New Spidey (Gundam x myself)


Jan 18, 2009
"Come!" he ordered his own wrist as he aimed it at a few packing crates along the wall. It had been several days since his newly discovered powers had manifested, it seemed however getting the hang of them was another problem. "Aw man...nothing," he said placing a hand on another nearby crate, though he accidentally got himself suck, and with a clatter of broken wood the small box shattered spilling it's contents of packing peanuts and old machinery all over the ground. "Damn" he shouted once more thinking what was the use in having powers if he couldn't even use them properly.

-----Several days earlier at Genetix Labs-----

"Be careful with those!" snapped the head scientist. "You bumbling idiot...if you even smash a single one of those specimens that will be years of research and development lost...and I will have your head for it!" The dark haired, hazel eyes lab assistant nodded carrying the container of "Arachnix" he was transporting to the gamma machine. He set them up onto the firing platform. He made sure to count all fifteen spiders before moving away. "One...two...three.....thirteen...fourteen...wheres the last one?" He looked over his shoulder to see his boss busy with preping the machine, he gingerly opened the container to peer inside, he looked closely, and noticed one of the small pebbled placed in the container was moving, just before it shifted colors and crawled over t his thumb, biting just under the nail. He gave a small yelp of pain, slamming the lid shut with the scuttling creature still inside. "Whats the matter Anderson!" the old man barked. "Nothings wrong...all is accounted for," he said hastily stuffing his hand in his pocket and walked out of the lab. He examined his thumb, seeing the red bulb from the bite growing.

Later that night he would feel the full affects of the bite, and for several long days would suffer from an intense fever and hallucinations. It wasn't until two days later he would wake up and realize the full extent of what had happened.

-----Present day, Warehouse 14 by the docks----

"Alright, well back to work," he said once more trying to perform another web shot at the crates, he knew he could do it, he had done it by mistake before.
Spider-Girl watched the young man try to train, from a window on the roof of the structure, and remembered fondly when she was new to this. May was orginally going to try to discourage him from becoming Spider-Man, but seeing this was making her question that route, and she had to admit that he looked good in that black suit. In the end, May decided that training the newbie was going to do more good than making him hang up the mask, and silently lifted the window paine out of place. Spider-Girl placed the window paine on the roof silently, and slipped down into the hole she made, using her webbing to slip to the floor.
"Hi newbie." She said, from behind him "I decided to train you."
He had not gotten used to the spider-sense factor of his powers. To him it came to him as a sudden impulse of chemical reaction that caused his body to become ready for a multitude of movements. In this moment he caused him to kick into another harmless crate beside him, the wooden box flying shattered into the opposing wall and splintering. "Whose is there?" he asked before turning to see her. He knew who she was, after all she was in the papers at times as was the Original Spiderman and the like, he always wondered if he would ask for help with his powers from the two. "What makes you think I need training?" he asked, he did not mean to sound rude, but he also did not like being, well called "newbie" very much either.
"Because I've seen you work." Spider-Girl said, approaching the New Spider-Man "And I doubt the first Spider-Man would allow you to continue with that performance." Spider-Girl lept unto a crate, and looked at the guy, "I know Spidey persnonally, so I may be able to talk him into letting you operate." She said, smirking under her mask "on the condition that I train you, and become your partner."
He looked at her past his own mask, it was stylized after the black suite Spidey had worn for a short amount of time, though with a few modifications he put to it, and different symbol, not the long legged white spider it bore before. "So you saw huh?" he asked, knowing he needed the help. "Well...if it will put me in his good graces...or whatever, then I accept," with the knowledge he would be her partner, he guessed he would just have to deal with it, worst things could have hapened as he looked up at her siting atop the crate.
"You did make a good choice on costume." Spider-Girl said, hopping off of the box to land in front of the new Spider-Man "It makes you look good."

"Alright, I noticed you have limited experiance with the Spidey-Sense." May said, backing off a distance "We'll start with that."
He smiled beneath the mask, he rather liked the compliment, for the brief moment he let it settle.

He wanted to point out he was a bit limited with everything, but he just gave a nod instead. "How do we do that?" he asked her, wondering how they would train something he wasn't fully aware of most of the time.
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