Hollow Love (CutePhoenix & I)


Jan 9, 2009
The Pits of California
Karakura Town. It is a nest of the paranormal, supernatural and downright spooky. Creatures known as hollows roam the streets, unseen by human eyes. Their appearances and powers differ to each one, but the one constant between them is their thirst for spirit energy. This is normally obtained by consuming the spirits of the recently deceased. But for one such hollow, simply consuming the spirits whole isn't enough to sate its hunger. It desires something more...carnal. But this particular hollow is small in stature, more like a lizard, really. Being unable to consume spirits whole, it uses a different tactic to get what it wants.

On this particular night, it stalks a certain target, a male, recently made dead by unknown methods. The man sticks close to the area, never seeming to stray far perhaps due to its familiarity with the surroundings. Perhaps he died here and had some attachment to this world that did not allow him to pass on so easily. He had the look of a common street punk, messy hair, unbuttoned school uniform and a bit of a gruffy look to his face. He looked young enough, however, to be a high school student. He would make a fine vessel for the hollow. And so, it snuck upon the man who seemed completely unaware...before it was too late.
Not far from the scene, walked young Orihime Inoue, heading home after having stayed late at school to help some classmates prepare for the school festival in a few days. Even being a young girl her age, looking the way she did, she was not scared at all to be alone on the streets. Both cause she could defend herself with her special powers, but also because she was rather naive and ditzy. The thought of possibly being..........harassed by a thug on her way home alone never entered her mind. So, she was just smiling happily, humming to herself as she walked the dark, quite streets.

The girl really did make an appealing target though. A young woman, with a very pretty face, and a marvelous body. She had a tight, trim stomach, slender hips, legs that went on for days..........and her chest. Her chest was a very notable feature, as it was so large and round, while still being quite perky. Those things were mouth watering. And they were shown quite well in her school uniform. While no cleavage was shown, the thin uniform clung to her chest nicely, and was visibly straining to contain that amazing rack of hers.
The man, lost in the shadows when he was attacked, appeared once more. His eyes changed from that of a light brown to a blood red, a distinct characteristic of one who was posessed by this type of hollow. He seemed to sniff the air, searching for any signs of a strong spiritual presence. It didn't take long for his senses to pick up something magnificant in the air. It was so close that he could taste it. He staggered forward, looking to the streets for any sign of this spiritual presence. And that's when he saw her.

She was perfect in many ways. Aside from having a very strong spiritual presence, she had the perfect perfect body to go along with it. Long, slender legs, creamy white skin painted with an almost child-like demeanor, and her chest, oh god, her chest. The hollow inside him burned with desire, wanting to take this woman for himself. But he couldn't simply posess her. No, her spirit energy was too strong, possibly that of a soul reaper. He had to be careful and cunning. And with this body, he could be both. All he had to do was catch her off guard and she would be his.

He staggered out from the alley that hid him, trying to keep his balance as he couldn't easily walk upon two legs. His gaze turned towards the orange haired beauty and he tried to give off a look as if he were desperate to get help. "H..help me..." he uttered in a voice that sounded half-human and half of something else. The hollow had hoped that perhaps this girl was naive enough to help this human spirit who, unbeknownst to her, had been posessed.
And he was right. When Orihime heard him, she quickly spun to face him, gasping lightly at what she saw. Just by looking at him, she could tell something was not right, and could sense it as well. But, her naivety and desire to help all those who needed it, blinded her the possible danger of him. So, she didn't think twice as she dropped her school bag and hurried over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, what's wrong?" she asked, her pretty face full of concern for him. If she was more on guard like Ichigo and Rukia, she probably would have sensed the hollow inside of him, but alas, she was far from as focused as they were. So instead, she naively showed concern for what she was unaware was a hollow burning with lust and desire to ravage her perfect young body. And since she couldn't instantly draw upon her power, and instead, needed to say.........incantations more or less, all he had to do was make his move with the big opening she gave him, and she, along with all the delights her body would possess, would be his to explore to his hearts content.
It was all too perfect. The man looked down briefly as if he didn't want to immidetley tell the cute girl in front of her what his problem was. But after a second, he lifted it again and a look of hunger and desire came over his face. "I...need to feed!" That's when, with the swiftness of a snake, he grabbed the girl, making sure to get himself behind her so that he could cover her mouth with one hand and take hold of one of her ample breasts with the other. Here, he would drag her back to the alley to do his sadistic ritual the hollow wanted him to do. He made sure to keep his hand on her breast, continuously stimulating it so as to weaken her for the inevitable. For the hollow's sake, this guy's penis was going to give this girl the experience of a lifetime, whether she wanted it or not.

