The Super Smash Sisters and the meeting of the Mastur Hands. (Fish & CutePhoenix)


Jan 11, 2009
Matt sat down in his computer chair of his apartment with a little bit of a sigh. It was a rather boring Saturday afternoon, and although the weather was fairly nice for late October he didn't want to go outside. He rolled the chair over to his bookshelf of games in his small apartment and looked through them, trying to find something to do to waste the time. He was a feeling a little frisky, but the 21 year-old tried to shake it off until later, to help him go to sleep better when his eyes fell upon his copy of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. He took it from the shelf, and contemplated the gameplay for a moment to be sure he really did want to play it. God, how long had it been? Awhile, and it was better with friends, but his mind turned to ogling Samus in her skin-tight suit and he grinned as he pushed against the wall and rolled over to his Wii.

As the chair rolled, he caught his reflection in a mirror for a moment. He was a tall guy, standing at over six feet, in the chair, his legs could reach just about anything in the room. He was thin, but not boney thin, and when he had his shirt taken off, he had a rather nice build to his chest and stomach. His hair was brown and went down to his shoulders, some of it spilling just a little past that, and cascading down past his piercing blue eyes, which he did well to hide behind his thin-framed glasses. He wore a simple t-shirt and blue jeans, his t-shirt actually having a picture of a morph ball on it from the SNES Super Metroid, and his blue jeans a little faded. He was a nerdy guy alright, but that didn't mean that he didn't have style or looks going for him as well.

Matt smiled as he put the game into the Wii, three controllers still plugged into the console from the last time he'd had friends over and they'd played a multiplayer game, surprisingly not Super Smash Brothers. They had skipped past that game for awhile. Still, he booted the game up and went to multiplayer, ready to just hop into the fray, when he paused at the character selection screen. Who did he want to be, and who did he want to fight?

His creeping horniness seeped back into his mind and he chose Samus for himself, starting her in her Zero Suit, and choosing Zelda and Peach for the other two characters. He chose a simple stage, just Final Destination and heard the first rumble of thunder outside, rattling the loose windows on his walls as he began the fight with the level 9s. He paused the game when Samus came to the screen and zoomed in on her a bit, looking at her bust, and wondering just what her dimensions were, before he scrolled over to her ass, wishing he'd met a cosplayer and been able to bring her back to his room.

One hand crept down to his lap, giving a light stroke at his jeans...
As if god had seen what he was doing, just seconds later, after a VERY loud and powerful clap of thunder, everything shut off. Lights, tv, game, everything. He was left in pitch black, unable to pleasure himself to the sight of the lovely Samus. Though, she'd soon find that a much better present had near literally been dropped right into his lap. Eventually, the tv came back on, but was nothing but static. Then, the power indicator for the Wii came on, showing it was getting power now. Then, finally the lights came on, revealing something that just couldn't be possible.

Right in front of him, laid out on the floor.........were the three digital vixens he was just watching. Samus was closest to him, laying face first on the floor, ass in full glory in that skin tight zero suit. Zelda was next to her, as graceful as in her games. She looked like sleeping beauty. And Princess Peach was between them and the TV, curled up a bit, lightly sighing in that soft, cute tone of hers. All seemed very real.........but all were also apparently completely unconscious.
"Fuck." Matt said to himself as he was left in the darkness as the rain began to pour down outside. He had a good visual memory though, and kept the image of Samus in his mind a bit longer, doing things to it: Taking things off and opening things up, turning things around, and letting his imagination get the better of him. He might pleasure himself here in the dark if the power was out for too long, but just as he thought about that, the lights came back on and the TV hissed back to life, catching his attention. He looked toward it, and saw something blue that he didn't recognize belonged in his room, and began to wonder if his imagination had gotten the better of him.

His jaw dropped and he stood up, controller in hands again out of habit, when he saw the three programmed princesses lying before him. "Holy hell..." He said, his eyes moving right to the bounty hunter's presented ass, his animal instincts causing him to just want to get right down on his knees and go after her, but he held still for a moment, trying to figure out if this was really happening. His leg brushed the control stick on the controller when he went to move closer to get a closer look.
Just as his leg brushed the controller, Samus's hips suddenly thrust up into the air, so she was laying face first on the floor, with her perfect ass sticking straight up in the air. It would seem despite them being inexplicably real, they were still able to be controlled by his games controllers. Though, being unconscious, it was impossible to say one way or another if they'd have any free will of their own, or just be toys she could control and "play" with as he pleased. Only time would answer that question, as well as if they'd even ever wake up in the first place.
Her hips came up in time with his leg hitting the control stick, and Matt licked his lips in response, looking at how her perfect ass was shot up right in front of him, doing everything but flat out-asking for him to come and to touch it. He bit his lip, wanting it badly, it had been awhile since he'd brought anyone home, and as long since he'd felt a woman's body... Especially one so lovely. He licked his lips and knelt down for a moment, looking at her ass, and glancing at her face. It seemed like she was out. Was she really real?

Her suit looked more realistic than in the game, and he reached out one finger to her body. The long digit extended out from his fist, his other hand still holding the controller by one stick, and he poked gently right where her pussy would be under that suit, holding his breath and feeling just for a moment before he pulled away. Zelda and Peach, too... What was he to do? If they didn't wake up, he might think of some things right quick...
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