From Rebel to Mentor ((Kikora and I))


Dec 13, 2009
Simon had been called to a council meeting. It seemed there was some big to do about a young woman who had broken one of the laws though no one would say which... that was kind of par for the course though. He was not on the high council or anything like that but his Grandfather had been once upon a time and so as the "heir apparent" of the dearly departed old codger he was often expected to at least make an appearance when things got dramatic for one reason or another. So he was walking down the halls clad in a formal robe as was customary for this sort of thing, his was midnight blue with silver trim... the real kind made from woven silver threads not that cheap tacky stuff. In his hand was a staff of solid ebony covered in hand carved runes with soft gray leather wrapped around the center to act as a proper grip.

He did not enter quietly though, no this sort of thing never sat well with him so he was intent on making one hell of a scene. The doors flew open when struck with some unseen force as he stormed in with quite the miffed look on his face. As soon as he entered all eyes were on him but before anyone could address him he shot an eye to the gray cloaked wardens holding a young woman with a black hood over her head and spoke with an obvious heat to his voice, "I see nothing has changed in recent years, still more prone to accusations and condemnations that ever bothering to do anything like ask questions." The guards glared and the room was suddenly filled with arguments in Latin. Simon never broke his stride as he made his way down towards those surrounding the young woman... the wardens though barred his path as a voice rang out from the dais at the center of the room.

"Wizard Drake, we all know how you feel about this sort of thing... but she broke the laws of magic... you know what that means." Simon shot a hard look at the man who addressed him. He was The Merlin, head of the senior council and generally the man believed to be the single most powerful wizard currently alive. Part of why he held the position named after the man who founded the council. Simon took a deep breath before he answered, "I know the laws, but I also know there are times where young people do not know what else to do... she had no formal training prior other than what her family gave her, and from what little i have heard... odds are they did not exactly teach her how to fend off her would be attackers."

Simon now prepared for a good old fashioned filibuster and so turned to look at all the wizards speaking as he walked around the dais, "In fact from what I have heard her attackers... so called protectors no less... even went so far as to squash any cries she made to this council. So how can any of us in good conscience condemn her because we were played for fools? They acted as scoundrels and abused the letter of the law knowing that she could not present her fears on the spirit of that law alone. Is it not our duty to enforce both the letter and the spirit? Is it not our responsibility to protect young wizards and see that they are properly schooled?"

The Merlin smirked and raised a hand as if asking Simon to pause for a moment and then he spoke, "So you think someone should be charged to watch her? Perhaps she should be apprenticed as you were? Let a wizard of more experience watch her and judge if it was the action of a desperate young woman and if so guide her properly?" Simon simply nodded, this had been the gamble he planned... The Merlin thought him a rogue and a loose cannon after all and this was a chance to tie him down a bit and make sure he was not so free to meddle in council affairs. So the Merlin was actually smiling as he spoke next, "Well we can not spare any of our senior wizards for such a task I fear, not with the war against the vampires in full swing as it is... else we might consider such a course."

Simon nodded, the Merlin wanted him to volunteer so that if anything went wrong it was on his head and no one else. Well that was fine by Simon and so he flashed a cocky grin and answered, "Well I suppose She could work at my little
antique and book store to earn some spending cash... and there is a small apartment I never use... and I guess I could tear myself away from my random odd jobs to work in a more formal capacity... so I will do it." That is what the old wizard had been hoping for so he nodded and let Simon push past the Gray Wardens to yank that black hood off the young woman's head and help her to her feet... however the powerful wizard did add one last deceleration as that was happening, "But know this Wizard Drake... she is your responsibility and so if she does stray, if she breaks the laws... if she becomes a warlock... you will have to answer for it once we deal with her."
Teyha wasn't sure how it came to this. She stood before the council of elders once again, clad in old black robes, a black hood her head. Next to the ornate robes and garb the elders wore, she looked small and raggedy, hardly worth noticing, much less defending. 'One spell.' She thought frantically. 'I didn't think it would cause all this!' She couldn't even see the aggressors as they surrounded her, speaking to themselves softly about her fate. She had been in the room nearly twenty minutes already, but she wasn't allowed to say a word in her defense, the guards next to her effectively silencing any attempts she made at speech.

Without warning, their was a crash, and the muttering voices silenced. Teyha had no idea what made the sound, and held her breath, waiting anxiously for the male voice to fill her ears. He sounded annoyed.... More than annoyed, actually. His voice grew stronger, and she could only assume he was walking towards her, but more importantly... He was speaking for her! For a moment Teyha thought her heart would burst from her chest, a sudden lump in her throat when a kindling of hope ignited in her. Someone was on her side, even simply one council member, it was so very much more than she had before.

The guards tightened their grip on her as the man continued, speaking passionately about law and justice, his voice echoing in Teyha's ears. 'Have I finally gone mad?' She questioned herself as he spoke, his words too good to be true. The next few moments passed as if a glorious dream following a grim nightmare. The councilman who was pushing hardest for her disposal was now speaking with the faceless man who pushed for her freedom. They passed a few brief words before Teyha's fate was decided, and she wanted to cry in joy.

The hood was yanked away, the light assaulting Teyha's eyes, and forcing her to blink a few tomes before she was able to see the face of the man who rescued her. He helped her slowly to her feet, and she quivered slightly, eyes wide and still full of fear as the head wizard issued his warning. 'But that isn't fair to him!' She thought about protesting, before her wiser mind cut the words short, knowing better than to object now. She had no intention of delving into darker magic and becoming a warlock... Her hand was forced in one desperate, and stupid move. All this that followed... It was simply ridiculous.

So she kept silent, her eyes slightly downcast. One thing was certain, she didn't look like a warlock. Her fingers pulled idly on her robes, twisting the cloth around her fingers while she shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. She was short, perhaps five foot five, with a narrow form that hinted that she had not yet reached full maturity. Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet those of her rescuer, wanting to see if there was an edge of fear on his face at this last condition. In truth, she was a sight. Her normally messy black hair had been further disturbed by the hood, wisps of the dark curls falling to obstruct her red-rimmed grey. It was obvious she had been crying at one point, and her face was slightly reddened, a dampness in her cheeks. More disturbing, there were obvious bruises along her jawline and neck, four deep purple marks on one side, and a larger splotch on the other. Courtesy of her assaults. "Thank you." She mouthed, not daring speak in the room full of elders.
Simon Merlin Roger Drake, his grandfather had a thing for grandiose names, was no stranger to this sort of trial. He had worn that black hood once himself and he was not going to let a travesty happen if he could help it. He had strong and noble features with short dark hair and what appeared to be five o'clock shadow. He was tall and might have been called lanky by some though the truth was he was actually rather toned and fit beneath those robes in no small part due to his habits of running and swordplay. He stood there unfazed by the Merlin's veiled threats... after all it was no secret that there was no love lost between him and the current Merlin. He had pull with some of the council because of who his grandfather had been before he passed. That is how he had managed this little coup de grace in the end and he knew it.

He took the young woman's hand gently in his own and observing formal rights of courtesy he bowed his head politely to the council before he spoke once more, "Then I shall take my apprentice and return to my little shop to get her settled in." He did not wait for an answer but instead gently led her out of the council chamber and down through the halls of carved stone. He was not found of visiting this place when he had a choice in the matter but this was to similar to what had happened to him for him to sit idly by. He led her out past the check points and then raised his staff and muttered an arcane phrase softly before tracing his staff to the side and caused the air itself to shimmer and open a doorway to the never never before them. "quickest way back to the states is a short sting in the never never Miss, hope that does not bother you to much... I just do not feel like a week long boat trip to get back from the emerald isle if you get my drift."

He kept her close at his side in case she had not traveled through these routs before and led her through that portal and out into the realm of fairy. He stuck to the known paths and trails through the woods not risking further danger by venturing off the established paths. The while council had a treaty with some of the fairy court and so at least he knew these would be save trails to follow. It was not that long of a walk till he used the same subtle utterance and motion of his staff as if pulling a curtain aside the air once more shimmered and he lead the young woman through. They were now standing in a small alleyway in a foggy overcast city. Simon actually smiled though and then walked over to a satchel he had hidden their with a subtle magic veiling so no one else would find it. He called softly over his shoulder, "I have some second hand stuff from a thrift store here in case they did not let you grab something to wear when they snatched you up... they are not all that considerate as I recall."
Teyha mimicked the older wizards actions, bowing slightly to the frowning man before she let herself be pulled away. She hurried behind her wizard savior, trying to keep up with his quick pace as they moved through the halls. He seemed eager to leave, and Teyha had no plans to slow him down. She matched his pace, moving past the checkpoints until the odd man stopped in place. She watched him curiously as he raised his staff, and motioned, casting a spell she could not recognise. "Never never?" Teyha asked, her eyes widening when he announced where they were going. She had never been to never never before, but he pulled her along as if it were the most natural thing to do.

The little wizard couldn't help but to look around herself in awe as they moved through the forest, her eyes searching for fairies. Once or twice she was tempted to move from the path to inspect one oddity or another, but better sense ((And her mentors hand cupping her own)) kept her on the trail. They walked for a short while before he raised his staff once more, and recited the same spell, the air shimmering slightly as he opened the way to their world.

He led her through, and Teyha stood nervously, switching her weight from one foot to the other when the dark haired man smiled at her. She returned it timidly, but couldn't hide the puzzled look on her face. He moved away from her for a moment, and pulled a bag he had hidden from view, before calling to her over his shoulder. "It's fine." She responded evenly. "I didn't have much to take with me." She told him, and shifted again, before hesitantly moving forward, canting her head slightly to the side as she examined him. "Thank you." She said after a moment. "And... I... I'm sorry. The wizard there... He seemed to bully you into taking me on. But I do promise you, I'm not a warlock! I honestly had no choice, I didn't think it would end up like this."
Simon gave her a warm smile and waved his hand rather dismissively then handed her the satchel full of clothes as he slipped off his formal robes and folded them up before donning a duster length black trench coat. He actually laughed a bit as he answered her, "Nah old Arthur dislikes me because my grandfather had the position before him, and I do not exactly behave myself... and no one forced you on me, I went there and did what I meant to... as for what you did, I believe you and lets just say i have been there so I understand."

He placed a hand gently on her shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze as he stood up, for the first time she could clearly see that he was not simply tall but fairly well built. He gave her a warm and reassuring smile. She seemed so worried and frightened and he could understand that given what she had just been through. But at the same time he wanted her to know that it was going to be ok. He walked to the front of the alley and then created a veil so he could not see her and no one could see behind him in case she needed to change clothes, "ok should be safe if you need to change clothes or anything now... no one including me can see you for the time being. I have a small apartment connected to my place by the way... it is not much but you are welcome to it so that you have a safe place to stay and you can work in my little shop when we are not working on your training."
Teyha wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the man, even as he described the prior bad blood between him and the elder councilman. No doubt there was a lot more to the feud than she knew, but she wouldn't push the man. If he wanted to explain, it would be on his terms. She turned her back to him when he began to shed his robe, giving him a private moment to change before he got her attention, and handed the bag to her. He moved to the front of the alley, and called over his shoulder at her.

She rummaged through his pack for a moment, looking for something she'd prefer to wear besides the black robe she was sentenced in. After a few moments searching she pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and pulse shirt, as well as a nice jacket. Satisfied, she turned around so her back was facing her new mentor. Even though he had assured her that no one could see her, she still hunched over, and slithered into the pants without removing the black garb. The shirt was more difficult, and she growled under her breath as she tugged it on, somehow managing to get decent before she shed the robe, folding it sloppily before pushing it into the bag.

The clothes she chose were built for someone a good bit larger than her, so as an afterthought, she pulled out a belt, and cinched it tight enough to keep her clothing from falling down. Last she pulled on the jacket, buttoning it to her neck before she picked up the bag, and jammed her hands into the deep pockets. Unlike with her mentor, her new outfit didn't help reveal anything about her figure. If anything, now she looked more like a child playing in her mothers clothing, the clothing almost comically baggy around her tiny form... But she had ignored the smaller garbs, opting for the excessive modesty.
Simon waited till he was sure she had made herself presentable and then turned and let the veil dissolve. He then walked over and offered treated her to another warm smile, "I am Simon, and I promise I will do whatever I can to help... not just as a mentor but in general." He was trying to help her feel more comfortable as he knew how jarring this could all be. He still remembered what happened to him and how rough the transition had been for him. He took her hand gently in his and gave it a squeeze before he spoke once more, "Once you settle in we can hit up a store or something so you can get things more to your liking... grandad left me enough to get by so it is no trouble and you did say you did not have much when the Wardens showed up."

He did not press the young woman though and instead he lead her out of the alley and over to an old army jeep. Wizards and hi-tech never really got along and so he counted himself lucky to have such a durable and simple mode of transport, it was not his only vehicle mind you but it was the one he used most often in his work... durability and function were at times a great concern when things got rather unpleasant due to the nature of his side business. He helped her into the old army jeep and then drove to an old brick and mortar style shop. The sign over the door read "Drake's Books and Antiques". It had a very classic feel to it and the light glinted off the second story windows above the store. He unlocked the door and ushered her inside to reveal a shop filled with a mix of heavily laden bookshelves and cases with odd nick knacks as well as a wide selection of antiques.

He motioned around the shop, it had a high vaulted ceiling and so part of the floor was actually a raised level giving the illusion of a second story or balcony inside the shop, "well here it is, my little corner of the economic market... you can work here when we are not doing things joe average would freak about and I will even pay you for your work so you can have some pocket money" Simon walked over and closed the door behind them locking it and then brushing his hand down along the door frame where arcane carvings flared with golden light for a brief instant, protective wards to keep the shop safe when he was not leaving it open to the public were now active... you could never be to careful after all. He turned and smiled once more, "I have a decent sized flat upstairs, keep a lab down in the basement for the wizarding stuff... there is a smaller apartment that was built when the last owner closed off part of the upstairs so he could rent it out, nothing fancy just a bedroom and living room with a small kitchen and bathroom but it is yours for as long as you are my apprentice."
A few long moments passed after Teyha finished dressing before the man turned, and the shimmering effect of the shield dissolved into nothing. She took a half step back, her eyes falling to her feet as he approached, smiling at her for a few moments before he took her hand lightly in his. He squeezed it lightly, and eased her out of the alley to an old jeep, commenting on shopping for clothes better suited to her taste. "I like these." She told him as she slid into the seat, offering a half smile. "They're comfortable, loose. It's how I usually dress, honestly." She told him with a shrug as they stared off, watching the traffic zip by absently as they drove to the store. It wasn't until they were pulling up that she realized he gave her his name, but she forgot to give him hers. "I'm Teyha Lockra." She told him as they went inside. "I like it better than my family name anyway. Is there any way I could be called that?" She asked him softly, smiling pleasantly as she folded her arms over her chest.

That done, she looked around the shop, closely examining each item for a moment. She didn't touch them, afraid that it might seem rude, and straightened, watching Simon once more as he sealed the door with an ancient spell. "Free board, wizarding lessons, and pay?" She asked, a note of scepticism in her voice. "I can't see how you benefit at all from this."
Simon smiled and chuckled a bit as he took off his heavy leather trench coat and walked over to hang it behind the counter before answering her, "Well you work for the pay of course and technically I suppose the room and board could be part of that... but the simple truth is I have been where you are and not all the options out there are half as pleasant. The guy who took me in when my grandfather died was not well to do or anything but he was a good man... I had a single room with a bed, a dresser and a desk... and shared the bath with everyone else in the house. But I was grateful that he offered what he had and did what he could to help me. So I want to do what I can to help you" He shrugged a bit at that point, he really did have the sort of rugged good looks that seemed just slightly out of place in a store like this where one would expect to find some sort of geek or old codger.

