Alice and Aliester: Sexland Wonderland (hentai, open)


"Oh, no," would say Aunt Alice. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, it went this way!"

"Oh, no," would reply Aunt Miyuki-chan. "That was not what happened at all! For when that happened, we met that person!"

Alice and her brother, Aliester, had done their best to listen attentively, but when it came to their eighteenth birthday, it seemed that Aunt Alice and Aunt Miyuki-chan confused more than enlightened. The place would call either be called Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) or Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice).

For, as Alice and her brother were growing up, they had heard, from their Aunts, about Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) and Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice), but it was not until their eighteenth birthday were Alice and her brother allowed to learn who one would meet in Wonderland (if you asked Aunt Miyuki-chan) or what would happen if one went to Sexland (if you asked Aunt Alice).

But, alas, what would be a delightful tale of ticklish fantasy were it said once individually by Aunt Alice then Aunt Miyuki-chan became a bore of confusion when told by both together. She and her brother were both becoming aroused (for they were indeed being told what happened and who was there) but also sleepy (for Aunt Alice and Aunt Miyuki-chan did disagree so).

But at least did they dream and that is what our tale is about.

OOC: Welcome to the Hentai in Wonderland thread, based on the situations in Alice in Sexland and characters of the Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland Japanese comics.

Miyuki-chan in Wonderland:

RE: Alice and Aliester: Sexland Wonderland (hentai, Exodus x Scribe_m)

Aliester was indeed quite confused. Were not the topics of birds and bees told by women only to women, and said topic told by men only to men? But Mr. Carroll said he was too engaged in the study of Dodgson's photography to assist Aliestar on the peccadillos of men, and that the loquacious and perhaps even useful sources of Alice and Miyuki could be of service.

However, he was quite surprised that they chose this court with him and his sister Alice at a time simultaneous. Aliester indeed enjoyed the fine art of pristine Victorian photography, and when he had known his sister engaged in such tupperances, it gave him quite a stirring. It was a rather devilish decision whether or not to engage in the peripitude peeping of envisining her while she was in her most private moments, as he furiously rubbed her stolen underthings along his most demanding and vituperitude member. Oh, how soft her skin was, and silken her things were, as he stroked them across his most hardened necessity, the welling within him and chest athunder as she herself sat but a few feet from his wanton inches.

But even a man as healthy and wanton as Aliester could not but succumb to the soniferous and ongoingness of the two elder women's confusion. And so, he drifted off to sleep, to encounter many things wonderous and sexual.
RE: Alice and Aliester: Sexland Wonderland (hentai, Exodus x Scribe_m)

To be sat down and told to listen to one's relatives was usually the premise of a dull evening, at least in the Liddle house - however, both the sisters of her father had come to stay at the the same time for once, and they spoke more broadly of Wonderland than they ever had before. Sipping tea and crumpets while listening to the tale as described by her Aunt Miyuki, while quite bizarre, would not have been enough to stir up the feelings of confusion and embarrassment that Anna felt as she sat, quietly listening, her quizzical expression alight with the rosy hue of embarrassment that came from the interjections of Aunt Alice.

It seemed strange to her, quite strange, not only to have both women sitting across from her but also her brother, her darling brother whom she adored, who was leaning back in to the cushions of the sofa beside her. He was older and seemed better equipped to deal with the strangeness of the conversation, nodding and making small affirmative sounds in the right places as the two older women bickered back and forth about embarrassing details. They had been sitting for so long, too long, and it seemed as if their father would never come to take his daughter away to bed, and before the conversation had taken a turn for the strange, Anna had been comfortably leaning against her brother, her eyes narrowing with exhaustion. She had not moved away from him when Alice had begun to spill the details of her alarming experiences over a dainty teacup, feeling that if she had moved she would draw attention to herself.

She had expected her father to come from her, to reprimand her for her poor posture, a trait that he deemed very important given how much he liked to photograph her. But it had been so long since he had last come in the room, and the tea had grown much too cold to want to drink, and her eyes blurred so much that she could not make out the late hour on the face of the clock on the wall.

Sleep came to her at precisely the same time that it came to her brother, though she had no way of knowing that. Instead, she slipped into a pinkish mist, glimpses of a Sandman beckoning her forward, and then downwards, into a dark hole of unconsciousness.
RE: Alice and Aliester: Sexland Wonderland (hentai, Exodus x Scribe_m)

Aliester woke up. The sun was above, gently smiling upon our somnambulent couple, the shining rays caressing their just sleeping bodies underneath. The short grass lay underneath them, tickling Aliester's ear as if to wake him up. And Aliester was underneath, as well. He gently snored under the prone body of his lovely sister, lying face-down atop his gentle body. He felt a warm, pillow-like softness upon his cheeks, a heavenly cloudy firmness, slowly stiffening as he moved his face back and forth, rocking gently. He opened his mouth, to taste the cleanliness of freshly laundered fabric, pressed against by the innocent yet wonderous bosom of Alice on top of him. He could not help but move his lips, almost suckling at the softness pressed into him, almost distinguishing the firming nipple entering his mouth. Still half-awake, he began to relax and move his jaw, suckling at the wonderful breast, lightly providing a voice of contentment. However, a slightly less light voice was to appear!

"Oh, no! I shall be late! I shall be late!" exclaimed the most unusually dressed woman. Though perhaps the notion of riding a red skateboard on a forest path would be more absurd. She wore a red one-piece shoulderless tuxedo-styled Playboy bunny suit, that showed off her lovely long stockinged legs. And she was quite audible with her "Oh, noes", as she was listening to an iPod while she was riding her red skateboard. And, of course, she was wearing bunny ears and her costume had a bunny tail.

But where would we be without an encounter? A red skateboard on a forest path was indeed absurd, as, at the most inopportune moment, the young woman, who we shall name Bunny-san, hit a most inopportune rock, and flew off the skateboard indeed. She flew off the skateboard to, where else, but the general direction of our hapless couple. "Oh, no!" Bunny-san repeated once again, her luscious body prone and reclining, and her chest firm and mysteriously aroused, and Bunny-san herself optionally unconscious if convenient. And, from her purse, she spilled carrots! But these carrots... they weren't quite carrots! Carrots certainly weren't blunt at the end, where they? And surely, these batteries that fell with the carrots... they wouldn't fit an iPod at all! It was indeed a most mysterious sight.

The carrots bounced, and so did she. Her nearly unwieldy breasts nearly spilled out of her Playboy bunny suit. She fell to the grass, convenietly between the spread legs of Alice and Aliester. One of the carrots just happened to bounce, bounce right between the legs of Alice! It found its way into her skirt, attaching itself right to her most tenderness of privacy! Such a bad carrot it was, and it showed its displeasure -- or pleasure, as you would have it, by wriggling and stroking tremendously.

"Oh, where is my carrot? Where is my carrot?" the well-bosomed rabbit cried? Aliester then felt a presence, a delighted presence, as the fingertips of another well-graced his thigh. He could feel the manicured fingernails and fingertips gently ascending his loins, to approach his zippered need, slowly responding to both touch Alice and rabbit. "Oh, *theres'* my carrot!" the bunny exclaimed taking out his member and delightfully stroking it. "I wonder how it tastes!"

Bunny-San scan from Miyuki-chan in Wonderland:
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