Through the Rift (Hellsing and Illenia)


Jan 9, 2009
Bikoura sat back at his station. He was head of the Mando Cabure and here he was stuck doing some private's job. He was Fett's right hand man and yet reduced to this. "Oh holy harran who did I piss off to get this?" lightly rapping his fingers over his chest plate he looked over the several screens that were displaying the read-outs that several probes were feeding back to the system. "Feirfek nothing in sight." He didn't notice that one of the read-outs was reporting a strange rift slowly opening outside of concordia which was the moon of Mandalore. The probe was sending back readings including grabbing onto a strange ship's comm system and started to track it as a unknown signal and possibly hostile.

But the mandalorians were not the only people to discover the rift as it was opening. Concordia was also home to a group of bounty hunters and their probes had also reported the same readings and they had sent a small craft out. Ossiri was sent out. He kept his ship on heading with the rift. "Well well well I wonder what we've got here and what can be taken and sold, this should be fun."
"Captain we seemed to have been pulled through the rift and none of this planets or stars seem familiar." Seven reported making her way to the bridge as she spoke into her com. badge. "So I see thank you Seven, Mr. Paris take us out of warp until we can determine what course of action to take." Janeway informed her pilot. "There seems to be a few ships not to far from us Captain." Paris informed her. "Hail them." She commanded, her pilot quickly doing as he was told.
The ship that was on the other side saw the probe go through the rift and come within meters of his own ship. "Now what do we have here?" He ran a quick scan to see what it was and how to slice into it so that he could effectivly either jam it or take control of it. "Well nice craftsmanship of what ever it is and...a class 2 system..really this isnt even a challenge." He was able to quickly hack into its system so thta he could use it co communicate to the U.S.S Voyage

Ossiri watched as the rift seemed to grow before seemingly starting to pull the entire ship through it before closing once they were in. "FEIRFEK WHAT WAS THAT?!" He watched as the ship was pretty much flung over his own ship and into dead space. The mandalorians were sure to of seen this and would be sending in their own team so he sent a quick signal to his team down on the surface of Concordia and within minutes a large shield engulfed the USS Voyage and started to pull it down to what appeared to be a large parade ground/open field. But standing on the field seemed to be a shock team of death watch units that surrounded the ship as they started to search for ways in.
Voyager began to move toward the field, "What's going on Tom?" Janeway asked her voice urgent as she watched them move closer to the field. "I'm not sure, I've not only lost control of the ship, but it seems that we're caught in a tractor beam." Tom said nervously his hands flying across his console. Seven moved to him and leaned over trying to figure out what was wrong. "It seems are systems have been taken over." She said, looking back over her shoulder at the Captain, her eyes full of worry.

The ship was forced to land in the field, "What now Captain?" Seven asked, her face blank once again. "Now we wait and see if anyone comes out to see us, I won't have us leaving until whoever did this shows themselves." Janeway said firmly, she was a bit afraid of what might be waiting out there.
When the ship was finally pulled down The landing ramp was lowered as Ossiri had managed to hack in and gain temporary control which resulted in the landing controls being used and the ramp lowered. The Death Watch nodded and sent their own units in, being briefly met up against the security units before quickly stunning them and moving on. Their team spread out through the ship quickly taking engineering. the security kept having to pull back due to the phasers giving little damage to the Death watch's Beskar armor. It was well known that not even a light saber could cut through it though there were weak points in the armor that with some luck the securty team was getting but the death watch just had too many men. After some time they were at the locked doors of the bridge. "This is Ossiri of the Mandalorian Death Watch, we have seized this ship and its crew. you will unlock the doors and stand down or we shall force them in and you will be harmed."
Seven's eyes shot to the door of the bridge, they'd taken the ship so quickly she looked back to her Captain who looked calm and serene, though she was sure the older woman was trying at this very moment to decide what would be the best course of action. "Captain?" Commander Chakotay asked Janeway, as he stood up.

"Open the doors and stand down, we don't know these people and obviously they've taken over quickly enough to show that we are no real threat to them." Janeway said not rising from her seat, she was horribly nervous, but refused to show the crew her weakness, they needed to stay strong in the face of their enemies.
Once the doors opened Ossiri walked in with other death watch members. they looked around before nodding. Ossiri grinned and walked over to the Janeway. "A fine ship..never seen anything like it though which means it could sells for quite alot of imperial credits." One of the Death Watch members nudged him hard in the should before looking at the crew. "Ah yes now, You all are captives of the Death Watch. Those who resist will be punished while those who cooperate will be rewarded." Other death Watch Members took the crew and cuffed their hands behind them before leading them out of the ship. Once they were lead out of the ship the crew was then further seperated into the men and women. Most of the men were taken down to be used as forced labor in the base mines. Ossiri looked over Janeway then to Seven who was fighting abit. "Wouldn't do that If I were you hun.."
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