He motioned for her to follow him and led her back into the halls at the back of the store, there was one stairwell that led down into the floor but the door was a heavy metal security door and was securely locked, a second similar door is what he was opening now and it led up a set of sturdy stairs towards what had to be the loft he spoke of. When they reached the top of the stairs she was treated to the view of a lavish living room with blush sofas and a hardwood floor covered with thick fur rugs. There were beautiful bay windows that looked out over the park across the way, though anyone with a lick of magic talent could tell there were spells woven into those walls and windows that made them even more durable than the steel door they had passed through. He led her over to a wooden door not far from the stairs and opened it to reveal a small living room. He smiled and motioned her inside. It to was furnished though a bit more modestly with a small love seat across from a fireplace, there was an open kitchen off to one side and a set of doors in the opposite corner leading to a bathroom and a small bedroom complete with simple lamps and a full bed.

Simon nodded a bit, "this is all you then Teyha, I will try to give you whatever privacy you need... the large room outside is my sitting room, my bedroom bath and such are all through the oak doors on the other side of it... you are also welcome to enjoy the sitting room if you do not feel like holding up in here." Simon walked over and then took a seat on the large plush leather sofa in the sitting room. He leaned back and closed his eyes, "I will not pry into what happened just to let you know, but if you ever want to talk about it... like I said I have been there. I am sure it was not the same thing exactly but it ended up with me in the same place. So is there anything else I can track down to help you settle in Teyha?"

As he waited for her answer his mind drifted back, back to a time before things got rocky for him. She looked so much like Tera had back then, even the worry in her eyes. But that had all been before that fateful night... that dark and stormy night. He had to remind himself that Teyha was her own person and not Tera, that he was here to protect and guide her not fulfill some yearning for lost love from a happier time for himself. Of course thinking of what had almost happened to Teyha and what had happened to Simon himself also reminded him of Tera's sad fate... it was the one reason he did not exactly regret what he had done that night.
((Shitty response, sorry T_T ))

Teyha didn't say anything in response to his answer, but it did make sense to her. She followed behind him closely as he led her through the store, looking over his shoulder so she could catch the a view of his face. He was handsome, Teyha supposed. Rugged looking, a rough beard where he didn't shave this morning, slightly disheveled hair. No doubt a man used to attention from women, Teyha thought to herself with a sigh. 'Acknowledging his attractiveness, and being attracted to him are two different things though.' She reminded herself, her eyes dropping to the floor. 'Unfortunately for the man, Teyha was not a girl prone to romantic thoughts, and almost as soon as it passed through her head, it was gone again.

He led her up a stairway, and she gripped the railing on both sides, going up one step at a time. Her eyes watched her feet, with the unfortunate effect of also seeing how far off the ground she was with each step. 'I hate stairs.' She thought as she made it up, feeling foolish for all the dramatics. Especially since she was a wizard, and the man before her was also, fully trained. 'Phobias don't make sense.' She thought with a sigh, but was grateful to be off the stairs all the same.

She followed him into his flat, taking a careful look at everything there. He had spells woven into the walls and windows, fortifying it until it was more powerful than the steel door below. She ran her fingers over it, sensing the buzz of magic. 'He's powerful.' She thought to herself. 'He'll get frustrated with me as his student.' She sighed again, and ran her finger through her hair, before plopping down on the couch across from Simon, her back perfectly straight, and hands folded in her lap. "I'm alright." She responded. "I really don't need anything.... But thank you."
Simon could hear the tension in her tone, he was not sure why it was there but he tried to understand just the same. He opened those crystal blue eyes of his, a gift from his father so to speak as was his strong jawline, and let his gaze settle on Teyha. He was tempted to look into her eyes but he knew that if his gaze lingered there they would experience something only wizards could trigger... a soul gaze. It was not something easily described to people who had not experienced it and the best he could do was say that it was exactly what it was called. During that moment in which a wizard met and held your gaze they could see into the very essence of who you are and at the same time you were given the same view into the wizard. It was nothing so extravagant as mind reading or so simple as a picture though... it was a glimpse into the landscape of who a person really was and even wizards could not always tell exactly what the meaning was of things they saw in that moment.

He tilted his head a bit to the side rather intrigued by the sweet shy woman and how soft spoken she was. He remembered the days when he was so worried that people would grow tired of dealing with him and let the wardens come to take him instead. It had never happened though as Injun Joe seemed to have some vested interest in him that Simon still did not understand. He in the end had decided that certain old wizards were not prone to let on to why they were interested in troublesome young wizards... he heard that old Ebeneezer had taken on a ward like him that was causing plenty of trouble in Chicago as well. But that was another story all together he imagined.

"Well Teyha you can call me Simon... I am not a big fan of all those formalities and stuffy titles like 'Wizard Drake' it all seems kinda pretentious to me honestly. This is your home now and I want you to feel at ease here... the shop was my fathers before he met my mother so it is safe from most of those creepy sort." It was a simple truth, this building had been his fathers home and later on his mothers as well. Places like that developed their own energy and it made the threshold that much more powerful. Teyha would have the full measure of her magic because Simon had invited her, but any one trying to force their way in would leave most of their power outside. He gave the young woman a warm smile, "Do you need to rest or would you rather we open shop... or get to some kind of random lesson?"

