1X1 Mortal Kombat rp. KnuckleBomb and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place at the docks in Hong Kong where Raiden was waiting for his warriors to show up and board the boat for the first Mortal Kombat Tournament that was on Skull Island and he knew that some of his warriors would be late and he sighed.

Johnny Cage was walking with Liu Kang and said to him,"I heard a rumor that the two sub-zero brothers have a younger sister and I'm not sure if that rumor is true or not though,we'll ask Raiden that question right Liu Kang."

Liu Kang said to Johnny,"Yes that is correct and their is the boat and their is Raiden waiting for us both and I wonder who else is on this boat and hopefully we'll win this tournament to stop Outworld from winning all the time and let's not keep Raiden waiting Johnny."

Johnny Cage followed Liu Kang to where Raiden was standing and another warrior was standing beside Raiden and she was wearing a cloak over her outfit so none of the enemies will know who she is at any cost and she sighed.

Johnny and Liu both said to Raiden,"Raiden who is that warrior that is standing beside is he a good fighter or he is here to watch this tournament hmm Raiden.?"

Raiden said to Liu Kang,"Why don't you ask this warrior for yourself hmm Liu Kang go ahead and ask this warrior that question I dare you to do it."

Liu Kang looked at the cloaked figure and said to him,"I am Liu Kang and are you a good fighter sir hmm.?"

The cloak figure said to him,"I'm not a guy I'm a female and I'm a pretty good decent fighter, and my name is Tanja." "And I'm the two sub-zero brothers younger sister,and yes the rumor is true that I do exist". "I'm keeping my identy well hidden from any of Outworld warriors if they find out who I am they'll tell a certain warrior and he won't give up until I'm etiher dead or under his control." "And I'm not going to let any enemy take control of me Liu Kang. Raiden will take you and Johnny to your cabin on the boat it was nice meeting you Liu Kang."

Tanja walked away from all three of them and walked into her cabin that she didn't have to share with anyone at all and she sighed.

Raiden leaded Liu Kang and Johnny Cage to their cabins and he went to his own cabin and thye were just waiting for Sonya Blade now,because Raiden knows that Sub-zero1 younger brother will meet them at the tournament and Raiden sighed.

The boat leaves the docks and Sonya Blade runs onto the boat and she just makes it in time and she looks up towards the night sky and she sighed and wondered what people she'd meet at this tournament and hoped that their was another girl on Raiden's team then herself. (d. I hope that this plot idea is based on the first mortal kombat tournament. I'll be waiting for your reply back to our rp with your character intros next ok.))
Shang Tsung sat like a king in his elegant throne at the end of the massive dining hall, one hand propped under his chin and the other draped languidly over the armrest. His soulless eyes of dark hazel were molten beneath the rich lighting above. His oily black hair was drawn back into a tight ponytail and his long black coat with it's winged back collar gave him a demonic glow. His almond eyes were narrowed and his penciled brows were furrowed as he looked over the long wooden table stacked with food where his fighters alighted to share meals. He began drumming his fingers upon the intricately carved armrest of his tall chair seeming in an all too pensive mood about something.

Shang Tsung's fighters; men and women of many different shapes and backgrounds began tearing into their food like packs of ravenous animals, not one of them showing the slightest trace of dining etiquette. The sorcerer's lips tugged back ever so slightly into the faintest evil grin when suddenly a sound arose from beside him, a gargling sound. He dropped one arm and swung a look to Prince Goro whom was standing next to him, nearly twice the size of any normal man at full height. The monster was clearing his throat. A disgusting process thought Shang Tsung.

Prince Goro stood erect in all his ugly mass, two meat slab arms folded over his rigid chest while the other two dangled at his sides. He maintained a goofy simpleton's grin on his face as he glanced back at Shang Tsung. The sorcerer smiled, one that suggested "you're just a big stupid ape aren't you? You haven't the slightest clue that you're merely a pawn in the grand scheme of things?".

The two of them exchanged looks for a moment before Shang Tsung rose slowly from his throne. When he did, he ushered in a new wave of silence as every fighter at the table froze in place, some even in mid chew were reluctant to move a muscle. Everyone except Kano were like living statues. Kano, the blithering thug was still slobbering over an enormous turkey leg, tearing the juicy golden brown skin apart with his bad teeth. Shang Tsung seemed about to speak when Kano interrupted with a mouth full of food "Well come on then, out with it already" he said arrogantly as pieces of chewed meat flitted from his flapping jaw.

