Moving On: Bleach RP (Keisuke and Taboo)


Nov 18, 2011
City Life
A clear blue sky, and a warm welcoming day, seemed like the idle life for the inhabitants of the soul society. Students from the academy trained with such earnest, while officers watched them. Other individuals just simply walked around the soul society as if they had nothing important to do. That just so happened to be the story for one person in particular. If one were to ask him what he was doing, he would have responded “Reflecting on my past decisions and life.” That person called himself Shino. The young male, he had to be at least 23 years old, stared lazily at his surrounds. The male was known for being very spacy.

Shino stood at an average 5’10. The young male has pale grey eyes that always appeared confused, but he is actually quite wise. Shino wore the standard soul society attire, a black two piece shirt and pant combo. The black color complimented his tanned skin quite well. He also wore simple sandals. Shino’s long jet black hair was pulled back into a neat pony tail, held by a simple white ribbon. His mother had given it to him before he had gone off to the academy. She had wished him good luck, and hoped that he would have made something out of himself. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

The young male let a quick sigh before taking hold on his sheath. Shino remembered the story as if it happened yesterday. He had gone through all the training in the academy, but did not get a placement. They were going to put him in the 4th division, the medical division, but he declined. Healing was not his ‘thing’. He had always been a close combat fighting, which made his presence useless in that division. At least he thought so anyway. The young male, took hold of the grip of his sword, and unsheathed it. The weapon he held was an average zanpakuto. He had yet to master or even touch bases on its full capabilities.

“One day, I’ll earn a higher ranking position in some division, and I will learn how to wield you” the male said in a calm soothing voice. What was the point of having a sword if you did not know how to use it to its fullest potential? Shino held the blade up in the air and stared at it. He had noticed that his sword was much shorter than the other academy students. At first it worried him, but soon he grew to like it. Plus, the zanpakuto seemed to fit him well. They fit so well that his zanpakuto had even told him its name. ‘Tonbo’ he thought with a soft smile. Tonbo, meaning dragonfly in Japanese, seemed perfect for the small weapon. A dragonfly was a small insect that showed that it could be strong and courageous too. The zanpakuto had to see something in his calm, quiet natural to have picked him. That’s something he had often questioned in his free time. Why me? Why give me such a meaningful zanpakuto?

Shino continued to stare at the blade, as if it would answer him. It could after all, but Tonbo did not seem like that type of zapakuto to do so.
      • Captain Kira. The blond didn't think he could ever get used to that impressive sounding title. He had been reluctant to accept the position at first because Kira kept expecting Captain Ichimaru to return to him. What would the man do if he found out that he had taken his place? No, he couldn't keep thinking like that, he thought to himself and shook his head. The only thing he had to worry about was to make sure the 3rd Division recovered from the betrayal and had a good leader. But he wasn't sure if that person was him or not. He had many doubts about himself.

        But, like it or not he had been promoted in Gin's place and had a duty that needed to be fulfilled to those who now served him. He also had the pressing responsibility of finding a suitable lieutenant to take his vacant place but wasn't sure who to give the position to. Kira wasn't used to having so much power bestowed upon him. Not to mention the fact that his zanpakutou's bankai scared him and a lot of the others in Seireitei. He sighed, raising a hand to rub his forehead as he felt a headache coming on. For now, he headed out of the 3rd Division office, intending to take a walk.

        The office was sparkling clean and all the paperwork had been done, something that Captain Ichimaru had insisted on and even though he was no longer there, Kira found himself doing the tasks automatically. He ended up bumping into someone along the way and instinctively he bowed to the other person and started to apologize. "Please excuse me, I wasn't looking where I was going!" He exclaimed and looked up to come face-to-face with Shino, a soul reaper only a few inches taller than him. For a moment Kira tried to place him and then recognized him.