((it is ok Kikora, I am just glad to be able to write today lol and you did fine))
When the other wizard met Teyha's eyes, however brief the contact was, Teyha looked away swiftly her eyes landing on the floor. She fidgeted more, her fingers tangling in the fabric of her shirt. She had the less than pleasant experience of being caught up in a soul gaze once, and was not eager to repeat it. There was no way to explain what she saw in that moment, except she felt weak before a darker power, crushed beneath the soul of someone who valued image more than reality. A twisted soul that hid behind mask after mask, and when they fell away, the reality was far less pretty than what they led others to believe. It was something Teyha had known for years, but to see it so thoroughly spelled out was disturbing, and sent a chill running up her back. The fact that the woman Teyha had seen into was her own mother... It made her all the less eager to repeat the experience.

Her eyes studied the ground instead, until she grew slightly more relaxed. 'This is my home now, I suppose.' She reminded herself gently. 'Being tense all the time is bad for my health, might as well loosen up quick.'

She stood quickly, and adjusted her shirt so it didn't bunch around her hips. Once done she brushed her hands together and looked away, her eyes dropping to the ground once more, though she smiled slightly. "I might as well earn my keep." She said softly, her eyes flicking up to just below his for a brief moment before she pulled them down again. ""I can't promise I'll be a good worker, especially here." She said quickly. "I'm lazy. I like to sleep in, and get cranky otherwise. I'm clumsy, and get frustrated when a break things..." She told him, shuffling from one foot to the other nervously. Not good traits for working in an antique shop, she knew. "I'll do my best though."
Simon noticed the way she shied away from his gaze. It was not fear from him that he picked up though but rather a general fear of that gaze. He tried to reason why such a reaction would be present in such a young woman and the only answer he could come to is she had done it before and saw something that traumatized her. After all what a wizard saw in a soul gaze stuck with them... you could never forget what you saw even if you wanted to. He had such a gaze once or twice but he did not speak of it. The first time had been just before the events that left him under the 'Doom of Damocles' and a few times since then when he was dealing with particularly unpleasant characters. So on some level, assuming he was right, he understood why she would shy away from his gaze.

He noticed her shuffling around and realized she was trying to adjust to her knew surroundings. He had never thought that might be a problem since this place had been his fathers and so he had spent time here as a child before he was sent to live with his grandfather. He listened to her answer and explanation and then he gave her a rather dashing smile and chuckled a bit before he spoke softly, "Sounds like I should let you stick to the books and the register then. Don't want you getting frustrated after all. Don't worry to much about the hours Teyha... fact of the matter is I have been known to sleep late on occasion myself. Upside to owning the building is I don't pay anyone rent and my grandfather left me enough to get by on as I said." He pushed himself up from the couch and then walked over and placed a hand gently on her shoulder in what he hoped was a reasuring geasture.

He lead her back downstairs deciding not to press matters. She would need time to adjust and settle in after all and that is why he had let her decide how to start. He lead her over to the register and then chuckled as he eyed the old fashioned thing. Wizards did not get along with hi-tech and so he had to track down a lot of old fashioned gadgets and appliances. He once heard it theorized that it was because wizards had some sort of magnetic field or something to that affect. Either way it meant that a great deal of his actual business was done in custom orders by other wizards looking for things like old refrigerators or stoves that they would not have to worry about freaking out around them. He reached under the counter and pulled out a few mail order clothing catalogs that he had not tossed out yet. He smirked at the thought that his junk-mail would actually prove useful for a change and handed them to Teyha, "Here you can find some clothes you like and we can put in a rush order over the phone for you. Business is usually slow for the most part anyway and I think the books are still organized from last week. I will go open up though." With that he walked over and lowered the powerful protective wards on the front doors and then flipped the sign over to say open as he unlocked the double doors and opened them to let in the warm spring air.
Teyha canted her head to the side to stare at the man before her, watching his every move carefully. For the most part she stayed quiet, her hands folded neatly before her while the older wizard led her through the shop. 'He obviously isn't concerned about making money', she thought with an upward quirk of her lips. The erratic business hours alone would turn away many potential customers. Still, she couldn't help but to smile slightly at his kindness, loosening slightly to his charming grin. She did shift slightly when he placed a light hand on her shoulder, and she shrunk quickly away. "I'm sorry." She murmured when he moved on, his hand leaving her body. "I'm not very fond of being touched, if you don't mind that Mr. Simon."

She moved with him behind the counter, and looked over the ancient typewriter. 'Of course it wouldn't be modern.' She reminded herself, 'Wizards can never get technology to work quite right. Besides that, it fits with the theme of the store, customers might think it is quaint.' Her fingers ran over the keys, tracing the lines for a few moments before a magazine was placed before her, and she looked up in surprise. "Oh.... Of course." She murmured, and pulled up a stool, sitting quietly down to look through the magazine.

She found a pen on the drawer and carefully marked what she liked, circling mostly tee shirts with odd patterns or sarcastic saying, as well as several jeans to match. She sat back and smiled to herself while Simon opened, actually enjoying the calm moment, especially when she thought about how terrifying her morning had been.
He nodded a bit noticing the way she tensed when he tried to comfort her but did not make an issue of it. Instead he flashed her another of those dashing smiles and spoke quite pleasantly, "No worries Teyha, I will try to be less.... physical. Just an old habit for me so I don't give it much thought." He was tempted to ask her about the random thoughts he was having upstairs but was not sure if he should press matters. He walked over to inspect the cases as he gave it some thought and she began to peruse the catalogs and mark various items.

