Breaking and Using Demi (Lord Dakol and Darkest_Fate)

Lord Dakol

Jun 28, 2009
It had taken him months to prepare this night, this event. The problem with getting a celebrity was that they rarely dated or fucked normal guys. But if you plan it just right, you can kidnap one of the most beautiful women in the country.

There was money, bribing, and contacts involved, along with duct-tape and a little chloroform while Demi was at the club. And despite her bodyguards, it was extremely easy to take her. Christopher had hauled Miss Lovato's unconscious form into the trunk of his car and drove off into the night without a trace. When her guards woke up, they would have no idea what went wrong; only that she was gone.

Once Christopher had arrived to his relatively small house, he made sure that it was absolutely quiet and clear before he took her body out of the trunk, hoisting her over his shoulder and taking her inside. He was fortunate to have his own basement, which he would put into use later, but for now, the living room would do.

He pulled away the black hood that covered his face, exposing a young man of 25 with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a toned, athletic figure that allowed him to carry Demi with ease. Christopher had already prepared the living room. A chair sat in equal distance from the couch to the kitchen, with only a small end-table situated a few feet away. He lowered Demi onto the chair, leaning her comfortably against the seat while he worked. Making sure that the duct-tape was still secure against her mouth, he retrieved the coil of soft rope from under the table, tying Demi's arms securely behind the back of her chair, and tying her ankles to the front legs, too. Within the drawer of the table were several various toys that could be used to break her will; Christopher would use those in a little while.

For now, Demi was set to awake in a just a few minutes... the young man sat down behind her, crossing his legs and arms as he patiently waited for the young celebrity to open her eyes.
It had started as a normal night at the club. Demi Lovato, fresh from filming and ready to relax, had thrown herself into the nights events. She'd even told her bodyguards to relax, that there was nothing they needed to concern themselves with. Nothing was likely to happen to her; not now. Little did she know that within hours she'd wake up, tied and gagged in some man's home.

The girl's panicked eyes grew wide, the brown swimming with terror even as the grogginess still made her vision blurry. It wasn't hard to determine that she couldn't move, nor was it difficult to figure that she couldn't speak, gagged as she was by the tape. Still, Demi tried protesting against the tape, the muffled cries loud and sharp.

Her eyes went about, desperately seeking who had done this, or what. She couldn't see anyone, and that panic made her searching more frantic. Demi tried to stand, to break her bonds, her muscles straining against the ropes and bindings. Nothing, not a budge. The girl groaned and sat back against the chair, her body heaving from the effort.

once more Demi twisted around, trying desperately to see if someone was nearby, to confront her captor. She was fairly certain she could just make out someone out of the corner of her eye, but she couldn't twist enough to see him clearly.
Wow, now she was a surprising one. He wasn't expecting her to grasp her situation that quickly and try to escape. But from the way he had tied those ropes on her arms and legs, she wouldn't be moving unless Christopher wanted her to. He glanced behind him casually, seeing that she ruled out anyone from the front and tried to look over her shoulder, only to see a mere glimpse of him. He waited a few more minutes until slowly crossing his arms and legs, getting to his feet. The young man stretched with a light groan, gently smacking his lips as if he just woke up.

"Good evening, Miss Lovato. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, leaning in to her left ear, close enough so that his lips softly brushed the flesh of her earlobe. Steadily walking around and keeping his vision trained on her, Christopher smiled slightly and pushed the glasses on his nose up a bit. Once he stopped in front of her, he smirked and crossed his arms. "My name is Christopher Hunter. We've never met, but of course I know you. I've been wanting you for months. And now you're here..." he explained, crouching lower as his elbows touched her knees, "Anything you'd like to say or ask?" inquired the young man, knowing that she wouldn't be able to say anything anyway. At least, nothing he would understand.
The groan caught Demi's attention, confirming that she had, in fact, located her captor. Again she twisted to see him, this time being rewarded as he started to come around. Demi's head moved with Christopher's motions, her eyes trained on him. They were narrowed in anger bordering on hate, as the girl clearly wasn't pleased with her situation. Still, there was some surprise in being captured by someone like this, instead of some strange mob or obvious criminal.

Wanting for months? Was this some kind of strange sexual deviant? The idea hit Demi, and her eyes widened. She'd been saving herself, mostly, denying boys and relying upon her oral talents. Sure, there was the thing with Selena, but outside of that, nothing, despite the rumors. Nothing beyond some heavy petting. Still, she knew she was becoming a sex symbol, but to this extent...?

