Fun with the Turtles(ChaseRiley)

raizu kagurai

Jun 21, 2011
After a long day of training somewhere outside the city of Manhattan, Leonardo made his way back towards the sewers, using the shadows of the night to slip by the civilians unnoticed. With his mastery of stealth, found himself diving down through a manhole behind the Antique shop knowing that no one really went around there very often. Before making his way down, Leonardo gave one last look around before jumping down.
April jumped out of her news van ready to go home after punching out. She was about to go to her apartment on the fourth floor, but she decided to pay her turtle friends a visit before she went home for dinner. She climbed back into the driver seat of the van. Her camera man had gone home an hour before and she was left to drive home on her own.

She stopped outside an old chinease bar and grill. April parked on the curb and walked down an alley between the restuarent and the old antique shop. She came to the man whole cover and cracked it open. When she could see down inside she grabbed a ladder rung set into the cement wall. She flipped on a flashlight and then made her decent to find her pals.
Leonardo was not too far ahead of her, walking down the sewer pipes, humming softly to himself, his sword resting on his back. With a yawn, Leo paused in his steps to stretch, looking around him, getting the feeling of being followed as faint sounds of splashing water echoed through the pipes.
April broke in to a sprint as she splashed through green puddles and ducked under slimy pipes. She took a sharp turn around the corner and found a missing brick in a long wall crack and new she was on the right track to the turtles lair. She was almost there when she saw Leonardo. She slowed her pace when she saw him waiting. She waved trying to be obvous enough for him to see her.

"Hey Leo!"
Leo turned to her, smiling when he saw that it was April, walking towards her as she came to him."Hey April What's up?"he asked stopping when he was right in front of her.Leo was always glad to see April, Lately, talking with her seemed to take his mind off the constant strain on his training and worries on the dangers outside the sewers.
(this still ChaseRiley???)

Leo laughed a bit and gave her a soft shrug."Well not really, Raph is still up to his usual bull crap while Donny(don't really know how to spell Donatello's nickname) keeps himself busy with his own work. And Mikey has just been kicking back since the last time you came by."
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