Allen in Wonderland? (Atom x Candira)

Jul 2, 2009
Allen was a normal guy. He was just out of college with a degree in business, and he had just broken up with his fiance, whom had been cheating on him with his best friend. Awesome. Needless to say, his life wasn't the greatest right now. He generally wore blue suit with white cuff links and a white undershirt. His cuffs were quite classy if he did say so himself, and they were gold rabbits, his favorite animal. It seemed weird for a rabbit to be a man's lucky animal, but nonetheless, they were. Recently, due to the rough patch Allen had been having, he kept finding himself at the bar, at the bottom of a bottle of scotch.

The man had short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Though he was a football player in high school and through college, he was a bit of an intellectual. He was so good at finding holes in defences while playing football, but he was even better at talking to people and finding the holes in their defences. Throughout his life, he was somewhat of a ladies man due to these traits, but since he had been trying to shy away from that kind of life. This has been something he had been toying going back to recently.

At this point in time, he was rather sloshed. Most of his money had been going to buying the scotch at this particular bar. He was making quite a bit of money, yet the payments on his car and his house payments had been syphoning his money off. The current bar he was in was more of a dance club. The music was booming and the lights were flashing. Pretty hard for a drunk man to pay attention to anything going on around him.
In the club women were everywhere, and it just so happened that there was a costume contest happening. So it was that the woman that came to Allen didn't appear much out of the ordinary. In her eyes, he was an attractive man, and it didn't seem odd to her that she would approach him because of it. She put her arms around him as she tripped, her curvy body pressing against him. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said with a little nervous laugh. "Are you okay?" Her bunny ears gave her a slightly more innocent look and she did look sincere. Perhaps she would be a nice distraction.
The man let out a slight grunt as she tripped and used him to catch her balance. That was a pretty nice surprise if Allen said so himself. Turning and looking and finding it odd that she was wearing a pair of bunny ears, he thought nothing of it and smiled. "No problem." He said helping her back to her feet. Letting out a laugh, he downed the rest of his drink and put the glass gently down on the bar. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said as he glanced around the bar and realized that no one else seemed to be wearing bunny ears but then again, it was dark and everyone else was in different skimpy costumes "Are you alright?" He said with a laugh.

The man helped her into a bar stool next to him and ordered her a girly drink and another scotch for him. She was cute and even the bunny ears made her look innocent, he would almost feel bad if this led to a one night stand. He figured she was trying to be a bunny or something like that for the party, but he figured he would ask anyway. "What is your costume?"
The mysterious girl stood up with his help and smiled back at him. She was glad he seemed to be alright, and he was nice about it. He even bought her one of those pretty drinks made with fruit and what the humans called alcohol. She smiled cutely, seemingly something of a flake. "Oh, good. I'm glad you're okay." When he asked her what she was trying to be, she couldn't help but grin. "I'm the white rabbit," she said, with a giggle, spinning around for him, her breasts jiggling a bit as she hopped and turned, a fluffy tail in the back of her costume. When she was finished, she sat down next to him and sipped at her drink. "Thanks for the drink. Hey, what's your name?"
The girl had that innocent look. She was strange, sure, and she had that very bubbly personality. He let out a laugh as she spun around, and he quickly got the reference to what her costume was. It was a very interesting take on the old Lewis Carroll tale. The man ordered another scotch and smiled at her. "Name's Allen." He said holding out his hand and taking hers in it. He placed a delicate little kiss on her hand and let go. Allen was a gentleman, and he was rather decent in the bedroom as well. In his college, news travelled fast. He wasn't one to kiss and tell, but nonetheless. "I never caught your name." He said with a smile as he took another sip from his drink.