Demi started to talk, to demand why she'd been capture and what he would do to her, to even demand that he release her. But the gag effectively cut of all communication, so that all Demi did was struggle against her binds and make obviously agitated noises. At last, she settled into staring at him. Yes, she was angry, but also frightened, and both sides were warring as she desperately tried to determine what he was planning on doing with her.
Christopher couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle when she actually tried to speak, which only came out as irritated groans and noises. The young man actually smiled in satisfaction and sighed. "You're so cute when you're angry. Now then," he said, standing up and clapping his hands together. "We have some rules to go over, now that you will be staying with me indefinitely."

Circling back around her, he placed his gloved hands at her shoulders, his thumbs gliding over the thin black straps of her dress. "First rule: when I remove the tape, there will be no screaming or yelling; I expect you to keep a civil, submissive whenever you speak to me. Second: you'll call me by my name when you deserve it. But, for now, you will only call me "Master" whenever you answer my questions or ask me something. And third: food, water, and baths will be rewarded if you make me happy. Now, is that understood, Demi?" Christopher asked. Then, he rose his right hand and gripped a side of the duct-tape before giving it a quick yank, ripping away the tape to allow her to breath more effectively and for her to speak.
So cute when angry. Yes, there was little doubt what he had planned for her. Demi hung her head, knowing that resistance was futile. Worse, resistance was likely to anger him, and she could already tell who was in command. She certainly didn't want to give herself over to him, but the fear of pain was simply too much for her. Plus, her nature was submissive, especially in her most important relationships, and that nature kicked in now.

Demi therefore listened carefully to the rules, looking up at her "master" as he spoke. When he ripped off the tape, she cried out, soon visibly crying as well. Those brown eyes welled up with tears as she looked pitifully up at him. One last effort. Not resistance, but begging.

'Please, I don't want to do this," she said. "I'll give you whatever you want. I have money, lots of it. Or I could introduce you to someone else. Just please, please, don't do this to me."

Tears flowed freely now, and she sniffled as she looked up at him, not even aware that she had already broken several of the rules outlined for her in just that one little speech.
The cry that escaped Demi's lips was entirely satisfying; and there would be more of that soon. Christopher looked down at Demi as her eyes welled up with tears, and he smiled softly. "Now, we don't want to ruin that makeup just yet, do we?" he inquired, pressing his thumb gently against her face to wipe away the tears. But when she somehow broke all of his rules with one tiny plea, his face went cold and stern.

"Wow, you really need lessons on listening you, don't you? I haven't told you what would happen if you broke rules. Well, here's an example," Christopher, briefly vanished from her back to appear at the end-table, retrieving a pair of cold metal scissors before coming back to her side. Biting his lip, he chuckled as he gazed over her lithe form. "Mmm . . . this is quite the sexy little dress. But, I'm guessing that what's underneath is even sexier..." he said, and slid the scissors under one of the black straps before snipping it gently. It snapped away, allowing it to fall and loosen the thin material that was covering her breasts. He put the scissors underneath the other one, knowing that if he cut that one, it would loosen enough to expose her chest. And so he slowly, teasingly did so, cutting it enough for it to snap away and fall. The dress then loosened and slid down, exposing Demi's pert breasts.
Ruin her makeup? That was the least of Demi's worries, as she sat there, sobbing. But somehow it didn't surprise her that her captor was thinking along those lines. She'd already written him off as being obviously deranged, those words and his following actions only strengthened that. For the horrified girl watched him as he moved.

"No, please, um, master, please don't," she tried, begging and sobbing. But the scissors were moving against her anyway. The thin fabric of the dress hardly put up resistance to the sharp metal, giving way and parting. It fell slightly, revealing a nearly transparent black bra beneath. The bra had been designed to go with the outfit, with its thin material outlining those pleasant mounds upon Demi's chest. Both rose and fell unsteadily as Christopher clipped more and more from the girl.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I'm sorry, master."

Though she wasn't entirely sure what she was apologizing for. Demi just knew that she didn't want more of this to continue; she actually wanted to get away from this situation as soon as possible.
As the dress fell to reveal the thin black bra underneath, Christopher smiled as he gazed upon her barely-covered nipples as she breathed raggedly. "My my, you are a little slut, aren't you..?" he muttered with a smirk.

Placing the scissors on the table, he nibbled on the end of his gloves before he got a grip and pulled, sliding them off so that he could work more effectively. Bending over a little bit, Christopher slid his hands down her chest, fingers lightly trailing over the light material and gracing them against her nipples. "I'm afraid it's too that for that, Demi. You have to be punished; and your punishment is humiliation. And I've already prepared for that," he said. Stopping briefly, he pointed in front of them, towards the television. Propped up on the TV was a digital camera that was focused entirely on both Christopher and Demi, the red light on to show that it was recording.