She looked so much like Tera though there were obvious differences. That chain of thought of course sent his thoughts back to that fateful night and all the unpleasantness that happened there. It had been a night when he saw with his 'sight', that gift or curse of wizards that showed the world as it truly was, what his uncle really was and had ended up on the council's shit list because of it. He still had not been able to protect her though not for lack of effort. That monster had used her to fuel his little attempt and though it failed she was not there to see it. He did not realize it but he tensed a bit as he thought of those things and remembered all that had happened that night and in the nights that followed. He had been in his late teens and was forced into the darkest part of this mystical world without any sort of safety net... in hindsight he was lucky he was still alive all things considered.

He decided he should be honest with her as it was likely the first step in them trusting one another. So he turned to face Teyha and asked her in a rather soft voice, "I do not suppose you had a sister or something named Tera a good while back... maybe 10 years give or take? You look a lot like someone I knew... hell almost exactly like her in fact."
"Thank you, I really do appreciate it." Teyha responded and smiled gratefully back, his grin helping to relax her some. He really was charming, she decided, with a bright smile that would make any heart throb and beg to see more... Even her own raced slightly, and she had to raise the magazine again, casually looking through for more clothes she would feel comfortable wearing. She crossed one leg tightly over the other and leaned back, the tip of the pen tapping lightly against the desk absently.

She glanced up then, and noticed the man was moving almost awkwardly, as if preoccupied by another thought. Idly she wondered if that was how she looked when lost in one fantasy or another, and made it point to remind herself to only let her mind wander in private. He tensed and moved almost automatically, looking as though he were remembering something unpleasant.

The young wizard canted her head to the side, and raised a brow to stare curiously at the man. Finally, he turned, his eyes locking onto hers as he quietly revealed the source of his distress. "No..." Teyha murmured back, setting the magazine back on the table. She fiddled with the pen for a few moments, twirling it lightly between her fingers while the man watched her. "I only have two bothers, no sisters.... Thank goodness." She whispered the last words, barely audible before she stood, and moved back to the stairs. "I think I need to lay down." She told him as she left. "I'm sorry I can't be of any more help."
Simon cringed a bit realizing he had apparently made things worse rather than better with his question. He could tell from the way her mood suddenly shifted that something was bothering her. He reached out to try and stop her but then remembered she did not like to be touched and stopped short of actually touching her... then slowly pulled his hand back. He gave her a worried look then decided he needed to put his foot down at least a little bit else they would be dancing back and forth like this for ages. He spoke softly, "Hang on a moment Teyha... we need to talk."

He walked over and bolted the door again though did not bother with the wards this time as he was sure he could manage on the slim chance that anything came busting down the door and trying to push through the mystical threshold. He moved a little closer to Teyha and pulled up a stool to sit on as he sighed a bit and then looked to the young woman, "I should be honest with you about why I asked... My grandfather was to say the least a pretty well known wizard and had amassed a small fortune. I was his favorite and apparently he redrafted his will because of it... my uncle was not to happy about that. Well I was out with Tera, she looked a lot like you and worked for my Grandfather, When I got the news my uncle was deathly ill... and before I could get to see him. Well someone had summoned a demon and sicked it on me."

He sighed a bit and closed his eyes before he finished up, "I managed to drop the demon with a bit of luck... hell I was just a teenager odds are I should have been the one to end up dead... but the spell I used tore through the demon and hit the wizard pulling the strings from behind a veil of invisibility... seems he had been hoping to kill me, twist Tera's mind so she would swear I summoned the demon... and swoop in as the hero. My uncle let his death curse out blindly though and it hit Tera... she died, he died, the demon melted away... and the council threw a hood over my head and dragged me off just like they did to you. I broke the first law of magic... I killed with magic... they ruled it self defense because Injun Joe stood up for me. He and grandpa were old friends I found out later."

He looked at Teyha but avoided meeting her eyes directly since she seemed hesitant to chance a soul gaze. He wanted her to know she could trust him even if she would not open up right away. Plus in some ways it felt good to be able to get that off his chest knowing she would not judge him for the mistakes of his youth. He suddenly sounded far older than he looked as he spoke, "So please Teyha... if you need to talk... talk to me.. I want to help but to do that I need to know what is bothering you."
All Teyha wanted to do was retreat to the room that Simon had pointed out as hers, and bury herself under the mass of pillows and blankets on the bed. Sleep would come quickly, and with it the release from any memory that she hated to keep, but kept rising to the surface again. Morbidly she laughed at herself, and how pitiful she must look right now. She froze when Simon reached out for her, his hand halting before it made contact with her. He fled from her, and locked the door again, trapping her with him. There was no running from him, she knew.

He took a stool and moved close to her, staring up at her. She simply leaned against the wall, her arms folding before her chest. He spoke first, a tumble of words explaining why he had taken her in. Her brows raised briefly at the revelation, before she looked away. "I don't know a Tera." She told him, shifting her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. "I'm sorry if I remind you of her, but I've never had a sister, and my cousins are all younger than me." She told him softly, and slowly slid down the wall.

