Scorpius's Flower (B.A.D. Girl & Google)

B.A.D. Girl

Oct 19, 2011
Lily Luna Potter was doing some last minute packing before heading off to the train to start her fifth year. Her twin brother, Albus, was busy yelling at her to hurry the hell up because he was getting tired of waiting. James, who was two years old then them, was going into his last year at Hogwarts and was already in the car, ready to drive. Mr. Harry Potter had a press conference and Mrs. Ginny Potter worked as a healer, and was on call and at St. Mungos, so James got the chance to drive them to school, since the car was charmed to drive itself back home after going invisible once they got to Hogwarts.

"Merlin, Lily, hurry up!" yelled Albus from the bottom of the stairs, already done packing with his things in the car.

"I'm coming!" yelled Lily, grabbing her Slytherin scarf and stuffing it into the trunk, and then dragging it down the stairs and handing it off to Albus, before climbing into the backseat of the car.

Once everyone was at the train station, Lily met Talia and Tallon and they walked to the platform and then onto the train.

"Where's Scorpius?" asked Lily, looked around once they had sat down in the compartment.

"Probably hitting on some girl." Talia said with a shrug. Tallon nodded.

The three friends then waited patiently for Scorpius to arrive in their compartment.
Keeping others waiting, even if they were his closest friends in the world was something that Scorpius enjoyed doing very much. It was just another subtle way to establish that he was the one who was in charge of their little group, they might all have their own opinions and the freedom to essentially do what they wanted but when push came to shove he was the one who chose what to do. It was of course only the natural order of things for a Malfoy to take control of the situation, the son of the wealthiest wizarding family in Europe, a family with pure blood lineage stretching back as far as anyone could count and a great deal of power accumulated over those years. One of the top students in his class, prefect, first rate Chaser, and of course devilishly charming, wasn't it only right that he should take charge.

He knew what his friends would no doubt suspect as he kept them waiting, that he had cornered some lovely young lady in a secluded part of the train and was working his quite aggressive brand of seduction like he always chose to, but instead he was just killing time not far off from where they were, enjoying a moment of quiet in a car full of first year students who were too nervous to make a single sound in his presence. That alone was amusing to the point that he would have been laughing if he were not in deep thought, this was the year, he had decided that this was the year that he was going to have Lily all for himself. He knew his parents would never approve, doubted hers would even though technically his father always made a big show about how grateful he was to Potter for taking care of the threat of the Dark Lord... but who cared, he had wanted her from the first onset of puberty and now... well what was going to stop him?

Feeling that he had let enough time pass Scorpius made his way from the car that he had been sitting, carrying himself with all the poise and pride that was to be expected of a Malfoy and moved to the train car where they always sat together, pulling the door open with a smirk. “I would say I am sorry to keep you all waiting but you would know it is a lie.” He pointed out as he moved to take a seat next to Lily. “And you all know I am not going to feel the least bit guilty so... lets skip the part where you try to tell me how terrible I am.”
Lily, Tallon, and Talia were all talking amongst themselves, at first, trying to come up with reasons why Scorpius was later than normal to the compartment. Tallon suggested that he woke up late, because his father drugged him, hoping he'd end up dead and missed the train. Talia said he fell off the train, and Lily said that it was probably all of the above. As they talked, the reasons became more and more ridiculous and unlikely. Though, they only did this guessing thing because they were extremely bored waiting for Scorpius to get there. They all knew that the most likely reason was that Scorpius was trying to get his hands on some girl, like he always did. After all, anyone who had a brain that went to Hogwarts that wasn't going to be a first year this year, knew that Scorpius was a player, and never settled on one girl. He just wanted a few quickies, though, Talia said that him getting his hand on a girl this early in the morning isn't like him.