"I plan on showing you off later on. I hope you don't have stage-fright..." Christopher chuckled, and slipped his thumbs underneath the bra before pulling it down to expose her beautiful, ample breasts.
"No, I'm not a slut," insisted Demi through her sobs. Her body was trembling now, the reality of the situation starting to sink in for her. She was trapped; he would do what he wanted with her, and there was little to nothing she could do.

Gloves came off, and the fingers teased a nipple. Demi cried out, her body moving against the chair in a desperate attempt to get away from him. But Christopher wasn't quite continuing, not yet. Instead he waved his hand toward a television, showing Demi something that she couldn't believe. She'd already grown used to being filmed some time ago, but that was hardly the case here. He was planning on using this vid, on showing it.

"I--no, don't!' yelped Demi, trying to squirm away from him. It proved useless, as the bra gave way before his talented fingers. Within moments, the beautiful white breasts were exposed. Little dusky nipples capped the handfuls of succulent flesh, those two twin peaks already erect out of terror and shock. The girl that possessed them trembled, unknowingly making the breasts jiggle enticingly. She looked at her kidnapper, mouth opening to try and protest, but found that words failed her. He would do what he wanted anyway.
"I beg to differ. I wondering what else you're hiding, Miss Lovato?" Christopher had said before he directed her to the television. He leaned in close to her ear, his teeth grazing the flesh, "I bet you anything that a lot of people want to see you scream out and moan. That's why we're giving them a little preview. Fortunately, it's not hooked up live right now, so we can practice before the big show!"

"Shut up, slut. There's nothing you can do, so I would just suggest to follow your Master's orders and enjoy it," Christopher growled threateningly. He glanced down to her breasts and bit down on his lower lips gently in excitement. It was figured that it wasn't out of arousal or pleasure, but he would get that reaction in due time. Slipping his fingers down, the pads of his thumb and index fingers gripped the hardened nubs, gently pinching and tugging on them as he massaged Demi's breasts. "Such beautiful tits..." he breathed, making a light moaning noise as he slightly twisted her nipples before loosening his grip and going back to massaging and tugging on them.
Demi tried shaking her head, continuing to deny his allegations. His gestures and will turned her head, and she looked at that blinking light. It seemed to mock her, to remind her that this would all be viewed at a later date. People would see those teeth grazing against her tender flesh, see her trembling, hear the moans that escaped her lips. Despite her reservations and mental blocks, Demi felt herself beginning to grow aroused at the idea. It was most clear in her nipples, which tightened into even stiffer points.

Just enjoy as the man's hands touched those stiff points. Demi let out a yelp and squirmed in the chair, grinding her lower half into it in a vain attempt to get away. Those fingers stroked the tight chest, rubbing and pinching them. Slight tugs made the flesh stretch, and Demi could feel her body swell in response. Beautiful tits, twisted slightly with another yelp from the girl, then more massaging and tugging.

The sobbing was starting to turn into something else, as was the squirming. Demi's legs were trying to rub together now, as if trying to press down upon something. Those sobs were broken with pants and mumbles as well, that husky voice speaking.
Christopher quirked an eyebrow as Demi's reaction. The famous celebrity was starting to enjoy the treatment that he was giving her. It was ironic; the punishment would have been given anyway, even if she had obeyed his from the first moment.

He continued to tug on her breasts, grunting gently in synch with his slave as he felt a great, hard bulge forming in his pants. "Is my little slave enjoying this..?" he asked for the purpose of teasing her as he glanced over to her legs as they pressed together, attempting to press upon something. Christopher tilted his head, unable to resist his curiosity. "Now, shall we move on Demi's pussy?" asked the young man, releasing one of her breasts to move downwards, feeling the light and airy material of her dress before gripping in his left hand. He then yanked it up, exposing what was underneath Demi's dress and between her finely-curved, white thighs.
Demi's unprepared body simply reacted, unable and unwilling to resist what was being done to her. She was only dimly aware of the greater picture, of his growing bulge or his own grunting. Her own breasts simply ached, each little pull mixing pleasure and pain into a heady sensation that the poor innocent simply wasn't expecting.

"No," she whined in protest, even shaking her head. Like he couldn't tell that she was quite evidently enjoying everything he was doing to her. The dress moved upward, baring Demi's white thighs. It also bared the matching set of panties she was wearing. Also made of thin black material, and also nearly transparent. The idea was not to show underneath the dress, but it also helped in barely disguising the treasures that lay underneath. Especially considering the moisture that had already started to gather there.

