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The Fian of Ulaid (Non-history/myth buffs be warned)

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Jun 28, 2011
This is a request for a specific plot that popped up in my head last week and just refuses to go away!

The young noble men and women of the land of Ulaid, like many of the kingdoms in Eire, have banded together to form roving bands known collectively as the Fianna (singular Fian.) These bands provide for themselves in the summer and are provided for by the nobility in winter. But what the fianna really provide are warbands that can move quickly during the summer to strike and raid the neighboring lands.

The plot will involve two smaller fian in the land of Ulaid, one lead by my character (male) the other by yours (female). The fian of the kingdom meet like they do every spring beneath the stronghold of the king. There the young nobles searching for a fian gather to be chosen and games are played amongst the members of the fian. You and I find ourselves competing in the finals of several events (spears, wrestling and horse racing). We split the first two (i'm thinking horse racing and wrestling), and the championship, the winner's fian being declared the official fian of the entire kingdom, to act as the king's personal war-band, falls to the last event, spears.

The contest is brutal, your speed and litheness countering my strength and experience. We fight, despite each of us taking many blows, until we can both barely stand. The king, so impressed by our spirits, declares the mach over and that, this year, his fian will have two leaders. Or separate bands become one and over the next few weeks we have issues over establishing a chain of command. But during this time we come to find that there is more to this then just commanding the fian and we both begin to find excuses to be together more and more.

Whenever things bubble over is up for debate; a night out in the woods, beside a creek when one finds the other bathing, or perhaps in a Beltine bower. If anyone is interested please post a response here or PM me :) I am quite looking forward to hearing from you!
This is an old plot of mine.... but I am REALLY wanting to do it... someone? Anyone? Please? *puppy dog eyes*
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