuously, dragging it between those two plump bits of flesh. It ran along her tight curves, till it found those nether lips. Miley's finger played delicately with her sex for a while, swirling. Meanwhile, the other hand moved up, cupping her breast and pulling it up, squeezing it.

Miley began working her sex with the fingers then. They darted over, flitted over all the best spots. Her pointer and ring fingers parted her sex so the middle finger could sink between lips. The new intruder caused the girl to buck along the lap. Yes, along the lap, for she was masturbating upon the man's lap, really wanting to impress. Her eyes had closed for a moment as the sensations warring in her body took over. But soon they fluttered open, brilliant blue focusing on him.

She licked her lips before speaking: "Well, is this what you're looking for?"

Another arch, and she ran her fingers about her sex, finding her clit and playing with it, pinching and rolling. The girl clearly had done this before, and also quite clearly knew exactly what to do to get herself going.
Everything about this teenager screamed perfection, from her luscious body to her willing, commanding attitude, to her eagerness to be taken seriously. The Southern accent was a wonderful icing atop it all. As she rose her hair up in her hands, clearly performing for him, for his camera, Edward caught every bit, watching through the lens as the brunette waterfall cascaded down in the form of loose strands before she finally let it go. "Everything and more," came a pleased response, his voice barely above a whispered breath.

She was putting on a show, starlet that she was. Edward soaked in every bit of it. The way she looked at him. The ways he sucked on that finger. The way she trailed it down, the way she parted her slit, the way she palmed her tit... He was hard as a rock beneath her, and the way she rolled her hips in his lap was driving him goddamn wild. The erection itself couldn't grow any harder; proof then came in his breathing, how it became gradually labored despite him simply sitting there watching.

For a moment Edward lost his concentration as Miley did her thing, playing with her clit, rubbing her slit. He watched her, felt her move on him, and all he could think about was this urge, this damn urge to grab her by the hips and knock the girl up...make her bounce in his lap, fill her with wave after wave, then keep pumping till he got hard enough to finish inside her a second time. Oh, God, how she was gyrating, how she was touching that tight teen body for him...

But no. He had to stay professional. Taking a breath, Edward fought to keep control of his own thoughts. "Exactly what I'm looking for, honey," he replied. "Except, can you turn to face me? Face the camera, Miley, sweetheart. What's a performance if your adoring fans will be unable to see you?" There was the need to touch her. Anywhere. Somewhere. Gliding up from her belly, his fingertips traced over the straps of her bra on their way up to dance at the side of her face, along a cheek.

"Mmmn...you're wonderfully multi-talented, aren't you? Tell me something, Miley. You can multitask, right? I want you to talk to me while you masturbate for the camera. Tell me...tell me about a secret fantasy of yours. Tell me something raunchy. I'm sure even a young lady as pure as yourself has a forbidden desire or two... Ever fantasize about taking a fan back to your dressing room? What about wanting two guys at once? Ever dream about a little daddy-daughter time?" His fingers continued their soft caress. "Tell me something the little girl Miley would just die if people knew. Tell the camera, hon. Tell your fans."
Miley could tell he was getting harder, panting more, and it pleased her greatly, made her increase her efforts. Those delicate hands were already teasing tender young breasts and sliding along her soaked sex. The one still covered with her juices reached out for a second, running along the hard cock and feeling it jump against her. The girl smiled before returning. Now both hands were drawing down the tight body, delving into the sex. One would part nether lips while the fingers of the other would explore the hidden depths.

"Mhm," she moaned, turning to look at him. Her needy eyes bore into the camera, a lustful haze starting to descend. Miley's arousal was coaxed out by her fingers, by the knowledge that she was getting people as aroused as she felt. Hell, she was half expecting that Edward here would blow his load if she tried hard enough. He clearly couldn't keep his hands off her, tracing her hot, writhing frame as it danced upon him.

Multitask, speak dirty. Seemed doable. "Mm, but there are a lot," she confessed. A slight blush even rose on those cheeks, before the girl had to loll her head back. A tremor shook her, interrupting her beginning and making her moan. Soon, the girl gathered herself, her voice a throaty rasp as she continued.