Shang Tsung's eyebrows arched for a moment and then he smiled his viper's smile at the man. "Very well" said the sorcerer smoothly, his voice so low and calm that it was almost bewitching. "I'm sure you all know that we've won nine mortal kombat's in a row thus far" he started and the fighters all cheered for a briefness. "So then I'm sure you know that outworld needs just one more before it can mount an attack on Earth Realm" then there was another quick cheer. As their voices died to simple murmurs Shang Tsung spoke with renewed vigor "This is it! You will do battle with the combatants of Earth Realm as well as Raiden's handpicked warriors one more time and you will win!" The table was alive with rowdy cheers and applause.

The sorcerer tilted his head back and a surge of power emanated from him like a sonic blast that reverberated through the room as well as every warrior present. The crowd, Goro and even that idiot Kano were all in silence now as Shang Tsung held out a hand and drew an inky black aura around himself. He was pulsating with dark energy now and his presence filled the hall completely as it blanketed every available atmosphere. "Or your souls will be mine!" he hissed. With that said the aura snapped into him once more and the room returned to normal. Kano laughed nervously and shared elbows with a man beside him, nudging the warrior and telling him about how he plans to rip his first opponent in half just like the turkey leg he broke between both hands with a sickening crunch.

Shang Tsung grinned wolfishly and turned on his heels, clasping his hands behind his back as he strode over to where his throne was. He stopped abruptly and three shadowy figures crept out from behind it. “Sub-zero, Scorpion, Reptile, you three will assassinate Raiden’s warriors before their respective battles commence. Outworld will not tolerate any losses at this point”. As the three figures stepped into the light their ninja garbs became suddenly visible. Sub-zero’s were blue on black, Scorpion’s gold on black and Reptile’s green on black. They each stepped forward and gave a solemn bow before receding back into the shadows. “Let’s see how you handle yourself this time Raiden” Said the sorcerer quietly to himself as he twisted back into his chair, his elbows digging into the armrests as his hands laced together in front of him. He let his eyes fall over his fighters once more and he became, as he often was, contemplative….
One of the ninjas said to Shang Tsung,"What about that new warrior that Raiden found on the edge of a shoreline water that he betrayed the lin kuel ninjas. i'm not sure if this new warrior is a male or female and this warrior is mysterious he or she comes and goes when Raiden needs this warrior help. I just hope that new warrior is not a threat to any of your warriors or even to you my lord Shang Tsung."

Meanwhile on the boat:

Raiden sees Tanja looking at the water and he said to her,"So far the enemy does not know you are helping us to take part in this tournament Tanja, and I know that your oldest brother feels threaten by you and he thinks that you are dead,but your not. The enemy will be a bit surpise about this and do not worry none of Shang Tsung's warriors will dare to harm you once we get to the Island, Were finally at the island and stay close to me and the others understand Tanja.?"

Tanja looks at Raiden and she said to him,"Yes I do understand you nice and clear Raiden and we'll win this tournament for sure and Scorpion has forgoten that I saved his son life's from the lin kuel ninjas and my good brother and i are wanted for betraying "The Lin Kuel ninjas. I'm glad that I didn't follow my oldest brother footsteps at all. You saved from near death and I thank-you for that Raiden. You are like another father to me and I'm ready to fight for good and make evil pay for the things that they have done to certain warriors that have fought in the previous tournaments,I will not fail and I will not let my father down and I promised him that I'd seek revenge on the warrior thta killed him and my mother. Reptile is going to pay very dearly for my parent's death I'll make sure of that Raiden."

Raiden nods his head to agree with Tanja's words nad he leaded him and his warriors off the boat and up to the stairs and Tanja sensed that something was not right and she scans the area very carefully and she quickly creates an ice staute and pushes Sonya Blade out of harms way and Tanja wondered who tried to attempt to kill Sonya Blade and she saw no one around. Sonya said ot her,"Um thanks for protecting me Tanja and you will be a great warrior just like your father was and this Island has changed a bit not sure why though oh well."

Raiden finally leaded all of his warriors to their rooms they were staying in the Island resort and all of his warriors walked to their rooms and got comfy and they all finally settled in until it was dinner time which was in an hour from now.

Johnny said to Raiden,"Are you sure that girl can help us win this tournament and how do we know that she won't turn against us like she turned against her older brother and the lin kuel ninjas? How can we trust her hmm Raiden.?"