As soon as they were out of sight of any interlopers, the man took Orihime to the ground, getting on top of her and pinning her to the ground. He licked his lips like a sadistic pervert going in for the kill. But where would he start? Would he go straight for the sweet spot between her legs, or would he tease her big, bouncing boobs until she begged him to fuck her senseless? He had to think for a moment, but with the girl in this defenseless position, he had plenty of time.
Orhime was so caught by surprise, that at first, she didn't even realize what he was doing to her chest. But, by the time he started to drag her off, she could feel what he was doing. And with her breasts being so large, they were also equally sensitive. So, while this far from what she'd call "consentual", her body seemed to like it, a soft, muffled moan passing into his hands while her nipples perked up against his hand. And when he got her pinned down, she looked up at him, kind eyes now full of fear. She didn't really bother to put up a fight though other than to try and slide out of him. But, he had her pinned firmly to the ground, and his inhuman strength insured she would not go anywhere unless he allowed it.
He could see it on her face just a second ago. Despite his hand covering her mouth, he could hear her moan and her nipples stiffen under his touch. Yes, teasing this girl would be a much more effective and fun way to extract her spirit energy. He put her arms over her head, using one hand to lock her wrists together while his other hand was free to tear up the shirt she was wearing. He ripped and thrashed her shirt, desperate to get to the sweet mounds that laid within. With one final tear, her shirt was clean off, her boobs free to jiggle and sway in the open air. With a single flick of his finger, he removed her bra and her excitement was now clear to see. Underneath the man's pants, a stiff arousal was beginning to take place. If the girl could feel it, she would know that the thing growing inside there would be put to good use soon enough.

With her breasts free to do with as he pleased, the man began to fondle her, gently at first. He would give her a gentle squeeze here and there and lightly flick and pinch the stiff pink nipple, hoping to drive the girl into a state of lust. And just to make her go even further down the path of sin, the man leaned in and began to nip and suckle at the other. With so much boob to play with, this would go on for quite awhile.
((Sorry for dissapearing on ya. Was watching some porno and everytime after I do that, I clear my history and cache. Which annoyingly, causes lag after.))

Indeed, Orihime could feel a hardness growing between her legs. This, combined with her magnificent breasts now being free caused her eyes to widen further in fear, knowing what was for the time being, inevitable. And then........he began on her beasts. Orihime expected to vicious and animal like with her breasts, sucking at them hungrily, but he was the opposite, being quite gentle, despite the thoughts raging within. Orihime did not like this. She expected roughness, and had braced herself for it. But this tenderness, she wasn't expecting it.......and her body was liking it, causing a couple more light moans slip out of those lucious lips of hers.
The hollow posessed soul wasn't finished yet. He knew he had to go in for the kill soon and in order to make it easier, he had to make this girl get wet. Just to make sure she wouldn't struggle, he began to suckle a little harder on her nipple, his tounge flicking it back and forth between breaths so that she would be distracted to her true purpose. His hand left her other breast and began sliding slowly down her body. Down and down it crept until it reached the hem of her skirt. It took very little effort to get his hand beneath it and into the cotton panties she seemed to be wearing down there.

