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Whispers From Wolves (Raziel99 & darkangel76)


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
It had been nearly a year since the ordeal, since that horrible and dark time in her life when everything she knew had suddenly changed. Never had she known such darkness, such hate. Never had she expected her people to turn on her so easily. She’d nearly become a child of Eire, the patron goddess of her mountain village of Eirys, so named for the divine lady watching over them all. It had stung deeply at how quickly they’d forgotten. How quickly they could push such notions aside. And all in the name of something she couldn’t control…

Carys heaved a heavy sigh as she looked out into the distance. The air was bitingly cold and the winds blew hard in between the Calder Mountains. Pulling her heavy cloak tighter about her slim body, she gripped her staff hard, her hands nearly hurting from doing so. Shivering just a bit, she knew she’d have to turn in soon. Dark would be upon her and with that, she could sense that a small storm would be passing her way. She’d need to find shelter in a cave or something similar, at least for the night, until the storm left the vicinity. Taking in a deep breath, she knew it would be short lived. She could smell it. Besides, Eleni had told her as much.

‘It’s a small storm, lady. Won’t last but the night.’

Eleni’s words were clear in Carys’ mind and the great bird of prey was never wrong when it came to the weather of Calder. Not ever. The great reptilian like bird was old, had seen many suns and moons in her time. It made Carys grateful to have befriended her. And though she’d only known the bird for a few short months, it seemed like much longer and that was something she found great comfort in as well.

Just then, Carys heard a low growl, two of them to be precise. One definitely that of a wolf, another definitely that of a cat. She turned her head to face the direction of the soft snarling sounds. In the shadows, only feet behind her, she could make out the lean and muscled silhouettes of both Luke and Orrin. Luke was the first to move, his wolf like body slinking stealthily toward the young woman. She gave him a smile as his eyes glowed a brilliant shade of blue.

“Don’t worry, Luke. It’ll be all right,” Carys whispered as she reached out a delicate hand to stroke the wolf’s back.

Luke let out a growl of approval and nuzzled against Carys’ leg. ‘It’s not the storm I worry about, Rys. There’s something… else.’

Carys quirked a brow at Luke’s odd thought.

‘The wolf is right,’ came another thought. It was Orrin. Slowly, he stalked forward, approaching Carys from the other side.

Orrin purred loudly as he rubbed his strong body against Carys’. His black fur shone sleek and silky in the moonlight. Carys then removed her hand from Luke’s back so that she could reach over and stroke the large cat affectionately. Her fingers found his scaled back first before they moved over the rest of his body, which was soft and furry and warm.

Luke and Orrin had been with Carys much longer than Eleni. The young woman hadn’t met the great bird until well after she’d left her home. For good. Banished forever, never to return unless she wanted to face death. As it was, she still faced it. Every day. The rangers of her home sent out scouts nearly every week now since learning that she didn’t travel alone. Their goal was to search for her in hopes to cleanse the mountains of her once and for all. It hurt badly that the people she once loved could act so brashly, out of anger and lack of understanding. She supposed the fear of the unknown could be rather overwhelming. But these people had known her, had loved her. Surely they had to realize she wasn’t the same as the villager from the legends of old, the other who whispered to animals. Who’d orchestrated the near massacre of her people in order to gain power.

Carys heaved a heavy sigh just then, but quickly pushed her memories of the past aside. There was a storm coming and both Luke and Orrin seemed ill at ease. She needed to know why.

“Why do you say that, Orrin?” Carys asked, her one hand still gripping her staff tightly.

‘Something in the air is off. And it isn’t the snows or anything else I’ve ever smelled before,’ Orrin answered.

Luke made a gesture that could only come off as a nod. ‘I sense the same as the cat Only I find something vaguely familiar in the scent reaching my senses.’

“I see,” Carys answered. “I guess we best seek shelter for now then.”

Just then, Carys peered out into the distance, readying herself to take leave of the area. The clouds were thick as they rolled in beyond the horizon, turning the dark sky an odd shade of blackish gray. The two moons that circled the world of Fuin were slowly being concealed and the winds howling between the Calder Mountains were getting stronger. The storm was approaching. At that, a loud shrieking screech resounded. It was Eleni. She was circling the three companions overhead, keeping watch from above.

‘We must leave, Rys. Now. Not a moment to lose,’ came Luke’s thoughts. Carys could tell he was sensing something right then and there. But what? It was clear that whatever it was, it bothered him greatly.

Orrin growled then and nudged at Carys, urging her to move back into the woods. She knew she needed to find shelter soon. The storm was approaching fast and flurries were already starting to fall from the night sky. Gripping her staff and clutching her cloak, she followed Luke’s and Orrin’s commands and began to move. It was difficult traveling through the mountains at nighttime, especially with the air so bitingly cold. Again, she heard Eleni’s shriek and it made her heart skip a beat as fear and adrenaline threatened to take over.

Suddenly, both Luke and Orrin let out deep rumbling snarls causing Carys to stop dead in her tracks. Something was wrong. She knew it. She sensed it. Trembling a bit, she whispered, “What’s going on?”

‘Quiet woman!’ Orrin projected.

Luke glanced over at Orrin, a growl of a different sort sounding in his throat. He was angered. ‘She’s frightened, cat. As she should be.’ Eyes glowing, he snapped his head around suddenly. And moments later, darted off into the darkness without a word.

Carys’ eyes went wide. In the distance she could hear the sounds of howls. Shrill shrieks of other wolves roaming the area. That was what Luke had heard. Obviously, he didn’t seem to like them and went to investigate. Were they hostile?

“Oh by the light of Eire,” she mumbled, her hands shaking.

Just then, Orrin darted off too leaving Carys alone. She knew she had to stay where she was that whenever she was left by herself she was to stay where she was and wait. Both Luke and Orrin had made it plain that they’d never leave her alone and unprotected for long. That they would always come back for her. Terrified, the winds blowing harder, the snow coming down faster, she wondered if they’d be all right venturing out into the dark like they had.

“Orrin… Luke…?” Carys called out after several long minutes. “Orrin…?” Trembling, she felt hot tears begin to fall down her pale cheeks. “Luke…?”

Suddenly, there was a growl. Carys heard it coming from behind her and she could instantly tell it was neither Luke nor Orrin who’d made the frightful sound. Swallowing, she slowly turned around. Standing before her were two very large wolves. Their eyes didn’t glow blue like Luke’s and it made her wonder why, how they were different.

Licking her lips, Carys reached out to the large animals with her mind. “Hello?” she began. “I… I’m Carys Illonia. I mean you no harm.”

The two wolves only howled, their eyes fixed on Carys'. ‘You talk to animals, bitch? How convenient,’ the one growled.

‘It’ll make her screams that much sweeter as we tear her limb from limb,’ the other growled back.

Carys began to back away from the two, fear gripping hold of her heart and twisting without mercy.

‘Your friends are gone, pretty one,’ the first wolf snarled. ‘No one to protect you now.’

The other wolf made a gesture that came off as a nod. ‘Yes. Our pack will take care of them.’ At that, he let out a loud howl and readied himself.

Carys let out a scream and turned to run. As she ran she heard the two wolves begin to pounce. Filled with horror, terrified of death, she wasn’t watching where she was going and suddenly tripped on a tree root. Tumbling, staff still in hand, she fell onto the ground with a hard thud. Glancing back, she saw the two wolves bounding forward.

“No!!!” Carys screamed as she covered her head with her arms, fearful she’d never see the light of dawn.
It was around midday that he woke up, stretching almost like the wolves around him even in his human form. He sat up, scratching the side of his head for a moment before stretching again, the rest of the pack slowly rousing from their sleep, jowls smacking at the slightly-cold air. Wrapping the cloak around him a little tighter to fight back against the cold, he walked out of the cave that had been his home for several years.

His daily ritual. He moved to a spot near the cave entrance, which was now unmarked except for where roots had wrapped around the bones. His father had died right here, burned to death. He still didn’t know the reason as to who did it, or why. But he knew it was bad people who did. But the wolfpack took him in rather willingly, and he was quickly made alpha. Shifters were good for controlling large numbers, they found. And he never let them down.

‘Alpha.’ One of the larger wolves had walked up to him, nuzzling the side of his body against his leg. He reached down, scratching the wolf behind the ears, earning a murr. ‘You always know the best spots.’

“I should. I’ve been with the group for around 10 years now. Since I was a pup, you could say.” He lifted his head, looking around, then to the sky. Maybe it had been later than midday that he had woken, because the sun was setting, the cloud cover getting thicker and greyer. “We’re in for a storm.”

