- Joined
- Aug 14, 2009

Human - Most numerous and typical inhabitants of Trebizond, they are divided into three tribes: Cathar, Ismailis, Sicarii
Blemmyae - Similar to Humans in almost all regards save one, they posses no head and their faces are located in their upper chest
Jotunn - Monstrous versions of Humans, they tower over all others
Djullanar - Humans of an unusual trait in that they are able live and breath without aid under water
Ghoul - Degenerate version of Humans, little more then beasts these once Humans ate the flesh of their kind and were cursed, they subsists off of rotten flesh
Famouse Personages:
Lord Imperial Aeneas - Current ruler of Trebizond, missing(Sicarii)
Saint Siorus - Ancient Military Historian and Saint of Our Holy Lady(Cathar)
Tyrant of Irem, Melian - Founder of Irem(Jotunn)
Lord Marshal Azazael - Current commander of the Knights Myrmidons(Cathar)
Sholomoh - Founder of the Order of Our Holy Lady(Ismailis)
Arlequin -
Famous Organisations:
Order of Our Holy Lady
Knights Myrmidons of Levant
Red Nails
Circassian Flowers
Moors Company
Famous Locations:
Well of Souls
Eternal Flame of Melian
Bohemian Coast
Plains of Mnemosyne
Fields of Harmageddon
Mountains of Anabasis
Mount Circassian
Sea of Nemi
Ruins of Irem
City of Naamah
City of Odalisque
City of Damascus
City of Levant
City of Trebizond
House Absolute
Monstrous Personages:
Nolife Creatures: