(ThomasRHellsingxIllenia) A hired gun.


Oct 25, 2011
Stephen "Steve" Xiao had heard a lot about the little firefly class ship "Serenity" and it's captain Malcolm Reynolds, they pulled all sorts of jobs and made a fairly decent amount of money, without being completely heartless. She was use to being a hired gun, nothing more than a crazy bitch with the aim to back up any of her claims. But now she had a job that would make a whole lot of money and honestly she we'd only be able to pull it off with the skill of Mal and his crew, so after many months of searching she'd finally come in contact with the elusive Mal and his "Serenity".

"Well, I've heard nothing but good things about you Miss Xiao and this deal would help out with a lot of my problems, so if your looking for a new crew to join you've found your ship." Mal said with a charming smile, his hand firmly shaking hers. "Well I can promise you one thing Reynolds you won't regret hiring me." She said flashing him a bright smile, her eyes looking over the infamous Jayne, she'd heard quite a few things about the hired muscle and had to say she was impressed he was far better looking than she thought he'd be.

"I just have to go and get my things and then we can go." She said with a nod, her dark hair falling over her slender shoulder, her dark eyes taking another quick glance at the well built Jayne, before turning on her heel, her black knee high combat boots, her tight black jeans hugging her hips, her revealing chinese top showing off a fair amount of skin, her glove covered had snapping her fan closed against her thigh, as her hips sway seductively as she walked away from the two men.

Jayne had taken to wearing a belt with holster's after Miranda. he wasn't sure if he wanted to draw on the girl or try to talk her into joining him in his bunk. Watching that pert tight ass walk away he had a feeling he'd need Vera and sooner rather than later. watching that ass move away he spoke his most infamous five words, "I'll be in my bunk."

Turning around he headed into the ship. Climbing down the ladder he looked over his wall. Hundreds of guns, more than a few Reaper weapons, and even a bat rested in the wall. he started going through the tools, pulling a pair of revolvers. Two what looked to be .45s, three Colt 1911's, and a bolt action short barreled rifle. Taking the guns plus two bowie knives a K-bar, and a raper knife up to the table he started working on the. He tried to limit Moon brain's exposure to Vera after an incident in the past. With a practiced ease he had all the guns dismantled and the bullets on the table. A recent job had netted him a sawed off double barrel shotgun a two shot fifty caliber pistol, and a machine gun. Jayne tended to use heavier hitting but slower weapons, but the machine pistol had a ridiculous spray rate.

The pistol was the only thing fully assembled and tucked away in the belt. He worked on the gun components also sharpening his knives. Making sure they'd cut through flesh and bone when needed. Next was polishing his bullets. A small bit of lube used to make the revolver's rounds a hair quicker form the speed re-loader he used. He had ones in .45 357 .44 and even 8 in five hundred grain. He loved revolvers because they'd never jam.

The heat of the room started to bother him as he pressed down on his ammo maker. Soon his shirt was laid beside him as his hands moved over the gun parts, he allowed his mind to wonder lightly. Something about the new girl niggling in his mind, but he couldn't figure what. He made an executive decision to make sure he had plenty of grenades.
Had she realized how nerves she made Jayne it would surely make her smile, she liked making people nervous especially men like him, men who believed they were tough and could handle anything. She threw her bag onto the bed in the small room Mal had provided for her, right next to Jayne's room. She smirked as she wondered what he was doing in his own small bunk, she turned and left her room surprised when she almost ran into Kaylee the ships mechanic, "Oh, you must be the new girl, welcome." She drawled offering her hand to Steve, Steve looked down at her hand and decide it was probably best to make friends. "Steve, Steve Xiao." She said with a small smile, enjoying the shocked look on the younger woman's face. "Ain't that a boy's name?" Kaylee asked slightly confused, "Yea and Jayne is a girl's name, but no one seems to hassle him about it." She teased making Kaylee giggle.

"That's probably because he's always armed to the teeth making most people afraid of him." She stated, "Well if you'll excuse me, I was just on my way to speak with the aforementioned male." Steve smiled at Kaylee as she brushed past her entering Jayne's room silently, she was surprised to find him shirtless, but she had to say it was a pleasant surprise. Her eyes skimmed his collection as she moved closer to him.

"You have a wonderful and impressive collection here Jayne." She leaned down to whisper in his ear, her breath swiping the cuff of his ear, her body close enough to feel the heat radiating off of his.​
He chuckled, as he said, "Ain't much, Mal made me be more selective when I started keeping them in the eating room, ain't like no gun ever hurt somebody, people yes, but the gun itsself ain't to blame."