‘Then it might be a good idea to get out, stretch, and hunt while we can.’

Rylai nodded, letting out a short whistle. Another, smaller black wolf came towards him, this one with a leather pouch tied around its back. He peeled the cloak off of his person, standing nude in the chilled air as he folded it carefully and slid it into the pouch. Then his body quickly shifted, body leaning forward, silver fur covering his body as he shrunk, taking the form of a Snow Wolf.

He nodded to the Beta, who rounded up the rest of the pack, setting them off. ‘Beta, take half and go down the mountain and search there for deer and ilk. I’ll take a group around the mountain itself for anything edible.’ There was sounds of approval before the group split in two.

The moons came out, and the group let their howls go, a pack on the hunt. They rushed forward, smelling something on the wind. Not something, but several somethings. Rylai noticed the similarities of one of the scents. ‘There’s a wolf ahead, with several others.’ Two wolves ran ahead, and his eyes narrowed, but he broke with the group with the leather-bound wolf, trailing the two.

He stayed back, somewhat covered by the snow cover and the flurries that were coming down. He stayed low, keeping an eye on the two wolves. Unsurprisingly, they ran into something. Surprisingly, a some-one. He moved slowly, getting a better vantage spot.

His eyes narrowed as he heard the demeaning talk of the wolves, evaluating the woman that was in front of him. ‘Stop.’ It was a echoing command of power that she most likely heard, but the wolves ignored him. They chased and jumped her as she tripped.

But he was faster, bowling over both of them in a blinding flash of white, growling as he lowered his position to one of attack. ‘Don’t you ever ignore an order from me again. –Ever.- Do you understand me?’ He growled and barked, sending the two running with tails between their legs. His stance slowly shifted to stand fully, turning to the woman that was on the ground.

‘You’re lucky that they aren’t the brightest, or I wouldn’t have noticed them run off. But, do tell, why are you in my territory?’ His eyes were a deep blue, staring into hers. His silver fur was slowly being coated by snow, showing just how pure-white it was.
Carys sobbed as she covered her head, terrified that she’d never see the light of another day. Just then, she heard a voice. A thought. Pale eyes going wide, she jolted upright into a sitting position and glanced behind herself. There, before her, stood another wolf. It wasn’t Luke and it wasn’t either of the two who’d been pursuing her. Confused, she blinked several times trying to focus and clear her head. Fear was a funny thing. At times it could make your thoughts as clear as crystal while at others it could make everything become so very jumbled that reality could somehow seem surreal and distorted.

Licking her lips, her hand reaching for her fallen staff, Carys locked eyes with the snowy white wolf who was addressing her now. Something about him seemed off, different. She could tell by his thoughts that he wasn’t like Luke or the others. But what was it? She didn’t know, couldn’t place it.

Nodding at the wolf who’d rescued her, a definite Alpha, she could tell, Carys slowly twisted her body around so that she was facing him. “Your territory?” she asked out loud, her eyes still gazing into the wolf’s.

Carys wondered where Luke and Orrin had gone, if they were all right, if they’d come back. Eleni hadn’t contacted her in several long minutes, which made her fear for her friends even more. Oh, she hoped they were all right.

“I wasn’t aware I was in anyone’s territory,” Carys then added. Suddenly, a low growl resonated in the air. It came from behind her and she instantly recognized it as Luke.

Luke slowly and quietly approached Carys, his large, sleek body rubbing against her as he came around and positioned himself in a protective stance. He stared at the snowy wolf standing before them and made a gesture that was his typical nod. Immediately, Carys quirked a brow. Was Luke conceding power to this new wolf? How… odd. Just then, she caught sight of Orrin. His muscular body looking ominous as the snow fell around him. Like Luke, he moved into a protective stance in front of her.

“This wolf saved me,” Carys then spoke, her words directed at both Luke and Orrin.

‘We know,’ Luke projected. ‘I heard as much.’ The blue-eyed wolf paused as if in thought. ‘Though Orrin cannot hear him. Only me.’

Carys looked over at the snow wolf once more, her lips trembling a bit. “Thank you, sir,” she said softly, her eyes averted as she desperately sought to look elsewhere.

For reasons she couldn’t explain, Carys knew she needed to look somewhere other than this wolf’s eyes now. She sensed the need to show him respect and even Luke conceded that in his own actions, something he never did lightly. It made her wonder; made her curious. Yes, there was something about him, something different. Why could only Luke hear him and not Orrin? She suddenly felt so very small and she knew she owed this wolf her life now. But what exactly that would mean, she wasn’t sure. Though she was certain she’d find out soon enough.

“My name is Carys Illonia. This here is Luke and the cat, Orrin,” Carys then said. Her cheeks suddenly going red, she added, “I owe you my life, sir.”
‘You are in somebody’s territory. Like I said, you are lucky that I was here.’ As he spoke, a smaller black wolf, the one with the leather pouch tied to it, walked over to him slowly. He turned from the group, and body shifting and contorting, stretching until he was once again human. His back was to her, and his body nude until he pulled the cloak from the pouch, putting it on and facing her.

“We can speak about this life debt later. But there won’t be any life if we do not get to somewhere safe. I will lend you my cavern to sleep in.” He nodded to the two animals, his long, silver hair flipping to the front of his face before he pushed it back out of the way. “You two shouldn’t run so far off anymore, that was dangerous. I might not be here to save her next time.

“But come, there is little time before the storm hits fully.” He walked past the small group, the black wolf trailing a half step behind as he went through the thick brush of trees, his blue eyes looking over the landscape, following the curvature of the mountain.

“Luke.” He said, but in wolvestongue, even if he knew Carys could understand him. “I’m putting it on you to protect her when I am not around. Even if I do decide to leave my pack for some searching of my own.” His cloak was slowly being coated with the snow coming down, his hands pulling up the hood on it so it didn’t get filled.

It wasn’t long before the cavern loomed in front of them, and he saw the two he scolded folded up at the entrance, the two groups that he sent out coming in, dragging two deer and several rabbits. “That would last several days if this storm keeps up” He said. “Good hunting.” He led them inside the cavern. There was a light at the other side, and it was soon apparent why.

The cavern widened out, obviously carved out with care. In the center was a large, roaring fire, with several smaller ones around the room to help keep it warm. There were small little, comfortable mats, although they looked weathered and old. The room was otherwise bare. Everyone piled into the room behind Rylai, carrying the meal for the evening.
He turned to the pack, nodding to the ones that had come with him. “I have brought some guests with me. They are not to be harmed.” He turned to Carys, bowing his head down as he spoke in basic. “They will not harm you now that you are under my protection. I am Rylai, the keeper and Alpha of this pack. My father dropped the family name, so even I do not know it.

“But you are probably hungry. The deer will be cooked in a bit, at least some of it. Raw meat is better for the wolves.”
Carys felt her eyes widen as she watched the snow wolf transform before her very eyes. She knew something had been different, off. But never had she expected him to be a shapeshifter. It fully explained why only Luke could understand him and not Orrin. Why Luke had conceded power so readily. She sat there still and silent as he dressed himself and then proceeded to admonish both Luke and Orrin for having both left her alone. Though she understood why this man was scolding them, she hardly faulted them either. They were animals of the wild. They might be intelligent, but their instincts were primal and their driving force. However, with this man giving the orders, she knew both would listen now. That was, unless they seriously disagreed…

Slowly, Carys stood up, her staff clutched tightly in her small hands. Shivering, she pulled her cloak tighter about her slim body trying to stave off the chill. Tucking a dark strand behind an ear, she then reached for her hood and pulled it up over her head. The snow was falling harder now and the wind blowing stronger. Eleni had said the storm would be short lived, but she was beginning to wonder now. Second guessing both herself and the giant bird of prey.

Walking a bit closer to the shifter, Carys reached out a hand to gently stroke Orrin’s back. The great cat had moved close to her as Luke had moved toward the man standing before them all. Both the man and Luke conversed with each other and she understood every word they both uttered. This shifter was indeed Alpha and, both in understanding this as well as wanting her safety ensured, he acknowledged and accepted the demands made of him.

The walk through the snowy woods seemed endless to Carys, her small body growing colder by the minute as the winds howled about them and the Calder Mountains. But soon enough, they all made it to a cave. Just as they entered, she heard Eleni cry out with a screech. The great reptilian-like bird was nearby, she would take her rest high upon a mountain perch. She’d found a nook large enough to both shelter and support her. She was aware of what was going on and would let them be. Her task now to scour the mountainside for scouts from Eirys or any other neighboring village who might have gotten word of Carys’ bounty.