Raiden very queitly said to Johnny,"Tanja will never turn against us at any cost she is not like her older brother or like Scorpion in anyway, she'll be very useful to us. Once Scorpion finds out that Tanja is alive he might help us out I'm not sure though so do not worry about a thing ok. It's time ot eat let's go Johnny."

Johnny, Liu, Raiden,Sonya, and Tanja all followed the other warriors to the dinning room where the rest of Earth Realm warriors were having dinner and Tanja kept her cloak over herself to keep her hidden from her older brother eye site at any cost. And she was the mysterious warrior that one of Shang Tsung ninjas told him and he thinks that Tanja is a guy,but she is actually a female. She sat close to Liu and Johnny and they all begin to eat their food up.

Until the doors the opened up and Shang Tsung and two of his warriors entered into the dinning room with some ninjas for a bit of entertainment for their guests,and Tanja felt a bit unease about something and she keeps certain thoughts out of her mind and she kept quiet and wondered what kind of entertainment that Shang Tsung will be showing all of these different warriors from different realms thta always took part in this tournament every four years.
Reptile stalked the shoreline on silent feet, watching from a distance as the warriors of Earth Realm descended their ship's gangplank. One by one they filed out onto the island and his gaze finally alighted on Sonya. He quickened his pace, feeling the sand shifiting soundlessly beneath his wrapped feet as he made his way swiftly within striking distance. His cloaked visage moved fluidly among the shadows, he circled and sidestepped carefully searching for the best opportunity to strike to present itself to him. When it did as slow and quiet as possible Reptile unclipped his breather and curled back his lips, his gleaming fangs dripping with poison were glinting in the soft evening moonlight. Sonya took one more step, bringing her body into perfect alignment and Reptile hissed, spitting twin missles of deadly venom that streaked through the air. At the last possible moment though he watched as Tanja managed to shove the girl just beyond harm's way. Her ice clone bubbled and vanished almost instantaneously as it was consumed by the poison. Reptile hissed his displeasure and wasted no time in fleeing the scene. He clipped his mask back on and dissapated into the shadows beneath the cover of night.

Back in the dining hall:
The massive ornate double doors were thrown open with alacrity as Shang Tsung strode in, his long black coat billowing in his wake. Accompanied by a small entourage of warriors he made his way up a few risers to where his throne sat in towering display. He gave a deft turn and his fighters followed suit. His eyes went to Raiden for a moment, flickered over to Liu Kang and then drifted back over the table of Earth realm warriors. "For our honored guests" he announced, feigning every humble tone in his voice. "A highlight of last year's mortal kombat".

Shang Tsung settled back in his chair, hand under chin as he often preferred and the show commenced in the space between the dining table and the platform upon which his throne sat. Two familiarly dressed men shouldered their way through the crowd of fighters and took up stances in the middle of the room; one was dressed as Liu Kang's older brother and the other dressed as the persona Shang Tsung used to defeat him. Both warriors began their fight, starting off strong in the beginning, Liu Kang's older brother appearing to have the upper hand. It suddenly became obvious that this entertainment was no simple show of hospitality but rather a trap, sprung to draw Liu Kang into a blind rage that would give the sorcerer an opportunity to allow his warriors to intervene and kill Raiden's prized fighter. Shang Tsung watched with delight as the actors came to a finish, Liu Kang's brother had been pressed back onto the defensive by a few underhanded tactics and finally he was dealt a reenacted death. Only the death was all too real, just as the sorcerer planned it, he smiled showing utter lack of sorrow for his fallen warrior. Shang Tsung rose from his chair, held out his hand and whispered "Your soul is mine". The dead fighter's body twisted and convusled before popping out a small gossamer strand of energy that slithered through the air and absorbed into the sorcerer's palm.
Many of the audience were rendered silent by the display and suddenly all eyes went to Liu Kang for his reaction....
Liu Kang was very upset and he wanted to fight Shang Tsung right now and Raiden said to him,"You are not ready to face Shang Tsung not yet,your not strong enough to fight ihm here right now. You need more trainning before you can fight Shang Tsung Liu Kang." "I know this has goten you upset once again do not let Shang Tsung get to you,he is trying to make us warriors attack him right now." "We will not fight Shang Tsung and his warriors unti lthe tournament begins tomorrow morning right at 11am and we'll do well I know we can win it ok."