"Let's think about the dirtiest then. Have you, mmm, ever seen my costars? Those hot, ah, little things. I've sometimes, mm, thought about taking a couple of them. Not just the guys, but the girls too. Taking, aah, one of my fellow girls and finding out if, mm, girls really, mm, are, aaah," she stopped to shudder again, her breasts bouncing from the ferocity of this tremor. She had to paused to pant, eyes boring into the camera. Finally, she swallowed. Had to do this. For the role, to be an adult.

"I'd love to, to get a few people at the same time," she admitted. A slight smile, "and for the fan thing, who says I haven't already? There's so many hot guys at my, aaaah," she shuddered, arching against him, grinding her sex against his leg, smearing her juices along him. "So many hot, hot, mmm."

Okay, so maybe talking was going to be more difficult than she thought.
Miley Cyrus was a drug. Nude except for a black lace bra, writhing a tight bod right there on his lap, eyeing the camera with nothing short of wanton lust as her fingers tended to a trimmed brunette cunt...she was intoxicating, overwhelming the man before her in a way he hadn't expected. Edward had expected something. He hadn't expected this. This teenage princess being so willing a nasty starlet. "Nngh," he couldn't resist the groan, the gyrations of her body coaxing it uncontrollably through his throat. Could he feel the heat of her pussy as she ground it against his clothed leg? Part of him swore it. The dirty blonde's mind shifted, his breath quickening when that slickened, feminine hand pressed to the bulge of his leather pants, something that then summoned forth another mild, audible grunt from within. And then the words. Oh, God, her words - she said them while staring directly into the camera, she said them while his hand caressed her face, and God, God, he had to wonder if she knew just how hot sharing these secrets with him made her right now.

"So you've invited some fans for some special, backstage access, have you? Guys? ...Girls?" Was she teasing? Had she really? Edward kept the camera on her face regardless, all the while grinning behind the lens. "You sound like you've never had more than one at a time. Would you like to change that? The role I'm considering you for would be a new concubine in the palace; a girl who, though young, through her personality, attitude and allure soon becomes the favorite piece of ass of the emperor himself... You would be doing gangbang scenes with guys, orgy scenes with girls, in addition to scenes with one or two people at a time, solo scenes, or simply even just highly sensual scenes. You probably wouldn't have a single moment in the series that doesn't have you showing a good amount of skin, even at times when you're 'clothed.'"

At that the camera panned down, blatantly, past her neck, past her bra. To her tummy, fit and firm and gorgeous - a delicious looking belly, garnished with a gemstone. The camera rose back up to catch Edward's hand as he traveled down from Miley's face, coming to toy with a strap of her black bra. A finger then traced from the strap to the right cup, ghosting his touch around the curve and underneath, coming just short of her nipple. "You're going to have quite a few attractive co-stars too... Men. Women. I can't give out names until everyone is signed, but don't you worry, little miss. You'd be getting famous for constantly dropping your panties for some very attractive people." Edward's touch continued, slow, light, the camera falling it as it fell from her chest back onto her stomach, where his palm came to wrap around her side, just above Miley's bare hip, fingers curled in along the front of her flat belly. The camera continued down past this to focus now on the brunette patch between her thighs, and the slender fingers working diligently therein.

"Mmm...God, you're so sexy, Miley. Don't stop. Keep going. Show off for the camera. Show off for your fans. Do you want to make some new fans, right now? This is your chance - show them what they've been missing." His cock was in a complete strain beneath her. "This is the kind of production that encourages scandal, you know... Sleeping with your co-stars even off-screen. Partying all the time. Getting caught leaving the director's trailer way early in the morning, heading back to your own," he made sure to toss in there, bearing a fun grin. "If you even want your own. There's a few already who have talked about sharing theirs and pocketing a slightly larger paycheck." His hand smoothed down from her belly, gliding across her hip and to her thigh, where his fingers wordlessly urged her leg to spread some so he could get a better shot. "You're glistening...you look so beautiful," he said ever-grinning, his sight plastered on the Disney princess' pretty teenage crotch. "Do you have anything else you'd like to confess, Miley, sweetie? Things you've done? Fantasies of things you want to do? Is there anything you're thinking about right now you want to talk about?"
Miley's body continued to writhe and gyrate in ways that men only dream of women moving. The girl's hips undulated in a sensual dance, rubbing her ever wetter crotch against those leather pants. Miley even paused to grind her sex against his leg, feeling the hard muscle pressing against the leather, pressing against her. A part of her might be telling her to stop, that this was sinful, wrong, and that she shouldn't do it, but that part was drowning in the lust that kept surging through the girl's body, flooding her senses.