Carys followed the shifter inside the cave. Luke and Orrin flanked her as best they could, wanting to stay close. She sensed their slight unease. They weren’t afraid nor did they feel threatened. And she could tell that they felt secure, for the time being, that she was safe where they were. But neither was used to relinquishing power. For the past year, both predators had dictated things, made the demands. For the past year, she obeyed only them. Now they had to watch her obey another. One who, they both could tell, surpassed them. She knew they’d get used to things eventually while under this shifter’s care. But she also knew it wouldn’t be easy on either of them.

Wanting to ease her companions feelings, Carys gave both Luke and Orrin several affectionate pets each. Both responded with low and approving growls, their bodies nuzzling against her as they made their way deeper into the cave. Finally, they reached a large clearing where several fires had been set up.

Carys smiled at the sight of the warm and inviting fires. She was so very cold and now very tired. She heard the shifter speak to the other wolves and she couldn’t help but smile a bit. He praised them for their findings on their hunt, making them beam in having been able to help out the pack. He then turned to her and introduced himself, gesturing and offering that she and her companions join them in their meal.

“Thank you, sir,” Carys replied. Finding a place near one of the fires, she slipped off her heavy cloak and gently laid it down. She then placed her staff upon it along with her pouch, which had been strapped about her waist. Feeling lighter and warmer, she made her way over to the fresh kills the wolves had brought in.

Not wanting to take too much, Carys cut off just enough for herself and both Luke and Orrin. She went back to her place and gave her animal companions some of the raw meat. Both gnawed and ate contentedly as she began to cook her own portion. Once ready, she ate her share hungrily, her tummy rumbling as she swallowed down the tender and delicious meat.

“This is wonderful, sir,” Carys spoke, directing her words at Rylai. “Yet again, I owe you.” She gave him a smile as her cheeks went red and almost immediately, she turned her gaze away.

Luke and Orrin let out low rumbling growls and moved to be closer to Carys. Luke rested his head upon her lap, while Orrin stretched out beside her, his body curving around her own.

‘We will stay close, Rys,’ Luke thought toward Carys. ‘He seems honorable, but we won’t give you up so easily.’

‘Yes,’ Orrin added with a snarl. ‘The wolf has it right. We aren’t leaving you.’ He paused a moment. ‘He may be Alpha, but we are still your protectors.’

Luke looked over at Rylai just then. ‘And we always will be your protectors. Even if we have to share you.’

Carys felt her cheeks burn hotter than they already were. It was clear that both Luke and Orrin were a bit jealous of having to concede their power. But she knew they wouldn’t be too much trouble, not when her safety was on the line. Regardless, she couldn’t help but be a bit embarrassed by their actions, their thoughts. Just then, mustering up her courage, curious if he’d listened in, she glanced back over at Rylai, her eyes seeking out his.
Rylai stayed back for a long moment, making sure everyone was getting the food that they needed. He saw Carys carve meat away from the deer before sharing it with her two animals, cooking her own. He turned from the group, removing his cloak, folding it and putting it carefully on his mat before shifting, moving to the deer and ripping into it. It was much easier to eat this way.

He ignored her words of owing him, but he listened into the conversation between her and her animals. He frowned to himself as he ate, before he sat up, shaking a little snow that still clung to him off.

He walked to the small group, sitting in front of the three of them. ‘You act like I usurped power. I am Alpha over the pack, not over you. Stop acting like I stole your charge away.’

He turned from them, ripping off a large chunk of meat from the deer, carrying it over to them. ‘Eat. Don’t be shy. We have enough food here for a day or two with being generous with it.’

He headed back to the deer, tearing into it more, until he was fully sated. Then he walked back to the group, curling up on the floor, although his eyes locked with Carys.

‘Now tell me, what has brought you here, into my domain? Surely the Huu-mans aren’t as cruel spirited as I thought they were? Or have they turned completely on one of their own? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.’
Carys felt her breath catch as Rylai’s eyes locked onto her own. Somehow she was able to sense that he wasn’t overly happy with either Luke’s or Orrin’s behavior. Even in his wolf form, she was able to sense this from him. And, quite honestly, she didn’t blame him for being upset, even if it was only a little bit.

Luke and Orrin were loners, had chosen to stray from their packs and prides. Their devotion to Carys had been a higher priority to them both and even more so the day she became exiled and forced to roam the Calder Mountains with no protection. They knew full well she wouldn’t last a day in the wilds by herself. She was soft, her thoughts driven by emotion and impulse. As such, they knew they had to stay with her and would do so until she no longer wanted them around. Both animals feared that day and hoped it would never come to truly pass.

Carys knew Luke’s and Orrin’s fears. Though they’d never spoken of it, she knew. It was why they always stayed so close, why they could sometimes be over protective to a fault. Yes, they both meant well. She knew that wholly and completely, not a single doubt in her mind. She just hoped this shifter would understand. Or, at the very least, come to understand. Given the way he interacted with his pack, she allowed herself to hope, that he’d forgive them for their passive aggressive outbursts. Especially Luke’s, since she was well aware that the two could easily communicate with each other.

Just then, Carys saw Rylai get up. His expression, though on the face of a wolf, made it plain that he’d overheard everything as well as confirmed her initial feelings she’d been sensing from him since they’d arrived at the cave. But the shifter’s overhearing had been Luke’s intent from the start. It was his way. It was also why she felt so embarrassed. He’d been sizing up this Alpha, wanting to see how he’d react, how he’d accept them all despite having conceded that he was the one in charge. Swallowing, she found that hope for understanding and forgiveness bubbling up from within as she watched him stalk closer and closer to them all.

‘Please forgive them. Please,’ Carys thought to herself as she watched Rylai approach, her hands trembling ever so slightly.

The moment Rylai stopped before them, Carys immediately opened her mouth to apologize on behalf of her companions. But, before she could get a word out, the Alpha’s growls filled her ears. He wasn’t overly upset, from what she could tell, but he definitely wasn’t happy either. Biting down on her lower lip, she looked away from him and found it more comfortable to stare at the fire instead. This shifter definitely had a presence and she wasn’t about to cross it.

Rylai let out more growls, growls making it clear to Luke that he had no intention of taking Carys away from him or Orrin. Though his words were firm, she knew how Luke would interpret it. He’d know it was the shifter’s way of telling him that they were welcome and free to be as they were, a unit of three with her as their charge and no one else’s. It would also mean that this shifter would gain both animals’ respect.

Luke nodded at Rylai’s growls and nuzzled his head closer in Carys’ lap. He seemed satisfied, which placed Orrin at ease.

Rylai turned to leave then, telling them all to eat more if they were still hungry. He then twisted his body back around and locked eyes with Carys’. Licking her lips, she felt a surge of adrenaline wash over her. Yes, this shifter made her nervous for some reason. Reasons she couldn’t even begin to explain.

‘Now tell me, what has brought you here, into my domain? Surely the Huu-mans aren’t as cruel spirited as I thought they were? Or have they turned completely on one of their own? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did,’ Rylai growled out.

Carys allowed one of her hands to stroke Luke’s back. Averting her eyes once more from Rylai’s, she let out a sad and mournful sigh. “I’m no longer welcome in my village,” she began. “I was going to become a healer and priestess of Eire. But…” her voice trailed as it began to falter slightly, quavering as tears began to well in her blue eyes. “But, I can do things that frighten them. Things that aren’t accepted.”

Furiously, Carys brought a hand up and wiped at her eyes. She then sucked in a sharp breath and let it out forcefully. She wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t. Oh, but it was too late. She already was. Luke and Orrin nuzzled closer to her, pressing their warm bodies against her in hopes to give her some sort of comfort.

“Decades ago, there was an attack on Eirys. One made by wolves. Many were slaughtered. Women, children.” Carys paused a moment as she sniffled. “The wolves had been ordered to attack the village by one of its own. An animal whisperer. Someone like… like me.”

Carys didn’t even try to hide her tears any longer. It would be impossible. They were flowing freely down her cheeks now, though she managed to stay composed to speak and explain.

“When it was discovered what I could do, I was banished immediately. They knew I wasn’t skilled in the ways of the wilds and figured I wouldn’t last a week. They hadn’t expected me to have help from these two.” Carys gestured toward both Luke and Orrin, who growled and purred beside her. “When they found out I was being helped and protected, a bounty was placed on my head.” Again, she paused and again, she wiped at her tears. “I’m marked for death. They want me dead.”
The two animals with Carys seemed to have calmed down after his reassurances, which did make him happier. They still were protective around Carys, which made him proud of the two beasts. But they would have to be more vigilant around her. Or he would have to hunt them down himself.