She crouched until she was eye level with him, but still deliberately avoided his gaze. "I entered two peoples minds." She said after a moment. "I read about the spell somewhere... And panicked. In my terror I blended and erased their memories until they barely knew who they were... And I left a command behind, 'Do not harm others' bound with a spell. Breaking it would cause severe pain. I passed out after it was cast.... And the next thing I know I'm roused in that chamber, a hood over my head, with wizards accusing me of being a warlock."
Simon nodded a bit, he had heard something happened involving her family and noticed that they had not been present at the so called Trial. He listened to her story and knew that she honestly had to have been terrified and was just trying to protect herself. He was surprised when she slid down to look at him as it was far from what he was used to... most did not want to look at him when they found out what he had done and why he had been watched for so long. He was careful to avoid gazing into Teyha's eyes as he looked to her face and managed to force a weak smile for her. He was not afraid of what he might see as he was sure she was a good person who had just fallen on some shitty lucky much as he had. But her hesitance earlier was something he was going to respect.

"So you had to protect yourself Teyha, I can understand that. You don't have to apologize though babe, after all they do say that everyone out there has a double." His smile faltered as he figured he should share exactly what he did so she understood a bit better since she was being so honest with him, "I think the reason Injun Joe spoke up for me was how I stopped the demon and killed my uncle. I hurled a lightning bolt and apparently that is not exactly common... Joe kept calling me 'Sky Caller' while I was there with him on the reservation as an apprentice. Close as I can figure it calling lightning out of thin air is a rare talent or something and a big deal among the Native Americans so he had an interest and thought I was worth giving a chance."

He reached out and offered Teyha his hand as he stood, hoping that just maybe he could help her get over her issues with closeness through trust and sharing but he would not force it if she did not take his hand. He did give her another smile though as he spoke and somehow it manage to be one of those charming smiles from before that could make a young woman's hearts race, "You have a heck of a talent yourself if you could work a spell ward while doing mentalism though... and it is no wonder you passed out, that must have taken a hell of a lot out of you. How about I help you upstairs and try to throw together something to eat. A day off work won't kill either of us."
Teyha sniffled slightly, and her lip quivered from a sudden strain to hold back any emotion. 'Damnit Teyha, don't cry now!' She ordered herself, but it was a lost cause already. The kinder he was to her, the more her defenses faltered. Her shoulders trembled briefly, and she had to clamp her teeth down on her thumb sharply, hoping the pain would jar her away from any thought of self-pity. But it was just that morning that a fight had broken out in her home so terrible she reached for that power to defend herself, and as strong as she tried to appear... Teyha was too emotionally frail to hold it back for long.

Simon reached out to her, and she crumbled completely. in a heartbeat she was at him, her face buried in his stomach. Her shoulders shook, and her fingers tangled in his robes, tightening until her hands trembled from the strain. "I didn't mean to!" She managed to sob, a muffled and barely audible sound. "I tried... I tried everything else... I told my mom, I told the council, I told anyone who would listen to me!"

Just as suddenly as she had lunged into him, she pulled back again, pressing her back to the wall as she looked up at him with wild, fear filled eyes. "I didn't do anything special, I panicked!" She tried to explain, her voice pitching higher with each word, strained with emotion. "I grabbed hold of it, and I cast... As hard as I could... I just... I just couldn't take it anymore. And now..." She broke off, her voice slightly choked, "My mother and my brother are like aliens to me. They don't know who I am.... And I don't care! I don't want them to know me. I want to forget about them! Why do they get to live guilt free and happy, and I'm weighed down with the memories? I did nothing wrong, why am I the only one punished?" She asked, searching his face for some hint of an answer before she drew her legs up, and rested her forehead on her knees, her shoulders shaking terribly in the aftermath of the explosive confession.
Simon let her press herself to him and sob and then simply listened to her confession about everything that happened. HE then waled over to the stairs and sat behind and did something he was not sure of she would like or not but it was all he could thing to do. He hugged Teyha gently. He just held her and softly stroked her hair for a moment before he spoke, "It is OK Teyha let it out. I know what I went through is not the same thing but I think I understand... trust me you do have a gift though. Sometimes we do not know what we can do until we dig down deep. I wish you found out a better way though. It is not your fault they were like that though and you did try everything else."

HE gazed at Teyha making sure that he did not stair to long into her eyes, he would let her decide if she was ready for that soul gaze at a time of her choosing or not at all. He still hugged her gently hoping to comfort her as he spoke softly to her, "It is completely normal not to want them to remember and in the end our memories good and bad are what make us who we are babe. You protected yourself and in the process anyone else they might have hurt down the road... how you did it may not have been the best but I will help you find better ways." He reached up to gently wipe away her tears and give her a warm and caring smile that few ever were fortunate enough to see from him. He honestly wanted to help Teyha because she reminded him so much of himself and though her talent lay in subtler things than combat spells her situation was one he understood all to well. Still giving her that warm smile he spoke softly again, "I can tell you that it hurts less with time, but the memories don't go away... it is as close to a wizard's second sight as you can get without using the real deal I am afraid so it kinda sticks with you. But no one is going to punish you here Teyha and I will do everything I can to help... you can always come to me no matter what."
Teyha let herself be pulled close to Simon, still trembling violently from head to toe. He stroked her lightly, his arms wrapping around her lithe form to draw her in for a hug. She didn't even care at this point, scrubbing her eyes with the back of her hand while she listened to Simon speak softly to her. It was soothing, his soft and kind voice, the way he stroked her hair. Slowly she stopped sniffling, and her sobs died down. 'It could have been worst, I could have hiccuped.' She considered after a moment, wiping away the last of her tears without pulling away from the man. She looked up at him in time to see his dashing smile, that perfect grin. She gave him a shaky smile in return, and rested her head against his chest once more. “It wasn’t deliberate.” She repeated a slight edge in her voice at his soft criticism. “I just reacted. I couldn’t…. I couldn’t let them hurt me again." She shoulders slumped for a moment and she sniffled again, trying her hardest not to cry. Damnit, she's cried enough already! After all, wasn't this the best option, she reminded herself sharply. Away from that bitch of a mother, and safe from the psycho spawn she called a son? Even her punishment was not terrible. Simon seemed kind, intelligent... She could try to exist her, happy...