        Most people would have taken longer to remember him and some wouldn't have known him at all but Kira made it a point to know everyone in his division and to know quite a few people outside of it as well. He was someone who had always been friendly with other people, even if he was considered a bit 'emo' by others. But it hadn't always been like that, before he had met Captain Ichimaru he had been different. The complete opposite of what he was like now. "Shino-san was it?" He asked, looking up at him and gave him a faint smile. "How are things with you?"
It had only been a few minutes before Shino had put away his zanpakuto. It would be his luck that he drop it and injure himself. He would not put it pass himself to do so. With the zanpakuto away, and no plans for the day, Shino just stood there. He continued to stare at the sky, as if the sky were telling him to not look away. This was something that happened often, which is probably why he had been called air-headed or whimsical. It actually enjoyed that. There was no need to worry, so why not be carefree. A small smile appeared on his face, causing him to get even more lost in his own little world.

That is, until something bump past him. This caused the distracted male to become alert. This type of thing happened often, so he was prepared to apologize to the individual. If he was not in the way, they would have gotten by without even noticing him. Shino turned to the person slowly, but was greeted by a bow himself. He did not know how to take it. Normally, he was the one doing the bowing. It just seemed so odd to him. When the person looked up, Shino was greeted by a distant blue eye. Their eye had seen plenty of hardship and pain. At least, that what Shino estimated. Shino quickly shook his head and bowed to the person.

“Oh no, It was fault. I shouldn’t be standing in such a busy area anyway.” Shino stood up and looked back at the person. He seemed familiar, but he just couldn’t put his finger out it. He was known for being spacy, and having poor facial recognition. When he was in the academy, he would often confuse people or even forget their names entirely. This was something that he was embarrassed about. However, the person seemed to remember his name. ‘Shino-san was it? How are things with you?’ The person asked. The taller male felt that he had committed a crime. He hated when the person knew who he was.

“All is well…” Shino answer hesitantly.

“And for you? How are things going?” ‘Think…think. Why is this person so familiar?’ Shino struggled. ‘Blond hair, blue eyes… That mix is not that common in the soul society. But there are a lot of odd looking people here’ he had an internal conflict with himself. After of few awkward seconds of staring, the taller male managed to locate one name in the empty void that he called his memory.

“Kira right? Didn’t we go to academy together? Don’t be so formal!” Shino said with a light hearted laugh. He approached the male and patted him on the shoulder. Unfortunately, Shino did not know what he had done. Rumors do fly around in the soul society and these last few weeks had not been peaceful at all. Shino had known that captains and lieutenant had been called into battle several times, but did not think anything about. That is, until the name Gin Ichimaru came up. His name was often associated with the word ‘traitor’. If his memory served him correctly, Kira had been Ichimaru’s right hand man.

“Congratulations on being appointed Captain. You will do a wonderful job.”
      • Kira still hadn't gotten used to being in a position of power and it showed every day. He wondered what his subordinates thought of their new captain and felt his heart skip a beat at the thought, did he really want to know? Kira tilted his head to the side when Shino answered hesitantly and he let his blue eyes linger on the other male for a moment. "Are you really alright?" The blond asked, not accepting the boy's answer from before since it had been too reluctant. No, there was definitely something wrong here. There were many that either hated or loved his special ability.

        To pick up when things were out of the ordinary and try and fix them himself. Kira's perception had always been rather good and he had sensed something was a bit off about Aizen and Ichimaru all along but couldn't quite put his finger on it. However, he had never suspected Tosen of being involved but then no one had due to the reaper's personality and code. He dragged up a smile for the younger male when asked how he was doing and shrugged. "I can't complain." Kira murmured and let his eyes drift out over his surroundings. "It's more work than before but I can manage."

        He looked over at Shino when the other male started to laugh and came over to pat him on the shoulder. Oh yes, he supposed they had gone to the academy together. Kira found it difficult to remember his days back then when he had been happy before Captain Ichimaru had come in and destroyed that version of himself. He inclined his head to Shino when he was congratulated, "Thank you." That was when the blond thought of something that might work out quite well. He let his eyes - or what could be seen of them - linger on Shino for a few more moments.

        "Tell me Shino-san, are you planning on joining any of the 13 Divisions? If not, would you consider coming to the 3rd?" He suggested, not bringing up the idea he had just come up with yet. It was too soon to ask, he needed to know a bit more about his abilities first.