He laid down as he listened to her story, internally frowning as he heard of the darkness that had enveloped her village. ‘What a true shame, that huu-mans have become such… barbarians in this world. Unable to see past deeds of others. It’s… sickening.’ He shook his head, stretching himself out. ‘However, you are safe here in this cave. My wolf pack are more than enough to take care of a handful of hunters, even up to a small army. We are fast, efficient.’

His ears twitched slightly. ‘Your story is not unlike my own. My father was a shifter like myself. When I was but a young boy, we were caught shifting by one of the nobles, and they ran us out in fear that we would kill them. So we have lived here for many moons. That was, until…’

He sighed at that. ‘There was a pyromancer that felt that he wanted recognition for killing the ‘scourge’ of my old hometown. He killed my father with a fireball while he was out fetching water. My wolfpack killed the man, but… I left where my father laid as a memorial to him. May his body fertilize the earth until the end of days.’

His eyes closed, looking around at the wolves around him, some nuzzling in pairs, others romping around playing, sighing. ‘I fear my own time when I should leave this pack and when I should leave this world. One of those will be soon. They have learned much from me. And now it’s time that they have a true wolf leader instead of one with a human mind.’ He turned back to her.

‘Let me come with you on your journey, to help protect you. I will lend my aid until you wish it no more.’

He sat up, his head tilting slightly as his ears twitch. ‘And I have noticed, you have moments where you act weirdly with me. Surely, you have not gone into heat? I have heard tale that huu-mans have done it as well.’
Carys stroked Luke’s back as she finished up her story, Rylai lying down and listening intently. She wiped at her pale eyes as more tears formed and began to spill down along her cheeks. A year had nearly passed and the sting was still just as fresh as when her exile had happened. She’d tried so hard to keep her ability a secret from the others. But, she’d always allowed herself to hope that one day she’d be able to tell them, to bring forward what she could do and how she could help them. Sadly, such a time never came to be.

Luke and Orrin nuzzled Carys as she sat there, doing their best to keep her calm. Both animals hated to see their charge upset or sad. Their love and devotion to her ran deeply and both felt responsible for her predicament. Orrin especially. Autumn had begun to claim the mountains, leaving Eirys riddled with breathtaking colors. Orrin had come to Carys, excited about the unicorns that had come to the forests lower down along the mountains’ slopes. Such things were rare and he’d happened upon one. Unfortunately, in his excitement, he’d forgotten the superstitious and narrow-minded ways of her people and it was discovered that she could talk to him. In one brief moment, he’d altered her life completely. Destroyed it. Had placed her in severe danger.

Carys looked over at Rylai’s wolf form as he listened. When she finished up, he seemed to nod in understanding. He then began to tell her a small bit of his own tale. She made sure to give him her full attention as he spoke, not wanting to miss a word. As she listened, she felt a pang of pain course through her at his own experiences. She could relate and sympathize.

Sitting there, Carys found herself having to avert her eyes once more. She couldn’t explain it, but something about Rylai made her nervous. It wasn’t fear or anything of that sort. It was his presence and manner, the way he carried himself. She wondered if he had this same presence when he was in human form. If she had to guess, it was probably stronger. Feeling a wave of adrenaline wash over her again, she gave Luke’s fur a tiny tug. The wolf turned his head to look up at her and nuzzled her hand before resting his head in her lap once more.

Biting down on her lip, Carys then caught Rylai’s next words. He wanted to travel with her. With Luke and Orrin and Eleni. He offered his protection. She tilted her head at the request and nodded. She knew that her animal companions would leave that decision ultimately up to her. Yes, they were her protectors, but they’d not interfere with such things unless they felt the situation dire. Given Rylai’s hospitality and aid thus far, she knew they’d consent.

Carys was just about to answer Rylai when he suddenly sat up and looked at her. His gaze, even in his wolf form, made her tremble a little. He looked like he was scrutinizing her, studying her. It made her uneasy, embarrassed.

“I…” Carys began. But her words were cut off before she could continue.

Rylai’s growls suddenly resonated in Carys’ ears, his words and thoughts making her cheeks flush a deep shade of red. ‘And I have noticed, you have moments where you act weirdly with me. Surely, you have not gone into heat? I have heard tale that huu-mans have done it as well.’

“I… uh… oh my,” Carys stammered. Rylai’s bluntness took her off guard, not to mention the topic of his question. She suddenly became very aware of her body and had a strong urge to hide it. Yes, the shifter made her nervous and in ways she couldn’t explain or describe, but… At that, her cheeks burned brighter. “I’m sorry,” she continued, her voice shaking.

Luke and Orrin sensed Carys’ discomfort and became more alert. Luke especially. He tilted his head and looked over at Rylai. He’d caught the words, but being an animal with an animal’s heart and mind, his thoughts were different than his charge’s.

“In heat?” Carys then asked. “Oh my…” her voice trailed and she shifted uncomfortably where she sat. Luke and Orrin had to move a bit to accommodate her, both glancing up into her reddened face as she sat there completely flustered.

Carys knew the expression Rylai had mentioned. Though not experienced in the wilds, she did live among rangers when she still resided in Eirys. Often times, they’d spoken of such things when it came to animal breeding. It was a female’s time of need, their time in which they were most fertile. Why did this shifter think this of her? Had she done something? Oh by the light of Eire, she felt so very embarrassed. Perhaps it was her time and she merely didn’t know. As a human, her senses were surely dulled. And then there was her inexperience when it came to female ‘need’.

“I… I don’t know…” Carys finally said. She then moved her hands up to her face to help cool down her cheeks. But she knew it was to no avail. Her blush had reached beyond her face by that point, extending down her neck and across her chest. Squirming, she moved to kneel. “I… I’m sorry. I need a moment,” she added as she moved to get up.

Luke and Orrin let out soft growls as Carys stood up. She gave them each a pet and nodded toward Rylai, though she was unable to look into his eyes. Those… eyes. Again, she touched her cheeks. They were so hot, burning.

“I’m so sorry.” Carys moved quickly and made her way to where she’d laid her things. In her pouch, she retrieved a canteen filled with water. Hands trembling, body shaking, she opened it and took a sip.
His head tilted to the side as her words suddenly became broken, stumbled over, her face quickly taking a thick blush that spread through her body. He knew that wasn’t normal for humans to do. She was stammering, not sure what to say, her mind seeming far gone before she finally stood, getting to her things, grabbing a canteen of water and shakily drinking.

When she headed off, he turned, a wolf already knowing what he wanted, bringing him his cloak. He took it, turning from the two protectors and shifting, stretching his body to get a few popping sounds out before he cloaked himself. He sat back down, careful to keep himself covered as he looked to the protector animals of Carys. “It must have been something I said.” He muttered, half to himself and half to them.

Indeed, there were bits of a blush on his own face, but it was more from fear of having done a faux pa than anything else. He scratched the side of his head, frowning. Carys almost seemed to radiate heat, he could almost feel it from here. And he thought it was probably better that he got away from her. “Tell her that if she needs me, I’ll be in another chamber.”

He stood, heading towards what looked like a wall at first, but it was a play of the shadows and the rough surface that hid the passageway. It was a short corridor before opening into a small room that looked like a shrine, with a slightly damaged statue of the local deity. His father had brought it with them when they left, with the help of the last of their friends in the real society. Next to it were two burning torches, and a weathered mat sitting in front of it.

He kneeled down on the mat, bowing his head down and closing his eyes. “Oh, what have you delivered to my door in most beautiful but dangerous package?” He whispered to himself as start of prayer, his mind somewhat separating from himself, unable to notice anyone that came into the small room –not that any of the wolves would come in here without his word to.

He let out an audible groan: if she was in heat, it was affecting him as well. He curled up slightly from his sitting position, looking up at the statue. “It may be heaven or hell, but please offer us safety in the mountains, safety from huu-mans and from our own mis-deeds.”
Carys sipped at her water several times before finally returning the canteen to her pouch. Her hands shook as she refastened the leather straps, her cheeks still so very hot. As she turned to glance over at both Luke and Orrin, she noticed that Rylai had gone. Tilting her head, she slowly walked back over to her protectors and knelt beside them both.

“Where did Rylai go?” Carys asked, her voice so very soft as she petted her two animal companions.

Luke looked up at Carys, his eyes glowing brightly in the dimly lit cave. ‘He went into the adjacent chamber,’ he growled as he nuzzled against her. ‘He thinks he upset you, Rys.’

Orrin just stretched lazily, the warmth of the cave and having a full belly obviously making him tired. Luke too seemed tired and wanting of sleep.