Words were difficult in coming, and each time Miley spoke, little moans and groans of pleasure dotted her sentences, appearing more frequently than punctuation marks: "All the, all the time," she breathed, again pausing to let out throaty noises of arousal. Her fingers played effortlessly against her pink lips, the squelching hitting rhythms to match heartbeats. It was a lie, mostly; Miley had thought of taking some backstage, but she'd never really done it. There had been some experimentation, sure, but not nearly what this guy and the audience behind that camera were hoping for.

"Mmm, that sounds hot," she breathed. A shudder, and Miley's back arched back for a moment, before the girl leaned forward. The brunette curls fell loose about her face, nearly covering her parted lips. Glazed blue eyes were staring into the camera as though it were her lover. She licked her lips, and tried to continue. "I'm already so hot; I'm meltin'. Oh God, oh sweet Jesus."

The girl arched, a tremor shaking her body. That familiar knot tightened within her stomach, letting her know that she was only moments away from unleashing herself on this guy, for the camera. He ran his hand along her quivering frame, playing with her breast, toying with her. Something about her costars, constantly dropping her panties. Miley wanted the role; wanted to be an adult. The idea of the sex gave her pause, but she knew better than to show it.

She would do anything to prove she was an adult now.

Edward kept talking, though his words fell mostly on deaf ears. Miley's arousal thundered so loudly that she couldn't hear anything else. Couldn't feel much else besides her aching body. Her sex quivered. More juices leaked from her, spreading along the leather pants. Hands, rough ones, not hers, trailed down her body, parting her legs further. Glistening? An understatement, judging by the moisture gathered below.

"Omigod!" she cried out. Her body jerked, hips spasming forward. "Omigodomigodomigod, aaaarhhh, I'm, I'm, cumming! Aaaaaah!"

She spasmed and jerked, her feet kicking out. Toes curled. The girl arched. She continued to jerk about, almost moving like she was having a seizure. Her hands never stopped worked, playing with her sex, toying it, making it continue to spasm and spurt. The orgasm thundered in Miley's ears, making her want to shout above it. The girl's vocal chords, so developed to project, shot the sound now, filling the room and likely making her most popular recording yet. The orgasm lasted for quite a well, before the panting girl rested upon the lap, almost too weak to get up and move.
She was beautiful, writhing about like a flame in the wind. Every motion he observed was fluid, feminine, and if she kept this up long enough it was completely possible she'd have his body finish while those tight black pants were still on. Edward's chest rose and fell with rapid excitement. His hand responded to the snake-like gyrations by gripping down on the inside of Miley's thigh, increasingly harder the more she rolled those athletically toned hips, but truthfully he wondered if she was coherent enough to even notice. Slight, unstoppable grunts passed his lips every time her hand or her knee found his need amidst her movements. And through everything Edward kept the camera filming, her big scene, moving up now from that brown-haired crotch to her belly to her breasts, to focus the shot on her neck and face. "You look so beautiful," he mused as her mouth and brow would contort.

She was getting close, and fast. As she sped up, her breathing, the motions of her hand, everything, Edward leaned back as far as he could in the black leather chair. The fabric made a sound beneath him as it moved, allowing him to lean back enough that the camera could see everything now, reaching from about Miley's forehead to as far down as her wrist and the beginnings of those short brown hairs. "So beautiful," he repeated as she got closer and closer. He opened his mouth to start to say something, to encourage her, but this girl seemed such a talent in front of the lens he didn't want to distract from her performance. Edward watched from behind the camera as her face contorted, as her body writhed, as she moaned out and literally shuddered in orgasm right on his lap.