Liu Kang said to Shang Tsung,"Once I get more stronger then you I will kill you with my bare hands like you killed my brother,your team will fail and Earth Realm warriors will win this round for sure you'll regret the day that you killed my brother and I'm out of here let's go Raiden, Sonya Blade,Johnny Cage and Tanja."

Raiden and his team all left the dinning room and headed towards their room and Tanja knew that she is in grave danger since Shang Tsung knows that she is alive and he'll tell her oldest brother,then Scorpion and then Reptile, and she sighed.

The ninja heard Liu Kang saying Tanja and he disappeared to the area where Shang Tsung warriors were resting and trainning and the ninja approached Sub-Zero and said to him,"Your sister is alive she is with Raiden team and she is one of Raiden's chosen warriors to tfight in this tournament." "I thought that I'd let you know this info and what are you going to do about your sister and how are you going to deal with her in the tournament hmm Sub-Zero.?"
Shang Tsungs eyes were alight with the chance to do Liu Kang harm, his mouth a fixed rictus of excitement until Raiden stepped in. He felt his brow furrow slightly, heard the Earthrealm warrior threaten him in open display before the entire hall and he almost let slip an arrogant chuckle. He pulled his fingers into a balled up fist and finished consuming the soul he’d collected. His eyes rolled back slightly and he pushed a long hard breath from his lips, relishing in the revitalizing surge of power that followed. He flicked his hazel gaze back once more to the Earthrealm warriors who appeared to be leaving now, staring down his nose at them until the doors were closed after them courtesy of two of the sorcerers undistinguishable followers. When the entryway banged shut Shang let the smile ebb from his face, flipping his sights back on the table of fighters. He glowered down at them, noting a few of the more resilient warrior’s faces that had the boldness to glance back at him, though however short their gawking was the sorcerer still appeared provoked and looked upon their turned heads, reprimanding them with his glare. He motioned with a twitch of his neck for his men to join the Earthrealm fighters at the table and then lowered himself into his throne once more.

Subzero and a small clan of men assumed to be his subordinates occupied a modest portion of the castle with an open ceiling due mostly to the decaying stone work. Crumbling pillars of pitted cement stood half their original size, fringing either side of a long stretch of floor where old pieces of a torn and charred red carpet littered the ground, leading a grubby pathway to set of squat steps that rose to a considerably more elevated platform. The blue and black garbed Ninja stood back straight, arms folded and gaze stoic over the groups of sparring clansmen. He made no acknowledgement of the messenger ninja’s report at first, instead he kept his body, his head, everything forward and away from the man. “M-master?” the man tried but again there came no response. He took a hesitant step towards Sub-zero’s back but froze mid footfall when the master ninja spoke. “I know” were the words that emanated from him in a deep resonant bass. “I knew the moment she stepped foot off the boat. My eyesight extends to every part of this island.” He said, speaking of course of the Ninja’s he left stationed around the beaches. “Your report is late.” “What do you propose we do with her?” and again there was no answer. The man finished taking his step and placed a hand on sub-zero’s shoulder. “M-master?” he had time to utter before Sub-zero rounded on him, gripping his wrist tight and encasing his entire arm in a mold of solid ice. His booted foot came swinging around, shattering the man’s frozen limb into pieces and leaving nothing but bleeding socket where his shoulder once was.

The man screamed, dropping to his knees but sub-zero merely stepped around him, disappearing into the shadows in the direction of another part of the castle. Arriving moments later sub-zero hid among the matrix of wooden rafters crossing the unfinished ceiling of one of the castle’s ancient guest rooms. He’d received word that this was the chamber Tanja would be assigned, the perfect place he thought to finish what he failed to before, so many years ago.
Tanja felt like someone was in her room and she scanned the area very carefully and she took a few steps back towards the door that leaded out of the hall and her room was right across from Raiden room and she knew that her brother would try to sneak attack her before the tournament even started.

She looked up to the wooden rafters and she quickly saw someone among the shadows of the rafters and she formed na ice ball and hit that beam that person was on and she glared at her brother,"You have no right to attack any of Raiden's warriors and if you attack us a lot sooner they the day of the tournament, the gods will punish you very serverly and send you back to hell where you belong brother."

She knew that she shouldn't of said those things because she knew that her brother hated those exact words with a passion and she was ready to run like heck and get out of her room at any cost for safety reasons.
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