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RE: Hero Love [ SexyChick and AtomSmasher ]

There he was, Daniel Dreiberg alias: Nite Owl, walking the lonely and dark streets of the city, in normal everyday citizen's clothes, just trying to make his way home. The lights emanating from the bustling skyscrapers and neon street signs did nothing to brighten the alleys or keep the rain away, yet there he was, walking back to his low end apartment. Now, Laurie was living there, and here he was, with chinese takeout in a thin plastic bag. Where were things going? They didn't have super powers, they were just people in costumes. It wasnt---

The man's thought process was interrupted by the sound of a struggle. Two men, one woman. "Get the fuck off of me! No! Help!" The woman cried out onto deaf ears. Luckily for her, Daniel had been there, but should he help? He was retired. Fuck. Moving and putting down the takeout, before running full strides right into the middle of them. The woman was bent over a garbage can with her skirt around her knees, she was lucky he had shown up. The man dodged punches throwing back some of his own, finally rendering one unconscious with a right hook, sending the first assailant into some trash cans, and while he was admiring his own work, was smashed over the head with a trash can.

Dan was temporarily disabled and on one knee, but recovered. Standing up right at the last moment to stop himself from being stabbed with a knife. Blocking the downward thrust, a heavy punch to the stomach and another hook to the man's dome put him out next to his friend. The woman, filled with relief and gratitude thanked him before running off and disappeared into the night. Moving his hand to the back of his head, feeling where he had been hit, and looking at his hand, he sighed. Blood. Just great. He thought as he retrieved the takeout and finally made his way back to the apartment, putting his key in the door and turning the door knob. . .
RE: Hero Love [ SexyChick and AtomSmasher ]

The man let out a sigh and a nod when she asked her question and sat down next to her without much protest. "Two men, tried to rape a woman in the alley right next to the building." He said as he rested one hand on the back of his head. He wished he had taken a look at the size of the dent his head made on that trash can. To think, if that criminal had been smart at all, he would have led with the knife. He he had done that, then who knew what would have happened. It would have been the end of Nite Owl, and that poor young woman would have gotten raped. Outside, the sound of blaring sirens and police vehicles made screeching stops at the alley, to finally arrest the two rapists.

The man was truly grateful for his friend's quick thinking. It was almost like he had never been in a fight before. After all, the only person who had legitimate powers in their little circle had been Jon, but recently he was so preoccupied with other things to worry about their problems here in New York City. Dan took the towel from Laurie and shook his head. "Thanks so much." He said, finding himself gazing into her eyes, before stopping himself and turning the attention to the food. "Now, eat before it gets colder than it already is." He said with a laugh.
RE: Hero Love [ SexyChick and AtomSmasher ]

The man let out a laugh as he grabbed his box and popped it open. Switching the hand the rag was in, he leaned into the table and took a big spoonful. Ah, the life of a retired hero. No recognition, a low end shitty apartment, bumps, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, the list perks went on and on. The box, soggy from the rain that had been dumping down on the box the entire walk home. Leaning back into the couch and removing the rag that had a prominent red spot on the rag now, and putting it down, standing up and taking his jacket off and putting it in the tiny closet.

Moving back to the couch, he processed her question for just a moment. "What's there to miss?" He said, almost in a scoffing manner. While he didn't mean it to come out like that, it just did. Unsure of how she was going to react, he switched the focus back to Laurie. "Why, are you trying to get back into the biz?" He asked her with a shake of his head.

((What timeframe? During, before, or after the movies?))
RE: Hero Love [ SexyChick and AtomSmasher ]

The man ate in silence as he listened to her make her case. It wasn't that he didn't want to be a hero, it was more of the fact that he didn't think they were making much of a difference. The only one who could make the difference was Jon, but he was too busy being the only one with actual powers. Walter, Laurie, even himself could just hope they stood for something. Even then, he sighed as the phone rang and he excused himself from the tiny apartment's main room.

It had been about a week since Edward had died, and Dan was still feeling the loss. However, upon receiving the phone call, he made his way back towards Laurie. "You know, let's dawn the suits one more time." He said with a laugh. "I know someone who is going to want to see us, but he is in Ossining. New York."
RE: Hero Love [ SexyChick and AtomSmasher ]

The man shook his head. It didn't really matter what he was thinking and it didn't matter what his motive was. Fact of the matter was, he just wanted to get his friend out of jail. Moving quickly towards his closet, he opened things up and saw his old suit. He never liked explaining himself to the woman, but somehow those things always happened. Perhaps if he was able to get them moving, they could just move and forget about the whole thing/
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