He nodded saying, "These are probably the ones I'll take on the next job, them and a shiny new machine pistol I got, names Janet."

He handed the girl the automatic pistol. The universe itself knew if it was a strategy or dumb luck he handed her that particular gun. The clips for it were the farthest from her, and to reach for it would leave her side exposed for his own gun. Jayne smirked devilishly as he reached into a drawer next to him Pulling out a grenade he said, "With a good eye you know what this is, a Gibson AR 300 thermite grenade, ounce heard about merc who double crossed the people paying him, got one of these shoved into his colon."

Jayne's body language suddenly shifted. Gone was the lumbering oaf, in his place was a man that had taken more lives than anyone on Serenity knew. The man who had seen his wife eaten by Reapers. The man that was one of the most feared me in Alliance space, and had gunned down a dozen Reapers. His eyes were locked with hers, "You get us into any serious trouble, by your own actions, and we'll find out if that sexy ass of yours can fit one or not, DONG MA?"

He spun the grenade in his hand with a practiced ease. The pin the thing he was spinning it by. Their was no doubt in his eyes. He'd drop her like a bad habit if she threatened him. Waiting for her acknowledgement he let his left hand drift to the grip of his two shot pistol. Most people didn't realize it, but Jaye was most certainly Amedextrous, and she'd have to drop the machine pistol, and pull something of her own. The two shot pistol's short barrel was perfect for tight space, and his recently sharpened Reaver knife was where 90% of "Mercs" would think his hand would go. It was sunk into the table four inches or less from his right hand.

This was as much a test as a warning. Men like Jayne Cobb didn't make threats, nor did hey get worried. Simon Tam may get worried Mal may get worried. Jayne Cobb was either confident, or getting a bigger gun.
Steve was impressed by Jayne's calm reaction even though she was damn sure he hadn't heard her, she'd made a living on being able to sneak up on people and slit there throats, but he had obviously been expecting her, he wasn't nearly as dumb as everyone said he was and she was more than happy to discover that fact. She chuckled he was right, a gun in the hands of an idiot could be a dangerous thing, but on it's own there was no real threat.

She admired the pistol he'd called Janet, "Do you name all of your guns or just the ones you've got a hard-on for?" She teased as she took the automatic pistol, turning it over in her hands to get a good look at it before griping the handle and holding it before her looking down the sight. She smirked as she realized the ammo for the weapon she held was far enough away that it would leave her exposed to try and get to them, Jayne Cobb was far from dumb, she wondered if his crew mates realized it.

She wasn't surprised when he pulled out the grenade, she'd been expecting a threat, Jayne seemed the loyal type and he'd been on the ship for longer than most. She quirked an eyebrow as she watched Jayne turn from his usual non-threatening shoulder slumped stance, his muscles bunching under his smooth skin, his light eyes locking with her dark ones.

Steve set the pistol down, her chest pressing into his back as her right hand pulled out small blade, her arms coming forward to wrap around his shoulders the blade resting against the thick muscles of his neck. "I understand, but believe me when I say this Jayne, if I had wanted anyone on this ship I'd have just killed them not come a board. Though I can understand why you wouldn't trust me." She whispered before setting the small handmade blade on the table in front of him, the blade built out of nothing more than necessity.

"It was a pleasure talking with you Jayne." She chuckled, her teeth gentle nipping his earlobe, before letting her arms slide over his shoulders, she turned and left the room, her body trembling a bit. She'd felt more turned on than threatened by Jayne, though that probably said more about the slightly unstable assassin then her threatener.​
Jayne moved in a blur. His rock hard abs against her back, but he knew the rock hard bulge between his thighs would draw her attention more. He spoek low into the girl's ear, "I name all my conquests, the big and the small."

His hand slid up her thigh to the holster their, pulling the hammer back he said his voice hard with lust, "It's poor form to bring knife to a gun fight, want to have a ride maybe see if I can't give you a real welcome ot the crew?"

He fired the gun in her hidden thigh holster. Eptyig the clip into the thick and heavy wall of the ship. Knowing each shot would not only send very pleasing sensatios through her thigh, but force the back of his hnds to grid into other territory. His hand grbbed the area between her legs meading it gently but firmly as he said, "What do you say Miss Xiao Xiao?"
Steve had been expecting him to make some move after her actions, but when he pulled her back against her front she could honestly say she had not been expecting to feel his manhood hot and hard against her bottom, she ran her pink tongue over her lips, catching her plump bottom lip between her teeth. "I'm not one to be conquered." She stated in a soft husky tone.