        However, just having him in the 3rd would make things easier later on in the long run. He wouldn't have to go chasing after him later..
Hearing Kira’s answer, Shino wish he hadn’t spoke about the captain’s position. The other male did not seem too happy about it. If anything, he seemed more distressed by it, which was quite sad. Being given the captain’s spot should be a wonderful moment for any person, but he could see why Kira would not want it. It was taking over for someone who had betrayed not only the trust of the soul society, but of his own men.

“Well, can’t you ask your lieutenant for help? Since you are a new captain and all” Shino suggested. He figured that the 3rd division would have been appointed an expressed lieutenant at least. Who would leave a new captain by themselves to work, even if they were a lieutenant? The grey eyed male felt himself getting lost in his own thoughts again; one could tell that it happened often. Luckily for him, the captain was not finished talking. Kira, who had been staring at Shino, questioned the younger male. Shino felt himself focus closely on the question.

Shino glanced at the blond male and then at the ground. On the outside, he remained calm, cool, and collected, but on the inside a fire lit up. He had waited for this moment his entire life. Shino knew that he would eventually have a chance at being in one of the 13 divisions. Or he had hoped he would. Still, he could not believe this was happening. Unfortunately, there was one minor problem. Was he willing to risk being apart of the 3rd division? Shino considered the offer. He knew that he would be nothing but a simple guard for the division, but would the other individuals accept him? Shino had always felt that each division was made for a particular personality type. His personality had always worked better in the 4th division as a healer, but the thought just did not appeal for him. But, that was beside the point. By joining the 3rd division, Shino would actually have something to do with his free time. There was only so much philological thinking one person could do. The young male had an internal conflict, weighing out the pros and cons by accepting this offer. Fortunately, the pros did outweigh the cons.

“Okay. I can do that” Shino said with a soft smile. What was the worst that could happen?

“I hope you don’t mind me too much. I’ve gotten more absent-minded since my days at the academy.” Shino tried to make Kira laugh. He clenched his hands together and stared at Kira. Shino felt so childish next to Kira. The blond male had this particular air about him. Sadly, Shino felt that Kira had grown up too fast, because of various reasons.

“Will I need to fill out paper work stating that I’ve been recruited? I can do all the work, so you won’t have to worry about it. You are probably busy anyway.”
      • Kira shook his head when Shino spoke of having his lieutenant help him out. "I actually haven't been able to appoint a lieutenant yet since our division is still somewhat disorganized due to the incident." He wouldn't be surprised if Shino rejected the offer, after all who would want to be a part of the 3rd Division with him as its captain? If it had been someone more deserving of the position or someone with more confidence it would have been different. But Kira didn't have much faith in himself and he wouldn't hold it against Shino if the male refused. However, he had asked him.

        Perhaps he shouldn't have, was it really his right to make such an offer? Yes, he was the division's new captain, he had to keep reminding himself of that. Kira wondered if he should have refused the position and remained as the 3rd's lieutenant. It might have been easier for him and maybe the men would have preferred that in the end. He bit his lip, briefly debating on whether or not to resign as the 3rd's new captain. But it was too late now, wasn't it? He was drawn from his thoughts when Shino spoke once more. "O-oh, I see. Thank you." He managed to get out a bit uncertainly.

        Shino had accepted? Kira wasn't sure why he would do that but at least he had another person in the division. One that he could trust not to hold Gin's defection as his responsibility. Then again, why shouldn't he? Kira had been the closest person to Gin other than Aizen. He should have known enough to report them and yet he hadn't. So, he really was at fault there. He shook his head, turning towards Shino. "It's alright." He murmured and shook his head once more in response to Shino's last question. "No, I'll take care of the paperwork, you'll only have to sign them." He told him.

        "So I'll see you at my office in half an hour?" Kira asked and then headed over to grab the paperwork to put Shino in for a transfer to his division.
OOC: I hope you don't mind that I put a time skip in here

Shino’s smiled seemed to fade away. For some odd reason, he felt that Kira was hiding something. It wasn’t his place to question it, but it did bother Shino. After all, who would want to handle a heavy burden alone?