The moment it was done, God, the moment it was finished his hand left its clench on her thigh to reach up and wrap around the side of her face. Edward actually moved the camera away from himself, holding it out to the side, filming them both as he leaned in to give Miley a firm, hungry kiss on the mouth. Then another. He was nearly twice her age, but fuck it - this was Hollywood. Then another kiss, hungry, impassioned. A pair of teeth held to the starlet's lower lip following that last one, tugging it with him as he gave her an inch or two of space before letting go. An inch or two wouldn't be enough to escape the feel of each other's breath. With that in mind, reveling in being so close, in the feeling of hers, his eyes stared into hers as he whispered, "That was so fucking hot, baby... Mmn... So fucking hot..." Another excited kiss. Would the Southern belle forgive him for not asking permission like a proper gent? He smirked at the thought. "and it was so brave," he whispered a moment later, back to staring into the girl's eyes.

"Can you do something for me?" Edward slowly leaned back, reclining all the way into the chair as he'd been a moment ago. He kept his eyes locked on hers the entire way back, now bringing the camera back to his face. "That was so hot, hon. And that scream when you came... That was wonderful. It was like a siren. Do you think you could do something else for me though?" His hand fell from her cheek. Falling, fingers trailing over the front of her bra, over her stomach, then moved to clasp about Miley's wrist. "Do you think you could go for Round Two?" Gently he pulled at her wrist, guiding the actress' hand to him. Looking through the lens the entire time, looking at her belly, her chest, her neck, at the way her long brown curls fell about and framed her face, and most importantly at her eyes, Edward guided those slender fingers to his lips where he boldly embraced the treat of licking the girl's cum from her fingers. "I have something else I want to have you try out for, something else I need to see if you're brave enough to handle," he spoke between fingers. Smiling, "Go ahead and get up off my lap, honey. I want to introduce you to one of the guys you'll be filming scenes with."
Miley was dimly aware of the motions of the man beneath her. Her body had pressed against him as it writhed, the most tender bits of her grinding against his form. It would have been impossible not to notice him on some level. As a result, Miley reacted as a lover would. She ground against him more, arched more, tried to do something to make him feel at least a small portion of the pleasure that shot through her body like sexual electricity. Already she melted upon his lap and screamed desire into his ear.

Just as the post-orgasmic bliss started to settle in, Miley found herself kissing. A hungry set of lips took her own, stopping the heaving, panting breaths. The girl's eyelids fluttered, her dazed body simply reacting for the first few seconds. If he had moved quickly enough, he likely could have slid himself inside her still trembling sex and she wouldn't have protested. A little moan escaped the girl as her lips peeled back, trapped between teeth. Those eyes bore into hers, compliments flowing from the lips before they kissed again. She panted, but managed a smirk at him.

"You should ask before kissin' a lady," she drawled. As if she were a lady now, or that what she did hadn't shattered most of the barriers put up between the two of them. She squirmed again, excited blue eyes latching onto his. He talked, he rubbed against her, a hand exploring her body like it was familiar territory: his own back yard. Her blue eyes widened as he stuck fingers into his mouth, and her own lips parted just a little. Her sex was the true clue, as it gave a little shudder of appreciation.

"What, that ain't enough?" she asked. Moving lithely, she threw a leg off and rose to her feet, balancing for a moment, feeling strange in standing so soon after cumming. Her nether lips felt tender, and she nearly rubbed them in reassurance. Instead, she turned to him, quirking an eyebrow, clearly asking what he could possibly want after that little display.
"Oh, that would be enough...for any other role," Edward replied, his smile one of pure mischief. As Miley removed herself from his lap and took those first few shaky steps he brought the shot down to her buns, something the man immediately made a mental note to spend some camera time on. Then she turned to face him though, she turned and Edward rose the picture up from what was now Miley's bare belly to up over her bra and to her face, catching the inquisitive look she gave him. Smirking back, he continued, "If you want a supporting role as an actress, we could stop now. You would certainly have that role locked, Ms.Cyrus. However, I get the feeling you're hungrier than that." He reached over to the intercom button on his desk. "We're ready. You may send him in."

"Yes, sir."

"I get the feeling you're willing to do whatever it takes," he continued, removing his finger from the button,"that you aren't going to leave here until you've proven you're a big girl, that you're ready for one of this series' starring roles..." He started to move then, the camera remaining on Miley as his steps took him in a half-circle around the young woman. The shot went from the front of her face to the side, to then being encompassed more by the hair that framed it. His free hand reached for the doorknob. "I've only met him briefly myself. I believe his name is Benny? Anyway, I'll let you two become acquainted."

