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Pro Potens Ex Romus [For The Might Of Rome]


May 22, 2011
Okay, this is just a short interest check to see if anyone would like to make a group RP with me.

This is a far more serious Roleplay than those I have been included in recently. It's a very realistic RP where people can die, people can get sick, people can be captured and forced into slavery secluded from their true riches.

Firstly, this RP will be a dramatic yet not emo, real-life esque roleplay full of true-to-life situation, tragedy, romance, murder, sin and substance; Just like you were living in the actual roman empire..just without so many diseases and less death on your part.

I'll make an actual story when and if people find this interesting, but for a short description this is how the story goes, note that for the RP's sake characters and story events have been changed slightly to allow the RPer's to act as they will, also women are more well-used than in the actual roman experience, they are senators and warriors just like men; The timeframe is five months after the murder of Gaius Julius Ceaser in his very own senate house and his successor has yet to be named.

Still, the lords and ladies of the three major houses that still stand in Rome after many years of war against the Gauls frequently throw banquets of lavish food, wine and of course, sex almost every day. These three houses are those that hold the major power for our great nation yet still none can fully take power from the other two, and as such political civil war is quite near to revelation. The three houses are as follows;
The Audacia family headed by the party-loving and kind yet slightly cold and cynical matriarch Albana, known for her honesty and great political skill in the senate.

The Potents family are headed by the war-like and commanding figure that is Calidius, a scarred yet still quite handsome veteran of numerous battles, generally on the winning side. A no-nonsence and brutal man capable of fits of great anger; He is known to enjoy both male and female slaves in numerous measure despite also having three known wives. His general approach to strategy is to allow his other family members to speak for him, his life now revolves around his parties, his sex life, and his warring.

The Procella family are headed by their father Proculus, a charismatic and handsome nobleman with great family ties and a noted history in leaning men. While Proculus is a man known to be the one most in-line for the thrown and with the most noted ties to it he is also a man who enjoys the more..dispicable things in life; He has more slaves than any one man should and is known to give cruel and disgusting treatments to those slaves and members of his family that have wronged him in any way; That is, if he sees fit, and his wrongs can change from moment to moment. In reality, behind the mask of intellect and personality Proculus is a cruel, mean, dark and extremely sadistic man.


So, that's basically it; Each clan vies for the throne for their own reasons, be it money, power, sex, land, slaves, war, or for the good of the people. Each house can have anything from five to fifty people NPC's and multiple characters can be played as well as one-shot characters. As I said before, the characters are not perfect and can come from 15 to 50 years old, perhaps more. If anyone would like to play this, then please note it here. If I get a few people then I'll think of starting a story up.
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