A tiny shiver went down her spine as his hand trailed down her thigh to a holster most men never found, she smirked as she heard him thumb back the hammer. He was right it was poor form to bring a knife to a gun fight, though in their profession one never went out without something they could use up close and personal if you did you'd end up dead. As he emptied her clip into the wall she couldn't help but let out a little gasp of pleasure as the recoil reverberated through her flesh.

She looked over her shoulder at him, enjoying the fact that he loomed over her, she turned knocking his hand away from her holster as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders again. "I think that if you want someone to lay you'd better find yourself a companion because I'm not the type of girl just looking for a quick ride," she said pulling away from him and turning back to exit his room. "Beside, you couldn't handle a girl like me." She tossed over her shoulder as she left.​
He chuckled, "You never know until you try sweetie and I'm pretty sure I could give you a ride you'd never forget."

He then turned around. Sitting on his bunk he went back to cleaning and modifying his guns.
Steve had gone back into her room, feeling completely hot and bothered, she'd never had much of a sex drive, yeah she'd always been a tease it was something she prided herself on, but she'd never found herself responding to a man's advances. She was a bit shaken from the experience, to be honest she wanted nothing more than to go back into Jayne's room and help him test the sturdiness of his bed, but she knew that wouldn't be the wisest of ideas.

She'd meant what she said to him, she wasn't looking for a ride or to be a companion like her own mother was; she loved her mother and her mother was quite happy with her life, but she wanted more than to bedded. She shook her head, if there was one thing that she was girly about it was this, she wanted more to a relationship than sex.

She let out a soft sigh before leaving her room again making her way to the cargo bay, needing some room to pace. She paced for a few minutes, she liked the small ship it was very well cared for though a bit roughly treated. "Are you really here to make money or to fight with Jayne?" A soft voice asked. She turned to see a young woman with long dark hair smiling at her. ""I didn't come her to fight with Jayne." She stated firmly. "Perhaps not, but I think you enjoy it none the less." The girl said before walking away leaving Steve with something to think about.​
Jayne took each of the barrels. Carefully running the rifeling brush down them. He knew the next job would require him or the new gir to win a shooting competition. Small arms only, and thus one reason why he was going above and beyond in the care of his girls this particular time. He was eeping his shotgun as a back up weapon but other than that all he was allowed were hand guns. the cots would be his secondary back up his ain would be the revolvers, deopending on what was needed. Speed the sei autos were the best, accuracy they were about even. It also depended on range and a few other variables. Jayne thus was preparing how he was taught, get all of his babies ready and hope he didn't need them. The planet had a srict ammo control policy and thus he was only allowed one clips her weapon It would be a challenge especally if a fight broke out.
Steve shook her head as she made her way into the kitchen space of the ship, she wasn't really hungry, but she had a feeling if she cooked there would be plenty of people to eat whatever she made. She began the long process of making noodles and cooking a small amount of meat to go with. She skillfully used the small wok pan and a pair of chopsticks to cook up a meal big enough for the entire crew.

She smiled as she watched a few people make there way into the dining room grabbing plates and bowls waiting for the food she made, she'd always enjoyed cooking, it had a calming effect on her reminding her of a childhood that had been too quickly over. "That smells really good." Mal said walking up behind her as she'd just finished.

"Thanks it's all ready now, but you all better move your butts because I'm not serving anyone." She teased stepping away from the stove leaving the food free for them to take.​
((Skipping to the job))

Jayne walked back and forth. His heavy boots echoing with the noise Something about this job rubbed him the wrong way. He kenw they'd be leaving soon and he was wearing his white T-shirt cargo pants, a nd his holster belt. His newest toys in under ar holsters. Jayne knew they were custom pieces, but the specifics were hard to tell. They were lighter than normal forty fives, nd they had adapted silencers built onto the brrels. Jayne knew they were also twice or three times as accurate as his normal hand guns. He checked them for the third time before he started loading up.

A pair of 357 magnums were holstered first. Nearest the gun buckle. Two Model 15's were put beside those. Then the guns got abit more random. 1911's, .45's, a mi and mashed mess of them. only for five hundred to be put behind his back. Jayne knew how exspensive the rounds for the beast were, btu something told him packing heavy would be best. He pulled on the bandoleers of amo, and tucked the ac 10 with it's own silencer into them hidden under his side. A K-bar and bowie knife went in each boot.

The last thing Jyne pulled on were his gloves. and a two shot derringer was pushed inn each. Jjayne was feeling more nevous now then he hd when they'd gone ot Mirnda. Maybe because for ounce the entire job rested on him, well him and the new girl. Jayne still wasn't one hunred percet sure what he thought of he. He called out for al and oe, "Can we get this show on the Gorram road already?"
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