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Looking for Female Writing Partners....

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Oct 3, 2011
New to this site but experienced SRPer.

Gender: I play only male characters. On other sites I have done secondary character dialogue. I do not like doing action or dialgue of my RP partner's character as I don't like it done to mine.

Age: I play anything from 18 to 30, my partner's character can be any age up to 40 (MILFs are good). These are not hard numbers just guidelines in pencil easily changeable.

Orientation: I play only straight characters. I am not even one that enjoys girl on girl very much…man and women primarily please.

Power Exchange: I write dominate I guess you would say. I like to lead but not necessarily control the action at all times. The more I have to write to…the greater the experience. If I am writing to myself to be blunt…then the RP will get boring. That is why I RP and not write stories. I need my partner’s imagination to keep things spiced up.

Race: I am white so I tend to write white characters. I don’t care to play with any race issues or sterotypes so I will keep it what I know.

Bodytype: I am physically fit and exercise is important to me. I run, lift weights and have a martial arts black belt. I am not picky as to my partner’s choice of body type other than physically fit to a degree.

Alternate species/fantasy races/furries/mutations: I love to RP but these type of RPs are out my league of interest.

Settings: I can work with anything, although I prefer modern times settings.

Likes/kinks: romance, reluctance, seduction, impregnation, incest ( sister/brother, mother/son, father/daughter, uncle/niece, , aunt/nephew also steps in these categories work for me.), best friends, some type of relationship boss/employee, doctor/patient, police man/citizen...

Hard limits: no kids, no snuff, no scat, I like some rough and even would do a small bit of torture but am not into true BDSM.

Availability: I am in the evenings and should post at least once a day if not more.
SRP Idea #1 Prison Brother move sin with sexy sister

Please PM if interested..I am quite open to changes or how my partner would like the story lead toward.

Jacob Miller
26 years old blonde hair and blue eyes
muscular build 5’11 210 pounds.

Just released from prison after serving 10 years of a 20 year sentence. He grew up as a mean and nasty youngster. He was so tough and uncontrollable at times that the gangs left him alone until he decided to join at the age of 12 years old. He easily passed the test that judged his toughness.

He was an enforcer a little more than he got involved in such things as petty theft or dealing drugs. He enjoyed beating people up quite a bit.

Juvenile detention centers became his home primarily growing up until the state’s attorney was able to pin a manslaughter charge on him gang related. The condition of his release was to stay away from the gangs and specific areas they were known to be. Robert had no choice but to beg his sister to let him crash at her place for a while to appease his probation officer.

The day of his release he asks if she will pick him up. He wasn't sure why she agreed to that much less giving him a place to stay. “Look don’t know how much I appreciate this. I promise it won’t be for long. I am getting a job at the factory in the maintenance department and should make some money to get my own place.” He said confidently.

SRP Idea #2 Sibling Hate turns to Lust

Please PM if interested..I am quite open to changes or how my partner would like the story lead toward.

23 years old 6’2 190 pounds
brown hair and brown eyes

He just moved home after being laid off from his Computer IT job. It wasn’t an easy decision, as he didn’t really get along with his kid sister much and was even on the line with his parents and their rules. He had little choice with his student loans and car payment, his unemployment didn’t cover much more. His temperament is not much better with his annoying sister as he at least feels he has to be cordially nice to their parents.

Today he spent hours on and with little success for anything worth applying for. He decides to go get a tall glass of water. He walks into the hallway and he bumps into his little sister.
“Geesh squirt…watch where you are going. You can’t possibly be that uncoordinated.” He states and walks on to the stairs to the kitchen.

SRP Idea #3 Sibling Affair with sister who is best friend with my wife

Please PM if interested..I am quite open to changes or how my partner would like the story lead toward.

22 years old
6’2 and 185 lbs. brown hair and hazel eyes.
Very athletic.

He has been married for 3 months. He dated his current wife approximately 3 years ago to his Junior year of college and her freshman year of college till they got married. Although he had known her much longer and even dated her briefly in high school including taking her to his senior prom. He is a mixed martial arts fighter. He received a degree in psychology but mainly went to college to wrestle. He was a four time All-American and two time National Champion along being an Olympic alternate. He needed to pay the bills so he went into the world of mixed martial arts with his wrestling background combined with jiu jitsu background he has been fairly successful.

His wife’s best friend is also Jacob’s sister, 2 years younger than him.

(Best Friend/Sister) 20 year old brunette has been best friends with Jacob’s wife since the 6th grade, maid of honor at the wedding. They even went to college together. Jacob always got along with his sister and even playfully flirted time to time sometimes funny and comical a time or two not so appropriate.

There was a house warming party at Jacob’s new house with his wife. A lot of drinking was going on but Jacob abstained due to an upcoming big pay per view fight that he was scheduled for in three weeks.

As the night wore on the guests were leaving and it was getting late. His wife was concerned about her friend and did not want her to drive home. Best Friend had more than a couple of beers. The wife was also a bit intoxicated. She asked her sober husband if he would be so kind to drive Best Friend home. It was his sister as well.

“Sure honey, I don’t mind. Why don’t you go up to bed and I’ll be home in no time.” He replied to my wife.

“Well, my lady your chariot awaits.” He took a stab at being humorous toward his wife’s best friend and his little sister. His wife just called him a clown and laughed.
Girlfriend's Mother

I am open to a part of the plot but this is a hot SRP.

Matt 19 years old, 6 foot brown hair blue eyes and a athletic body.

Matt was spending the day with his girlfriend, Lexi, at her house. They spent most of the day having sex around the house because they never really got the chance to because Lexi's mother was always around when he was there. They calmed down when it got close to 6 p.m because that was when her mother was supposed to be getting home from work.

They were sitting together on the couch cuddled up watching a movie when they heard the car pull into the driveway. Matt and Lexi were spooning on the couch when they heard her unlocking the door. Matt always thought her mother was attractive but would never make a move or anything because he was with Lexi. Matt was wearing baggy shorts with no boxers on and a tshirt and Lexi had on a tank and shorts.

Let me emphasize that I am open to ideas for SRPs. I just want to write.

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