After awhile of getting bored of naming unlikely reasons why Scorpius was gone, and not on the train, the three friends spent the time talking about Quidditch, and Lily said it would be great to be a beater, so she could smack bludgers around, but she doubted Scorpius would let her try out for the team. After all, Slytherin had a boy-only team for centuries, and being a Malfoy, Scorpius was all about keeping tradition. When Scorpius showed up, everyone looked up to see him, and they all rolled their eyes at him, knowing that he was never sorry about being late. It didn't surprise them one bit. Lily scooted over a little bit, so her and Scorpius weren't so close, so he could have some actual room. She then said to him, "Don't worry, Scorpius, we weren't going to give you the satisfaction of telling you how much we cared that you were gone, anyways." Tallon chuckled at Lily's statement and Talia sighed.

Both Talia and Tallon knew that Lily liked to act like she was in charge, as most Slytherins do. And being a Potter, with a famous family, Lily felt like she deserved to be on top and be in charge. But when it came down to the truth, she took orders better than anything. As much as she had that 'I'll kick your ass if you mess with me' attitude, she'd take orders from people because she felt safer or better that way. Besides, Lily knew she was friends with the elite, so she wasn't going to mess it up by not taking orders from Scorpius, as she always did since he pretty much made himself in charge.
Scorpius sneered a little bit at the comment about how they wouldn't give him any satisfaction, he didn't care if they weren't going to tell him that they had missed his company. He was the one in charge, of course without him around to take the lead they would be entirely lost and have no idea at all what they should do. Still he was there now and as he relaxed in the seat, enjoying the comfortable and well worn leather conforming to his body after being broken in by so many students over the years and making sure that he was perfectly comfortable on his trip to the school. “You don't need to tell me how much you all missed my Lil.” He teased with a small smirk. “How could I not be missed, as amazing as I am.”

He knew that Lily wanted to join the team and was willing to consider it by giving her a try out, to him victory was far more important then any traditions that existed... they had come close last year but this year he wanted to bring the cup back to their team and by putting a Potter on his team it might keep her brother from preforming as well as he normally did. Anything for Victory was the Slytherin standard and if giving up a tradition that might hold them back... only if she was good enough to make the team in a fair try out of course. At that moment though he had something more important to think about and having the others in the car with him would only get in the way.

“You two.” He grunted, pointing quickly. “I need to have some time alone with Lily, go off and have some fun alone, torment the new students, find something too eat, I really don't car what you do as long as I don't see you for a while.” Patience wasn't his strong suit, something he needed to work on a bit but at that moment he hardly cared... he wanted to be alone with Lily right away.
Talia and Tallon just rolled their eyes at Scorpius's sneer, and knew better than to tell him off for being late, because they were even more below Lily in the social food chain. Sure they were purebloods, but they knew Scorpius was still on top, and Lily needed to learn that just like them. Lily scoffed and she then said, "Well, Scorpius, I didn't miss you at all, so what do you say to that?" She didn't like losing to Scorpius, even though it was a downright lie to say that she didn't miss Scorpius. He was her best friend, guy friend anyways. Plus, with Harry being her father, she wasn't allowed to have any contact with Scorpius all summer, unlike her constant hanging out with Tallon and Talia during the summer since her father reluctantly approved of them.

Lily was itching to ask Scorpius about the Quidditch Try-Outs, since they probably would be pretty soon, but she wasn't exactly to thrilled about Scorpius being in a position of authority over her if she joined. She didn't completely trust him, even if he is her best guy friend. "Scorpius, can I ask you something?" Lily started to say, but then she heard that Tallon and Talia had to leave because Scorpius wanted to be alone with her for a bit, and she quickly shut her mouth. Wait, time alone with me? But why? He isn't planning on kicking me out of his elite group is he? Oh Merlin please let that not be true...and I don't want to be alone with Scorpius! Lily thought, her mind going a mile a minute with thoughts that hadn't crossed her mind all morning.

"Fine, we'll leave. I've been itching to pick on the first years since we got on." Tallon said with a smirk as he stood up, ready to leave. His mind not going crazy like his friend, Lily's was. Talia sighed and she then said, "Fine, I'll go with Tallon. But honestly, Scorpius, there is no need to be alone with Lily. Though, don't even think about hurting her. She's our friend. Go easy on her." She smirked and then the two friends left the compartment, and went off to annoy the first years, leaving Lily alone with Scorpius.
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