Blair's Request Thread
Hi there! First off, I am a little new to this site, but certainly not role playing. I will say, I did not start off in sex-based RPs, so I can definitely handle a plot on the side of the smut. As far as specific plots, I would love to hear suggestions and to brainstorm with you! I might add my ideas on here eventually, but right now, I really just want to get involved in a couple more RPs in general. I am definitely very dedicated to the RPs I join, so there should be no problem in keeping a game relevant and flowing. Here are a few things to know about me....
Things I prefer from a role-playing partner:
---- Consistency. I have two jobs, and I still can at least post once or twice a day (Usually, a lot more) from my phone or laptop. I just expect to keep the game flowing day to day, and not worry if I will never hear from you again.
----- Details and length. Honestly, I just don't like pulling the weight and always directing the story from scene to scene myself. I just want a partner who puts in the same amount of effort and interest. It would be ideal to have lots of description and at least two paragraphs a post.
----- Someone who likes plot just as much as smut. Don't get me wrong, I'm on this site for a reason. I love sex scenes and I prefer things to be surrounded by the sex and tension between the couple, but I also like romance and a point to the story.
----- I would love, love, love for my male counterpart to be older in the RP by at least ten years. I'm very big playing a female around the age of 18-21 opposite of a male around the age of 30-35. (Maybe even a little older?)
Things I don't touch in a RP:
----- Incest. It's touchy, and I might discuss the matter and make exceptions, but I don't like it right off.
----- Bestiality. This is something I will never do. It's the only thing I can assure that I will stand my ground on.
----- Playing the "older woman". Since I am actually 19 in real life, not only will I not have much experience in that, but it really doesn't do much for me...
----- Playing the dominate. I prefer to be the submissive counterpart all the way.
----- Playing a male character. I actually do not mind playing a little female/female action if it spices up the scene or feels right, but I prefer to not play a male in sexual situations. Not unless it's a minor character that helps make the story flow and doesn't partake in the sex scenes. (If that makes sense at all.)
A few random things that interest me:
------ Mafia based stories. I love the danger and lustful environments of hard for "families" with lots of money and a dangerous Mob Boss. It's just very erotic and sexual when it's taken in the right direction.
------ Teacher/Student romances. Something about a senior girl in high school earning some extra credit, I love. With the right plot twists, it could make a great story on top of the erotic situation.
------ A starlet trying to make her way in Hollywood finds herself sleeping with a very powerful man in the business. This could be quite sexual, and an interesting story.
------ A man having an affair with his daughter's best friend. Being a girl who has had a crush on my best friend's dad before, I definitely love this idea.
------ A rich older man moves into a mansion and hires a whole staff to take care of him and his house. He starts a sexual relationship with his young maid. Simple, but has a lot of possibilities.
Ways of communication:
----- I prefer either using a thread if you are more into posting a few posts through out the day, but I have a Yahoo Messenger that I like to use as well.
Alright, I might add more to this later, but as of now, let me know if you are interested in starting a RP with me!