Mortal Kombat rp. HaloHeroWolf118 and I only.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place at Raiden temple in Earth Realm where Raiden was talking to Sub-Zero2 and told him that his sister was alive and she survived the attack from Shang Tsung and his ninjas at any cost.

Sub-Zero2 was relived that his sister was alright and Raiden said to him,” Beware of Scorpion he doesn’t know that Tanja is alive, and he must not find out she is alive at any cost and once your sister is fully recovered from her wounds. You and her are going on a mission to save Kitana and Liu Kang at any cost. This mission will be dangerous and no telling which warriors you both will face on your quest to save Kitana and Liu Kang. Let fate be on your side and protect you and sister at any cost, go and see how well she has recovered go on Sub-Zero2.”

Sub-zero2 nods his head and he enters into the cold room of the temple and he saw how well she was recovering from her wounds and said to her,” Thank goodness your alive sister and I thought that you were a goner, but your not and I’m just so happy that your alive sister and once your fully recovered Raiden has a quest for us both to go on. I’m so happy that you’re alright Tanja.”

Tanja looked at her brother and said to him,” I’m also glad that I’m alive as well and do not worry Scorpion has no idea that I’m alive at all, he’ll probably thinks that I’m dead but I’m not and you know that he’ll eventually find out anytime soon or later no telling if one of his ninjas are spying on us right now. You know how sneaky and tricky he can be brother.”

Sub-zero2 said to his sister,” You’re right about that for sure and Raiden and I haven’t sense any other ninja presence at all Tanja do not worry sister were safe for the time being please rest up a bit more Tanja my sister and good night sister.”

Tanja watched her brother leave her room and she goes back to sleep for a bit and her brother and her didn’t realize that one of Scorpion’s ninja were in her room at any cost and she was sound asleep once again.

One of Scorpion ninjas returned back to The Living Forest and jumped into a tree and said to Scorpion,” I have some excellent news to tell you and Tanja is alive she is recovering very well from her wounds and once she fully recovers from her wounds her brother and her have a quest to go on by Raiden’s orders only. I thought that I’d let you know that Tanja is alive and you won’t be able to get close to her, because her brother is very protective about his sister. That is all I need to tell you Scorpion and now you know that Tanja is alive I’ll be training with the rest of your ninjas Scorpion see you later Scorpion.” The ninja disappeared and reappeared and begin to train with Scorpion ninjas a bit more to get ready for an up coming battle against “ The Lien Kuel Ninjas.” (d. I hope that this plot idea is to your liking as well.))
Scorpion nodded as the Ninja vanished now he would have his vengeance already he had worked out a plan gathering some of his Ninja he waited for Tanja and her brother. The memory of his slaughtered clan filled his mind vengeance would be his he waited.
Tanja said to her brother,"I have a bad feeling about something and I'm not sure what it could be and if we enter into another area that has trees and it's not the living forest. I fear that another warrior wants vengace on both of us I'm not sure if we should go or not brother."

Sub-zero said to his sister,"Do not worry about a thing I'll keep you safe I promise and we must complete this mission that Raiden sent us both on come let's get going Tanja ok."

Tanja nods her head and she follows her brother into a portal that leaded to another forest that was on the outskirts of outworld and she stayed really close to her brother at all times.

Once they both reached that forest a bunch of yellow and black ninjas were surronding them all and Tanja said ot her brother,"I told you that I was right why don't you ever believe me brother this is not good were in trouble now nice going brother."

Sub-zero glared at his sister and he knew that she was always right all the time and he sighed. And then he started to get very protective about his sister and he formed a bunch of ice balls with his hands and knocked out all of Scorpion ninjas in one shot. And then he stood in front of his sister at any cost to keep her safely away from Scorpion at any cost.
Scorpion waited with his few best ninja's waiting for Sub-Zero and Tanja, "Distract Sub-Zero I will strike the sister." he told them. He waited for them to pass there ambush spot the thrill of combat already filling Scorpion as he gripped his blades.
Tanja glared at him and said to him,"I can do what ever I want to do,and I can run from you anytime Scorpion. I'm not going to waste my engery on fighting a warrior like you. I have another warrior thta I'm after and just stay out of the way." "If you know what good it will do you to stay out my brother's way and my way as well." Tanja withdrew her two battle fans and knew that Scorpion wouldn't let her escape that easily.
Tanja said to him,`Why should I tell you what warriors my brother and I are looking for. It`s none of your business Scorpion. I`ll never tell you what warriors were looking for and you`ll never get it out of me at all Scorpion.`

(9Sorry about the late reply back to our rp been wrapping christmas presents up.))
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