Blood and fire

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Oct 8, 2011
Adelia Blackheart leaned over the class table, her dark hair falling over either shoulders as she jotted down brief notes. It hadn't really occurred to her which class this was, Gryffindor had been down by fourteen points no thanks to Draco's goons. Her aqua blue with a tint of green had fixed on a few notes.

A little after class had ended, Adelia gathered her book bag and carried what books she couldn't fit.
Professor Snape had stopped her by speaking her name through gritted teeth, "Miss....Blackheart," he grabbed her by the shoulders where her robe had been clinging by the collar. Snape continued, "We. Do not pride ourselves in slobbery." He tugged the collar of her robe up around her neck, and dusted off a little bit of linen with the look of disgust on his face.

Shortly after, he waved Adelia away and continued on about his business. Her shoulders tensed as she glared after him, clenching her jaw, the student turned around and stalked into the hallway mumbling and cursing under her breath.
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