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Anthro Pack (OPEN)

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Oct 24, 2011
Trinity walked amongst the dens and huts in her village. She looked into the slave quarters and saw Stephanie on the ground, the hand print of a wolf on her left shoulder, showing that she was to be given away soon. "Ah, you smell sweet," Trinity purred at Stephanie before kneeling infront of her, looking her in the eyes.​
Stephine looked up at the she wolf and said " peleasen let me go ". She did not want to ve here she wanted to go back home. She picked herself off of the floor but she could not run she was chained up.
Trinity put a hand on Stephanie's shoulder, shoving her back down, "You seem very pretty, you shall be my Mates partner, you will birth beautiful pups for me," she said. She reached her other hand out to fondel her breasts, "To bad you will never be able to nurse, but I hear some of the males love you humans milk," she said, laughing abit.
Vicroria watched from off to the side. Her crimson red hair over her face although her blue eyes were peaking through the sea of red. She was unable to move because she was chained to the wall. Vicroria did not see a reason for this because even if they could escape the cave they would not be able to out run the faster, stronger wolves.
Stephine turned her head away from the female wolf. She said "please do not touch me " she was trying to move her body away from the female wolf so she wont touch her breasts again. she jerked on her chains but with no luck of breaking free. She did not like what the she wolf said to her she was not going to be anyone's partner.
Trinity flicked an ear, a snarl ripping from her maw. She caught the girls ankles, yanking herself out from under her, having her on her back. "You will obey my deary," she hissed, leaning over her, her much larger breasts rubbing against Stephanie's.

Trinity looked down to the girls body underneath her, she bent down and began to lick the woman breasts, using her tongue to swirl around her nipples slightly before slidding a hand to the other one, rubbing it slightly hard.
Stephine let out a yell as she fell onto her back from having her feet yanked out from under her. she closed her eyes for a second as the she wolf got on top of her . She felt the she wolfs breasts rub against hers and said "please stop".
Clover was a fox taking a nap on the roof of the slave quarters that was awakened by the racket of the two women from below he had said to him self once he was yawning and scratching his head" OK what in the world is going on down there " he had jumped down through a window landing a few feet away from them then saw that Trinity was fooling around with the human "aw its only you messing with the human I thought it was some of the slave fighting again"
Stephine looked over at clover and prayed the male did not comer to play to. She bit on her bottom López as she was pinned down.
(I guess i am ignoring that last post)
Clover was interested in his own kind more then the humans so when he saw Trinity on top of Stephine made him hot ad as his cock had become hard making him want to play so he had grabbed the human pinning her to the ground helping the wold get what she want from the human girl were hopefully he could get what he wanted from the wolf as he said when he grabbed the human " here let me help you out"
Stephine let out anther tell as she was grabbed by clover. She tried to fight them both off of her. She was not going to be thier play thing.
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