"Also, what brings you to this particular club?" He asked her as he moved his stool closer to her.
She set her drink down and turned to face him a bit more, bouncing a little. "Hopping, silly." She smiled and then remembered he'd asked her name. It was so strange that he wouldn't know that she nearly forgot. Then she remembered the human name someone had once given her. "My name is Farah. It's nice to meet you Allen." She smiled and took another sip of her cocktail, already feeling it a bit.
The man let out a laugh. What a simple answer. He thought as he finished another glass of scotch. When he tried to get another one, the bartender cut him off. The man was a little upset about it, but he just turned. "What a pretty name." He said with a smile. "Nice to meet you as well." The man moved closer to her. There was nothing else at the bar for him now, well except for Ferah he supposed. Sighing a bit and feeling the scotch take hold, he leaned very heavily on the bar. "Well, what are you plans for tonight?" He asked her, looking around at the other people in the bar.
"I was going to do some more hopping and go home," she said, cheerfully, finishing off the drink he'd gotten her. "Wanna come with?" she asked, thinking nothing of her seemingly forward behavior. In Wonderland this was considered subtle. Of course, he knew nothing of that yet. She smiled at him and tilted her head. She thought he was cute, even if he was drunk. And sometimes drunk lovers were the best. "Are you all by yourself Allen?" she asked, looking around, the ears on her head moving just a little.
The man nodded. Was that a real question? Coming from her? Did she even know what that meant? The man smiled. "That sounds wonderful." He said as he took her hand and got up. He had a slight stumble to him and he reeked of the substance. He was too drunk to realize what was going on around him, but as the alcohol kicked in more and more, he wanted to take advantage of this tiny innocent little bunny more and more. A sober Allen would have scolded him against it, but this wasn't a sober Allen. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? "Lead. . .the. . .way." He said as he struggled to keep his own balance.
She giggled as he stood up and stumbled a bit. He smelled strongly of alcohol in a way that was slightly unappealing, but she could fix that with a hop to Wonderland. And he had said that he wanted to go. She smiled and put her arm around him bouncing a little as she walked. "Okay, just hang on to me," she said, walking toward a large mirror.
The man just followed her. He was having a hard time paying attention to where he was going, he was just looking at the ground and trying to keep his bearings. Every now and then, he would stumble on his own feet or have to over someone else that was passed out. His hand gripped her shoulder. It was almost as though she was leading the blind, or leading a cow to pasture. Allen didn't even notice the large miror. . .
She let him hang about her, finding the stumbling rather amusing. He must have been trying hard to forget something. Well, she'd certainly help him do that. Once they reached the mirror, she turned to him and smiled. "Sure you wanna come with me, Allen?" she asked, her body in view from both sides at this point, the mirror glittering behind her.
The man smiled as they stopped, leaning in for a kiss. However, his motion was stopped due to the fact she started talking. She asked her question and the man nodded, looking around for a second. "Of course I still want to come with you." He said, noticing her body from both sides of the mirror. His blue suit a little roughed up from the long night of drinking he had just done. He was unsure as to why they were stopping, it almost seemed like they were still in the club, but then again, he was drunk and it was Halloween. "Are we almost there?" He said with a laugh, kissing her neck tenderly.
She smiled at him flipping some dark hair over her shoulder. They were, in fact, still in the club. Though, this area was a bit more private and much quieter. It was a special room that people rarely saw, and no one knew about the mirror. She shivered as his lips touched her neck so sweetly. "Mmm, Just making sure. We're almost there," she said, putting her arms around him. And then she leaned back into the mirror. Only instead of stopping at the surface, she kept falling through, and taking him with.

They kept falling and falling through different colors and patterns until they were on a rather large, soft bed and she was on top of him, nearly spilling out of her costume as she looked down at him, smiling. "Mmm, we're here."

((I'll let you say what you see around you this time. :D ))
The man landed with a thud on a soft plush bed. The bed was a pretty plain bed, but the bed wasn't what was making Allen's head spin. Instead, the bright, almost neon colors swirling around him, in the tiny room with no windows and a pale white door finished the room off. The man took his attention away from the walls and looked at the woman laying on top of him. He reached his head up and pecked a kiss on her lips, though his head was still swimming from that alcohol he had ingested a little bit earlier. He wondered why there were no windows in this very brightly colored room, and his mind swam for a bit.

How did he get here? Why was the room like this? Last he remembered, he was in the club with the very same girl and let out a bit of a sigh. What was going on in this crazy world?