By this time, Orihime might have discovered what he was doing, but it was too late. The man's fingers were already beginning to tease and tickle the flesh between her legs and worming their way inside of her. It was a surprise to the hollow how tight it felt down there, a clear sign that perhaps this girl was a virgin. Surely, her assets were able to attract the attention of some certain perverts who would serenade her into their beds and pop her cherry. But no, this one was nice and tight. And if it felt this good for his fingers, he could only imagine how it would feel once he stuck his dick into her. The thought seemed to make him more voracious with his teasing as he thrust his fingers in and out of her folds at a quickened pace.
Orihime didn't realize where his hand was going until it was too late. She seemed about to say something in protest, but that was cut off by a rather obvious moan. Which in turn, caused her cheeks to turn bright pink. Most girls might feel shame at such a situation but Orihime..........she mostly just felt embarassment that her body was liking this so damn much. Both to her sensitive body, and inexperience in regards to sex. All these new sensations were so pleasurable and exciting. And deep in the back of her mind..........there was something there that seemed to enjoy the very situation of being violated like this by a Hollow. Perhaps little miss busty and innocent had a secret kinky side that noone knew about, and that this hollow was bringing out.

"P-Please stop........." Orihime pleaded. Not because she hated it, but because she liked it. She didn't want to like it. She wanted this to end before she got lost in the pleasure.
It only took a couple of minutes to get the girl rather moist downstairs. And whether the hollow realized it or not, it seemed that she was beginning to give in to the desires of her body. It came at a perfect time too as the posessed spirit began to undo his pants, revealing the throbbing shaft within. He was ready to go, ready to thrust this thing into her and feed off of her sexually driven spirit energy. As his pants slid to his ankles, he ripped off what was left of Orihime's clothing, panties and all leaving her nude and vulnderable. With his free hand, he took hold of one of her legs, lifting it to that she wouldn't struggle as much when he began to fuck her senseless.

"Feed me..." the posessed man uttered in response to her pleas, his member now teasing the folds of her pussy before slowly worming its way inside of her.
Orihime shook her head, eyes full of fear when he said she should feed him, knowing what he meant. Though, she didn't voice any complaints. Especially when he began to push inside of her. It was a very snug fit, and did hurt, but, there was also a fair bit of pleasure, which soon began to replace the pain as more of him went in. Her eyes were closed tight and she raised his arms as if to push him away, but instead, just rested her hands on his shoulders. It seemed she wished to fight him, but could no bring herself to do so. Her body and the pleasure it felt had won. Soon enough, her mind wild welcome it as well.
as he pushed deeper and deeper, the hollow within the man could soon feel the pleasure pulsing from both bodies. The girl no longer showed any resistance to his methods, opting only to rest her arms on his shoulders and moan in pleasure. His member was in deep enough now and the man began the process of thrusting his hips back and forth into her, the force strong enough to cause the girls boobs to flail up and down with each rhythmic movement he made. And as he fucked her, the hollow couldn't help feel a sort of attraction to the girl. An attraction it could perhaps use to his advantage. Yes, if her beauty could indeed attract more men, he could gather more spiritual energy by the bucket load. But the hollow would have to enter and posess Orihime's body in order to do so.

This was an easy task for the hollow who could now feel his spiritual posession nearing his orgasm. Harder and harder he pumped for the next five minutes until finally, with an eruption that would fill the hollow nicely until it hungered again, he came. His seed spurted forth into the girl and that's when the hollow made its move. It seemed to merge with the man's seed, becoming as white, liquidy and sticky as the semen this man brought forth. It wiggled its way into her, slowly crawling up her insides and stimulating them as it did so as to drive the girl to a nice long orgasm that would take her mind off of what had just entered her body.
The hollows plan worked to perfection. It's plan, combined with her lack of experience, lead to Orihime tossing her head back as her back arched sharply, near screaming as she had one hell of an orgasm. Body jerking and spasming as it rippled through every inch of her sexy young body, leaving her completely unaware that the creature was now inside of her body. With her abilities, she normally would have been able to resist at least a little, but her first sexual experience left her physically exhausted, unable to resist or even notice that the thing was snaking it's way through her body, taking her over an inch at a time.
With the hollow now securely inside Orihime's body, all it had to do now was rest and digest all this wonderful spirit energy it had taken, both from the girl and the guy it posessed. Once it was ready, it would take full control of her body, sending her out to find a new victim who's spirit energy it could eat. As for the guy, he slumped over the girl's body, unconcious, his heartbeat the only sign of his life or lack thereof since he was not amongst the living. He would have no memory of his experience with the beautiful and buxom Orihime Inoue. Only the nightmare of seeing a smallish masked creature descend upon him, leaving him in the darkness for a short time.
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