When Edward opened the door Benny walked right in -- on all fours. The camera was kept on Miley's face; this would be a reaction he wanted captured, for sure. "We're going to have three or four rottweilers on set when we're filming but I figured we only needed one for now, to see how you two get along. Your character is quite the sexual minx of the cast, and in addition to men and women, she's going to be the dogfucker of the group. ...What do you think of that, Miley? Oh, look at that, he's already introducing himself to you!" Chuckling, Edward lowered the camera to the full adult male rottweiler, to Benny, who had unabashedly already made his way to the girl and started sniffing eagerly, first her crotch, then at her rear end.

He closed the door. "I can put you in one of the other roles if you feel getting knotted by dogs several times a season is too much for you. You'll still be featured prominently -- I can just offer one of the other actresses this mature role..."
Miley arched a brow. Simply putting on a show like that wasn't enough? What would she have to do next? Well, he had said something about introducing another cast member, and judging by how this was going, that likely would end up with Miley nestling something else between her knees. The starlet reached up to fluff her brown curls, running hands through them and prepping. Might as well look as much like a sex kitten as possible, though given her barely there bra and bared bottoms, she was pretty much there.

"Oh, I'm definitely going to do whatever it takes to show you how ready I am,' she drawled, stretching out the words, nearly purring them to the man. She smiled and held her arms up, posing coyly for the man as he admired. That pert ass seemed to almost tighten, and there were still the visible bits of moisture clinging to thighs and sex.

Benny? Miley didn't know any famous actors or actresses that went by that. Yet she supposed that some people would come onto the scene without boasting massive... credits. So she turned to meet him, that smile plastered on her face.

It slid slightly as the dog trotted over. Surprise soon took over, and the teen looked over at the man, eyes asking the necessary questions. Yet he continued, his explanation answering the unasked. Dogfucker. Miley Cyrus, dogfucker. The teen licked her lips. No going back, not from something like that. But people would know then. They would know that she wasn't just some teen-bop sensation. She was an adult, one willing to do whatever dirty, filthy thing she needed to in order to get her role.

"I always was a dog lover,' said Miley. The Southern drawl wavered slightly now, and the girl trembled as she felt a cold nose pressing against her nether bits. She even gasped as the nose nudged against her rear, rising briefly onto her toes. "He's friendly, ain't he?" she asked. Yes, her voice still shook; this was something huge, and she was already wagering that a dog would be much, much larger than any men. It took all the girl had to stay there, her desire for the mature role overriding what she kept telling herself were irrational fears.

"So, what did you have in mind for me and Benny's introduction?" she asked, looking back to the man, half-hoping that it would be something very, very simple... and half-hoping to be asked to get on all fours.
He chuckled, watching Miley's reaction through the lens. Try as she might, her moment of faltered confidence was undeniable, though that much was her being human. "Good, good. This role is going to have you loving quite a few dogs over the course of it. You know all those trash mags, huh? The ones going on about who's dating who, who tweeted what? Just imagine a candid, off-set photo of you on the cover of the Enquirer: you're walking your dog down the sidewalk in a pair of sweats and a shirt and cap, and the caption asks if that's your pet or your lover. Or if there's even a difference in the Cyrus household. Or imagine you're getting out of a limo, all dolled up, ready for a night at the club with friends. That's when people from TMZ come into your personal space with cameras, flashing all over you, asking what breeds you prefer." Snickering, Edward circled slowly around Miley to catch the dog going back and forth between sniffing her crotch and her butt, its tail wagging enthusiastically. "Remember what I said, it's all or nothing. I need an actress brave beyond comparison for this role, as there really is no going back. You'll be a big girl forever after the very first episode. And if you feel like this is way more than you wanted, Ms.Cyrus, we can stop everything right now. There are other roles in the show I can give you. Maybe something with a repeat cameo, once or twice a season?"

