Pirates, One more time. KiKi/Steve


Oct 24, 2011
Things had once again somehow gone nowhere close to as planned and somehow the crew was back on The Black Pearl, headed to the open seas and Sparrow and Barbosso were once again arguing over who was the captain.

Barbosso was yelling, "If they," pointing at Elizabeth and the crew in general, "had not insisted that we come to save you from Davey Jones, which by the way I did argue against profusely, you'd have no crew for the ship."

Sparrow speaks back in his usual calm demeanor, "But as it were I and the Pearl that were rescued the ship, which was indeed never out of my possession, is rightly mine, in fact it seems you are the one rescued as you'd not have left without the both of us."

The large of the two shakes his head, "The devil take you all then," he glares at the onlookers, "the boys luck will run out and I've no intention of being around when his tongue is not sharp enough to stop a saber." With that he turns and storms off the deck leaving everyone standing in stunned silence.

Sparrow toys with his mustache for a moment before he turn and gives his orders, "It seems the last belay that was mine, make for the court, we need to be ready."

The crew jumps to their tasks leaving Sparrow leaning against the rail and looking at Elizabeth, "You'll not be burning the rum again will you?"
Elizabeth had been standing there for some time watching Captain Barbossa and Captain Sparrow fighting over who owned this ship…And who gave the orders…And who was more of a man child. She sighed as the two shouted orders mostly at each other but also at the confused crew. Pursing her lips she rolled her eyes. This was all such a pain. Leaning against the railing she watched as a decision was finally made. “Finally.” She muttered as she closed her eyes. Feeling a presence beside her she reopened them. Shifting her gaze towards Captain Sparrow she smiled. “No. No I won’t. I don’t see a point in doing it again. I already caused you enough grief I would think.” She replied sighing as looked back out over the hard working crew.
Sparrow walks away, seemingly satisfied with Elizabeth's answer, walking the width of the quarter deck to stand near the wheel, comparing his compass to the ships for a minute before make a change in course to match his own compass better.

Barbossa had made it to the bow and stood leaning on the rail, briefly looking back to see the exchange between Elizabeth and Jack, frowning as he turns his attentions to the sea, trying to decide his best decision.

He felt responsible for Elizabeth being here, he was the one that started this chain of events, bringing her to the sea, originally against her will, now it seems that is all points at her.

Shaking his head he thinks to himself, who the hell do I think I am, she has more men that would do what ever she wanted then that damn monkey has fleas, she's got no need for an old man, I should leave her to them and get away from this boat before it's too late.
Elizabeth closed her eyes as Jack walked away. Why did she feel so alone? Ever since she became a “pirate” she had had nothing but problems. Not only normal everyday problems that had been magnified by her being associated with these people. But also relationship problems. Will hadn’t been speaking to her since they had rescued Jack from the locker. She supposed it was within his rights. She had lied to him about…A lot of things. So it couldn’t be helped. But still she craved conversation. At least a little bit. Opening her eyes she looked around. Spotting Captain Barbossa she casually walked over to him. Looking him over she pursed her lips. “Are you alright Captain?” She asked noticing that he looked a bit conflicted.
Not used to someone with a light step he is a little startled when she speaks, turning his head to look at her, hands still on the rail, "Now missy, you got no reason to be worried about the likes of me, you've enough to figure out what you are doing with your two young roosters."

He turns then, still at the rail be leaning back against it as he looks at her, carefully choosing his words, "This old crow is just figuring out what to do with himself, without the Pearl, or any other ship for that matter, t'aint hardly even a captain any more." he pauses and grins, "Maybe I can get your Jack to see if we cannot find me a nice quiet island loaded with run and I'll be settling in there...won't even go looking for cooperative sea turtles."
As Elizabeth listened to Barbossa talk….about being useless. Wait hold up. Being useless? What the blazes? Elizabeth gave him a startled look and blinked. “I’m sorry…What did you just say?” She asked blinking again. “I mean forget about me. Am I to understand that you’re giving up Captain?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did those words actually come out of his mouth? Was the world going mad? I mean even more so then it already was. “You know. You run this ship much better then Jack could ever hope to.”
With a smile he places his hand on her shoulder and pulls her a little closer to whisper, "Aye, I may run it better, but the crew is his through and through. He knows it, I know it."

As if realizing after the fact that he is touching her he draws back his hand, "Tis a fine ship, a fine crew, but as long as there is a Jack...that is where the loyalty lies."

Leaning back on the rail again he says, "I am not so young to start new, most of us pirates don't make it this old, might be because I am smart or, lucky, or just to damn stubborn, but I really don't have a place anymore," he grins slightly at Elizabeth, "besides that, Jack will make a mistake and as much as I would like to see when it happens, I don't want to be close enough to be taken with him."
She was still convinced that all he was doing was giving up. “This is not how I met you. I met you as a fierce pirate afraid of no man.” She muttered as she pulled away from him as he let go. “And I will not view you as the kind of man to give up. So I will walk away now so this event will not be filed to memory.” She finished before promptly walking away from him and to the other side of the ship. So the world had gone mad. How long would it take before she followed? As she looked out among the crew members she spotted Will and gave him a slight smile. He didn’t return it and went about his work. It seemed it wouldn’t take long at all.
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