Giving both animals a nod, Carys whispered, “No, he didn’t upset me.” Her voice was hesitant, unsure and it made Luke’s fur rise a bit at her unease. “It’s just, well, we don’t talk of such things so publicly.”

‘Being in heat?’ Luke snarled, his body rubbing even closer to her than before.

“Yes,” Carys answered, her cheeks reddening all over again.

Orrin rolled over and let himself doze off as Luke continued to talk to their charge. The great cat knew she was safe and thus felt all right giving in to the exhaustion taking over his sleek body.

‘It was a natural question, Rys. Both Orrin and I can smell when you are,’ Luke projected. ‘Every month you emit something neither of us can explain, but we feel it. Sense it.’ He rested his head against her lap. ‘Lately, it’s been stronger. Not sure why.’

Carys winced at Luke’s words. She didn’t feel any differently than she had any other day of her life. So why could these animals, this shifter, notice such things? Perhaps her senses truly were dulled. Or maybe it was something else? No matter, she couldn’t feel it. So, she had no way of knowing what it was or what she could do to stop it.

‘Don’t let it bother you, woman. You are under our care,’ Luke growled. ‘You humans are more similar to us animals than you might realize. You’re just soft. Though…’ his growl became deeper, more forceful. ‘We like that you are that way, Rys.’

Carys smiled weakly. She had to hand it to Luke. The wolf knew her well. He always was quick on cheering her up when she felt down or bothered by something. Nodding, she gave him some more pets and then shifted to stand up. “I need to go to Rylai. Let him know that I’m not upset.”

Luke made a gesture similar to a nod and moved to lay down close to where Orrin was resting. Carys pointed over to what looked like the way toward another area of the cave. Luke nodded once more and then closed his eyes. Letting out a long exhale, she then readied herself to go find Rylai and apologize.

Carys slowly made her way to where Rylai had gone, walking along what appeared to be a short corridor of sorts. As she made her way along it, she could hear a muffled voice and she knew it was Rylai, though she wondered whom it was he was talking to. Soon, though, the corridor opened up. On the far side she could see him kneeling before what looked like a shrine, though she didn’t recognize the deity. She stood there silently for several long seconds as he knelt there on the ground. Finally, she shifted on her feet and felt a breeze blow past her body making her shiver a bit.

Biting down on her lip and daring to take a step forward, Carys hesitantly whispered, “Rylai? I’m sorry for my earlier behavior. You hadn’t done anything wrong, I…” her voice trailed and her cheeks reddened. “I… I’m just a silly girl. I’m sorry if I upset you or made you feel badly. It wasn’t my intention.”

Carys looked down at her feet as she took another step toward Rylai. His presence definitely felt stronger seeing him in his human form. But, not wanting him to think she feared him, she continued taking tiny steps, slowly closing the distance between them both. Finally, when she reached his side, she knelt down beside him and chuckled nervously.

“Also, please. Please join us in our travels. I know not where I’m heading, but protecting me has been difficult on both Luke and Orrin. I know it has, though they’d never say as much to me.” Carys let out a tiny sigh. “I’m more trouble than I’m worth. So, if you change your mind. I will understand.”
He could hear her footsteps even as she entered the corridor of the cavern, the sound echoing off the walls easily to him. He smiled softly; she had decided to come after him after all, whether to speak or otherwise. He still sat silently at the idol, deep in his prayers, but he let his mind wander. He was nearly done as it was, so he had enough time to speak with her by the time she arrived.

He still sat, unmoving, as she approached and spoke, her whisper carrying to his sensitive ears. So strange and silly huu-mans were, but she seemed… kind. Gentle. Almost unknowing of the world’s cruelty. It took a moment for him to remember that she was cast out from her village just like his own family had been. It took a moment for a sigh to be stifled in his throat.

“There is no need to apologize.” He said in a soft voice, an almost-chuckle in his voice. “I spoke too soon about you, too soon about something that I should not have. And in that, -I- am sorry. It seems I have forgotten my manners, although I still retain my humanity.” As she approached, his body shifted, turning halfway to face her, a soft smile on his face as a hand moved to push silver hair from his face.

A small smile was on his face through her words, although it lightened about halfway through. “I will be joining you on your travels, even if it meant my death. I leave for my own sake, your protection merely an added benefit. Although it is quite a benefit, being able to move in a group rather than alone in this world. I am sure that the three of us will be able to protect you from most anything.

“However.” He said, turning back to face the idol. “If I am to travel with you, we will need to clean the air a little between us.” His eyes closed as he let out a small breath. “You seem distanced by the fact that I am Alpha of the group. That is not over you. I hold power because you allow me to do thusly. I am simply a person. When you are able to see me this way, as a man instead of a leader, we will be able to travel much more comfortably than without.”
Carys smiled a bit when Rylai began to speak. He wasn’t upset with her at all. And, from his tone, he seemed relieved that she sought him out. She wondered if that was how onlookers might have seen things, had any been present, or if it was just her own silly wishful thinking. Deciding not to dwell on things too much, she set her jaw and went with the former. In the end, she supposed it didn’t matter so long as things were set right.

Sitting silently, Carys let Rylai finish what he had to say. He apologized for being so blunt so soon, letting her know in no unspoken terms that he should’ve waited. The admission, though a small one, caused her cheeks to flush a little and her smile brightened just a bit more. Suddenly, he turned to face her, pushing his hair away from his face. Immediately, she felt her breath catch as her eyes found his. He had more than presence. It was something she couldn’t explain and she found herself wondering if either Luke or Orrin could explain it to her later.

Carys wanted to speak, to let Rylai know that things were all right. But, she couldn’t find her voice. It had fled the moment she peered into his eyes, eyes unlike anything she’d ever seen. They weren’t quite human though they weren’t quite animal. Licking her lips, she figured it could take a lifetime to truly figure out such eyes. At that, he began to speak again, telling her that he’d be joining her and her animal companions. Again, she smiled though she still couldn’t find her voice to speak. It was then, that his words began to take on a more serious turn, making a surge of adrenaline course through her body. It settled in her tummy causing it to flutter with nerves and something else.

“I…” Carys stammered finally finding her voice. “If I seem distant at all, I’m sorry,” she then said. “I… I hadn’t realized. It’s just that, well, I’m a shy person by nature.”

Carys turned away from Rylai’s gaze, suddenly feeling uncomfortable looking into his eyes. Her cheeks began to burn and she knew she had to look foolish and silly. Oh how she hated that her body always reacted so noticeably. Luke and Orrin had always told her it was endearing, that they liked that about her. But, she did not. It gave away her feelings all too often and made it more than obvious as to how shy and unknowing of things she truly was.

As Carys turned to look at Rylai once again, mustering up all her courage and then some, she gave him another warm smile. Her eyes sparkled a little as she did so. She knew he had to think her so very naïve and weak given how she was acting, how her body was reacting with her blushes and stammers, but this was her. Who she was. Flaws and all.

“I don’t mean to be so shy. Or quiet,” Carys chuckled softly. “I’m glad you’ll be traveling with us. I think I could learn a lot from you…” her voice trailed a little. “And you’ll be a help to both Luke and Orrin,” she added quickly. “Also, I… If it seems like I don’t see you as a man, you are wrong there. I see you as a man who cares about his family, his friends.” Nervously, she brought a hand up to her dark hair and began running her fingers through the thick, wavy tresses. “I admire that.” Again, she looked away and at the ground. “I really do think I can learn many things from you and for that I’m already appreciative.” Biting down on her lip, she let out a tiny sigh. “I just hope you’ll be patient with me and see that there’s more to me than this shy person sitting before you now.”

Sucking in a sharp yet shaky breath, Carys looked up at Rylai. Her own pale eyes were full of sincerity and hopefulness, her cheeks flushed at having to speak plainly and admit things about herself she didn’t always like to face. Silent, still, she sat there before him, waiting for him to say something. Anything.
His eyes peered deeply into hers, scouring her, looking for any nuances that would show him that she wasn’t being completely sincere with him. That she was yet another huu-man that was going to trick animals to capture for a pet or for food or the ilk. But everywhere he looked, from the soft, unmoving curvature of her body to her relaxed, slightly strained face, to her near-watery eyes, he couldn’t find a single thing to take away from it. Softly, he let out a chuckle, body moving to stretch, a few pops coming from his bones.

“You seem sincere enough.” He finally said, as his body settled down, back slightly hunched forward, hands in his lap as he shifted, keeping the cloak from opening. “It is… natural for some people to be shy around newcomers. We will see if that changes in the coming days, weeks, months.” His hand moved so he could lean to the side slightly, relaxed, the other gripping his cloak at the waist. It fell open slightly around his chest, showing pale but strong muscle.