((What do you mean? Ha ha))
She smiled and returned his kiss, leaning into him as she brought his head back down to the pillow. She kissed him deeply, her soft body pressing into him enough to thoroughly distract him from any of those nasty little thoughts of his. After a long moment, she moved away from his lips and started kissing his neck, pressing flush against him once more. "Mmmm, thank you for coming with me Allen..."
The man tried to sit up against the tiny bed. It was really just a twin sized bed that was fitting a woman dressed as a bunny and a grown ass man. His hands moved to her hips, and his hands started to reach around and squeeze her ass. Her body was barely covered as it was, and he liked what he saw, and he could see a lot. The man moved his head so she would have better access to his neck and he smiled. "Thank you for having me." He said as his hands slipped under what little covering there was a grabbed a handful of her bare ass.
She giggled and kept kissing his neck, moaning softly as he squeezed her ass and pulled her closer. She kissed and gently suckled his neck, her body warming with his as they got things started. Her tail wiggled a little as they continued their process but she doubted he could see that. But he seemed to like her enough, so that was nice. He could take off her costume with ease if he wanted to--there wasn't much to work with in the same place. In the mean time she started using her hands to run over his chest and open the jacket he wore. He seemed unhappy, so step one was definitely getting him out of the suit.
The man was propped against the back of the bed, allowing her to get his suit jacket off. Tossing it aside, he moved to place his grubby little hands back on her plump ass. Her costume was a little on the bare side, and he realized that she must have been pretty cold throughout the entire night. That was fine though, he would make sure that she warmed up. On the bed they were in, there wasn't really much room for him to move or flip them around or anything, so he had to just let the bunny girl take her time and do what she wanted at this point. Maybe if they were to stand up, but as of right now he was pinned between the bed and the bunny. Not a bad place.
She kissed his neck and moved her hips to grind against him, moving to take off his shirt next. Deftly, her fingers moved from his collar down to the end of his shirt and then ripped it up out of his pants. "Mmmm, so many layers...You really know how to tease, don't you?"
The man let out a laugh. "It's something I do best." He said as his hands moved under her so he could unbutton his own pants and slide them down and his boxers down enough exposing his rather large cock. After all, he had to keep the girls coming back for more and beat out the fellow bachelors and players on the football team. The man smiled as he moved his attention back to her after exposing his cock. It seemed like the direction this whole thing was going anyway.
She smiled and kissed his lips as she finally took his shirt off. She was just about to start to undo his pants when he did it for her. She blushed and gasped in awe at his size. No one in Wonderland was that big...she would have to share this one. "Oh wow...It's so big," she said, her cute face showing her amazement.

After a moment she looked back up at him and grinned. "You're fantastic, Allen. Wanna see if I'm fantastic too?" She asked, wiggling her butt just a bit. She was sexy, despite her adorable demeanor, and she meant to have her way with him, one way or another.
The man let out a smile when she saw his cock. She looked cute, even whist doing what they were about to do. Even random girls were impressed by his size. Something that made him a little bit prideful and a little bit of confident about his abilities in bed. Sure he was great at it, but Allen thought he was the best. He was normally humble about most things, just not this.

When she asked her question, the man nodded. "Of course I do." He said with a laugh. "Show me what you got!"
She grinned and sat up, reaching behind her to remove her tiny bra, the thin garment falling and leaving her ample mounds bare. Farah then reached down to her hips and started to pull the skirt down and panties down as well. She leaned into him and quickly wiggled out of her clothes so that she was completely naked. Farah never bragged, but she was incredibly self-confident. Her body was just as pleasing as Allen's. "Mmm, touch whatever you want."
Her body was just as pleasing as his. Mainly because she was the opposite sex of course, but even then, Allen was pleased with what he was seeing. The man sat up and pushed her onto her back. Now it was his turn. Pinning her down by her wrists, he leaned down and kissed her passionately. The room was still spinning a tiny bit, and one of his hands was finding it's way south. Finally, he ran one of his fingers against her slit and smiled, leaning down and kissing her passionatly again, moving south and kissing her neck. His finger, still running against her slit, teasing it.
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