That was when Benny started lapping his wet, rough tongue against the front of that brown-haired crotch. "Oh, my," Edward laughed, "talk about getting personal! ...Well now that I have you on camera, getting your vagina lapped at by a dog, maybe I should tell you why. I mean, you must be curious why I haven't put it down, right? It's not uncommon for auditions to be recorded, but something as private as this? ...It's to make sure you can perform in front of a camera. This sort of thing, I mean. This level of maturity. I don't want you choking when it's time to go on set, and I don't want you changing your mind. I need actresses wholly ready to put their careers on the line for this production, make or break. Hesitation has no place here. So," he made sure to capture Miley's face as Benny continued to lap happily at the wetness of her crotch, clearly drawn to her powerful scent, "if you do some of the dirtier bits for me now, here, on my own personal camera, there's no real chance of changing your mind later, is there? I mean, who knows where this will pop up. Maybe on the 'behind the scenes' of the Season One DVD. Maybe I'll sell it to a porn company, and word of the deal will hit the evening news as quick as tonight. Maybe I'll just keep it for my personal collection. I mean, who knows, right? I need an actress who doesn't even care. I want a lady, of course, but at the same time I want someone to look me in the lens right here and now and consent that I can do anything I want with this footage -- and then give this next scene her all, showing the whole world how hot she thinks bestiality really is."

Edward crouched down. He aimed the camera starting at about Miley's thighs, making sure to catch the dog's head buried there, and made sure the shot was zoomed out enough to catch her flat tummy, her black bra, and the expression on her face, with just a little bit of the hair above it decorating the top of the picture. "As for what the scene consists of, I leave that entirely up to you. Do you want Benny to lick you while you play with your clit? Do you want to give him a handjob while you talk to the camera? A blowjob? Wanna lay on your back on the couch and encourage him to climb up with you? What about the classic 'down on all fours,' like you're a human, but you're a female, so you're still his fucking bitch, Miley, honey? ...You're quite the talent. I feel confident in leaving this scene in your hands."
The paparazzi had been lethal. They'd been having their way with Miley since she starting showing breasts, really. The rumors about who she dated, what she did, it would have overwhelmed some people. Miley had long since gotten past those hang-ups, almost reveling in the attention. The old saying of "there's no such thing as bad press" had become something of a mantra from her. So to extend this to dogs, while initially repelling, seemed like just the next step. A step that, it was becoming increasingly clear, would be necessary in order for her to advance in her career.

Yet as Edward spoke, the dog moved. Miley gasped and took a small step forward as she felt a wet, rough tongue sliding along her tender sex. Those blue eyes went wide, her mouth falling open for a second. A little tremble, and she knew that this actually felt quite good. Sinful, wrong on so many levels, but there was a level of pleasure inherent in the action that was almost intense.

The dog continued, and Miley tried to focus. Her eyes met the camera, the blue starting to shine with barely contained lust, mixed with a healthy amount of disgust and distaste. The dog had clearly been trained to do this, and, drawn by Miley's still present juices, had started lapping quite fervently. Miley could feel that thing sliding across her tender folds, producing juices almost as quickly as the dog was lapping them up. Her lips slid between teeth as she bit back moans and soft cries of joy. Already her lower body had started to move, dancing and gyrating in a manner not too dissimilar from her movements in some music videos.

Yet Miley focused her gaze on the camera, putting all those years performing in front of it to use. She had a shaky smile and nodded, her brown, curled locks falling over her flushed face again. Committed, would be used anyway, going all out. The girl had been silent, but it seemed like things had now shifted.

"Mmm, all in my hands?" said Miley, her voice almost hoarse, that accent scraping the words. "Well, that's tempting, but if I'm gonna be doing this, I should probably show all my talent, right? C'mere, Benny, let's give them the show they want."

She moved the dog slightly, sinking down to her knees already. Her hand was stretching down, trying to find the doggie cock to stroke a few times. She was already shifting, figuring that what the audience most wanted was her as the dog's "bitch." That would likely be what the role entailed, yes? So she was already shifting into positions, trying to stroke and get the dog excited. Her rear was already starting to be presented, the tiny slit of her sex still dewy from the lickings and the earlier playing.
"Such a willing talent to mold," Edward commented happily, shifting in position once Miley was down on her knees. He moved to crouch down about a foot away now, beside her, at an angle where he could capture everything -- on one side of the shot was Miley's lovely body, skin bare, showing from her calves and thighs all the way up her sides to her shoulders, and to the hair at the side of her face, and on the other side of the shot was the rottweiler, he perhaps the most eager in the room of all three.