“Okay. If you’re sure” Shino said quickly with a little wave. He stood there quietly and watched Kira walk away. Deep down, he wanted to be a part of the divisions, but was it really worth opening Pandora’s Box?

A half an hour later

One would think that Shino knew his way around the Soul Society, since he spent most of his days being lazy, and wandering around aimlessly. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He knew where many of the division were, but only in a general sense. As a result of this, the young male managed to get himself lost several times. It was very dishearten. At least the day seemed promising. The sun was shining, and the skies were clear. To Shino, this would have been perfect day dreaming weather.

“Now’s not the time” the male muttered to himself. He had to meet with Kira to conform his admission into the third division. With that thought in mind, Shino started towards the third division’s headquarters, or at least where he thought it was.

It only took the male 20 minutes to find the headquarters. In fact, he was pretty proud of himself for locating it on his own. Division three headquarters were not as welcoming as he would have thought they would be. Instead, the individuals just simply went about their business. Many of them seemed to be huddled together, gossiping about various topics. One of those topics in particular caught Shino’s ear. ‘Did you hear that Captain Kira recruited a new lieutenant?’ ‘I guess he finally gave up on managing this place on his own.’ ‘Who would want to take the lieutenant spot for this division?’ ‘I know, they are just asking for trouble.’ These statements did not bother Shino one bit. In fact, he had thought these things when Kira was talking to him. He tried to play it off by saying that he had accepted a lower level ranking spot, but deep down he knew what he was getting into. Still, to see a division in such ruin was heartbreaking. The other men did not seem to trust Kira at all. Was the third division always this broken? Shino pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind. It was not his place to say anything at the moment. Once he took his position in the division, maybe he could offer some advice then.

The male took slow strides as he made his way to the captain’s office. Luckily for him, there were some nice individuals that pointed him in the right direction. With a soft sigh, Shino stopped in front of a large wooden door. The name Captain Kira Izuru was painted on the door with black ink. ‘There is no turning back now’ Shino said with another huff. He lifted his hand and knocked loudly on the door.

“Kira, its Shino. Shino Kazu. I’ve come to sign the paper work.”
      • Kira had given it some thought and decided that he wanted to have Shino as the third's new lieutenant but there were some problems there. The position couldn't be given to just anyone, a lieutenant was required to have achieved shikai with their zanpakutou and to his knowledge Shino didn't even have a zanpakutou yet which was a problem. Still, the man could probably carry out the paperwork duties and give Kira some relief in that particular field. Perhaps he could give Shino some time in which to be chosen by a zanpakutou and then to reach shikai afterward.

        If he didn't get it within that time period, Kira would choose another lieutenant. But if he did, there shouldn't be any problems, right? He decided to go ahead with his plan and made the announcement shortly before Shino was expected to enter the division. Kira would get him up to speed when he saw him and hopefully things would go well. He looked up from his desk when a knock sounded on the door and gave permission for whoever was outside to enter the room. The blond saw Shino's face on the other side of the door as it opened and he let a faint smile come to his face.

        One that didn't seem to reach his eyes. But most people would probably overlook that, thinking he was fine. "Good timing, please take a look at the papers and sign at the bottom." Kira told him as he pushed a few papers across the desk towards the new member of the 3rd Division. On those papers it would show that Shino Kazu was to be admitted into the 3rd Division as its new lieutenant. "Don't get too excited though, it's not official even after you sign the papers. I'm sure you know a lieutenant is required to know his shikai and since you don't even have a zanpakutou you can't."

        "But if you manage to gain a zanpakutou and achieve shikai by the end of the three months, you'll be truly instated as the lieutenant of the 3rd Division." Kira explained and waited to see if the reaper had anything to say in response. He produced another paper, one that simply stated that he was accepting Shino into the ranks of the 3rd Division and pushed that one across to the other male as well. "That's the paper you need to sign in order to be accepted into the 3rd right now." Kira added, expecting Shino to sign both sets of papers. That way it would be easier in the future.

        To turn the paper into the proper authorities. Once Shino had achieved his goal that is. He had faith in him, more than anyone else probably did.
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