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Seeking all things Star Wars

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Aug 29, 2009
Figured I should just edit and bump this ancient thread instead of starting a new one. Here goes.

Hi there, I'm Ferid, and I've been roleplaying for longer then I really like to think about... man. I'm an old hand at this and dig building fun stories with like minded individuals, and currently I'm really in the mood to play something(s) in the Star Wars galaxy far, far away.

About Me
-I'm male and I'm straight. I'm only interested in playing with those of the opposite sex. Sorry, bro!
-I like both plot and smut. My ideal roleplay scenario will probably be about a 60/40% split. As much as I enjoy some kinky, filthy, bumping and grinding, it's a hundred times more interesting to me when it involves real characters that we give a damn about.
-I like long term stories. This goes along with the above. A one-shot scene might be fun now and again but it's really not what I'm after. I want characters and settings and stories that unfold and evolve over time. I want to be able to really think about where it's going to go next when we're not playing, the way a good television show leaves you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next episode.
-I tend towards the dominant when things get dirty. If you play a submissive character, that's great--my guy will be sure to bend her over and take her every which way. If you're not so submissive though, that's cool too. Two aggressive people jockeying for position is a lot of fun too, just understand that my character will probably never admit defeat.
-Dominance aside, I'm not really interested in storylines where I have play a sadist. I don't have an interest in beating your character... though a good spanking may still be well deserved. My characters can be strict and they can be controlling, but they're rarely unnecessarily cruel.
-I love playing via IMs, but find I don't often have the time for it lately. With that in mind, I'm open to PMs and e-mail now.
-I don't really have any strict length requirements when it comes to how much I expect you to post, provided you post enough to keep it interesting. One sentence probably isn't going to do that generally, but I understand there may be times when there really isn't that much to say. I personally try to keep it to a meaty paragraph or three depending on how much I have to go on.

I should note that while I'm interested in playing in some canon settings, I'm all about playing original characters. I'd much rather create my own dude then play someone from the movie/book/game.


Some possible scenarios...
Ex-Jedi x Imperial Assassin - A former Jedi Knight has been in hiding ever since the rise of the Empire. One day, a Force-trained Imperial assassin happens to discover him and instead of calling in Darth Vader, she decides to take the Jedi herself... only to quickly learn there is a lot more to learn about the Force then Vader or the Emperor ever shared with her.

Bounty hunter x Slave - A bounty hunter is hired by a Hutt or some other crime lord to take out the competition. He fights his way through the gangster's compound and ruthless eliminates the target in his chamber, but what happens when notices the criminal's slave girl cowering in the corner?

Starship captain x stowaway - He's a hell of a pilot and not afraid to risk a little danger if the credits are right. She's a wannabe bounty hunter/pilot/engineer/etc. who needs a ride offworld and doesn't quite have the credits to pay for it. Maybe they'll have to negotiate... or maybe he'll just find her hiding in the engine room.

Jedi x Apprentice - A shortage of available Jedi Masters during the Clone Wars leads to less experienced Jedi Knights being given Padawan learners to train. Things get interesting when a Jedi who's only just recently passed the trials gets assigned an attractive apprentice of the opposite sex. Angsty forbidden attractions ho!

Bounty hunter x Human Replica Droid - A droid, built to look and feel human, is given an unusual amount of autonomy in order to be able to convincingly pose as a real person an infiltrate the Senate building. However, that autonomy leads to it striking out on its own instead. A bounty hunter is brought in to locate it... but a few key facts, such as the fact that's a droid in the first place... are left out of the briefing.

I'm open to any other suggestions you may have, or any tweaks you may want to make to the above. Interested? Shoot me a PM!
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