Benny's tail had been wagging steadily since he began sniffing and licking at the actress, leaving little room for improvement there. He did seem to fidget though when she reached beneath him to coax out his doggie cock from its sheath and stroke it. His face turned, his body shifted a little but not to pull away. He licked once eagerly at Miley's face. He rose a paw up, padding at her lightly, wanting to mount. He seemed to want that, all of that, but yet this too, Benny clearly restraining himself from pulling away as the teenager's slender hand stroked repeatedly up and down the veiny shaft.

Edward made sure to get a good shot of this, panning back first to capture the dog's natural actions, then bringing the shot down low to watch the hand palming up and down the rottweiler's length. "Talk to the camera, Miley, honey," Edward encouraged, moving back up to her face now. "Concentrate on your new friend, but talk to the camera. Tell me how it feels. Do you like it? Does it feel awkward?" His own erection continued to strain achingly against his pants, but it still wasn't time for that. He needed to focus on this. On her. Edward kept the shot on her face for now. "Talk to the people watching. What are you feeling right now? Are you nervous? Have you ever done anything like this before? Ever thought about trying it off-camera?"
Miley's mind whirled. The dog's cock felt thick, almost too large for her, certainly larger than any human that she'd ever felt. Those delicate fingers continued to stroke and play with the thing, while the girl dimly listened to the teasing, rasping voice of the man responsible for this whole setup. She swallowed, licked her lips, and shifted, seeming to wiggle that pert little ass enticingly.

"Such a big doggie," she said, her young voice taking those words and seeming to make them especially obscene. "I've never seen anyone this big before. You're so big, Benny, there in my hand like that. You like that, don't you?"

She gave the cock a squeeze, closing her fist about that pulsing thing. The cock felt huge, almost overlarge, and Miley felt a brief wave of panic at the idea of taking such a thing within her. Yet Edward had made it clear what would happen should she back down. It simply wasn't an option; hadn't been since the beautiful girl had walked through the door.

"Come on, Benny, don't you like me? I'm going to be your pretty little bitch," she said, nearly wincing at the words but forcing a camera ready smile. I'm all nervous, since you're so big and I'm so small, but you're going to do it, aren't you big guy? With your nice, thick cock. It's going to wreck my tiny little pussy. Here boy," she shifted then, moving to all fours and clearly presenting her lower half to the dog. Benny had already been pawing her and shifting; he should know what to do. "You know what you're doing. Stick that thick, doggie cock inside my tight little pussy. Make me scream for you. Make me your bitch."
At first Benny's response wasn't clear; he stood there simply, on all fours, his face calm while the nearly naked singer and actress stroked his veiny shaft. The real response he gave was the shaft itself, growing out of its sheath and to its full, throbbing length, all within the young celebrity's palm. Benny did shift to try to lick her face once or twice, it clear now that he was well enjoying the attention, but in turning his body he fell short, not wanting to pull himself out of her hand. That was no longer an issue though when Miley dropped down to all fours, to her hands and her knees, cooing encouragement to be mounted. The rottweiler, as per nature, immediately walked around to behind her where he rose a paw to pad at her smooth backside while sniffing up again at Miley's crotch.

Edward, meanwhile, felt a delicious shiver course through him upon hearing the teenager offering to be the dog's 'pretty little bitch.' "Seems like you're comfortable with your fellow actor already," he commented, grinning ear to ear. Somewhere he wondered if she would even catch the excited expression. It didn't matter though; it was about the two of them now, about the rottweiler and his new bitch -- Miley Cyrus, doggie fuckslut.

That paw padding at her smooth, firm ass moved up to her hip. His other joined it at her other side. Benny quickly hopped up onto his hind legs, mounting the real-life Disney princess.

"Look over here sweetie," Edward cooed, shifting to kneel in front of the young star. He was tempted to go underneath her to get a shot of the penetration, or go for a good side view, but the director and now-cameraman opted to kneel at her front, a reaching a curved finger to Miley's chin to guide her face right to the lens.

