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I Need A Hero ^_~!

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Nov 16, 2011
I've been Roleplaying for a number of years, and consider myself to be a literate, creative writer, and I'm always on the lookout for someone who is interested in a decent RP. I have a real thing for heroes, though I'm never really interested in playing the damsel in distress. I typically play characters with plenty of intelligence and attitude, but who, like most women, are interested in the idea of being protected, regardless as to whether or not she can do it herself. I typically roleplay OCs but I'm down for doing a canon character, particularly if I'm familiar/slash interested in the character you're looking to play.

I'm really only looking to play fandoms from comic books, so if you're interested in playing any of the following roles, please get back to me:

- Any Avengers Character: Particularly Captain American/Steve Rogers, or Iron Man/Tony Stark.
- Batman: Only Batman or Joker please.
- X-Men: Particularly Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, or Nightcrawler.
- Hellboy: Something revolving around the main characters is fine by me.

Like I said, I'm looking for a good RP, but I realize this is BlueMoon and players typically aren't very interested unless there's something sexual involved. I don't mind writing smutty bits, and fancy myself to be fairly good at them, but I'm interested in plot, and I'm not very interested in writing up sex scene after sex scene. I'm looking to have fun and challenge my creativity, not write "50 Shades of Grey". Sex should fit into the plot, the plot should have to fit into the sex.

Kinks wise, I'm into pretty much anything unless it's something that has to do with bodily functions that aren't typically regarded as sexual. Also, I think the sexual preferences of a character should SUIT the character. For example: Steve Rogers, the 90-year-old virgin, should not pull of the whips and chains, but say for like... Tony Stark, such a thing is not only acceptable, but expected. I'm good at developing plot and characters, so if you're interested in contacting me either reply to this, or send me a PM.

I'm rather selective when it comes to who I RP with, but if you can write, and have some ideas, chances are I'll be interested. I'm really craving some Captain America RP right now... but shoot me a PM and we'll see if we can't work something out ^_~!
RE: Looking for competent male RPer for comic book/anime based storylines

Hi. I'm very interested in doing an rp with you. I'm perfectly fine with any of the series listed, the ones that I know about, but I just was wondering how you felt about the use of ocs?
RE: Looking for competent male RPer for comic book/anime based storylines

I don't think that I ever got your pm.
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