“Although, it is something that is probably best taken care of. Nervousness may be the reason why my wolves were so easy to find and attack you. It endangers you at times, even if it endears you to people at others.” He made a final shift, body moving to lay on his side, shifting the cloak to mostly cover him. But the inch between the lip of the cloak and the floor confirmed that there were no clothes under it. The bane of shifters.

“I suppose my main question is, do you have a destination? A set goal? A place you wish to head? Shelter? Or are you simply wandering the mountains of your homelands until you have an idea? For if you are, that is almost foolish, and certainly dangerous.” His voice held a slight bite to it, and he realized it, his hand moving slowly to rest on her knee, eyes looking compassionately up at her. “It may be a good idea to leave these mountains, and to find a place untainted by Huu-mans. For your safety, and for Orrin and Luke.”
Carys felt her eyes lingering on Rylai’s chest as she watched him shift and move while speaking to her. Her mind wandering as she wondered how he could be so comfortable with himself while dressed in so very little. Finally, she looked away, staring at the ground instead. She felt rude and silly and so very foolish as her thoughts drifted this way and that. And though it was proving a bit difficult to concentrate, his words weren’t lost upon her. However, they did make her flush as she thought on her own naïveté. For nearly a solid year she’d been meandering the mountainside, foolishly hoping that there would come a time when her people would take her back. It hadn’t been until the scouts had first been spotted a couple months ago that she’d realized something more had to be done, that wishful thinking and hoping wouldn’t help her at all in her current predicament.

Luke and Orrin had told Carys several times over that she needed to determine what was to be done with her life. That they’d stay with her and both help and support her through each and every decision she’d make in that regard. She was so grateful for her companions, their encouragement, their devotion. Their unfaltering love. She knew they’d always be patient with her despite how frustrated she could make them, despite the trouble she could be. And it made her love them both all the more. Now there was this shifter, not quite a man yet not quite an animal, who’d be joining them. There was so much he could teach her. She could feel it deeply within her bones, her soul. Swallowing and blinking her eyes several times, she finally nodded.

“I am a foolish girl, Rylai. Hopeful and silly and…” Carys’ voice trailed. She felt her eyes dampen just a bit at how she’d been wishing so badly for her people to let her back into their lives. It was a wasted wish. She knew as much. But she didn’t want to admit that, didn’t feel ready. Though perhaps now was the time to finally let go. “I’ve been wasting my life out here in the wilds holding onto a hope that can never be.”

Carys paused for a moment. As she started to make the admission, she felt a surge of emotion bubble up from within. Emotions laced with hurt, anger, sadness, frustration. Despair. Looking back over at Rylai, her eyes found his chest first. That pale, smooth chest she found herself wanting to suddenly touch. Cheeks a bit red, she allowed her eyes to find his.

“I’ll never be allowed back to my village. And all I know of life is how to tend a home. I know so little of healing as my original plan had been to become a devoted follower of Eirys. I was going to become a priestess and learn how to best serve her as a healer for my people.” Carys let out a shaky sigh as a single tear fell from one of her blue eyes. Absently, she wiped it away. “I cannot do that now,” she then added. “Besides, after all I’ve been through I…” she bit down on her lip just then. “I don’t think it was truly the right path for me.” At that she smiled weakly. “Funny, isn’t it?”

Carys’ words were rhetorical. Though she had to admit it had probably been fated that she’d endure such things so as to realize her true callings in life. Bringing her hands up to her dark hair and running her fingers through it, she licked at her lips and shifted a bit.

“I do think you’re right though. It’s time I left here. I’ve been so… selfish.” Carys sucked in a sharp breath just then. Oh how horrible she’d been to both Orrin and Luke! Gasping, choking back the tears she felt wanting to desperately fall, she covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I told you I’m a foolish girl, too much trouble.” Taking a moment to compose herself, she finally was able to resume once more. “Yes, I must leave here, leave these mountains. My village told tales of a neighboring land riddled with forest. Perhaps it’s best I seek refuge there. Perhaps, there I can start to learn about basic survival. Maybe even seek out the oracle that supposedly resides deep in the forest’s heart. I’d still like to learn herb lore and how to heal and help people. But, my knowledge is so little and I know no one who can teach me nor have I any coin to pay with. Maybe she can point the way, tell me who can help me there, if anyone…”

Carys gave Rylai another weak smile. As she did, her eyes suddenly drifted back to his chest once again. It was so hard not to stare, to sneak glances. Bringing her knees to her chest, she rested her chin upon them, wondering what more the shifter would have to say to her. Waiting for him to speak again, she found herself hoping that he could see past her shyness and naïveté. That he’d see that there was a girl sitting before him who was willing and wanting to learn, wanting to find her way. Wanting to learn her destiny.
“Foolishness and silliness are not bad qualities for a person, my dear.” He said simply, the smile on his face compassionate as he looked into her eyes. “You just cannot let it rule you, for then you surpass foolishness. However, one would envy your hope. If only there was hope like that left in the world…” His words trailed off on their own, before he shook his head with a small smile. “You cannot think that your life was wasted here. After all, you found me, did you not? A new companion for your journey. And now you have been given new insight, what you wanted for yourself. So surely, do not be angered at your own willingness to stay in these mountains, for they are not all bad. Just see that it may be time to leave them now.”

He was watching her, noting to himself how her eyes darted over his body, slight tinges of blushes coming to her cheeks every time, but the blush became fewer as time went on. Heat, indeed. He let her believe that he did not notice, not for the time being. But….

“Your village will not accept you, but others could. And possibly will. One who can speak to animals is rare, indeed. But there are enough villages where your talent would be useful, to prevent the wild coming and destroying what they had worked on for so long. Your village be damned, you still can become what you wish: a healer. It is simply finding what you need to learn how to.” His words rang true enough. If she didn’t want to be a priestess, she still wanted to be a healer, he could see that much, and her words proved it. “There are enough places that a travelling healer would be desperately sought out for.”

The act of her licking her lips was surprisingly hot to him, and the cloak shifted slightly, but not of his hand’s movement. He waited for her to speak. “You were not selfish. But now you know what you need to do. This oracle sounds like a good start. When this storm ends, we leave to the forest true, and he seek the oracle out. There, we will find your true path. The way that you will learn the arts of being a healer. And from there, we will find a new place for you to live, if ever you find a spot. You may simply live as a wandering healer, but you will save much more people that way than taking settlement. You could see the world. Experience much more than a simple huu-man experiences in a single lifetime.”

He sat up, making sure his hips were covered, but he let his chest remain open and bare. His hand lightly reached for hers, taking it in warm and light fingers, and slowly brought it to his chest, seeing her desire to do some. He was toned and somewhat muscular, and he let her hand rest over his heart, letting her feel the steady – although heightened – beating, his own nervousness around her showing that way instead of saying it.
Carys listened attentively as Rylai spoke. She was grateful that he tried to reassure her, to strengthen that hope to which she was so desperately clinging. The gesture was a welcome one and, from his tone, she was certain his hope wasn’t in vain. No. This shifter wasn’t the sort to say things merely to ease one’s mind. He meant what he’d said, believed it. And that only made her believe in it as well. The idea of that warmed her, made her feel better about her future than she’d ever allowed herself to feel. For once, in about a year, she finally felt as if her life might have purpose once again.

Smiling, cheeks still tinged a shade of pink, Carys was about to thank Rylai. Thank him for helping her now and for lending support when most probably wouldn’t have. Well, except for Luke and Orrin most likely. But they always did their utmost to make sure she was happy and safe. This shifter had only just met her and had no ties to her other than that he’d been gracious enough to offer sanctuary for the time being as well as his services once they departed. She was nothing to him. Was she?

Carys suddenly felt her breath catch as she tried to speak, Rylai sitting up as he took a gentle hold of her hand. She swallowed hard, unsure of what he was doing, trying to show her. As such, she let him manipulate her hand, bringing it close to his body and finally resting it lightly against his bared chest. Blinking several times she allowed her fingertips to take in the feel f his skin beneath them. He was indeed smooth, his muscles hard, but not in an unpleasant way. As her hand lingered, his own still holding it to him, she could feel his heart beating fast, erratically as was her own.

Her words were suddenly lost to her, thought straying as she stared at the planes of Rylai’s chest. When she managed to find some semblance of focus, her eyes shifted and found his, gazing into them trying to understand what it was he was doing. As she peered into those pools of blue, she felt something strange happening to her body. She felt oddly warm and the need to loosen her clothes became very, very strong. At that, her cheeks began to burn once more, yet again giving away her feelings, maybe even her thoughts.