Once the dog was on top of her his shaft rubbed against the outside of her crotch as he set himself into position, but this only took all of a second. Then, knowing nothing of gentleness, or of pace, Benny began to take her exactly like he was -- like an animal, penetrating Miley's wet cunt with his veiny tip, pumping into her sweet teenage snatch deep from the very start.

"Talk to me, Miley. Talk to the camera."
The dog licked at Miley's face, and strangely enough, that was nearly enough to cause her to bolt. Being licked hadn't done it, nor was the idea of moving on all fours to allow him to mount her. There was just something strangely personal about that tongue so near her beautiful face, personal enough that it nearly made the girl gag. She fought against it though, instead smiling and cooing to the animal. He didn't seem that bad, really. Horny, but who could blame him? Miley would be horny too, if someone was stroking her nethers and promising her release.

"Oh, I'm all sorts of comfortable," she drawled, looking at the camera and flashing another smile. The dog was shifting again. She could feel a paw prodding at her smooth ass, making her tighten them. Then a leap, and weight seemed to come on the girl, making her bend slightly more, nearly pressing her face into the carpet below. A hand moved to direct her face, and Miley offered the camera one of those patented smiles.

"Mmm, I think he's getting excited," she said, feeling him prodding against her. "I can feel his big doggie cock pressing against my little pussy. He's rubbing all against me, probably trying to--HOLY SHIT! OH GOD, JESUS, HE'S ---AAAH!"

The girl trembled as though electrocuted, jerking and writhing upon the cock. Her sex squeezed the intruder, rippling around it and pulling it tight against her. She moaned, feeling her wet sex grow wetter in a vain attempt to add further moisture. The dog was already digging deep within her, tearing through insides and stretching the girl. While Miley might have had a few lovers before, none had been nearly as big as the canine that took her now. They had certainly not been as long, as the dog prodded at Miley's insides now.

"Fuck!" the teenager cried, arching her body and trying to work up. Benny's weight and determination weighed her down though, and she wound up rocking back. His cock was sawing into her body, rampaging her insides and delving deep within. The girl cried out again, body trembling, eyes rolling back. This was one of the most raw, most frenzied fucks she'd had, and even the trained performer was having trouble forming any real words.
It was fucking gorgeous, the electricity that shot through the young actress' body. Edward's single crooked finger remained below her chin, acting as possibly the sole thing keeping Miley's head somewhat raised while her back arched, her chest down, bra-covered mounds an inch from the floor and her pert little rear raised in the air. He kept her face somewhat up so he could capture everything, from every foulmouthed word to every unladylike grunt, to the way her eyes rolled back in her head now as she got her pussy pounded. Oh, fuck, she looked sexy when she was senseless. "You are sexy as hell when you're getting railed, baby," he cooed with a grin.

Meanwhile, the rottweiler cared nothing about his bitch's pleasure or discomfort. He simply fucked her like an animal. Like a beast. His hips slammed in quick repetition, pulling halfway out and thrusting back in again. His body arched over her back. His front paws hooked around her waist, and after only a few seconds of pumping he was already trying to force the knot at the base of his cock into her tight teeny hole.

"Come on Miley, talk to me. Talk to your fans. You have all these girls that listen to you, that watch you.. Tell them how this feels right now. Is it bad? Do you want to stop? Does it feel good? Would you recommend fucking a dog to all the young girls that look up to you?"

Benny cared nothing of the 'interview.' He was a dog; as such, he thrust into her brown-haired vagina several more times, each one pushing, each one straining her more and more with the bulbous knot at the base of his shaft, until finally her copious, lewd juices helped slick him just enough for momentum to help things along. It had taken a number of pumps to stretch the teenager enough to be knotted, but then they'd also come fast, forcing her muscles to accept this new sensation all of ten seconds after the initial penetration.

Edward's hand rose from just the finger beneath her chin to his entire palm now cupping the side of Miley's face. A thumb smoothed over her lips idly while the rest of his hand held her left cheek. "Come on sweetie. Talk to me. Talk to the camera. Talk to your fans. Talk to your new lover. Or, would you rather just roll your eyes and drool on my floor for awhile?" Snickering from behind the camera, he rose his hand to ruffle gently through the young girl's hair. "That's hot too."
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