But a nagging voice in her head reminded her that there was no escaping from the past, no matter how far you ran. Even once the training was complete she'd be watched carefully, flagged as a possible warlock.

She rubbed her arms lightly, trying to settle the goosebumps that rose on her flesh. Slowly she pulled herself away from Simon, her jaw set and a frown on her face. “Let’s go upstairs.” She said, her voice quiet and almost toneless. She stood, and moved to the stairs once more, her eyes cast to the ground as she moved lethargically. “I’ll cook, I’m not bad at that.” She continued as though nothing at all where wrong. “What would you like to eat?”
Simon was glad she was letting him help her and that was enough reason for him to smile on a day like today. He knew what it was like after all. He recalled how he had spend roughly a decade being watched before they decided he was not a threat and even now there were some among the council who did not trust him. He knew Teyha was a good person, he was not sure how he knew but he did, and he thus knew that in time she would be able to do what she wanted and go where she pleased. He would do anything he could to help her get there. For now that meant not just being a teacher but also a mentor and more importantly a friend. So he would not pry further and would be happy she trusted him enough to share.

He followed her up the stairs and then plopped down on the couch with that same dashing smile of a rogue as she made her way over to his kitchen. He shrugged a bit then still smiling spoke once more, "I am not to picky so will be happy with damn near anything you whip up... especially since I generally don't stock the place with food I dislike... probably why it is mostly chicken, beef, potatoes and such around there. My grandfather used to say you can eat cheap and you can eat well and so long as you know what you are doing neither should cost a fortune... then again the old man was filthy rich too." He realized that his fondness with food likely came from his time under the care of Joseph Listens-to-Wind, or as Mr. McCoy called him 'Injun Joe', since fancy or expensive food were never really on the menu there. Simon got away with calling him Injun Joer on occasion though from what he understood most could not and either called the wise old Indian medicine man Listens-to-Wind or Joseph if they were in position to be less formal.

His trip down memory lane suddenly prompted him to speak up again, "Oh by the way I know I mentioned 'Injun Joe' earlier but I would not advice calling a member of the senior council that off hand... so if we visit him or he comes to visit you should likely call him Listens-to-Wind or Joseph at the most casual. He knew my grandpa and so took me in to teach me... though he always said I sucked at medical magic." The later comment came with a chuckle from Simon who always thought it was funny that the greatest master of healing magic had been the one to mentor someone who's talent seemed to lie in ritual and combat magic.
The kitchen was tidy enough that Teyha was able to pull down the pots and pans she planned on using without having to ask for direction. She set it out, and started prepping the food to be cooked. "Chicken and potatoes it is then." She said with a shake of her head. She diced the potatoes, and washed them, throwing them in a pot with salt to boil before she cleaned the space and started on the chicken. She decided to bread it, and pan fry it in just a bit of grease.

It took a few minutes for her to prepare, and she spent it in silence, listening to Simon talk, his voice somewhat distant as he lost himself in the past. "Don't worry, I'm not a very informal person Mr. Simon." She assured him with a smile. "I don't think I'd be comfortable referring to a great wizard is 'Injun Joe' either way." She pulled up a stool, and watched the food simmer, waiting for the bottom of the chicken to brown and crisp, ready for flipping.

She shrugged slightly, and glanced over her shoulder. "That's a shame." She told him, "I would love to learn medical magic. I feel too guilty when I try to use aggressive magic, hesitate... I like the idea of healing a lot more. It's peaceful, useful."
Simon actually cringed a bit when she called him 'Mr. Simon' as it made him feel rather old. He shook his head a little bit and spoke a bit softly to Teyha, "Please drop the Mr for me at least Teyha, makes me feel a tad older than I like... so please just call me Simon I swear it is OK." He sat there and smelled the food she was repairing and suddenly though to himself 'I think she may have understated her talent, she seems a total wiz in the kitchen' as he enjoyed the aromas filling the common area of the loft. As he smelled that simple yet delicious food being prepared his mind drifted back to his days with Joseph. Days spend working on the things he did not have a natural talent for but that the old Medicine man thought he needed to know. He also remembered getting 'Little brother' the squirrel that hung around Joseph constantly rather hooked on snickers bars.

Her second question sunk in around that point. He thought on it for a moment and then remembered what he had just been dwelling on. Maybe he could help her at least a bit thanks to the old medicine man insisting he learn things outside his comfort zone and that made him smile. So it was with that charming and dashing smile in place that he spoke once more, "Well now that you mention it Joseph insisted I learn things outside my comfort zone. I spent more time on Medical magic, Veils, and Transformative magic than I care to think about. So I could at least get you into the basics if you want... and I am sure I could talk to Joseph about some books or such once we get past that."
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