Her thoughts. Carys wasn’t sure she was capable of anything rational in that moment. Her eyes began to avert from Rylai’s gaze, slowly moving their way down until she was staring at where his cloak covered the lower areas of his body. Licking her lips, she wondered what the rest of him looked like. She’d only gotten a glimpse of his form earlier on and it was under the cover of night and blowing snow.

“I…” Carys stammered, her body trembling.

Carys let her fingertips rub at Rylai’s chest a little. Her eyes still fixed on where his cloak covered him up from view. Unsure of what was happening, she let her hand slowly move down. Slowly, so slowly, taking in more of the feel of his skin. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation wash over her. It was as if her blood was pumping furiously, settling in her core and making it pulse. What was this? What was this sensation? Eyebrows furrowed, she took a small liberty since he wasn’t seeming to protest just yet and let her fingers move just a bit further.

Suddenly, Carys’ eyes went wide. She’d become wet between her legs, her thighs dripping with juices she was certain came from her body. What was this? What was he doing to her? Why was this happening? Shifting slightly, her legs rubbed together placing a tiny bit of pressure against her sex. And oh, it felt so nice. Wonderful. Wanting to feel it again, she squeezed her thighs together and let out a gasp. Almost instantly, she pulled her hand away from Rylai, her cheeks so red as she sat there before him. Her body was protesting, but she didn’t understand why.

“What is this feeling, Rylai? Why do I ache here?” Carys kept her eyes on the ground and pointed between her legs. She somewhat knew the answer, but needed for him to say something to her. Anything. She needed his reassurance, his guidance. “For some reason I feel like this,” she pointed between her legs once again and blushed deeper, “needs to be touched. I…” her voice trailed. Looking back into his eyes she whispered. “If… if I touch you? Will you touch me and explain?”

Carys’ eyes were big and glistening, full of wonder and confusion. She needed Rylai, though how she wasn’t certain. But as she looked at him, she knew he’d know the answer. She knew he’d know what to do.
Rylai let her hand slowly wander down his chest, eyes closing slightly as he enjoyed the soft brushing of her fingers on his skin. It was almost relaxing, if it didn’t simultaneously fuel the heat inside him, making him stiffen to a hard pole, covered well by the cloak he was wearing. What he didn’t expect was her reaction, only half noticing that she squeezed her legs together, was blushing, until she let out that soft sound.

Her hand left his skin around mid stomach, and he opened his eyes once more, looking at her with a curious look, before smiling, a soft blush at her words and questions. He let her get it all out before he said anything. “It is the heat, your body wanting to mate, to find a male to be with. It is craving the touch, the feel of a man’s embrace.” He slowly moved, going on hands and knees and slowly crawling over to her, almost animalistic in its own right. His cloak fell open, revealing what she had wanted to see, his length hard, bobbing slightly in the chilled air.

He slowly moved over her as he spoke, slowly and lightly leaning her back onto the floor, letting his body blanket over hers even as he stayed over her by a few inches, to give her breathing space. “Your body needs to be touched, but more than to be touched. I can show you. I can be your mate for tonight. And forever. I wish it, if you would allow.” His head lowered, and lightly brushed a kiss against her lips, lightly, nicely, although the heat was almost electrifying.

“And I will.” He said softly to her final question. “I will be more than happy to touch and explain. But I am in heat as well. I need your touch…” His hand rose, slowly running along her cheek, down her neck. “Your clothes, they must be removed.”
Carys felt her body screaming at her, more wetness pooling between her legs as she watched Rylai allow his cloak to fall away from his body. Her eyes were fixed on him, taking in all that they could as he slowly stalked toward her on his hands and knees. He was truly magnificent, a sight to behold. As she continued to watch him, she found her mind beginning to fill with thoughts that made her want to run, to hide.

Was this really the heat? Was this why she felt as she did, had the thoughts that she was? Trembling, Carys somehow knew it was. Rylai had told her as much. And though they’d only just met there was something about him, something in his presence, his way. She knew he was right and that it was him who needed to help and guide her, teach her. Mate with her.

When Rylai finally positioned himself above Carys, she felt her skin get warm and sensitive, though her muscles began to tense as nervousness threatened to consume her. Just then, she felt a shiver run along her spine. Her body quaked briefly as it passed over her, making her bite down on her lower lip as she looked up into his lustful eyes. He was being so gentle with her. The way he touched her, spoke to her. The way his lips felt when he finally pressed them firmly against her own. Yes, he seemed to understand her. To understand that she was a bit frightened, embarrassed. Looking into his eyes, she gave him the nod he required.

Slowly, Carys began to remove her clothes. Layer after layer. When she finally came down to her most intimate of clothing, she felt her face get hot. She was embarrassed, afraid of what Rylai would think of her when he finally saw her without anything to cover her up. Would he like what he saw as she did with him? Would he still want to touch her, have her touch him? Would he bring that sensation back she’d suddenly felt between her legs? As so many questions ran through her mind, she mustered up her courage and looked back into his eyes once more. She could see that he was waiting. For her.

Swallowing hard and then licking her lips, Carys removed the last articles of clothing. Carefully, she placed them aside, her expression one of worry. “Do I please you?” she found herself asking, her voice so very soft and unsure. “Do you… do you still want to touch me?”

Carys clamped her eyes shut as she waited for Rylai to speak, to move. Worry coursed over her and as it did, she could feel more of her wetness dripping down along her thighs. She was so wet, her sex throbbing in time with her heart. It longed to be touched. She longed for explanation. She longed for him to make her his mate for forever, whatever it was that such a thing entailed.
She was slowly undressing herself, and he was feeling anxious, hot and needy. She slowed herself, seeing her nervousness. He leaned in, kissing her, squirming somewhat before she removed the rest of her clothing. His eyes went over her body, those beautiful curves, the swell of her breasts, the mound of venus and the soft curve downward that was hidden at the angle, but the smell of her juices wafted up to his nose either way, alluring him further.

She asked him that question, and as she closed her eyes, face laced with worry, he decided that action was much better than words. His hand slowly slid down her side, before sliding around her leg, finding the warm wetness of her core. He was slow, stroking her lips before a finger slid between, stroking her clit slowly. The smile was on his face, but his lips were slightly parted as he was enveloped in heat, his length bouncing slightly in its need.

His fingers were slow, purposefully teasing her, wanting to make her hotter. It was a few minutes before he brought his fingers to his lips, licking them clean of her sweet juices, looking into her eyes. “Was that answer enough, my dear?” He asked, his voice husky. He leaned forward, kissing her deeply, a soft groan on his lips. “You taste good.” He whispered, needily. His hand took hers lightly.

“Do you want to touch, to explore and play and please, or do you want to mate? We can mate another time if you wish. I simply wish to touch you. I want to so bad.” The last bit was a whisper of need, his hand lightly holding hers, to guide her in case she chose the former.
As worry washed over her entire being, Carys kept her eyes tightly closed. Better to see nothing than a potentially disapproving smirk on Rylai’s face. Waiting, trembling, she didn’t think she could bear it now if he wasn’t pleased with what he saw before him. She was more than vulnerable, her feelings and body bared before him in such a fashion. As she laid there, she suddenly wondered how many others he’d been with, how many others were better and in so many ways than she was. She was a nothing. Inexperienced, naïve of the world. A silly girl asking to be taught. Oh, it was mortifying the longer she let her mind dwell on it all.

Just then, Carys felt something scorch the skin of her sides. The sudden heat made her suck in a sharp breath, her mind trying to focus on what it was she was feeling now. The warmth traveled with purpose, moving downward to her thighs until it finally settled on… At that, her eyes went wide. Rylai’s fingers had found her dripping wet sex. He touched and teased the little swollen nub, gently caressing it until it swelled further making her all but writhe there as he lavished so much attention to the slit between her legs. More of her juices gushed from her and it was then that he finally pulled his fingers away, bringing them up to his lips to lick them clean.

Carys’ eyes were as big as saucers as she watched, her skin flushed, her breath ragged. What had Rylai done to her? The nub between her legs was twitching, begging for more of his attention, his touches. But that wasn’t all that wanted to be touched now. No. Other parts were feeling the desire, longing to feel his hands upon them. Strong hands. Hands that would move deftly and purposefully.

Looking down, Carys then noticed her breasts. They’d gone taut, her nipples hard and erect. Swallowing, the tiniest of breezes was making them go harder still. So sensitive, yearning for… something. She looked at Rylai’s parted mouth and wondered what it would feel like if he placed it upon her breasts and maybe on other places as well. Oh, what were these thoughts? What was happening to her? It was all so confusing, so scary.

