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RE: Seeking FFXIII. [Het]

Soiree said:
  • I'm looking for someone to try out an idea I had for a Snow x Serah pairing.
    There are many ways we can go with this. We could begin by playing out how exactly
    the two met and everything leading up to Serah being branded as a l'Cie, or we
    could go slightly AU and have the two branded simultaneously with the same
    (or a new) Focus, and botch the other canons as we focus on their journey instead.

    The only requirement I have is that you must be literate. At least consider yourself
    a skilled writer, and be able to give me at least one meaty paragraph per post, though
    I would appreciate more. This will take place over PMs and while this is a plot-based
    idea, I am interested in implementing a fair bit of smut, or purely smut if you desire.
    I just really want to try out this pairing!

    PM me if interested, please. ~

I've played FF13 and quite familiar with the pairing. What do you actually want? I kinda like to retaine the personalities of the two but create and entirely new story. please reply if interested :)
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