Battle Couple of Sternbild City (MasterOfWhispers and SugarPlumCoatedGun)

Jan 15, 2009
"Kill the target now soldier!" The man yelled at the dark haired child. Flames of destruction were wrought in the war torn desert town. The child dressed up in the green gear of a soldier was filled with pure fear and pure sorrow. Standing behind him was the child's commanding officer. In front of him was a blond haired girl, right around the boy's age. The boy levitated the girl up in the air, her long hair half covering her face. The dark Haired NEXT was in tears.
"I'm sorry..." The boy mouthed. His CO didn't hear him. He hoped the girl would. The girl who seemed on conscious opened her eyes. She smiled. A smile that would always haunt the boy for the rest of his life time.
" It's okay." The girl whispered back. "I love you. So do it. And please live on!" The boy nodded, and with one blink of the eye, he snapped the girls neck, using his abilities. Her lifeless body fell on the ground with a loud thump. The boy fell on his knees crying.

Richter Davis let out a scream. His body jerked upwards. Sweat covered his face. His breathes heavy and and deep. He gazed around the room with his almond colored eyes. Another dream. He's been having similar dreams to this one for quite a while. But this dream was the most memorable of all the others. Davis couldn't understand why he was having such dreams. And why the seemed more like memories then anything. After all, he was raised in an orphanage all of his life and left to study overseas when he was about ten years old when he proved to be unique in regards to academics.

Though such matters such as he dream were to be worried about later. Looking at his clock the red numbers spelled a different kind of panic.
"Shit! I'm going to be late!" After a quick shower, he looked into the mirror dressing up in his blue suit and hat. Before going, the man now in his twenties gazed at himself smiling, admiring himself.
"You handsome devil! I wander if I can capture my supposed girlfriend's attention for real. Haven't had a nice lay in a while!"

Roof hopping. Richter's new sponsors and agent said not to do such things since he would be entering Hero T.V in soon, but the man knew he was going to miss it's exhilarating thrills. Running and getting to work was extraordinarily fun. He would use his telekinetic powers to lift himself from roof to roof. Of course he could just use his abilities to fly himself forward, but he enjoyed the run all the same. He enjoyed the view of the grand Sternbild city, from up high. He enjoyed the crowds of people getting to work on buses. The various restaurants. Or how the city lit up at night like a Christmas tree. Most of all he loved the fact that NEXT were so widely accepted. It was only one year ago since he came here and attended The Hero Academy, but in only that amount of time the city became more home to him then any other place that he traveled.

"Your late Mr. Davis..." The dark skinned Ben Jackson said in a rather annoyed voice. Yet the kind man shook his hand and smiled. Richter scratched his head nervously, before taking the man's hand.
"Sorry about that. Couldn't get any sleep. "

"No matter." Ben responded in kind. "Your new partner has been busy and her agent notified us that she will be late as well. she should be here in a couple of minutes."

Richter perked up at this prospect. Before he entered the employ of Apollon media, he was told that he would have to pretend to be going out with a girl. With the Success of the Tiger and Barnaby duo, the audience was clamoring for something similar to it. It was decided that a couple going out may boost the ratings to new heights. According to some marketing researchers, it was believed that since they would be a "mock couple" they'd be all the more desirable to the masses. Richter was initially reluctant at first but considering Apollon was currently the only sponsor that was willing to back him with resources, such as equipment and most importantly, support into getting approval from the administration of justice, he figured pretending to be the boyfriend of some random girl was a smile price to pay. After all, his identity as a Hero would be well hidden. He could still make other pursuits.

He wondered what kind of girl he would be paired up with. He had only hope that said girl in question would be really easy on the eyes. An answer he would soon find out as soon as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Richter jumped up from his chair in surprise! The girl that came in along with her agent. He recognized her. How could he not! He had utterly loathed that girl with a passion. Ever since his days at the hero academy.
"YOU! You have to got be be joking! Ben what the hell is she doing here?". He looked at the girl wide eyed. Him pretend to be a couple with her! This must be some higher powers sick joke.
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