"Please, don't touch me there, master," begged Demi, writhing to try and get her lower half away from him. "I'm afraid of what will happen, master."

Mostly because she wasn't sure how much more of this she could take before she wound up gasping in pleasure. Demi remembered what it felt like to be aroused and ready, and knew full well what an orgasm was, since she masturbated fairly regularly. But she also knew this was coming far, far too quickly.

Her gaze again went to that blinking red light, as though that was responsible. People would see.... another slight tremble from the bound girl.
His eyes soaked in her lovely thighs and the thin set of black panties that did almost nothing to conceal her slowly-moistening pussy. When she tried to plead with him not to touch her there, Christopher frowned and made a noise of adoration as she writhed in her seat. "Aw, my slave doesn't want me to fuck her with my fingers..? You're so adorable..." he asked.

Ignoring her pleas, Christopher slid his hand down her wet, puffy mound, feeling the soaked lips beneath. He prepared to pull them to the side, but he stopped, glancing up at the camera. "Sorry, guys. Only a peek for now," he said with a devious smile. He wasn't going to turn off the camera, but he wasn't going to allow the camera to see her pussy this time around. That honor was him, and him only. So, he slipped his masterful fingers underneath her panties, instantly feeling the wetness that came from her juices, and toyed with her quivering lips.
My slave? Demi was to be his slave? The word alone nearly filled her with panic, and she tried struggling again, but only briefly. For his hands had gone between her legs, rubbing against her sex. The touching made Demi moan and shudder, more moisture relieving itself into the thin fabric. Those lips were already preparing themselves for insertion, the clit standing at full attention and nearly throbbing. most of Demi felt as though it were throbbing, aching for his touch, for him to play with her.

Just a peek. Demi looked to the red light, and wound up staring directly at it as her new lover started playing with her. The hands slid underneath the thin panties, parting lips. Those lips kissed him upon entering, presenting him with the juices he'd earned from her. Then the tight channel would close around his fingers, squeezing them tightly.

Demi moaned, her head falling back as the shudder took her. Her lower half ground again, moving against the chair, but also nearly grinding against the playing fingers as well. The whole while, the wetness leaked upon the fingers and the sex clung to him, welcoming him and inviting him into the hot, soaking warmth.
The combination of the material from the panties and Demi's wet, tight cunt was fantastic. Thankfully, he was no stranger to sex, so he knew exactly how to take care of her. Christopher's fingers found that her pussy invited him in to her tight hole, her juices acting as lubrication. His thumb easily found her clit, rubbing and brushing against it in a circular motion as he leaned down to kiss and nibble at her neck. "Does it feel good, slut..?" he asked with a light moan, his bulge nudging and pressing against her arm as he moaned.

His fingers invaded the tight channel teasingly sliding in and out as she moaned and grew hotter like the good little slave that she was.
The thumb pressed against that bundle of nerves, sending pleasure rocketing through poor Demi. The girl's head flung backward, hair hitting her back as she cried out in pleasure. Her body undulated, moving to match his motions. There was no use denying that she was giving in, at least bodily, to his workings. Still, her head shook, the denial present as she struggled to resist.

"No," she tried, but it came out as a throaty moan. The fingers delved deeper into her, finding unexplored depths. The walls engulfed him, sucking the fingers in and lathering them with Demi's sexual juices. There was barely room to move in that untouched hole, though it seemed willing enough to stretch to fit the fingers that plumbed it now.

"Please," she tried, though following up with other words was proving difficult, "I, ahhh, it, I don't--mmm."

A full body shudder, one that caused her breasts to jiggle and shaking, struck the girl. And she bit her lip to try and hold in more sensations, not wanting him to hear her sweet little moan. Instead, he got a throaty groan as the pleasure desperately tried to make itself known.
Demi's body was obviously giving in, thrusting and moving in waves to match his speed and he didn't object so that she could reach her climax faster. Christopher glanced at the camera and smirked. "She's fucking tight, gentlemen. And pretty much a little whore that will do whatever you want if you please her a little," he said with a tone of smugness, but there was no hiding the arousal in his voice as she protested.

"Don't lie, Demi. And what did I say? Answer me with "Master"; or do you want me to take your panties off too, to show the world?" he threatened, leaning up to suckle on her earlobe, tugging on it. It wasn't long before she before she made a stronger attempt at resistant, restraining a moan that was threatening to come as she shook ferociously in the chair. "C'mon, don't fight it. I know you want to moan, my slave. Do it... come..." he urged, thrusting his fingers farther in, but not enough to take her virginity as he teased her, gliding his fingers in an out of her pussy with care..
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