“Was that answer enough?” Rylai then asked, his voice almost foreign to Carys’ ears as it had turned so husky and full of… was that desire? She nodded without thinking as he told her how she tasted to him and that only made her sex drip all the more.

Carys blinked several times. She was so very wet, a total mess between her legs as her body continued to react and respond. She almost didn’t hear Rylai’s next words as her mind began to spin and swirl with thoughts and images and worry. Would he still want her later? Would she compare to the others she knew he’d had in the past?

Looking into Rylai’s eyes, her own so very expressive, Carys let out a small, soft gasp. “I… I want to touch and be touched some more,” she answered. “I want to understand these sensations. I want to see what you feel like before…” her voice trailed as her face flushed red. “Before we mate.”

Mate. Rylai truly wanted to mate with her. Carys wondered why that was. Was it merely the heat? The fact that she was convenient and curious and… Shaking her head, she felt her heart begin to race, to pound. Oh how she hoped it was something more. It was odd, but she knew he could teach her things and somehow she knew this was a part of that teaching. Or, well, she hoped it was anyway. There was a presence about this shifter. Something that was slowly luring her in, making her want him to take. It was all so confusing.

“I… I…” Carys stammered. Her body was in such need. “Please, touch me more. Please,” she suddenly begged. “Please, let me touch you while you touch me. Show me what to do, Rylai. Please.”
Her reactions, her sounds, the heat of her body, all of it brought up the heat inside him… and he suddenly felt the rush of nervousness as what the situation was washed over him. It had only been about a year since he himself was touched. The words that were spoken to him, they washed over his mind, reminding him of the whole situation. The woman that had worn the status of Alpha far better than he ever had, the one who had taught him what he needed to know, and divined a female coming to him. His heart pounded faster as a slow realization of what was happening came to him, and his cheeks burned as he looked into her eyes, seeing the need and want in Carys’ own face.

“Carys…” He whispered, half huskily, all needily. Her words washed over him, bringing him to a new height of need. He took her hand in one of his own, slowly bringing it up and against his chest, where his own heart was rocketing around in his chest. “I need you so much, for now and for long after this journey of yours begins. I want to forever be at your side.” He leaned forward, his hand leaving hers to hold him up as he kissed her deeply, a loving passion behind it, moving close to her body, hot skin on skin.

He broke the kiss, heavy-lidded eyes looking into her own, a small shiver of need going through his body. “We will go slowly. You starting with my body before I show you how your body can feel. Then… Then I will show you the joys of mating.” He wanted her, wanted her dearly and only her. He knew that he was divined that this moment would happen, and now he was complete.

He slowly shifted to her side, onto his back, although he faced her. Lightly he took her hand, bringing it to his length. The first touch pulled a gasp from his lips, eyes fluttering shut as his mind felt like it was wiped clean. Desire and need and heat were the only things driving him now. He turned his head to look into her eyes as his opened, that desire plain on his face. That desire for her. “Try to be gentle with it. But anything you wish to try, I will not stop you.”
Carys swallowed as Rylai explained to her that he wanted her now. That he wanted her forever. How this man knew such a thing she assumed had to be a result of his animal side. His instincts obviously making things very clear in his mind while her own remained muddled and confused. Though, as she looked into his eyes, her body shaking still, she could feel that she was filled with such longing for him. Wondering what it would be like to touch him back, to get… close.

Biting down on her lip, Carys began to follow Rylai’s instructions. He’d said she could go ahead and touch him, his only requirement that she be gentle. Though, given how new everything was to her, she had no other idea of how to be. Licking her lips, she brought one hand up to touch the stiff length protruding from his body. It twitched slightly as her fingertips gently brushed against it. Tilting her head, she gave him a nervous smile and then let her fingers encircle the shaft as he laid there.

It was hard, but not in an unpleasing way. Curious, she allowed her hand to slide down along the length. It was velvety skin atop hard muscle, so strange the way it reacted as she stroked it. Harder, longer, thicker. Carys watched it grow as she continued to touch and caress. Continuing her ministrations, she suddenly noticed a bead of moisture beginning to form at the tip. It glistened and beckoned, urging her to touch it, to rub it into Rylai’s skin.

Without further hesitation, Carys allowed one of her fingers to touch the tiny bead. It was slick and slippery and easily began to coat Rylai’s tip as she smoothed it over his skin. Just then, she remembered what he’d done earlier to her. Should she dare? Should she try? Sucking in a sharp breath, she then brought the dampened finger to her lips. She gently pushed it into her mouth and allowed her tongue to taste. The texture was strange, but hardly displeasing, the taste salty upon her taste buds. When she removed the finger, she went to touch him more, wondering if she could make his member weep yet again for her.

Carys was rewarded almost instantly with another bead of moisture, the sight of which made her smile. Then, for reasons unknown, she bent down closer to study what she’d done. Closer, closer, her hot breath washing over Rylai’s length and tip as she peered at the miraculous thing she’d just done. Smiling a bit more, she suddenly let her tongue dart out and lap at the bead. The moment she did so, she felt her cheeks redden. Not backing away, her eyes finding his, she swallowed.

“Is this all right, Rylai? May I lick you as well as touch you?” Carys felt embarrassed. As the words passed over her lips she suddenly felt so stupid for having asked, for having let her tongue touch him in the she just had. It seemed improper for some reason. Improper, but… so good. As she looked at him, waiting, terrified, she longed to taste more him, wanting to feel how his length felt in her mouth as her tongue swirled about him and tasted more of that delicious liquid that wept from his tip.
Her fingers were the first to lightly brush against his length, and a sharp intake of breath was the first sound she was able to pull from him, before her fingers wrapped lightly and tenderly around him, a soft moan escaping. His mind was slowly wiped clean of any fears, doubts, wants and needs, all focused on the exquisite pleasure that she was giving him. His eyes were closed, lips eternally opened as she played, from slow pumping, to coating the head of his length, to her tongue slowly lapping against the tip to taste him.

He was brought out of his dazed mind when he heard her words. “Y-yes…” He was able to moan out, eyes opening as he looked over her, eyes lustful and needy, losing himself to the pleasure. Slowly, his hand reached out, fingers slowly running down her spine, feeling the soft skin, before his hand rested against her hips, slowly moving forward, but unable to move further than near the top of her womanhood from the position he was at.
Carys let out a tiny gasp when she heard Rylai’s hoarse whisper. What she was doing was all right. He approved. And, from his tone, she could’ve sworn he’d wanted her to resume. Assuming this to be what he was indicating, she leaned forward once more, bringing her mouth closer, ever so much closer, to his tip.

As Carys paused for a moment, her eyes fixated on how Rylai’s tip was yet again creating another tiny bead for her to taste, she let her fingers circle about his length. Oh, that smoothness, the rich and warm feel of his flesh beneath her fingers. Up and down she stroked him, taking delight in how it made him grow. Thicken.

When the tiny bead became larger, Carys could no longer help herself. She wanted to taste that saltiness, to feel it on her tongue. Slowly, she let out a hot breath and allowed her tongue to gently lap at the fluids on Rylai’s tip. It was exquisite and delicious. She wanted more. Knowing that he wanted her to taste, she then let her tongue caress the skin of his tip, deciding that perhaps she could coax more from his body for her to taste. Her tongue swirled about the tip while her fingers gently caressed the lower part of his length.

Carys rather liked the way Rylai was reacting, his body moving a bit. His hands moving to touch her body in return. Letting out a soft sigh, she realized that her sex had gotten wet yet again. That ache, it was back. It was strong. Oh god, what was he doing to her. At that, with her free hand, she reached down to see just how slick she’d become. After all, it was only moments ago that her wetness and arousal had seemed to pique this shifter’s interest. Perhaps it still did?

When Carys’ hand found her slit, she nearly groaned aloud at just how wet she was. The liquids seeping from her sex had already coated her thighs. And that little nub, the one beckoning for attention, desperately wanting to be touched. It screamed in agony.

Licking at Rylai’s tip, Carys mumbled, “Rylai, I’m so wet. I ache again. Please, Rylai.” She was whimpering now, begging for him to do something. “I need you. Please, touch me, Rylai. Anything. This ache… oh, Rylai.”

While Carys waited for Rylai to do something, she continued to lick at his tip. Finally mustering up her courage to suck on him just a bit deeper. He was all man and flesh. So delectable on her tongue. The more she tasted, the stronger the ache.

“Rylai,” Carys whimpered. “Please, Rylai… I ache. I ache so badly…”
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